The filling stations selling are selling for N148 per litre...and the queue is just crazy
Some filling stations aren't selling

Some buses aren't working, some are parked on the road, others at their motor parks
The roads are deserted
And the ones who want to go out are stranded at the bus stops.
This is where we are in 2012. An oil producing nation paying N141 per litre of fuel. A country where the minimum wage is N18k. A country where the average citizen lives below $1 a day.
Coke is now N100
In Lagos, pure water is now N10.
How can a mother of three who works as a cleaner and earns N15k a month feed her children when agege bread that used to be N40 is now N100. Derica of beans that used to be N120 now N250. For her to go from Yaba where she lives to Ojota where she works is now N300. It used to be N100.
How is she going to send her children to school, now that school fees will automatically increase. She used to manage to give her children N50 each to go to school after they've had breakfast at home until they come back late afternoon, how much will she give them now, when N50 can't even buy you a loaf of bread and pure water.
Shame on this government. They don't buy fuel, they don't pay house rent, they don't buy food, water is free, hospital bill free, cars, air fare, everything is free so they can do what the heck they like because it doesn't affect them or their families. RETARDS!
Linda. Thank you so much. You have become a voice for the poor, I know you can afford to pay for the inconvinience, but your concerns are for the poor, that is what makes you unique, I am so shocked by the action of GEJ, he promised to implement his wicked plans in April, we woke up in January 1st unprepared for this evil from Government. This is the worse Government. this is the arrangement of PDP. they are actually not there to serve the people. the Nigerian people should be ready to fight for themselves like Libya and Egypt or even Syria. It is high time we checkmate these evil men
When They said Jonathan was God Ordained, I laffed. A pastor friend of mine used the Bible to do convince me that indeed Jonathan was going to take Nigeria to the promised Land. It will be painful but he will get us there. I laffed. I read about the anger of the same people who sang the praises of Jonathan, I laff. I can laff because I live in the village, I dont need fuel for anything. I ride my bicycle to everywhere I want to go. Where my bicycle cant get to, I dont need to get too. I grow my own food and I use solar power in my house. So really Linda, I am really laffing.
God save us from these imbeciles,but we will resist with our last strenght
Linda don vex, however you can be more refined with your language. If govt is mad doesn't mean we shud lose all decorum.
na wa ohhh! arm robbers on d increase... they will start stealing foodstuffs, fuel from people's cars...everything. Nigeria is doomed. God help us
This is the time for nigerians to come out and fight,
Thanks Linda for the update i can imagine how you feel...this is the first time i see you using the 'F' word, well.....maybe not but then it really hurts.
We honestly can't go on like this. Have always known the guy is not fit for his position but then people voted him in cos they felt he was a lesser evil, now see whats happening...
I also know that it is a lot more expensive to get someone unfit for any job cos the damage is usually more expensive, alot more expensive. THIS IS WHERE WE ARE NOW AS A COUNTRY.
It's sad man... really sad.
Linda pls avoid using the 'F' word. There're better words you can use to make your point. You're doing a good job and I pray that God will continue to bless you, Amen.
I saw this coming. That was why i did not vote jonathan. He is so dul nd not a man of his word. He has notin to lose cos he is not coming out for second term
Please Linda I need for you to use your platform here & be courageous about stiring up Nigerians to revolt against these heartless leaders. They want poor Nigerians to sacrifice but don't want to cut down on their cost of governance. The government spends so much without adding value, they have all these aides they don't need, go on conferences abroad with their friends/families that don't add value, name all the waste on governance. Nigerians need to let them know we know how much we can save if they cut their costs too so we all can sacrifice to make Nigeria what we want it to be. I don't blame anyone who takes to the streets but alas we're chickenhearts & will write on this blog only & be very afraid to say something out loud...I'm gutted. Dr. W
My fellow Nigerians, we must stop fearing death when we are already dead! I repeat we MUST stop fearing death when we are already dead! We must unite,Muslims,Christians,North, South,etc against these corruptly evil pariahs whose greed are forever insatiable. We MUST come together to get rid of them. if we do not what will our children inherit? What kind of motherland will they be born into? We need to come togther for the future of our country. PDP,ACN,ANPP are ALL the same! They are all there to chop,forget infrastructure,education,health care,adequate electricity supply. We Nigerians MUST demand our rights,it is rightfully ours. I repeat if we do not,what will our children say?
errr linda , has boko haram given southerners in the north a 3 day ultimatum to leave?
Linda seriously mad....damn!
Guess we're all mad but...I still no pain no gain
I believe God know all...and wishes all Nigerian well
Maybe our Gain will come after some few months.....where Jonathan screwed up is that the train and railway system is not yet active in most of the states in Nigeria....
Believe me that would have helped big time.
we need 2 kill everybody in power.VIOLANCE IS THE ANSWER.
