According to PM News, a 'peeping Tom', 36yr old Raymond Obi Eze (pictured above) was sent to prison for watching a couple have sex. Raymond hid in the couples bedroom, under their bed, and watched them have sex to 'derive sexual satisfaction'.
He was discovered by the man of the house, who handed him over to the police. Raymond was charged to court on a two-count charge of unlawful entry and attempted murder. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, saying he was only watching the couple have sex and did not attempt to harm them.
Weird news...lol.
d guy is a psycho! my God! watching a man kpansh his wife? wat does he aim to derive? next thing im go go rape(jump) d man wife in d absence of d man. delusional. na wa oh!
Tell that to the birds.
Me thinks na d woman boyfriend wen dey inside the house with madam wen d husband suddenly arrived home. Where else the intruder go hide if not under bed. End of story. Discharge and acquit.
Got a feeling that the dude wanted to enter set and that was when oko iyawo vexed. That dude should have just watched thru the window or better still, he should have bought some xXx but i think he was there to cause harm and got distracted
Lots more are remanded in prisons around the country for less trivial reasons.
Abeg, Linda, i no fit laugh o! Crazy!!!
How can he possibly peep when he was under the bed!?
The 'gymnastics' was happening over his head and all he could have gotten would be the sounds. His story doesnt add up really. He probably came to steal but thought it would be better he says he was peeping rather than say he came to rob.
Really weird
P/S: they obviously didnt want him to meet his bail conditions. 100K for this guy?????? Yeah right!
D man dey help himself.....mke una fri am
@ 1st ANONYMOUS,(December 15, 2011 8:21 AM)
No kill me with laugh this early morning oh!
come to think of it...ur thots make seNSE..
AMAKA' NOTEPAD..very true. he must have been a thief or the woman's boyfy as my hilarious 1st anonymous said.
Waiting for his turn i guess....
This country is stupid.. C how D POOR suffer.. I bet the reason he is in jail is because he is poor nd unable to get a good lawyer.. If not,hw did he get to d room d first place
8.21am said it all. What kind of judge is dat wey no use common sense!
but why????????????? i guess that wasn't his first time but luck ran out on him and he was caught! 100,000 for just watching! porno cd are cheap nah!(100 naira)for traffic!so he'll spend xmas in kirikiri, anyway sha, he will eat beans dia!i was told that ooo! i never enter dia b4 oo!i read am for PM newspaper oo
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!,i don laff go nak my head 4 wall..na spiritual konji dey worry am
hehehehe, i laugh in idoma language. i no fit shout i beg, his just a foolish man, what satisfaction will he derive from peeping aside adding KONJI to his self.mtchweeppppsss agbaya!!!
that guy was in that house for a reason,wat lame story he gave,he should be locked up as an example to others with the intention of breaking and entry.
We should not judge, a man reap what he sow; period.
Where were they all ? That they did not k now there was somebody under the bed ? How the bed bi wey di able-bodied man go hide , he could have killed them oooh he looks demented , and who said this was trivial okay now maybe if your husband was servicing you and he popped up with a gun and insisted he wanted a piece of the action then you go Sabi say this is not a trivial matter ------ fake people he should have gone with a slap on the wrist abi becos it was not you ,yeye dey smell oshisco people , they should send him to zamfafa to do time there .
why didnt he just buy a "blue film"
In this dangerous times. Even if he didn't want to harm them, that was a very bad thing to do. I like the attempted murder charge.
How can you watch from under the bed?
Just asking....
I don't believe cos it looks like the wife is in on it and why was she injured due to her own pleenty beating on the guy in oorder no to suspect her
See his kurukere legs self. Pervert! Couldn't he rent a "blue" film? Anofia!
From the report I can deduce that this young man was watching a couple having sex. And he did not in anyway try to attack them. i want to ask, why send him to prison? Even if he is mentally deranged, he should be reprimanded in an asylum than a prison yard. Biko nu!
he could have bought a porn movie,yes but we have failed to realize how crazy n fast the world is going. most pips derive satisfaction in watching real sex take place.... lets not dispute dat. just maybe he falls in that category or maybe the couple solicited for his service for him to have sex with d wife while d hubby watches and along the line,something went wrong...... am just saying!
Am laughing seriously oooooo......there is more to dis sha,,
I think he's the woman's part time lover; he took cover when the man of the house walked in.
All of una comments make sense. Beside some make me laugh, others make me smile, while some make me ask? Spiritual congi? Lol.
Between looking that guy i wonder why dem get asianti houses.
Wow....people still use terms like "blue films"....
The whole story is confusing. If you ask me i'll ask the wife what her relationship is with the man.
Nigerian politicians need to be disgraced like this.
Guy want to watch what he cannot get. He is made of strong stuff because if I am hungry I can't watch ppl eat and not try to get some food for myself. I don't know how dis horny toad can watch ppl have sex and stay calm through it all.
OMG what a funny story!!!Choi!...ROTFLMAO!..Ahn ahn! Na real wa for this guy! Looking at him from head to toe just tooooo cracks me up!...Check out his "super sexy" thighs n legs tho!...Hahahahahahahahaaaa,and pls what's he wearing under that shirt o?!?!?LMAOOO
@Anon,8:21am,correct n on point comment!...End ☺f story!
@Anon 3:58pm,LMAOOO u haff killed me o!...I know right?!..."Blue films"?!?Like really?!?hahahahahaaa
this isnt funny lez be honest....what he did is laughable but his punishment isnt i really think he should be helped not laughed at......Linda i think you should make an effort to create sensitivity on tour blog. the man clearly needs helps and psychologically too
Dis story is some how,where were dey wen he entered?are u sure d guy n oga's wife weren't doing it b4 oga entered d house n den hid himself under d bed?and its nt possible dt he peeped rather he listened as dey were doing it shekena.
What I really wana know is ' where the hell are his pants' why's he half naked! Was he found dis way? Weird!! And abeg see dis guy nau! How can u say his d madames boyfriend?lol. I seriously doubt dat.
what a shameless weirdo!!
My guy just dey maintain the whole thing... The bed dey dance... My guy dey smile...lmao!... See Imbecile abeg... toto head!..hahahahahaha!!!
have it come to that level na wa for them
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