"We thought, let's intentionally choose our neighbors," says Vic Gutman, a spokesman for the Tri-Faith Initiative, which launched five years ago as a grassroots interfaith effort and quickly gained funding and community support among the city's religious leaders. "We want to form a relationship between all Jews, all Muslims and all Christians."
The group, which announced this week that each religious group had closed on land purchase deals for the interfaith campus that total $5 million, will also build a Tri-Faith Center that will have educational and social facilities for use by all the campus' religious groups.*
Amona e tete mabo ooo. This is it!!! End of time. God help us all and have mercy.
They're mile apart, they're already throwing missiles at one another. One can only imagine what would happen when they all come under one roof. Simply put, this will NOT work!
Noble tot mehn, how sweet it is for brethren to fellowship together. But theRe's a rsn y dey dnt seee eye to eye. If anythn sparks off a conflict in dat center, it aint gon be easy to douse @all. Wish n pray d aim is achieved tho. Rly do
It's not a bad idea, but I do sense lots of problems with this in future. How about each religion struggling for more members to join their faith, because of course each one believes theirs is better. *sighs* It would be nice if we could all come together in peace though. I'm a Christian with Muslim friends and I must say that they are very nice people. The extremists ruin it.
No Thoughts!! NeeeeeeeeeeeeeexT!
whats the location of the building?
Thanks Linda...and Tessy looks like your younger sis. Anyway, fellow Lib winners and readers who may come to Rhythm Unplugged, I will like to meet u at the two shows.here's my BB PIN:312ad095..I will be giving out airtime there for free. Linda, catch ma kiss......
Not sure it's a good idea.
Look my people this is definitely one of the plans to set th e New World Order in motion,where all the religions ll unite under one umbrella.its all a lie.all these plans are under way to usher in the anti-christ.don't believe anything they say...ILLUMINATI ni gbogbo won ooo!!!and FYI christians and muslims don't worship the same God...do your research well and you ll find out the truth.it's all the handwork of the devil...he who has ears let him hear oo!!!!
Aaaaahhh r dey God??? HhhhmmmM
thoughts? There is nothing new under the sun. Ve read of a church sharing the same compound with an ashewo joint and the joint is bordered by a fence to a mosque. Let us wait till the loudspeaker of one starts disturbing the other two
Religion is not the problem of religion. Islam is not the problem of religion. Christianity is not the problem of relugion. Judaism is not the problem of religion. Hinduism is not the problem of religion. Zoroatism is not the problem of religion. God is not the problem of religion. People in religion is the problem of religion and the source of religious conflicts. Power, domination, control, supremacy and money are some the real causes of religious conflicts. Ban all religion and everyone would be acting right.
The coming of Christ is very near! Those are my thoughts linda.
i agree - about time -
Bad idea. Judaism is the first religion but a lot of Jews still need to accept the Messiah, because he's not coming in the golden wealthy form they believe he should come in. He came already and will be coming soon. So, we need more messianic Jews.
Islam is a total different religion. The worst abomination a person can commit is to accept JESUS CHRIST AS THE SAVIOR NOT JUST THE PROPHET HE'S CLAIMED TO BE. But it says in the Bible, Jesus is God in the form of man. Go figure.
Christianity, the only true religion. Christians can barely get together with all the division. oh, you are baptist, pentecost, etc when the focus should only be on JESUS CHRIST, and how HIS followers can live a lifesyle that reflect HIM.
So, how in the world can that work?
hmmn.....na wa oo.i don't like it!
The end is near!!! One World One Currency One Religion.. Linda more of dis
The end is near..New world order..
V of 4 29am fittingly represents the confusion in the entire scenario. But i agree with his conclusion. IT WILL NOT WORK.
He dissected Judaism & Islam and concluded that both are the true religion. Christianity, his true religion, has multiple faces which reeks confusion.Does any one get the point here?
You then understand why Emily Blunt of 12 34am says people in religion are the problem, which is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! & why i repeat again that IT WONT WORK
@EmilyBlunt you clearly said urself that Religion is not the problem of religion but people in it then you end it by saying ban all religion and people will act right. Are you not supposed to be saying ban all people if you ban religion won't people remain??
There will always be conflict lets start by finding the peace within ourselves then maybe there will be some peace in the world
na wa ....One can only imagine what would happen when they all come under one roof.
I'm a christian getting married to a muslim. I'll love to see this happen.
let's see who's first to toss a bomb!!
@ Emily Blunt
Ban all religion, then everybody will act right?
How will people know right or wrong? How will people know how to act right?
There's still something called morals/values or a general truth that everybody still abide by.
Our general truth or morals still come from somewhere, whether cultural, social, most importantly people's truth or what push them to act right is pointed back to some belief that they believe in.
So, it's impossible to knock religion out of the picture. A society cannot become secular without being God conscious because life will always point to something bigger than ourselves.
they need to be built together. All 3 religions have the same father - Abraham. SO i dont understand y folks are making noise.
@ V, good points.
@ anon 8:40am It's easy to say it. If it was that easy, all the three religions will get along without being built close to each other. It becomes complicated because all three have different ideology even if they all recognize Abraham as their father.
The end is near.........
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