The woman who reportedly jumped from the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge on Friday was a 25-year-old MUSC student, according to police reports and various online articles.
Olutosin "Tosin" Oyelowo, a Nigerian national with roots in Wake Forest, NC, was last seen by motorists and pedestrians leaping from the Bridge, a Mount Pleasant police report states.
Calls reporting the jumping were received around 3:30 p.m. on Friday, according to reports. Police found Oyelowo's purse and driver's license at the summit of the bridge in the area where callers reported seeing her jump.
Water searches for Oyelowo by Mount Pleasant and Charleston police, as well as the U.S. Coast Guard, have not been successful in the days since the jumping was reported.
MUSC reported Oyelowo, a first-year pharmacy resident, missing when she did not report for work on Monday, said Heather Woolwine, university spokeswoman.
"We were concerned for her safety," Woolwine said. "When we couldn't reach her, we contacted police, and now it's really more in their hands."
Several websites list Oyelowo as being "missing" in South Carolina since Dec. 9. Though Mount Pleasant's police report lists the identity, confirmed by the driver's license in her purse and documents in her parked car, Charleston police have not released the jumper's name.
and u will go straight to hell ! na ur probs pass ? av got no sympathy 4 u .jst lost an aunt whom her hubby gave hiv n bcos of it,she couldnt fite her cancer n she jst slipped away n u ar takin ur own life ? go dance alanta wit d devil
Na wa o...she jumped or she was pushed??? This story be as e get...
na wa oh. this is the problem of growing up abroad. Naija people no dey commit suicide. Na wa o
Her body has not been found, hence, can't be confirmed and broadcast as dead. Please, a lot of hopefuls are still praying for her save return.
Don't say that. Devour You have never been in such a situation so you have no right to judge. Please! And don't decide who goes to heaven or hell- you are not God!
This is really heartbreaking for me. I was hoping she'd be found safe and sound. I wonder what pushed her to that point. May God have mercy on her young soul. Amen
Wot a pity....shm.it is only God dat truly knows wot happened to her.weda, she was pushed or jumped by herself.....may condolence goes to d family
maybe she was depressed cos she was jilted or found out she had HIV, Cancer or some terminal illness and didnt knw how to face it...
i feel u buh atimes one has to find a reason to live
Linda have the police released this conclusion or are your just reaching the most obviouS one? Please o, I hope it has been 100% confirmed that she was the jumper before you posted this.
Wot a pity, I couldnt help but scream when I read she died.Lord grants her soul mercy.
Jobsfornaija, Nigerians who have never even left their home state talk less of go abroad to live commit suicide everyday. Suicide is not a "western thing" abeg you people should park well.
But why? Suicide is not a reason 4 whatsoever problem you are goin thru....It's sad cos she seems to have a good job as analyzed.
Erm Nigerians commit suicide all the time, both within and outside Nigeria. Don't get it twisted.
If she did commit suicide, may her soul rest in peace, no one deserves t have that much pressure that they see death as the only way out...
WOW at first i was going to say sth similar to devour, like we all have difficulties, life is not meant to be easy like last week was one of the worst weeks in my whole life, my life seemed like it was crumbling and all but i guess we just have to pick ourselves up when we fall. challenges help us to be stronger, some would kill to have their lives back, i have know some fam members that died from hiv, cancer that would have paid whatever amount there is to pay just to live a normal life, it is well with her. God pls dont let any of my fam members of friends every think of commiting suicide. amen
@ nkechi, commiting sucide is a sin so leave devour alone. what problem can u have dat u think the best option out is sucide ? i personally don't feel pity for her, cause life is just to sweet.
"We won’t know the identity of the person who jumped until the body is recovered," said Charles Francis, police spokesman.
@ nkechi, commiting sucide is a sin so leave devour alone. what problem can u have dat u think the best option out is sucide ? i personally don't feel pity for her, cause life is just to sweet.
This their story 'get as e be',sumthing aint right!if u google her name over 10 sites still declaring her missing.
Wats going on? I hope she's not the one.infact from d start d whole story was dodgy!
Devour,,dont talk like that,,,,this Life is a complicated one.......have u ever heard of "ASASI" ???? i dont think someone in her right senses will jump from a bridge like that.........there's definitely more to dis!!
She parked her car and jumped nobody pushed her,life is just a Mystery.RIP
Dis is sad,may God 4giv her
What could have led a young lady with such a bright future to end her own life in this manner! There are mysterious indeed that can only be unraveled by the maker Himself. When u hv Christ, u hv peace!
Its not the 1st time this is Happening. This is common among Nigeria Communities these days in America. Couple of Years ago, a Final Year Nursing Student killed herself a week to her Graduation here in my City. I still dont know why they wait till this time, imagine all the money that was spent for school fees & all. Its heart breaking but we dont know what she must have been going through. I'm not supporting this act cos even the Bible doesnt support it.