This jonasidy issue is obviously here to stay. But be rest assured that God will deliver His people
I believe all this is our fault. We have not held our leaders accountable for things they have done in the past, and now they believe they can do just about anything and get away with it. I personally don't know what i can do to make our situation for Nigeria better, so i just pray. But there are MANY who know what exactly to do that would yield results, but they won't do it. They will complain but they will not act. And they reason is because somewhere along the line the are benefiting from the problems of the general public. And for those who are not benefiting and still not acting, its because our whole system is broken, so where does one start this action from?? there is corruption everywhere and that is actually Nigeria's number 1 problem.
Its also not only the poor that is in trouble, but also the hardworking rich. i mean they slave day and night. And toil and sweat, only to have to spend their hard earned money trying to just be comfortable.
After all the HULABAULU people will adjust...and we'll continue to party...this is the BEST thing t come out of this country, the subsidy removal is so GOOD.
Love from London.
Chai! Linda don take am personal o :)
i feel you. It's so saddening
Linda this is why u make sense and why I like u very much u are humble. I like in the UK and I woke up this morning with my heartbroken for my country nigeria but most especially for the poor, widow and beggars. U have just high lighter in this post exactly what I am tinking n how I feel I'm a born again christian n everyfing I av I tank God even my friends dat live in the uk on my bbm are jst talkin nonsense they happy about their own red pali such an ignorate comment I av a red pali but I can neva eva be happy dat der are pple in naija dat live below the poverty line n dis will push dem deeper in2 dat also these my friends are stupid cuz this affects every single person dat is nigerian even those in oyinbo land cuz they all av families in nigeria n will av 2send money 2den but now that money has to increase bcuz of this n this oyinbo land is not gettin n e easier either strike everywere. Its heart breaking. But if this is good for nigeria den fine but an alternative shud av been identified n a second thought for the poor n widow shud av been given. I am doing my masters in oil and gas management and God see's my heart that this has encorage me more dat if I wanna see change in my country it has to start with me.
Jonathan Badluck and his retarded advisers are a bunch of retards. We need a Nigerian spring in this country. These senseless leaders have taken us for a ride for way too long and I am more than ready to die for this cause. Does he have any thing in his brain other than sawdust?
As a christian,i pray watever price fuel is increased to per litre,God will provide money....but wat about those dat cant say dis?even God doesnt like cheating,we r been cheated by d govt,to those who voted jona!too late to regret,yea we need to pray for naija but we also need to stand as one against dis oppression we r subjected to...I Abimbola stand against dis oppression....our voice no matter ow small,if we stand as one,we will b heard..wat a way to start 2012....av a good year everyone
Happy new year to you.
It's been quite a while I left comment on your blog, I still though visit the blog regularly.
I congratulate you on your achievements in all fronts. Congratulations dear.
Mii o moo pe olodo ni e, until I saw your 50% figure last night. Too bad your got that wrong. It is only in 'you two get room' stuff you are expert!
I have reservation on your use of 'F' word in this particular post. People of different background, age, orientation and all sorts of diversity read your blog, so mind your use of words and language.
Happy new year to you again!
Ghen Ghen, aunty Linda don vex! Yes they are FUCKING RETARDS!!!
It's appalling aw one man can b so lily-livered whn it comes 2 d issues dat reali mata,bt wnt hesitate 2 make life a living hell 4 d people who empowered him. Shame on u jonathan, shame!
Nigeria is officially a failed state. I think d tyme has come 4 us d piple 2say we make up nigeria and move dis degenerating evil away for good.
What a way to start 2 start this year!Father pls give our leaders sense of direction. On top of the paper i am writing this letter of prayer 2 u is a bold n underlined URGENT
Linda is ANGRY!
I don't live in d country but my heart bleeds at d stupidity of Jonathan badluck. It's time d Nigerian populace takes a stand. Enuf of suffering and smiling like Fela sang.
my greatest let down about this Demons in human skin,is they are cult men who heart has gone off and a heart of demon is been plant into him. goodluck and his group of imbeciles wants to tell me that he doesn't know that loads of Nigerians are suffering,that our people needs lights,work,good road and medical facilitates and a better and health care centers.For Christ sake all the are basic things that are in other nation human begin lives with..since i was born i have been hearing i will make light steady for you all,we will all scream,till now am in my 20s but still the same story.The question is the thing that will make electricity steady how much does it cost that we can't afford So u find out they deprive joy in suffering the poor.For crying out loud an illiterate man or woman in the village doesn't know what Nigeria generates and he or she don't care cos he just wants her daily bread but just give them common light and road for them to go to there farm.When a governor builds road we clap for him and celebrate,for God sake this is basic things we humans need to have,they are not doing us good but our right.In west world people live on benefit from government.we never ask for that but just road light and water..Black man with black heart. This men are human in our eyes but demon inside. Jonathan wants to tell me he don't know that Benin Ore road is in a bad condition or he wants to tell me he doesn't kn millons in nigeria can't afford the fuel prize. Sometimes i wake up to ask is there God and if he exist why do he live us to suffer.Have we done anything wrong.Our youths are committing suicide dieing,is not funny anymore.What will they gain.Thank you Linda for your concern and make things like this known to our people through ur blog.its highly appreciated.
