Naeto C and his wife-to-be, Nicole Chukwueke codedly did their introduction today. They didn't want it to be a media event but they forget I have peeps everywhere...lol.
A great way to end the year. Congrats guys. Now let's wait for the wedding proper next year!
Wow.. COngrats.Soo happy for them. Cant wait for next year. Bellanaija founder Uche Eze is gettin married, Naeto-c n Nicole, Ikechukwu and Sarah. Its gon be hottt.
Lol nice Linda nice
Ermmmm....I'm sure it wasn't codedly.We simply weren't on d guest list that's why we didn't know!
awww i screamed when i saw this. I dont know them personally, but ever since the whole saga on ur site, i grew to like Nicole....i went on her twitter and she has an amazing sense of humor and seems down to earth...plus i like Naetochukwu!
Congratsss guys, and may God bless ur union. awww
I so much love Naeto C,wish u guys all d best!
Thought it was rumoured in the press sometime ago that he was dating Sasha abi?
Linda abeg check out dis link
Funny as hell. I can now see how people can be misquoted. Lmao
Naeto C,whao.very happy for them.i knw next year is going to be wedding wedding all the way.
Yes boss,thats the best thing to do in this country,&linda plz also bring us dat of samklef &his fiance'
nice one use ur the last lane of ur bachelorhood wisely
Nice one Linda, congrats to them
Boko Haram says Nigeria is being run by non-believers (President Goodluck Jonathan, etc, and southerners) and wants to create an ISLAMIC Country - Islamic Republic of Nigeria. You've been warned. Wake up from your slumber. Stand up for your right to be free to do what you want and be who you want to be. Follow the link to this comment.
Lol nice, 007!
Thought the lag one was introduction, abi this one the village one?
Abi was this Ime ego?
For non Igbos, it's usually Iku aka (intro), Ime ego(bride price payment) and Igba nkwu(trad celebration), in that order. Most combine last 2 into same day, but some separate it.
Seriously Igbo people you always fail my hands. Your weddings and engagements always look boring and classless. The bride never looks like the bride but looks like a guest at the wedding. You ibos need to seriously take a queue from the yorobas. They sure know how to throw classy, sophisticated weddings. Not all these kedu kedu odinma carnival rubbish
Big Congrats!
A boy spends his time hunting for a girl to fcuk, while a real man looks for a woman worth walking up the aisle with. Congrats, Naeto C.
Linda y didn't u do a post on bella naija's intro? The pics were all over twitter? E dey paint abil?
Amaka ararume must be crying in one corner now..after all the years they dated so tay naeto c went to dundee to do his masters because of her..na wa oh..btw dis nicole girl has a loooooooong face sha O_O
I jst gbadun dis linda gal.jo o,you're on point.
Yes boss!!!....I love you NAETO C...U RE a Real MAN!!
congrats bro, finally she is the 6
Kudos 2 naeto-c
Congrats!! I like that they are both young!
Wow! My boy is moving ahead... Me likey
my GOD. see me waiting for him. anyway sha may God bless their their marrige
Wonder y linda ikeji always blocks peoples comments? Isn't this supposed to b a free speech blog? Afterall you do say a lot of trash and no one censors you
Woooowww,,,a big congrats to them!!!
amaka ararume is engaged to yomi benson sighted them at the sahara xmas parry...make u dey dull for dia...happy for my nikky ooo very nice girl
Amaka Araraume isn't crying anywhere you dumbass. She's also engaged.
Her attire is unflattering. Expected better!
Anyway goodluck guys.
Lmfaooooo Amaka has done her traditional wedding tingy a long time ago.(Ok not so long ago) wat u chatting?.her husband is way hotter dan neato. Fine half cast boy lik dat.YOMI BENSON! FACEBOOK HIM N SWOON!
Crying indeed.
Amaka is not crying anywhere! Amaka has done her trad wedding! Nicole best come hard cos amaka looked stunning on her trad wedding day! Congrats to nicole and naeto!