Linda they are still investigating & they havent Confirmed it. They need to run the Cameras around that Bridge to make sure she wasnt pushed in there + They havent release the Jumpers name.
O dang....this is extremely sad! devour, that was extremely harsh OMG. man, i'm lost for words.
@Devour ..ur not God! U dnt decide who goes to heaven or hell.
Linda, how can u come to such conclusion. Did u see her dead body? Until they find it, u people shld just *shush* for now and lets b hopeful. thanks
Tosin, u shldn't hav done this to ur self.... fine girl just like u is wat am looking forward to get marry with.. may ur soul rest in peace but ur own pro no worst pass na.......
First of all, she hasn't been found dead. Officials are speculating that she jumped the bridge but are not sure yet.
@Devour, will she go to hell is she was suffering from depression?. Don't you know that most causes of suicide is manic depression?.
somethings can be more spiritual than d eyes can see, if not hw wud a graduate pharmacist commit sucide jst lik dt.....
smthns re nt jst ryt... anyways may her soul RIP!!!
May be dem swear for her from village Africa is burdened with evil and witchcraft. God forbid me from originating from that accursed land known as Africa in my next life.
Devour and Jobsfornaija. If you have nothing to say don't comment. I know this girl (through) her sister actually. Very loving, happy, good Christain, parents are pastors and have some Naija sense. No one knows what happened so pleaaaaaaaase dont start with your judging.
How was she found dead if they are still looking for the body?
Devour you need to shut your ignorant mouth up. Until you live with someone with depression or are depressed don't you ever open your mouth and judge anyone. It is a mental illness, that drives people to do unthinkable things.You don't know what led to her ending her life. I pray she RIP.
@jobsforlife: Naija people dey commit suicide. We should stop deceiving ourselves that these things don't happen to "us" or mental illness doesn't happen to Nigerians. It happens. It is not an american things and growing up here has nothing to do with it. My schizophrenic friend is 100% Nigerian the last time i checked and he grew up in Nigeria, so please let's start getting realistic about mentally ill Nigerians who exist.
As for all those condemning and talking about her going to hell, why don't u worry about your own salvation. She didn't ask for your sympathy, so keep it.
May she rest in peace.
Nkechi devour is completely right sucide is hell, it a pity becos she is beautiful with brain and physic. I love her profile.
How irresponsible is this, Linda? Tosin has NOT been found dead, neither has it been concluded or confirmed that she was indeed the jumper. Can you have some respect and decency for her family and loved ones, and stop spreading false news? Did you even read that article and the police report? Jesus!
Devour i used to be like you until i edged close to depression. I hope you don't need to go that route before you are ridden of your ignorance.
I asked in a related post weeks back, where can one find a shrink in Lagos?
My thoughts are with her family.
Depression and suicide have no bearing with problems.
My prayers are also still with Gary Speed's family.
Devasting,am really so sad.May you rest in peace.
but why???????????????????????? is the question.
walahi some wicked people don use remote control and spiritual gsm take call am from village. God go show them shege! such a beauty, so full of promises, the world was eagerly awaiting her manifestation. it is so sad.
@devour, such tone never helps in any way.
@jobsfornaija, who told you so, didn't you see several of the published articles from this yr, even the guy who traveled to Ibadan, checked into a hotel and hanged himself. He never lived abroad.
We really need to do a better job of being our bro/sis keepers. When this happens, it affects us all. The enemy lurks around and sneaks up in so many ways. May God give her loved ones the strength to bare this loss, apparently even her grandmother appears to be alive, all of whom have to deal with this. May God also help us speak up more about issues such as this affecting ourselves or people around us.
@nkechi,she ddnt give her self life so why should she take it ? she is selfish cos do u no wat her death would do to her loved ones ? wat is so bad that u cant use it to change urself n others in d same position ? biko let me hear
i think this incident should really teach us that material things do not necessarily satisfy the soul. she had a car, prospective future, born outside of Nigeria...prolly a checklist of the wishes of many, yet she found death to be a better way
MORAL: Be grateful for all that u av and can still achieve regardless of ur situation
what a pity, hope that was not spiritually manipulated by the evil doers... only God knows really what made her to do such.. I sympathise with her family... may her soul rest in peace
Oh wow, my heart skipped a beat before I clicked on this story. May her soul rest in peace. So sad
@Devour what an ignorant comment. I pray that you don't suffer depression. She was obviously depressed. I've been there and know how difficult it is to fight the thoughts in my head so i understand how she felt. Educate yourself if you don't know any one whose never been depressed. Its not dependent on your social circumstances or wealth. Its a disease. I'm a doctor as well and i think my experience has made me understand my depressed patients better which is really important. I think the lesson should be try to be nice to others coz you don't know who you'll be pushing close to the edge by your nasty mouth/ actions..LOVE
Are you sure that there was no foul play here? Is there no possibility of having been pushed by someone? If she dropped her purse, she would have left a suicide note inside it knowing that she was going to kill herself. Purse alone? Something is not right here!