Linda, pls keep speaking out for the poor and always be conscientious because I have noticed that some notable blog's refused to report the Christmas day bombing.
I guess they didn't want the ugly plight of the masses disrupt their beautiful Christmas and fairy tale existence.
This is serious o! Linda if you have not heard! The boko-haram has declare state of Emergency! Read it here- Breaking News: Boko Haram Gives 3-day Ultimatum for Christians to Vacate the North!
linda please share this to your massive readers! Please...
linda well said...lorcd have mercy on us!! the wicked will neva go unpunished..
Yet all that will happen is a bunch of "God dey". These people that rule you know that their subjects will take it and keep trucking. When YOU wake up, they will sit up. Till then, this is just the beginning.
the problem wt Jonathan's administartion is that they have looted the system so dry that the only way to make money is wt this fuel increase....a nation that cannot provide good healthcare, rapid response in emergency, wuality education for d youths, electricity 27/7, good roads and we r increasing d problems of the people, so all d extra put on d premium price what will it be use for?...ts not as if from tomorrow we wl start experiencing 24 hrs uninterrupted power supply or our taps wl flow freely wt clean water....shame on u JONATHAN, shame on ur ashamed of d society that produced u as a snail president, from day one I knew u can never be a good president, but people were so blinded wt sentiments of goodluck,badluck en patience....see where it has landed Nigeria now, a country that s flowing wt honey that we shd all enjoy is been monopolised bu u and ur selfish cohorts.....and to say this is the best new year gift u could think off for ur subjects is appaling....may ur family witness so much hardship u have inflicted on people in this new year.....nonsense
Linda are u justifying the the greed of some nigerians or do you have any other answer to nigerian economy? Dnt decieve nigerians. If the gvt can solve the petrol crises it would hv.. But a gvt without proper justice system to punish corruption, this is our best option ie to privatize and to do that gvt mst stop payn 4 fues so that privates can make there gains and employ some your bloggers.
Naija,my Naija...hope dem go increase my salary o
Government of the people by the people for the people yet the people opinion does not matter is deccisions. Shame to the Goverment.
folks is high time we stopped talkin and start a revolution here otherwise things are jst gonna get worse....
Shame to this government who care less about the masses big shame to PDP
i have never supported GEJ, check my blog. i started writing cos of what i perceived as a patternless and vision-less form of leadership of this present govt. at least it gave me an opportunity to ease tension n vent my anger.
that said,
two wrongs cannot make a right n u cannot pursue a madman who has stolen ur clothes naked, no one wld really know who is mad. Linda u have a great audience to articulate ur point in a civilized language. why the f-word. with your standing, exposure and educational attainment am not impressed that you could condescend so low to the level of GEJ and his wife, Patience. Remember the persons true character is what is exhibited at the time of adversity.
i believe u owe ur audience an apology and a withdrawal of those f-words. they do not fit u. i rest my case.
Thats naija 4 u. Some people will want to capitalize on the situation and will unnecessarily hike prices of goods and services. Every body should be ready for mass protest these policy.
Linda,did you use bicycle to go on these your journey?better see down 4 house b4 u join d queue! Besides Nigerians are greedy!Was there fuel subsidy before they bought the bags of beans and rice?why increase the price of cups of rice that was in stock earlier before this subsidy transport thing.its the poor that kills the poor!most Nigerians are wicked
Instead of removing corruption, Dumbo Joe is removing subsidy. This is callous and Nigerians should rise up and resist this wickedness. I understand his wife is using N5bn to refurbish her office. This govt is digging its grave. May God help Nigeria and Nigerians.
...that Nigeria is an oil producing nation does not mean that we should buy petrol for FREE. Since most Nigerians don't pay their taxes, it becomes pertinent that government collects their tax from this fuel deregulation. LINDA, ARE YOU REGULAR IN PAYING YOUR TAXES... SAY THE TRUTH. AT LEAST SINCE YOU STARTED BUSINESS OR WORK. Many Nigerians are guilty of this.
Linda Please For Once Focus on the Bigger Picture.Its amazing that you have not taking time to seek out reasons that gave GEJ the impetus for his action,knowing that it will bring temporal hardship to majority of Nigerians. I don't believe that Mr President is that wicked and tyrannical to deliberately impose hardship on Nigerian without a plan to neutralize the effects and even create a better livelihood. This is For Good not for Evil. Do your home work properly.
With this removal nigerians stand to benefit tremendously on the long run and they stand to suffer and die even more but in a subtle manner, if subsidy is not removed
I wish nigerians can unite against tjose monsters,please buhari come and save us.I apologise for not voting for you,am so sorry
Linda, u even get enough fuel sef to dey burn around..... These pictures are familiar to my location, if u don't mind...branch and transfer the surplus and stop wasting it. We already have imagined and know what the scenario would look like (babbling).
Linda, Your Myopia on this matter is becoming annoying, Positive Change always has a Price. Do Gej strike u as someone who is hashed from the pit of hell and sent to harm and punish Nigerians.
The man knows what he is doing and already has every thing Planned out.