Anonymous 8:52. Thanks for that. Whenever people talk about Linda allowing every comment i wonder what they are about. Ever since i called her out about that 'koko concert' lady and she refused to publish my comment i knew she doesnt deserve all these praises at all
Osa thanks for d complements......we yorubas dont joke wt weddings...probably they choose to go low class but their status' s gone above that.....not flattering pictures @ all...i initially tot they were guests @ someone's party before I saw d headies
5 n 6
@osa, its folks like you that affect the future of Naija! Spilling ignorance! How many Igbo weddings have you seen? What do you know about Igbo weddings, nothing because you'd know we don't call ours engagement, but actual traditional wedding. do you know anything about culture: the significance of the palm wine, do you know anything about "jigida", or why brides change to double wrapper? do you know how much George costs, or how expensive real coral beads are? Do you know why some men red caps and others don't, or why some wear isi Agu? I can go on and on...
Have you seen an Igbo maiden really dance, with her coral beads, jigida and George? What do you know about a woman going on her knees to receive palm wine from her father and taking it to her husband publicly and getting on her knees to offer it to him? To you its just come and chop, but my friend dont worry about others cutures, take off your ethnocentric lens, and it may help you better undstand yours. Wish I could post my own trad pics, and that of so many I have seen.
This was a mere introduction, and not a trad, so many couples aren't even present at their intro. You take one pic and use it to justify how ignorant you are about a major ethnic group in your country. Then again coming from someone who can't even spell Yoruba, you have a lot to learn. By the way, it's Igbo not Ibo, "gb" is in the Igbo alphabet, and Ibo is a corrupt version that the white folks created, so they can read and pronounce it.
Wonder how Yomi Benson is now fine. He's never been. He looks like a yellow Ibo boy. Please stop using the term half caste. He isn't even half anything.
Osa, your comment is quite ignorant. Didn't you read that they wanted it quiet that's probably why it looks like this. How many Ibo traditional weddings have you been too? Besides loud doesn't equate classy and/or sophisticated.
Congrats to them.
beezinga go and marry,HATER
Amaka ararume must be left out of this the girl is happily engaged and am sure has no recollection of naeto as her hubby is just as nice.congarts to nicole C and Naeto C the perfect C's
I like the African attire.
Ehya, they look happy! This Na Be Deal o LOL. I wish you all the happiness in the world guys.
Wot kind of nonsense is this they both wore to their engagement? They look like guests! Uninvited ones at that! Igbo traditional marriages need a big humongous makeover! All the igbo weddings I have seen on blogs are rated between 3 out of 10 to 4 out of 10.
Congrats to the NC's. People should stop this Naeto and Amaka's madness. Amaka is so happy where she is,Yes I know.LOL.I heart Nicole too, from her tweets, she seems humble.
Amaka Ararume would have both if she had her way,control freak!!! So e go still pain am..... Yellow plastic biShhh!
hahahha...nah. Amaka did way better. Naeto C is like an alagbe...yes is like someone marrying Alabi Pasuma or better yet...imagine alex o back then and now. well whoever married him at his peak thot she hit lotto. once the career tanks (bound to happen), you will be forgotten. and yomi is wayyyyy cuter than naeto c. have you guys seen his teeth? someone needs to tell him about Invisalign. isnt it odd how fiam as soon as amaka and yomi got engaged, all of a sudden naeto put a ring on it? hahahhaha
lol @ naija people and their complex. "Half caste". so that makes the Benson dude hotter than Naeto C?? #OK
And to the person saying that Amaka is somewhere crying...na wah again O! Even if she isn't engaged, why will she be crying over an ex who just got married. U make it sound like marriage is the ultimate price and whether things were not working out with her and Naeto, if he'd married her, her life would have been complete. Y do we focus toooo much on the title! Explains why so many young people are finding themselves suffering and smiling in sham marriages today....cos no one marries for compatibility n e more.... All people are keen on is just that title.
geez what is she wearing?
Is it me or does dis Nicole and Nicole Miller(D video chic in tuface's video,implication) kinda look alike??? Maybe is the long face sha.