May her soul RIP :(
@devour..no matter what people are different..different mind set...a popular ex footballer in the UK..who literally had everything killed himself..and so did that ex-Eagles Player in Dallas..so don't judge
I recall one banker(linda blogged) that went to QC..did commit suicide..some said it was over her married lover..and this was in 9ja!!
@devour although what she did was not the right thing but do you know what pushed her to that point? pray you do not have to experience whatever she did that made her go that far as your comment was a bit too harsh.
Linda it is not every comment that you must publish e.g devour's comment if you like don't publish mine all the best to you.
@Devour, u are such a big fool, if not the bigest fool on the face of the earth. someone died and u have the guts to write such a comment. May God judge u! Idiot! u must feel like someone with a clean slate who has no guilt. Hiss!!! I'm really pissed at ur comment.
BTW, they are still investigating it. Nobody really knows what exactly happened. The best anyone can do is to pray for the dead and her family.
One idiot is talking about dancing Alanta with the devil.... how cruel! Devour, u will always be an idiot today, tomorrow and always!
@devour that is not the nicest thing to say...u have no right under any circumstance to judge..do u know the events leading up to the situation?NO
do u know what could have made her do that or if it is someone who did?NO
just sympathise and disappear
The Truth said....Lets' all pray for her instead of making harsh senseless comments. May her soul rest in peace. Very sad cause one has to be in a very lonely dark place to take ones own life. May The Almighty give her family the fortitude to heal from this grave loss.
That's unfortunate, what a wasted life.
@Nkechi, but the destination of whoever commits suicide is HELL!. Abi u na atheist?
Na wetin reach dat ------- may she Rip ,see what western culture does jump lohun lohun Kai she get liver ooooh , may her family be comforted still startled. Oooh fine babe , good career prospectects , @ devour thought the same thing too come sorry for am .
Suicide is a tradition in foreign countries...dat is y i can neva train any of my child[s] in abroad,instead,dey wld skul in england or london...
Linda your headline is misleading! How can you say found dead when she has not been found? The search party is yet to recover her body, they are only speculating she might be the one people saw jump from the bridge cos of her car and ID card that was found close to the scene.
U should stop misleading your readers with false headlines otherwise ur blog will start losing credibility.
I firmly reserve my comment till a positive ID is made and a definite story coms up. Nigerians r not suicidal plssss. Either she was pushed or was under hypnosis or under some heavy narcotics.but for her to open eye jump comot bridge?? Iroo ohh ah!
....But she has not been found dead. I think you should change the title cos there are no reports that she had been found. Thanks!
how dare you judge her @devour, all she needs is prayers and not that! have you ever been in a situation that makes you think of suicide? she had it going for her a pharmacy resident in yankee is not beans! she must have been intelligent to make it thru pharm sch and had a bright future ahead of her. @jobsfornaija.com the girl that killed herself earlier this summer that was on here with peeps speculating its cos of a man or problems with her womb that works for access bank, she too grew up abroad ni??????? abeg don't be ignorant to say only those who grow up abroad commit suicide sounds stupid. everyone every where goes thru sturv. may her soul rest in peace and God grant her mercy
so sad.may God have mercy on he soul.Devour who are you to judge and speak ill of the dead?leave judgement for GOD on may God have mercy on you too because the words form your mouth are not acceptable in his sight......
So sad May God have mercy on her soul truly and give her family the fortitude to bear this loss especially during this Xmas season.Devour who are you to judge and speak ill of the dead?We should leave judgement for God our creator because he knows best and his ways are not our ways,so you never know.May God have mercy on you as well because the words from your mouth are not acceptable in his sight.
She may have been suffering from severe depression. One should not judge her actions. You have not walked in her shoes, you don't know what she was going through. Nigerians need to be made aware that depression is a serious illness, not a figment of the western worlds imagination. It's a chemical imbalance and it's a terrible thing to go through. Also, some medications ( including those used to treat depression) may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts. That's why a person suffering from depression needs to be closely monitored.
May her soul rest in peace.
according to other website "Charleston police have not released the jumper's name" "We won’t know the identity of the person who jumped until the body is recovered," said Charles Francis, police spokesman."
lets stay positive since the body of the jumper has not been found and identified; could have been someone else. NIGERIANS no get suicidal blood.
i woke up dis morning 5;00 a:m and my thots went to her and i prayed for her to be found safely.only to read this.i ask,is d world coming to an end?so many scarry things.
people that commit suicide are so selfish! They think its all about them... what about the grieving parents, siblings, friends, children and spouses they leave behind? I have been tempted to do many thgs; elope, misbehave etc but whn I see the sorrowful gaze of my mother in my mind, I hold myself back. Combined with the Hellfire awaiting that person... Definately not worth it! Dont use a permanent solution to 'solve' a temporary problem!