Vote LINDA IKEJI for the next president, she is the voice of the people. Lets kick out president Jonathan. Read a A 20-YEAR OLD PUPILJAILED FOR DAMAGING A NOLLYWOOD ACTRESS CAR
i weep, for the fact for over 55yrs, Our govt, have yet to realize that it's a shame they have failed to know the meaning of "lacking and abundance".
I cry not for myself but the fact that i have yet to see what the feature hold for us the citizens and Nigeria as a country.
I weep for the fact that, "God most high", had since blessed and answer our prayers but,the little gods and fathers had failed to realize that.
Sometimes i wonder and sober, that we have something called constitution but the constitution itself is so unrevised.
I cry for the fact that both we and our so called govt. knows what to do but, it so unfortunate that we all have attempted to try so cowardly.
I sob for the greed which invested in us for generations to generation and up till now we have failed to realize how its had led us to being so self destructive.
If a president has at least 20-30 advisers;then i wonder what they advice they present to the president.
I wonder if at this stage of age, we really don't know who is who in power sharing and others .
I just think it high time we all go back to the drawing board the figure out where it all started from, where we are at the moment, where we are going? and who is to be the rightful leader.
I mean; it just takes one person to wright this wrong,
It just takes one person to follow footsteps of Angela Merkel, Obama, sarkozy etc.
And this just leave me to just a question which i believe we all should all ask our selves;
yo linda calm down with the swear 2nd timothy 3:1-5 it says that in the end times critical times hard to deal with would be here...this is it!...Jonathan can't do anything neither would any other NIgerian...they might have good intentions but any leader who is elected wold have to please their political godfathers and nigerians want change but when u want to bring change there is a problem..
therefore what is the answer to NOT only Nigeria's problems but the world?it is GODS KINGDOM...that is what we should pray for...until that?the world gets worse and worse and would never get better no matter how we hope...if u think the world would get betterMARK THESE WORDS AND REMEMBER IT that even bible prophets and even Jesus himself told his disciples in Matthew 24:8
Well, just focus on pleasing God and living in harmony with Bible principles..u would not be wealthy and divine guidance would not guarantee u from a problem free life..but if u throw ure burden on Jah,He would sustain u..God might not make u richer and give u a lot but he could give u the necessities and ud be happy..remember the blessings of God is what makes rich and he adds no pain with it
your attentions should all be drawn to this thought provoking write-up on the issue of subsidy removal
Despite being adjudged as the most incompetent, most clueless, most spineless, directionless, motionless and most fraudulent administration (remember he bribed his way to power and has continued to do so), Jonathan badluck government has now earned itself the title of the most insensitive, most reckless, most misguided, dishonest, satanic, deceptive, mischievous and irresponsible government in Nigeria's history! Is this the best Nigeria could get? Certainly not. Your days are numbered from today!!!
So much for the f word. They come up with a lot of reasons why ultimately fuel subsidy removal is goog. A FREE AND COMPETITIVE MARKET! Bullshit. Not when the elite control the oil importatn frm their private refineries abroad. WHO IS FOOLING WHO! I do hope Nigerians wont eat this propaganda lyk a cupcake served on xmas. I already c d revolution!
Dr. Otis Redding
Nigerians should rise up and chase these he~goats away. Ordinary roads they cannot construct. Security. .zero, Education. . Minus zero, if there is anything like that. Health. . Disaster and he keeps on murmuring ttansformational misadventure. Shame on you, block head.
GEJ this, GEJ that. All talk and no action! Nigerian youths, am making this potentially historical appeal today: let's rise up, plan and protest. These cabals will stop at nothing to further destroy Nigeria. We are the change. We are here. Let us not allow temporary fears put permanent cuffs on our hands.
So, are there Nigerian youths out there willing to risk all for a better Nigeria? I am willing. Shoot me a mail ( and let's start strategizing to gather resources to launch. It is here. It is NOW!!
Evil (and I add sorrow) will not depart from the house of the wicked!
@Vaughn Samuel, I really admire you o. I want to know you and I am sure some people would too. Solar power is the best in difficult times like this.
Nigerians must fight this last battle to be free. Jonathan is a dictator and he must go. He is not democratic at all.
What is the fate and the future of the common man in the face of these vast hopelessness. How can a man that had no shoes at some point in life forget so soon that there are more underprivileged in the populace who may never amount to much if not given a chance, all because their pockets are handicapped.How much longer before we get a responsive government.Its time for us to either demand the kind of government we desire/deserve or become our own government.
To the over 120 Million Nigerians who constitute the masses, l say 'keep the faith, Hope does not disappoint'.
God bless great Nigeria! Tola Taiwo
Why is everybody abusing GEJ?? If you look at the brighter side of this Subsidy removal you will know that the man is helping Nigerians. Look at it this way. When the fuel pump price is high, a lot more people will trek instead of sitting in a car getting fat. Study found that Cholesterol level reduce when people Trek more instead of driving. Nigerians who are fat and don't exercise will now Trek more and get their daily level of Exercise. One more reason is that, there will be less more Accident on our roads as people will now be Carpooling thereby reducing the number of cars on the road. GEJ Carry go, you are the best.
