37year old Janice Bronwyn Linden from South African, was this morning executed in China for drug smuggling. Janice was arrested at the Baiyun International Airport, in China in November 2008 for smuggling three kilograms of crystal methamphetamine.
“But, the fact that she chose not to go that route, makes one wonder whether she was really guilty or not. When one faces the possibility of death, one will say and do anything. Janice, it seemed was not prepared to go down without a fight. This case needs to be fully investigated.”A friend of the family told reporters.
Two of her sisters were allowed an hour with her this morning before she was put to death by lethal injection. RIP Janice.
n obama wont go afta them na 9ja he go get liver anuohia
Now let me see if they will call President Hu Jintao a terrorist/extremist for carrying out such in his country..if it was a muslim country, you will hear all babaric statements attributed to this act.
Earlier this year,a brit was killed for the same act...David Cameron exhausted all the dictionary grammar relating to human rights to President Jintao but the interpreter arrived late!!!.lol
chai i cant understand what people go to find in countries lkke china with gheir strict laws and all. Even to go dubai dey fear me sha :P
for drug smuggling. its a dirty shame.
I can only imagine the magnitude of pain the sisters must have felt when they were saying their goodbyes. It’s such a cruel world to live in. Killing someone or even sentencing to life imprisonment is too grave for the offence. Those people need to be put in check.
Shei na 1 of dem com steal battery 4 my side d oda day na so ppl dey pamper am bt make 9ja person go dat side piece 4 road na execution e go get. Nawa 4 dat country o
Damnn!!!So fucking harsh mehn!!!What the hell is wrong with these Chinese ppl!...Ahn Ahn!...For drug smuggling u have to execute?!Sooooo wrong,wicked n very very painful!...I can just imagine the two sisters this morning! :(
If she was a US citizen aint no way this will go down well. there will be WW3!
while i join others in condemning this,all i can say is that only GOD knows if she was guilty or not the reason china,malaysia and others have taken a hard line concerning drug offences is because of the devastation drugs has caused amongst their people.
besides we all know china has zero tolerance on specific offences,so i don't know why people even attempt to commit all these offences.
the same china that executed 2 of their own cities just last week for running a brothel same offence wouldn't have been more than a few years anywhere else may her soul r.i.p
These Asians are so strict and racist! They take certain crimes extremely seriously but it's worse when you are even black. If na Naija, we go dey find ways to free their flat yanshes.
So sad! RIP Janice.
That's what she gets. China don't play, it's a lesson learned. STOP SMUGGLING ILLEGAL DRUGS.
Don't blame China, that's their country, it's either you abide or you die. Period.
Like Ron Paul says, the war on drugs is a misguided war? How many people who do not take cocaine or heroine or pcp will start smoking them if they are legalized? Remember that at some point, alcohol was prohibited. Infact Al Capone was notorious for smuggling booze during the prohibition era. What a waste of human life. Any people or government that kills human life that it cannot create is satanic.
RIP to her. I pray her family find strength and comfort in God.
The laws are already in place. These laws are bound by their constitution. From their airport, they tell you the penalty for drug smuggling is death. How desperate can we be to the detriment of our lives.
People just never learn, and if it was a Nigerian now, all those zombies from other African countries will be opening mouth to say these Nigerians.
This should be totally upsetting to all south africans considering the hospitality we've given the chinese invaders in our country. Perhaps if it were one of Zumas 'comrads' greater effort woulda been showed into saving this life but alas just a coloured girl an unimportant life to the anc government. How sad
the truth is south africans r always d ones to pull Nigerians down saying all d bullshit about Nigerians and drugs blablabla...so what d heck was she doing wt drugs?...tot they dont know what drugs s all bout
Chinese are so wicked..
they dont know the rules before they traffick? man i dont quite feel sorry for trafickers. sorry.
she must have opted for death because Chinese prisons are no joke, its worse than hell in there.
Anon December 13, 2011 12:13 AM and Lara; well said.
ahh this chun li peeps re so wicked oo lethal injection for drug trafficking hmm na waoo
In a city where there is no rule/law,,there is no sin......they have their rules in their country,,so why violating it or going contrary????Nigeria has no rule/law,,so there's no sin and that's why anybody can get away with any crime no matter how terrible it is.......anywayz,,may she rest in peace,,,
Woman caught smuggling 1.5kg of cocaine in her dreadlocks on flight to Bangkok.
South African, Nobanda Nolubabalo, 23, was arrested and held in Thailand's capital after customs officers allegedly noticed a suspicious white substance in her hair.
What's worse than being executed in China? Being executed without forwarning. I read on BBC or some other veritable news source that the Chinese do not inform people that they're going to die the day before (like they do in the US). They tell you that you're gonna die on the morning of your execution! Can you just imagine? I feel really sorry for the woman and hope she finds rest in the after-life. That being said, I hope our South African brothas and sistas now realize that Naija people have not cornered the market on drug-dealing. This just goes to show that they're not innocents that somebody has to teach how to smuggle drugs... = \
Ridiculous. The south african govt is a sad joke. And they now have the guts to say the woman's death won't strain their relationship with China becos of the pennies on the dollar they are saving trading with China. Who is fighting for us consumers with all the fake products china has been creating all these years? Tainted baby formula also? Electronics that explode in peoples homes. Money will always come before citizens so people should now see that not only naija is guilty of selling itself for profit. I don't think she knew wat she was doing but that one is history now.
so how did it get into her possession if she denied it until her death?
My own opinion is different. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. If she was truly guilty, then she deserved whatever punishment was meted out- execution or whatever.
If one sees the effects of drug addiction on people, you would wish for death for people who indulge in the drug trade. It destroys lives and families. Very few addicts clean up their acts. Most are addicted for life and the family suffers. I actually prefer the death penalty for all drug traffickers. Wipe the scum bags off the face of the earth!
you must be dumb to carry drugs to Indonesia, China and Malaysia.
meanwhile see another one here. a 23 yr old SAgirlin Thailand. See innovation in action.she pack am forher locks:
Hoprah, i just sent the link to that girl's own drama.
You carrydrug go Asia,you don sign death warrant. Even Baba Suwe will not scale that one,even with all his babalawos.
Unfortunately our leaders in Africa in their very before are unmoved when China blood kill innocent souls by porting in substandard goods(drugs,materials, etc) in their country. I hope one day Africans will see themselves as humanbeings and not animals to be toyed with without respect!
This is a lesson to you south Africans, you should stop saying bad things about others most especially Nigerians.
Watin dey worry this once oh no be their children dey sell drugs for Canada and the Canadian govt no dey kill dem.
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