Linda, the body has not been found! Please does your heading match the story! Extremely contradictory. They saw her jump off but her body not found.
Who said Nigerians do not commit suicides? Who said she is going to hell or heaven. Are you God? Who made you judge of another human being? No one knows what happened and in situations like this the appropriate thing is to offer your sympathies and say a kind prayer to the family left behind. No one needs your comments.
May she rest in peace. Only God knows what her troubles were that made her jump if indeed she did. I wish the family well too. So sad.
i just hope it is not a man that broke her heart, or she had a terminal illness...and she just couldnt handle it and jumped over the bridge...if someone pushed her wouldnt the ppl that saw her jumping have seen someone pushing her???...anyway the police will surely investigate this incident...... all around this is a very very very sad unfortunate situation!!!
Nkechi i quite understand where devour is coming from, no matter what situation she might have found herself in she has no right whatsoever to take the life she did not know how it was created. She couldnt even pity her loved ones, never considered the pain and emotional trauma they will face in her absence. Pls to everyone out there when u seem to be hopeless in life always remember that "There is always sunshine after rain, and everything gets better when you try again" Tosin rest in peace but you disappointed your loved ones,may God give them the fortitude to bear your loss
@ devour its not fair to make comments like that. It has not been confirmed that it was her. Her things were found around there but it has not been confirmed. I know this lady personally, and I don't believe she will do that without something behind it... Pls don't make comments like that.
There will be no 4giveness for anyone that commits suicide because they aint the owners of their lives.
@devour u r MEAN. Come on... u don't know what she went tru in life. Not dat i justify her taking her own life, but why so much venom from u?
@jobsfornaija.com your comment is soooo stereotypical but i don't blame you its ur ignorance and ur lack of exposure.
Pls get your facts right. She has not been "found". The body of the woman that jumped has not been recovered, though pedestrians that witnessed it and the location of Tosin's abandoned car in close proximity to the bridge suggests she's the one. To the people judging, you never know why people commit suicide. It could be clinical depression, demonic posession, you name it. Also, there might be foul play involved. Devour, how can u just make a statement like that? Until you have a family member or you yourself go thru such issues, you never know how it is. Pls keep the family in prayers instead of making ignorant comments. Linda, pls adjust your headline.
To the first poster. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU AND YOUR JUDGEMENTAL ASS. You don't know her, her life, what kind of depression she is suffering and YOU CANNOT FUCKING JUDGE HER you stupid ass. Nigerians like any one in the world suffer from depression and also commit suicide. I wish she had gotten the help she needed and I hope her family has the fortitude to bear their loss. RIP Tosin
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!After praying for her return?sad!May God comfort her loved ones, especially her parents and siblings(If any) Now let's get this straight ,God DOES NOT HAVE MERCY ON A SOUL THAT'S ALREADY DEAD, we the living are the ones enjoying this rare privilege of mercy and the chance to repent , and there's NO SUCH THING AS PURGATORY, it's a LIE from the devil to make mankind think they can escape eternal damnation!.I'm not judging her, after all we're not even sure if she was pushed, if she fell by mistake, or if she committed suicide, maybe even a health issue or something else.Infact, there're just too many instances that could follow the story of her death.My only prayer is that she was right with God before her spirit departed her body because that's where mercy can be found, among the living. If she didn't however, your guess is as good as mine. (i'm writing as a christian, I don't know about other religions)
Linda Ikeji..come on..u already stated in the article that searches for the body have been futile..doesnt that contradict the headline?? There has been no sign of a body so she has not been 'found dead'. have some respect.
@ DEVOUR. u are clearly a bloody idiot. do u know what she was going through that would have made her jump if indeed its her. u just came to display ur foolishness sayin go and dance alanta with the devil. its judgemental and ignorant fools like you who end up doing that same dance with satan
Yes o!God pls have mercy on her soul.
Awww.....I was really sad at the news and I really wished she would be found. Really sad news! Seems like most "missing people" cases just end up in death! Very sad news! I wonder what pushed her to it...if she really jumped.
This might be a bit off the topic, but couldn't she find a more PEACEFUL WAY TO DIE?
she's a PHARMACIST so im sure she could have administered herself some pills to pass away PEACEFULLY IN BED
instead of creating so much media drama and stress for her family, and in the end they find a BATTERED and ROTTING corpse. :(
R.I.P I wish peace of mind as soon as possible
Found dead? meanwhile the story says that search for the body inside water isnt yet successful...