Can any one tell us Jona's achievement before he got to power apart from tje fact that his superiors were removed (by any means possible) for him to take over? I need to know.
Linda watch this
Nigerians please stop complaining we all know you are all sheep and will buy the petrol...
nevermind all the shouting, please gird your loins and understand this Nigeria is not a country it is a private company and as such you are all employees so there....
Linda, at your level, I expect you to have read widely and looked at the pros and cons. Instead o just heating up the polity unnecessarily. The road to wealth and good life is tough. We need to go through this to become better as a nation. What the nation is getting from the leaders is just a pint size of what it deserves. We are merely crippled giants. Let's endure this so that it will get better. Reformation anywhere is not always easy. I blame the government for not calling people like you together to give you the analysis and setting the records straight. Removing the subsidy will open up the market and bring in competition. It will wake Nigeria up from it's state of slumber and create jobs for the teeming unemployed. It will bring in development, not just in the urban cities but into the rural places. The issue of mass migration into the urban ares will seize because everywhere will be affected.
Please Linda grow up and stop thinking like a half illiterate(apologies). But I need to tell you that so you can run to find out the truth. Please Linda, you have a whole lot of followership and your opinion matters. Get down to good information. Stop listening to dumb or greedy people.
I am so so concerned that people like you are trying to lead people to rejecting what will give them good lives.
Please do a little more research, the rich Nigerian people that are be befitting from the subsidy are the ones misdirecting and funding mass protests.
You can help by telling guiding them into the truth my sister.
He promised us 'a breath of fresh air' during his campaign and we didnt read meaning into that slogan. Goodluck's victory in election = removal of fuel subsidy = increased price of petrol = less cars on the road = reduced air pollution = fresh air. LOL! Pardon my humour but I beg to ask, Must the poor continue to be the victims of the ultimate good? Must they be sacrificed on the altar of transformation? There are better ways of improving an economy. Brazil didnt have to remove fuel subsidy nor 'murder' their poor for the economy to be better than that of the UK. WHO IS FOOLING WHO! I c d revolution!
Dr. Otis Redding
I live in calabar, d price of my beers, stouts n red wines dat went up in d festive season cant come bak down bcos d supliers maintain dat prices r generaly high. My customers dnt see reason wit me, business is slow
Linda said FUCKING in upper case, you are very upset. It is well. It will be good this year i promise you, linda. By the way do u live in ojuelegba or lere side cos of the pictures. God help us all
Linda said FUCKING in upper case, you are very upset. It is well. It will be good this year i promise you, linda. By the way do u live in ojuelegba or lere side cos of the pictures. God help us all
All this populist posturing is just that, populist posturing.
At a time when Fuel price in America is gradually coming down (used to be $3.65, now $2.90 in my area), One of America's major suppliers is increasing fuel price on her citizens. I know we can't compare America to Nigeria but shouldn't Nigeria Govt. tackle the Corrupt Politicians first before Naija Govt. put their filthy hands into the Poor masses' Pockets??
Linda you were part of the supposed celebraty youth summit at Eko hotel and now you backstab? Fuck you Linda, Fuck GEJ! Fuck our lazy ass selves as Nigeria!
Posted your article on my FB page, Linda thanks for the update!!
I don't wish people bad but I have a feeling that by the time GEJ is done, Boko Haram will be the least of his troubles. Idiot. This mess kills me when I hear of the number of ridiculously rich people from Nigeria and I hear that almost all their kids are chilling abroad. We produce oil and no refinery? What a joke. Argh...
so pissed.
Very bold statements Linda.GEJ will soon call you and dash you 30M and before you know it, you'll be supporting the fuel subsidy. The corruption we have tolerated for so long is leading to this.
BH has askd christians to leave north oh in 3days...and muslim to leave south...linda wats d way 4ward now for naija...with dis fuel subsidy tin????::::::::::and i wonder were them go get transport...,FUNY
May God help us all. Who is ready to resist? Who wants to be forgotten like the likes of those that have been forgotten?. Its actually a pity on our leadership. May God save us from what has come to stay.
It is what it is.
"Goodluck for me, goodluck for you, goodluck for all of us"
I remember visiting from the U.S. and seeing the madness in Nigeria during the election period last year. There was euphoria everywhere over this individual called Dr. Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan. The pastors preached. Writers wrote. Singer sang. Actors (Nollywood) acted. Political commentators commented. The masses eat it all up. Everyone en massed and voted him in. How has the country faired since then?
Goodluck Jonathan is no different from other tyrants that have ruled our beloved Nigeria. I knew he was no different when refused to debate and make known his manifesto and plan. That was when I knew, that man is just like the rest of them.
I knew he was no different when he kept telling stories of the young boy from Otuoke who trekked to school everyday. The young boy who was poor and impoverished but managed to survive. "If I can do it, you can do it" he posited.
I knew because all the bad leaders that have led our country Nigeria before him were from poor background. So the premise that because he was poor growing up, he will be a good leader was rubbish. Babangida, Abacha, Obasanjo, etc. - they were all poor growing up. And they rubbished the country.