LOL at amaka's little friends coming to the poor girl's rescue...way to defend your girl oooo
Lol @ anon 4:14am, kedu kedu odima carnival rubbish! U very funny & right, we YORUBA knws hw to hold it down wen it comes to party*wink*
Amaka is even finer than dis gal.so y will she cry.and she is happily engaged.oh na Sabi drink panadol for person headache o.
yet igbo marriages last longer than yoruba ones. plus we dont borrow money and accumulate debt all in the name of being showy
for those talking shit, especially the Yoruba dogs on this post, THIS ISNT EVEN THE TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE, DUMBASSES! this is only an introduction. anyway, these are the same fools that decided Goodluck Jonathan needed a stylist because he is wearing his NATIVE ATTIRE. HATERS PLEASE GO AND HIDE.
and as for those folks talking about some girl named Amaka (never knew this kind of "scandal" existed) why act like marriage is a do or die affair? I mean come ON!!! someone was right when they said Nigerians carry this marriage thing too far. how many folks are happily married after 10 years. not saying Naeto C and Nicole wont be happy, but being married (especially in Nigeria) is NOT all that, sorry. or is it the title sef? this "MARRIAGE" thing is honestly a joke the way some people carry it on their heads.
All of you that are saying yoruba wedding is better than igbo wedding blah blah.pls......its only a wedding! this 2011/2012 na austerity period. It is not the time to pour money out to feed people who are there to chop your food and drink ya brandy and then look for the next wedding to attend next week...those are all locusts.
Pls everything nowadays should be low-key. The marriage is what matters, that is where the main homework is.
Abeg bros naeto...use ya money to invest in things that would not perish in one day. invest in land, business so that your wife and children will enjoy. ya money is not for operation feed the nation/voile and lace. shiyoooh!
How does intro equal trad. On my intro I wore jeans and top. Intro is meet the family. Its an affair for the elders.
Na wa. Oh, first introduction nahim be this? Nahim be say wedding na die oh! CODED INDEED!
I don't understand why my Yoruba peeps are complaining about their outfit. I had a quiet introduction and went to the registry, not because of lack of money but prefer to have pple that mean something to me on that day instead of gbogboero, so had to disappoint my parents no owambe! Till today family members still expecting owambe 5yrs later,lol!
mrs o,God will bless u indeed.honestly,dat crustacean called osa and all odr stupid,myopic eeedddeeots talkin thrash abt igbos and dier ceremonies should choose a smaller space to show off their ignorance.bcos we r not renowed for wearing expensive rags and using our last kobo to throw parties doesnt mean u r any more sophisticated than we are.suck it up!u r probably one of d razzest people dis side of the equator.
(side eyes)
yeah right. later on he beats her and uses prada, loubs to cover up. rich family on both sides or not.
Dont know whether its ovetesterone that causes negro men to lay their fists on their partner and not just walk calmy away when she is acting up/attempts to hit him
Wow Bad belle people will never change....you should be praying for your blessings this year...God help us
@ Osa you are such a vain person. please grow up.
Why should Amaka cry now? After all, the babe claim say she write Naeto's dissertation and then he go commot they claim "only MC with an Msc" lie lie. More grease to Amaka's elbow...in other news, YB is not half caste. All you people saying he's fine are just blinded by his skin color.
Let us know wait and see whose wedding will last the longest haha. Abeg Linda put up Amaka and YB's own picture let us compare who is the fairest of them all *runs and hides*
All these stoopid people saying Igbo wedding this and that, are you okay? Beside it wasn't their trad wedding perse, it was just an intro kind of thing. Please take a chill pill. Congrats NC AND NC :). I tap into your blessing.
Ehn Linda babe, you need to bring up the gist/pictures of the trad wedding between Abia State Governors daughter and Ararume's son. And also Amaka Ararume and Yomi Benson's introduction.
Hey best of luck both of you...
nightclub guest list
which 1 is Amaka or whoever/i dont see why the person's name is even brought up in this topic.Naeto is married.leave it like that.all that is needed here is just your congratulatory msgs,nt some Amake girl.be making the girl's ego big.
OMG!!! I'm completely disgusted by what all you haters have been writing! Why waste time writing such poison! No one wants to read that! Just wish Naeto & Nicole well! There was no need to say anything else. Negatively commenting on Nic's outfit & involving Naeto's Ex and her Fiancé! What the Hell??? You should all be ashamed of yourselves! Like they say, Misery loves company! God help all you people that try to bring others down!
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