She has not been confirmed dead because they have not recovered. The information you are releasing is wrong and even the article you copied this from does not confirm it! @Devour seriously who are you to judge because she jumped from a bridge. you dont know her or know what she was going through! Please stop with the ignorant naija behavior!
Wow! this is numbing. Really dont know what to say but wow!May God grant her family to grace to bear this troubling loss. Seriously Wow!
Who are we really to judge what she did?? As someone who moved abroad at a very young age, I can honestly tell you that if you want to start researching what pushed her to the point of suicide, Look at her Family FIRST, before you start accusing the poor girl. Shes 25, and Prob was VERY smart, shes accomplished in the eyes of the world, a pharmacist resident at 25. Africans in the US always push their kids especially the girls to "oh you must become pharmacist, Doctor, Nurse," The ones who try to please the parents, end up miserable if thats not what they wanted to do. Then the funny thing is, when uve spent your entire life going to school, over achieving, etc, and you get to the 24, 25 age and then they start trying to force marriage down your throat, and make it seem like a fault of yours you dont have a serious Guy wanting to marry you. I Have PLENTY of African friends, going thru the above. Its ALWAYS in the parents or Family. So before we start blaming her Look at her family! go to the websites that have been erected for her, just read some of the comments. You will know the ones coming from her family or close family circle, some of them are REALLY disturbing...if my beautiful, successful, daughter went missing, hell, I would be the one calling the cops!...This also gives an important point, African Parents need to start learning HOW to be Friends with their growing/grown up kids. Talk to them heart to heart, be their friend, when they talk LISTEN...look out for signs....Im just mad that what ever she was going thru, there wasnt anyone, she trusted enough to help her...she had to take her own life....We all need to be responsible for our loved ones..or when things like this start happening, God will STILL require their bloods from our own hands!...WHAT did WE do to help them?? all we know how for do is blame blame blame....if not for the fact that God has given many of us special grace to go thru lives problems, wont we be doing the same thing?? now you might say, NEVER, but trust me, its easy to say so...I just pray God keeps us all sane in this crazy world...Tosin, I never knew you, but Im sorry this had to happen...you've made me realize that I need to be more conscious about what goes on in the lives of my loved ones, not conscious only to Judge them, but Conscious enough to give them help, talk to them, listen to them...and above all Pray with and For Them...
How has she been found dead when her body was not discovered? The article says according to police reports & various online articles - what kind of source is that? Please can we stop spreading false news.
Linda, please for the love of GOD and for this family, Tosin has not been found dead please revist the title of your article. If only people knew the character of TOSIN then this story will not make sense to anyone. Please i beg you to revist your title once again.
OMG! why did you do this gurl? why did u do this gurl???????????? U could have gone to see a pastor or something. I will wake up from this dream!
"nigerians don't commit suicide"???? you do realize that Nigerians are human beings, they get emotional/ stressed/ happy/ sad/ depressed etc... Mental illness is real and alive, and denying that it exists is a huge part of the problem. You really should educate yourself before making such ignorant blanket statements.
People are so imprisoned by their cultural theology preached right from the pulpit or village(by grand father of mother) - Did u ever read in the bible that committing suicide is a sin? did Jesus ever tell you that?did you ever read that the consequence of taking your life is hell? Do your study before you speak. Only God decides eternal residence. If She died in Christ(Born Again) then theres hope. Tosin remains amazing and for whatever reason that caused this, Jesus Loves her so much regardless! Love you Tosin even if I dont know you.
Can people stop saying "suicide is not a Nigerian thing"? It is a stupid generalization and very ignorant. Did people not say Nigerians do not produce suicide killers? Abi Boko Haram people are not Nigerian? Depression is something that needs to be acknowledged and if treating it with medication is not supported then at least offering counselling and support should be considered. And all you judgmental idiots that think you know who is going to heaven and who is going to hell, carry on. Somebody's child has just died and the best you can do is use the same tongue that prayed for her to predict evil. I tire for this country. This is why we do not progress and to all bible-verse spewing "Christians" who want to sit down and do nothing but pray Nigerian into development this must be partly why the country DOES NOT PROGRESS. Call it bad karma if you want *hiss*
am sorry i offended all of you,may her soul rest in peace.jst lost an aunt who died in mi arms n she died beggin God to give her more time to take care of her kids.was still thinkin how i will tell them that der mom is gone n i opend lindas page to read that a girl whom had a lot to live for took her life.am sorry evryone,am not normally that harsh
R.I.P. Suicide is a permanent solution to a TEMPORARY problem. Mental Health MUST be taken seriously.
@Devour, ur recent comment shows u are truly a BIG idiot!. u made a very stupid comment now u are sorry abi? I still repeat it that u will always be an Idiot today, tomorrow and always!