I knew he was just like the rest of them because he was elected under the umbrella of the most corrupt party in Nigeria's history PDP. And ever since his election his body language has not shown any seriousness to reform that useless party called PDP - as such he's very comfortable with it's corruption.
Nigerians - we all all fools. Big fools. We sit and pray, pray, and pray and do nothing to grab life by the horns. We can't even sustain a 1 week demonstration (Lekki Epe toll gate demonstrations for example) before we run with our tails behind our legs back to our comfort zones. We whine, complain and do nothing. Nigerians, we are cowards. Look at the blacks in South Africa and United States - and see blacks who were killed, mimed, and they stood still and fought to gain their self dignity.
So instead of singing "goodluck for me, goodluck for you, goodluck for all of us" - all those who echoed and danced to those words by this useless president should henceforth stay singing "shame on me, shame on you, shame on all of us".
its well, soon the reason for all these will come to pass, the spirit of ojukwu is crying. what do u think ppl?
erm we can keep complaining but as they say mouth na water, action na blood. when we are ready to act, call me.
calling all nigerians to take to d streets to stop this madness.I took 3k to re-fuel my car this morning,was shocked that it could not even fill half the tank!I wish someone will bomb that freak Jonathan out of existence!!
Nigerians love their lives a lot! We can only talk, write but NO ACTION! The Govt knows this and that is why they can do whatever they like. When somebody wrote that there would be revolution, I commented that it will never be in Nigeria! "Who wan die?". So until we change this slogan, there is little or nothing we can do as masses.The Music Legend, Fela Anikulapo Kuti has already said it all, "we fear to fight for freedom,we fear to fight for liberty, I no wan die, I no wan quench.....and so Army man go whip your nyash you no go talk...."
It's all gullibility!
Ted Philips Effeh
Linda y swear? U don't ave to swear b4 we knw U are bitter about d situation. @ orange, U are just an idiot! Wat did U read widely urself? Cos U just opened ur filthy mouth to talk crappy shit!
We not asking d gvt not to remove subsidy(we knw its for our gud) but d ryt things should be put in place before doing dat. We don't have light, food expensive,no good roads, salaries are poor, no jobs,....etc. If these things are right and d standard of living of d people is fair enough, pple won't complain when subsidy is being removed with style.
We need new leaders pls and I think we should do what Ghana did!
Kentronic: GOD PUNISH U!!!!!
Why do some have to use the "F" word to make a point? Sad! Sad!!
One thing about we Nigerians is that we make all the noise , raise all the smoke and everything will die down, We are all paper tigers, We roar but we cannot bite...The Government understand the People... Things will continue to get worse until we stand up like Egypt , Libya and other Countries... Revolution is the answer...The bitter truth is that this change we seek for our nation cannot be achieved without Violence.....
1st of all i know you are angry linda but please mind your language.
also why were people rushing to buy fuel at 141 naira for what abeg let us all sit at home and let it collapse abi na watin then if no one buys the fuel the price would go back to 65 naira plan and simple abi kilode
Linda how come u do not post my comments on hour blog? this is like the second time an commenting on an issue on ur blog but for some reason u just refuse to allow every other person to read them.
Dear Linda. Easy on the government. Growth is always painful but we shall adjust. Presido did say positive results will start showing after six months; Patience. Has it occured to you that the powerful people shouting against the subsidy are those squandering our resources?.
According to a previous comment on an earlier post Anonymous January 1, 2012 10:29 PM "gosh..this Linda Ikeji you're so...don't you watch the news, debate etc (or do you just talk to create more ramblings from readers ! ) The hardship from this subsidy removal is nothing compared to the poverty Nigeria would be facing soon if it doesn't stop borrowing money to cover this oil subsidy of which most goes to people like IBB & OBJ's pockets !
When the communication subsidy was initially removed wasn't it N35/min to call with MTN? How much is it today? In the past having a house phone was a rich man's thing now even a pure water boy has a cellphone!!! How many telecom companies do we have today?
Same goes for oil, this would increase competiton and oil refineries which means employment opportunities for our youths. Nigerians there is no free lunch, lets endure this for awhile cause the market competition would soon start."
He or she couldn't sum it more better...Please come on people stop fighting for the faceless thieves that
have been robbing our country for centuries...if only we could really understand what is going on here...what we are actually crying against is to stop him from "calling donkey i dare you" to the likes of otedola, dangote, onado guy tinubu from threatening him to pull the trigger on the gun they've got to his head..which has made them and other oil mafias the only gainers for as long a oil subsidy has been in existence in nigeria...Hosea 4: 6 (KJV) My people perish from a lack of knowledge.....
