Kano state CAN president with members of the Concerned Muslim Citizens this morning in Kano |
Following the killings of Christians in the North, some Muslims who call themselves - Concerned Muslim Citizens - this morning, January 15th 2012, visited some churches in Kano in solidarity. The group visited Our Lady of Fatimah Cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral, The Anglican Cathedral, Cherabim and Saraphim Movement Church and a few others. This visit is unprecedented
While speaking at one of the churches, the group promised to provide security while Christians worship in the state and also said they want to open a new chapter of religious harmony and tolerance. Continue to see more photos...
Ohh, this is sooo touching and very cool. sincerely i have always believed Islam isnt a wicked religon at alll even tho am Christian. I love this. I love this so much. I just hope they are for real. Not like having your killer 'safeguarding' you.
Linda,y would u use anoda picture 2 cover anoda story?mtschewww.
They should get out jo! Northern Muslims/Northerners in general have been Murdering and Massacring Southerners even before Independence! Where was the SOlidarity?
Any Minor Issue or Bizarre Rumour was used as an Excuse to Kill and Steal from them and Destroy Lives and Property. Where was the Solidarity?
Why is there Solidarity now? Because MEND/OPC are threatening them as well? Or because they are feeling hurt in Jos or by their own Boko Haram.
Nigeria Should split from theses Mad men before more inevitable loss of Lives and Property!
Great!!! Dis is exactly what it shld be, but i hope it's genuine sha.
The Northerners are trying to make peace because all their wealth comes from the South. I pray that we separate from those BASTARDS.
This is so nice. I am glad for this, we need more unity btwn the churches and moslem.
I swear, I like the educated Northerners. The ones that cant be educated even if they go to school are the south-south people. bloody educated illiterates!
Anon 5:08pm wt an ignorant statement 2 make. Wt is ur judgment based on? Ur statement is an example of wt an "educated illiterate" would say. Jst because some ppl frm the south-south region hv made poor judgments does not mean the entire region is filled with educated illiterates. Get a life! And while u r at it expose urself 2 other cultures! Silly ass low life!
Anon 08:08 ur so retarded 2 generalize every1 from d south -south region,people like u disgust me,am sure u ve not seen d four walls of any school,go nd get educated nd stop suffocating urself in ur ignorance nd stupidity.
that was really thoughtful of them and sends out a powerful message that not all muslems are anti-christian. kudos to them!
solidarity forever, we need more of this relationship btwn d christains n muslem , because what we gain if we continue 2 live in fear, hatred n wickedness??????nothin.
Lets hope this is real.
I hope dis is for real,,,,,,i hope they are not just trying to survey the church environment to know how to make their evil plans,,,,,
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