Some Nigerians can be so judgemental, its actually disgusting. Those condemning the woman for jumping, whether its tosin or not, don't know the circumstances. No one knows what's in the mind of someone who is going through a rough time. And don't even say Nigerians don't commit suicide. People all over the world commit suicide. Nigerians blames everything on westernized culture but its just the ignorance talking. Mental illness is real and not everyone can afford to live a comfortable life. People have serious internal battles going on in them. No one has a right to judge just because you haven't experienced it. And for those condemning Linda for putting this story up and asking if she read it, did you read it yourselves? It says in the beginning of the article that it was her according to several reports. Linda did not make it up. She simply pulled it from the report written
Nigerians have been committing suicide since since. A lot of times, it's quickly swept under the rug because of the stigma to the families. Most times, it's the family that finds the body and unless family demands for autopsy, it's not routine.
On the historical front, Sango committed suicide; several Alaafins of Oyo committed suicide when forced to by the Oyo Mesi; several warriors across iboland, yorubaland committed suicide after losing battles and their honours alongside. People would also commit suicide after losing their wealth. You don't have too many african americans of Ibo descent because most Ibos captured as slaves committed mass suicide.
In fact, a lot of sick people routinely purposely overdose on medicine in order to die.
So that Nigerians do not commit suicide thing is a MYTH, a big myth.
Eh yaa. Perfectly understand your predicament Devour. Accept my heartfelt condolences. It is well...even with Tosin.
@ Moi Meme and all
I completely agree with you. The pressures that we get from our families, parents and the words they constantly tell us sometimes lead people to feel like they are a failure.
Those here who are cursing Tosin, have had no grips with depression and the thoughts of suicide and I do not pray that you do through it. Eni to ba kan lo mo.
I've being there and by all standards I am successful, a physician and I love God, but depression is a beast and only God can deliver you from it. It is something straight from the pit of hell. Like someone said, haven't you guys heard of Asasi, we are from a wicked society and I am sure that we all know that witch craft is real. She might not have being in her right mind. So please do not blame her.
Mental illness is for real in Nigeria and tons of people kill themselves in Nigeria, walk in front of moving vehicles, but its all ignored in Nigeria where we blame everything on the devil. I had a friend in high school in Nigeria who developed schizophrenia and a school mate's dad killed himself and this was in the 90s.
Instead of cursing the girl, can we look for ways to prevent this in our society and address mental health issues, or this one too will soon be forgotten like the absu rape case.
God help us.
By the way, her body might never be found, its being over a week in that body of water.
Only God can judge her, please don't judge so that you will not be judged.
ive been reading linda's blog for years but i cant stand her sensationalism anymore. other things can be overlooked but the headline of this story really unsettles me. you know it has not been confirmed and you post it like that. really?
This story is so painful, this young lady had it all, a good career, ...yet she took her own life. A pharmacist in the states is a big success, you make good money...
It might be that her parents put so much pressure on her, maybe dealing with school loans stressed her, feeling lonely and isolated, could be a matter of different things.,marriage matters, not happy of her job, rasicm, it could be anything
I pray they find her, sometimes in this life, people need just s random call or a sweet encouragement from someone to let them know it is going to be alright. You can have all the money, career and still be lonely and sad.
If someone is truly in Christ, then to kill oneself will be the last resort. Truly a sad story, may her parents all find peace at this add time.
A lot of Nigerian ladies will be happy to just have a pharmacy degree, what a waste of life, may God forgive her or whosoever took her life, truly sad story.
Think this is another hoax..still not seen her parents..and no doubt would have made the state and mention in the national news..not everyday someone decides to jump off a bridge abi i lie!!..
Remember we still looking for that butchered Lekki girl not a word since!!..people are being more mischevious..this days o!!
@Moi meme even after your abroad exposure you are sooooooooo **still searching for the words**! Shameful you know and associate with only sadists. I know this family pretty well and this situation you have described is a very far cry from what they are. Pleaseeeeeee!!!!!
Please see an updated story on the search for Olutosin "Tosin" Oyelowo:
Patience Ebele Jonathan...you have exhibited your dumbness here again??must you talk???
where is abroad?hahahahahahhahah
you are very funny.
Why this attack on Devour?! What she/he stated is actually true, as far as I know as a christian, people who commit suicide are going to face hell. Even legally, even though suicide is not a crime however, attempted suicide is a punishable crime!! Please, guys think twice before you take your own life afterall, you are not your maker.
@ Anonymous December 16, 2011 8:24 PM
What does "sadism" have anything to do with what i said....enlighten me, oh enlightened one. Remember I never claimed to know the family,or said thats how her family is, I said start with the family first before looking else were. Now if you dont find anything on the family side, praise God, move on to the next suspect. Honey, im not here to bicker back and forth, but my main theme still stands, We all need to be responsible for our loved ones, since you so claim to know the family real well, then you should have also known Tosi, Ne c'est pas? So when was the last time you really showed her how much you cared? oh or is it now that her life is lost that you want to claim "know-ership"? Lets stop all this trivial nonsense when those we say we know and care about are dying. when we loose someone to suicide (If infact she turns out to be the one) it opens our eyes to see what we could have done differently.Now for Tosin's family, loosing someone no matter what situation is never easy, I cant imagine life without my brothers... la vie c'est vraiment dur ...