Linda don vex
@ann sometin must be wrong with you to compare fuel subsidy with telephone. it is not a must to have mobile phone but you can survive. for fuel it is a daliy need not just for transport but also for eletricity as no light or don't you reside in naija? please shut up and close that stinking mouth if you know you have nothing to say got it!!!
jona sidon dey look is really wicked infact if you add the evil that babangida and abacha put together jonas is even worse and more wicked than both of them.
both house of legislation have not even debated it before jona forecfuly removed the subsidy well lets us wait and see what both houses would do when they return from their recess this week shebi they say they are working for the interst of naija citizens let us see their reaction
i think the easiest thing is any station selling fuel above 65 naira should be closed and the masses should not allow them to sell or function for business if that is done then the price would go back to 65 naira finish
this is really bad. i reside in the uk and i tell you we would be affected as well especially as most people abroad; their family relies on them financially and now we would have to send more money to them.
in the uk where there are no jobs as before any longer and salaries are currently being frozen for the past 2 years where would the extra money come from for us to send? this is really bad this is really bad!!!!
i hear people comparing the price of fuel in the uk with that of naija for example we pay about £1.38 per litre which is about 352naira in comparison based on exchange rate of 255 naira to £1.
but don't forget the minimum wage here is £6.08 per hour which is about 1,550 naira; per week it is about £243 based on an 8 hour a day which is 62,016 naira; and £972per month which is 247,860 naira per month.can we see the clear difference between the standard of living in the 2 countries? it is well clear.
shocking minimum wage in naija is 18,000 naira per month how would the poor masses survive this oil subsidy removal. ehhh trouble dey come ooo jona needs to beware if he does not want to start civil war in naija.
and he is using 1 billion naira for food and 1.8billion for health care for he and his family na wa we really be mumu people for this country all we do is just make noise and as obasanjo said they would make noise and it would die down and we carry on as if nothing has happened which is what will happen in this case suffering and smilling indeed. naija no get the balls to do anything so don't expect the arab spring to come to naija any soon with this oil subsidy removal
really sad no refineries are working correctly and he jonathan has forcefully removed oil subsidy. no body said he should not remove it but get all the refineries working at 100% and even build new ones then the subsidy would die a natural death. poor man would really suffer now na wa ooo
Linda,I'll like you to list the pros and cons of fuel subsidy removal for the sake of fairness.I'm based in U.S, and I know, from my experience in the developed countries, that subsidy removal may be painful initially, but it's the best route ultimately.Nigerians,please bear a little bit.I know, within the next one year, you would realize that fuel subsidy removal is the only sensible way to go.God Bless Nigeria
we have started again! instead of us to focus on the issue, we are focusing on Linda using the F word? mcsssheeeeew!!!..this is the same problem we have in that country-hypocricy! Linda has put herself out there and spoken her mind to call the govt in power fucking retards(which i think is quite a mild thing to say)and pple are posting and talking trash? meanwhile, these same people would curse the hell out of the govt and their generations unborn in their closets rather than put their name on a website and say it-
we are all
FUCKING HYPOCRITES!!..There i said it ..sue me!
@ Ann 6:56pm.
when pple like you talk,its as if you know what you are saying cos you come up with facts that would work in an ideal economy, country and society-but my dear.. Nigeria is not an ideal place.the talk is "Nigerians will be better for it on the long run"..well i say Nigerians might be dead of hardship before that long run comes.have you ever asked yourself Y any self respecting country will explore crude oil, export it for refining outside its shores then import it to sell to its citizens..and the same country has refineries that are lying in waste?
if you think that removing the oil subsidy will put the so called mafias out of business then you should go back to your jakande school and start all over again cos u are obviously myopic in reasoning 101.
who are the pple that have oil refineries abroad where our crude is taken to? Any president with balls will not try to solve Nigeria's problems using textbook methods...Jonathan knows otedola, dangote and all the other front men for the main men causing over 100million Nigerians pain..and you think the way to move against them is removing fuel subsidy? all these pple are probably somewhere in Aso rock sipping the most expensive wine and laffing at the fact that some pple like you would be fooled into thinking and saying the trash you just said.
finally, from your post, it appears you do not know the difference between privatization and subsidy removal.
pls ,do not try to insult linda's intelligence cos you are not smarter!
One barrel of Crude oil = 42gallons or
159 litres
... 2) Our Refineries (i.e 4) Installed
(combined) capacity = 445,000
... barrels per day
3) Actual refineries capacity due to
aging equipment = 30% i.e. 133,500
barrels per day
4) . . 133,500 barrels = 21.2 million litres
5) Local required consumption (F.O.S) =
12millions litres
6) It means that even our MORIBOND
refineries can actually meet our local
consumption need of petroleum.
7) The cost structure of crude oil (i.e.
Qua Iboe Crude Oil) production;
- Findings / development - $3.5
- Production cost - $1.5
- Refining Cost - $12.6
- Pipeline/transportation - $1.5
- Distr/bridging fund Margin -$15.69
8) True cost of one litre of petroleum
anywhere in Nigeria;
- Total sum cost = $34.8
- 1ltr cost = $34.8/159 litres = $0.219
- Naira equiv
. 0.219xN160= N35.02k
- Add Tax N5 + N35.02 = N40.02
9) Let FGN refute the above composition
and if not, they should tell us how
they came about N65/litre.
10) Locally refined products cannot be
sold at International price.
11) We really do not need FGN SUBSIDY
as there was NONE in the first place.
12) What is LACKING, is the WILL to
Pls re-post until it gets to the right quarters for their response;
We still stand a chance as a COUNTRY.
Analysis done by Professor T
With all of this going on people are still asking Nigerians in the diaspora to return home. Return home to what? FUel costs about $1.20 in Canada (about =N=190.00 but the government looks after the low income people so that they do not suffer. You can actually see government in action here. Nigerian public officials are only interested in "chopping". Nothing else.
Linda I swear you no vex reach me!A group of pple keep talking about how d fuel subsidy removal is in d best interest of d masses(which I don't doubt);but these same pple aren't saying why jona didn't put in place cushioning measures in place before the actual removal of the subsidies!Why are we still importing refined petroleum products when we produce crude oil?Why can't our refineries work?Why do those big men go n build refineries in every other country except Nigeria?Questions questions questions;but sadly no answers!jona d rejected burnt offering and his cohorts are really FUCKING RETARDS!!!
Anon January 2, 2012 9:40 PM; my exact sentiments. Thanks.
Yes, oo. we don't have to say anything for now, because from the look of things I think something good is going to be out from goodlock.
Thinking about Nigerian issues is very frustrating. Why do I care? Although I do not live in Nigeria, it is my homeland and it has all it takes to be a great country, yet instead of getting better we get worst.
The main problem with Nigeria is not POVERTY but GREED. This problem has been here even before GEJ came into office. In life what really matters most is not how much money an individual has but how the resources are put to use.
Because of greed, our leaders embezzle public funds. Because of greed the masses sell their votes for bags of rice. Because of greed we give jobs to people who are not qualified for them. Because of greed we crown individuals whom we know are looters of government funds. I can go on and on and on…
The answer to Nigerian problem is not going to be solved by the removal of oil subsidy. Truth is it will only help momentarily!
Until all Nigerians-rich and poor, start seeing Nigeria as their one and only homeland, until we all become selfless, until we all start thinking ahead about the legacy and country we will leave for children, until we all become conscientious, pay our civic duties deligently, collect it well (accountability), shun bribery and corruption, cease from being praise singers(sing praises only for hard working citizens), stop having many wives, girl friends and children than we can manage with our income, until we make laws that are very effective and prosecute every offender regardless of who they are…this country will remain as it is . A third world! No amount of oil will help us!
This subsidy is for our own good..Goodluck is targeting those cartels, those thieves using oil money for their own personal greedy interest..its just unfortunate it affecting the average Nigerians and these stupid thieves are using the average Nigerians as a shield..Imagine a foolish man like Babaginda also talking saying its not fair because he will be affected.. he wont be able to exploit people.Obj caused all this and those stupid criminals called rulers..My only suggestion is salary increase.Most Nigerians are so ignorant..they dont think deep. I suggest this angry youth to meet this cartels, obj, babaginda and the rest to produce the money they stole..Imagine Nigeria is the 2nd worst infra-structured country in world..we need to take action..we are in debt we need to advance this country. first meet the thieves. obj has 7 farms he makes 2 million a did he get that money? houses in london. Please don't blame Goodluck..They are using boko Haram to distract him..Have you asked yourselves who is sponsoring these people to get these bombs.part of it is religious but some people in the high places are doing are sponsoring them because Godluck has pressed so buttons. Stop blaming goodluck fight the past leaders to release your money and help this Country..the country is broke it was going to happen..its just unfortunate goodluck is the one in power so he is the one everyone will attack..ignorant people.
I am glad i never voted for this retard. This process is simply going to make life more difficult for the citizenry
Linda! You have the right to be angry but mind you that Fuel was only subsidized in Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt and Kaduna before now. In some states before January 2012, (eg. Abia, Imo, Anambra, Kano, Maiduguri,Kebbi etc.) fuel was being sold at #80 - #90 as the case may be, so where was the subsidy then? Did you in any way blogg about that? Why can't you and other Nigerians insulting and abusing the President see reason with Government? Or, Is your Fiance a petroleum importer? Because they are the only ones complaining seriously about the removal though it affected me too. But you are only a blogger and have little or no knowledge about governance. Government meant well for the country but we have to suffer a little before the gains starts accruing. Government cannot wait when everything is okay before taking decisions because by then the Decisions will not be relevant. So please in as much as you have the right to express your anger, do not over express it.
mr samuel ...and i presume u know a lot about governance..are you a senator or local govt chairman?
mscheeeeeew! only nigerians say ignorant sh**t with so much confidence.i rest my case.
@samuel or whatever you call yourself would you shut that your stinking gutter you call a mouth that you are using to attack linda. who the hell are you and do you know how much hardship that the poor would experience?
as for the subsidy and fuel stations suddenly selling fuel at 65 naira one day and the next 141 naira they have not even finished the old stock before hiking the price gaining even more.
let no one buy the fuel at 141 naira and let us see whether the filling stations would not bring back the price to 65 naira nonsense.
@orange you spoke very well.I support your views 100%
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