Listen, Depression is very REAL and particularly common in the medical community because these people are usually stretched to the maximum and have no lives of their own except to work work work. U have no idea how much despair can affect your life so quit all the religious bullshit.
Thanks Linda...and Tessy looks like your younger sis. Anyway, fellow Lib winners and readers who may come to Rhythm Unplugged, I will like to meet u at the two shows.here's my BB PIN:312ad095..I will be giving out airtime there for free. Linda, catch ma kiss......
Annon December 16, 2011 8:24PM
You are doing the same thing you shamelessly accuse moi meme of doing. You don't know moi meme either other than what she posted so how can you draw a conclusion that she is only hanging around sadists?
But then again, maybe you are right. Nigerians are a bunch of sadists and for some reason, each time I hang around Nigerians in REAL life, I almost always end up miserable. Nigerians always try to make it seems like something is missing in one's life and hence one should not be happy. If its not a prestigious college degree, it is a well paying job. If it is not a job, it a husband. If it is not a husband, it is a child, preferably a male child. When your kids grow up and don't make it in life, Nigerians are on your case again. If your kids don't marry and bear grandkids on time, Nigerians are on one's case again. So yes, NIGERIANS are sadists and being born to a Nigerian can lead one to attempt suicide if one is not careful. Only God knows what happened to this young lady.
@Annon December 16, 2011 7:45PM
You have spoken well. I agree with what you said.
@Patience ebele jonathan..lwkmd..
Sad that someone with such a promising future ended it so tragically. All the best to the families and friends left behind to mourn. I hope one day you will all find peace in this tragedy.
I recall a few months ago a young Nigerian doctor who was having issues at a particular hospital even to the point where he was placed in police custody..was this the same learning institution he belonged to? Linda perhaps you recall the story I am referring to, there was even a link to his website with all the paperwork he had posted up, and his bid to clear his name.
ok 1st of all.... I will never judge this brilliant gurl..but hope tht she's still alive...but if confirmed dead, May d good Lord who knows best accept her beautiful soul.
Lmao @ Patience ebele johnathan... Chic said her children will not school abroad but they rather school in England or London...hahahahahaha. Du'uh chic it means d same n it is abroad as well!
I've read the update from http://patch.com/A-p4tc
If witnesses saw a woman jump the bridge, and the authorities were called immediately, there should be a very high probability that a body would be found.
There is no mention of a river that could have carried the body away. How could a body dissapear like that?
I really hope this is not a hoax because the emotional toll is too much.
Who is still insulting devour when he has apologised, ɑ̤̥̈̊я̣̣ε̲̣̣ you any better? Pls stop all T̶̲̥̅̊H̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊ insults. May tosins soul rest in peace. Amen
Where is it in the bible that if you commit suicide, you will go to hell?
Sad indeed,satan is the father of deceit
That useless fool dat is still abusing devour even after apologizing, im sure you are not any better. u no dey hear sorry for ur village abi u chop witch???? u r opening ur mouth to say someone is an idiot today n forever. It only shows how u were brought up. Olosi!!!
My grandfather commited suicide and i have suicidal thoughts everytime, suicide is nothing new so all ignorant people should please shut up!
The link to the news update says they found 2 statements at the scene where her license was found or abi in her car. Let's know what this statements says. It will deal with a lot of speculation.
I hope they find her body or find her?
For every thing one does, says, ders always a reason behind it weda we accept dat reason or not it's still a reason. i say dis becos i was appalled at Devour's comment but i accept 'her reason' for reacting like dat, i might not have said d same being in her shoes, again nigerians are very ignorant of all sorts of sicknesses out der, a lot of nigerians go about with bipolar disorder, manic depression and schizophrenia undiagnosed! Tosin had to be seriously depressed and had been in a manic depressive state to have been able to do wat she did (if she did kill herself) no one in der right mind can do wat she did.
We shld learn to also have a forgiving heart, d one dat refused to forgive Devour shows how a bad person u too are?! who comes off now as d wicked one? you or Devour? Tosin may ur soul RIP.
what is she thinking about that make her do that..
sorry for her but why
So sad...If not for anything thank God for the grace to stand in tym of trials.
So sad...If not for anything thank God for the grace to stand in tym of trials.
Wateva d case may b let me bring to ur knowledge dat we nigerians hardly commit sucide no mata hw bad it is for us. We luv life here so it rarely happens. Its d fact dat she has stayed there for long cos if she was here she wnt ave done dat. But wateva d case mayb may her soul rest in peace
Posted yesterday by Tosins family on Mountpleasantpatch
"On behalf of the entire Oyelowo family, we express our gratitude to everybody for your prayers, support & expression of love during this period. As most of you are aware, Tosin Oyelowo was reported missing on Friday, December 9, 2011. The Charleston, South Carolina Authorities were notified and have been investigating this incident. The information we have from the Police, which is also available on the Internet as an Incident report, indicates that Tosin's personal effects were discovered around the Ravenel Bridge. This is where the police had gotten a report that someone jumped off the bridge. This is all the information we have for now and a body has not yet been recovered. We continue to covet your prayers and support for the family at this time. The family is in close communication with the Polce. Anyone who has further information should please contact the Charleston, SC police or the family. We sincerely appreciate everyone for the outpouring of love, support, prayers and care for the family."
Please just send Tosin and her family your kind thoughts......Nothing more
linda ur such a poor writer with that Ur heartless tittle that contradicts the story. Even if someone else did it wrong, cant u rewrite the headline and do it right? U made me commit a sin against GOD now when i saw ur careless tittle. Not until i read the story, i had to beg GOD to 4give me.And i feel so sad that i made such a statement to GOD. Did you even read the family press realease before posting your story. Did u eva tink of the family felings, before releasing such careless tittle. I hope you are happy with the several comments peole are writting abt the girl on your blog.U just lost d credibility i have for you. Of cos, i know you wont publish my comment but am glad you read it. Mscheeew! No wonda dey say blogs are press prostitutes, Will Punch newspaper write such a careless tittle? Your tittle is simillar to those junk mags dat you laff at on your blog.
Dear Tosin the mystery surronding your absence will soon be transparent and I pray GOD's name will be praised.
So sad! I mentor Medical/Dental students here and I can tell you that it is a massive achievement for this lady to have graduated with a PharmD @ S. Carolina. It just remind everyone that there might be some pain behind every smile and glamor you see...
May God comfort her family
i actually feel sorry for her. may she RIP if it is true. i knw hw it feels to b desperately unhappy despite hw put together u look on the outside. ive actually thota couple of times hw it wld be easier to just die or something(God forgive me). Ive mentioned this to at least three of the closest ppl to me and they jst laff it off or say Pls stop thinking like that. tHIS may hv happened to her and a lot of other ppl. My point basically is always show ppl u care abt them and never wave/laff off such comments and warning signs. Dnt leave them to battle alone, sometimes they lose and they die.
First of all let me say may Tosin's soul rest in peace and if indeed she's still alive and it wasn't her that jumped I hope she is found and brought safely home.
Now I am shocked at most of the comments on this post. Many of you are a bunch of narrow minded judgmental assholes who have no empathy or sympathy for others. "Devour" you especially should be ashamed of yourself, You are the definition of the backwards, self righteous and ignorant Nigerian. May God help you.
The person that said "Naija people no dey commit suicide" You have to be as ignorant as the bottom of my shoe. Many things happen in Nigeria that are not accounted for so for all we know in that big country of ours that has no working police or rescue systems and a working media system connected to them, people could be committing suicide in Bauchi or anyplace at all and we would not know. THERE ARE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THAT COUNTRY! FOOL!
Many of you need to pray and re-evealuate yourselves and your judgment of others. It's a damn shame...part of the reason I believe we as a country remain backwards, closed mindedness and being judgmental (pointing the finger at the west and not ourselves) DAMN SHAME!
omg....LINDA pls,you have to be very careful what and how you present "news" to people. They have NOT found a body and police are still investigating. So pls, read information carefully and get all the facts before you post. Thanks
we know America has an epidimic of deppression.Stress and social problems. Nigerians who live in Nigeria have more of emotional support and hopeful outlook, where as American life can seem hopless in money and love department and the way the system is there, even healthy marriages break and friends and families part ways.We enjoy contentment and the kindness of true charity, while abroad is a victem society,sadness and despair are the price of so called modern and civilized life.Monetary trofies and degrees are obsession of nigerians in Abroad,true success is when you can have peace and joy in your heart.
@Annon Dec 16 6:54pm...........u must be a complicated idiot......Devour apologised for the harsh comment and u're still saying she 's an idiot today and always,,,,u must be a saddist and a frustrated person....Ode!!
To bring closure to this story, Tosin's body has been found and identified by the coroner. link below
May we not forget, and may we continue to do things to prevent this from happening and addressing issues that lead to suicide in our society
Perfectly said. Ppl are just ignorant even with technology rising exposing issues faced on a daily basis
Hope u've had some time to grow a little wiser over the years. I pray u or a loved one don't have a situation similar b4 u open ur eyes. Everything in this life is not always crystal clear, or right and wrong. Things happen beyon our realm
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