More than 20 church goers lost their lives this morning as two bombs exploded during Christmas church service at St Theresa Catholic church in Madalla, Suleja, Niger state.
A car rigged with bomb was parked at the premises of the church, which exploded around 8: 30 AM as church members left the church premises after the Christmas day mass. The second blast occurred when a suicide bomber drove a BMW car into the church premises. Apart from those killed in the attack, several others have been taken to the hospital for life threatening injuries. Many cars were also destroyed in the attack.
Continue to see more photos of the bomb blast...viewers discretion advised please...
My goodness! This is not the way, Nigeria. We can't keep doing this to each other. God help us!
Photo credit - Saharareporters and Sunday Aghaeze
It will never be well with members of Boko Haram.
This has to stop people do not have d fear of God in them may d Rip
What a sad Christmas for many families. Woke up to read about this news on facebook. Messed up my Christmas. I'm sorry but God could put a stop to this. He could have put the devil to shame by stopping these heartless criminals. How can they do a thing like that, on a day like this?! Goodluck Jonathan, fix up or step down. Enough is enough. Frigging pissed off!
This is the height of it....I can't bear this anymore. it is so inhuman. I am personally launching attack on any muslim or muslim look-alike in my neighbourhood bcos this is jst muslims attacks on christians. Boko haram is just a cover-up
Oh my God! This is very terrible. I can't believe Nigeria has turned into another Irak, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen and the likes. I really wonder why President Jonathan continue to remain prostate during these gory situations.
This country desperately needs a referendum. We can't continue to live side-by-side with these animalistic northerners/muslims. Is it by force (Jihad) to be a muslim? Haba!
goodluck is the weakest president in the world so far!
On a day to celebrate, families are nw crying. It will never be well with the people that did this. People are wicked, haba what av dis innocent pple done to dem. May God av mercy on us. GEJ do something!!!!!!
Wat is happening ,y̶̲̥̅̊ are dis people killing innocent people who ve no hands in d government where else d squanders are out there,boko harams it will not b well with u people and ur supporters,I no u dnt even care about ur lives too but d way u ve put pain in d families of these people so ur days in hell will b filled with torment,ahhh God pls save us!
but dis cant continue! my heart is bleeding! will be right back!
OMG... I wish pple could understand that these boko haram members are not muslims, they are only tryin to tarnish d image of d religion...islam is against this sort of violence., they are just being heartless...i really pray they get what they deserve, am close to tears right now , cant say anymore
I have never been one f those that support violence but I think its time Christians take this Violence back t these bastards. How can I be afraid to go worship My Jesus???? Sorry folks, this is out of character but I think enough is enough. May the souls of the departed rest in peace.
This is sad, really sad. May the souls of the departed rest in peace and may the good Lord comfort the families involved, either directly or indirectly. Lord! We ask for mercy!
God in his infinite mercy will surely accept there souls, they can bomb all they want but will never kill the spirit of we Christians...we shall continue to serve our living God come rain or shine!!!!!!!! Whatever group is responsible for this particular act being Christmas day shall live to taste the wrath of God!!
Do u think Nigerian govt cnt stop dis evil? Yes! They can. I think GEJ is simply indesicive & lacks d boldness to confront d pple who are strongly behind dis evil. He knws dem. All he can do is to purchase Robots in Aso Villa, in order to make d place a safe heaven. May God punish him & his incompetency. Very soon dos Robots will bcome bombs themselves & come against them. May their souls rest wth d Lord
This is too sad.spoilt my day.
Are our leaders even worried?? There was also a bomb blast in jos about 2 hours ago and three bomb blast in sum churches in borno yesterday.
May the souls of the victims rest in peace.God bless intervene.
I swear, jonathan is equally as heartless. Seeing all these and not doing anything tangible about it.
...and your president is sitting in church, doing what?! what baffles me silly is the questio: if boko haram can cause so much visible damage, and in the exact SAME Location, why are they still so invincible! Our security operatives should get up and work !!
I hate this bastards, may they die a painful death, haba, what did all these people do to them why are this people so bad, what do they want?we all can not go sharia, we all can not be muslims, what again do they want, i want these people killed, nothing more nothing less, kill them all
OMG...this is terrible on christmas day. haaa pple are wicked, may God punish anyone that has a hand one way or the other in this evil act. This is really horrible
This is so sad!!Clueless Jonathan...smh
Hausa/Fulani has finished Nigeria o with their bombings. In short, I advocate for Oduduwa republic and let the ibos and Hausas keep Nigeria joor.
It won't just stop. Only when the federal government decides enough is enough n take this issue serious by attacking back these fools killing in the name of religion. Killing christains that is.
God y 2day? Boko haram God purnish u nd ur family
Does it mean that government cannot handle Boko haram? Its obvious that they dont want peace.dis issue should nt drag into 2012.
Why cnt we leave as one n luv our neighbour as we luv our selves,som people r heartless!may their souls rest in perfect peace...
Nigeria has never ever been as lawless as it is now in all my 37yrs beautiful life.everything is slowly falling apart.are we sure we have a heard of state?I strongly doubt.but that's what fits us nigerians.we had a chance of voting for a man whom we know is capable od strengthening things,but no we we wanted a liver less person because we are used to a malleable system.now they are claiming Nigeria needs to remove fuel subsidy or our system crashes yet on the budget is over 5bn set out to feed Aso rock?Kai!!!!who are we deceiving?the people at the top are still putting money aside for themselves and their great-grand children.Now they starting to panic because the money-well seems to be running low,therefore the poor masses has to bear the brunt,because come to think of it,most of them don't know what it takes to buy fuel...i can't believe the Nigerian youth are sitting and watching...Kai!!!!.so now we Christians have to be afraid now to go to church ,why didn't the bombers go to tha aso-rock chichi to plant that bomb??God is still on the throne though !!!!!!!!
God, we pray for divine intervention in this Boko Haram's crisis. We pray in the name of Jesus that everyone connected to this bomb and to the cause of Boko Haram will never get rest in Jesus Name. We pray confusion, strife, anger, division and unrest in their camp. We pray every decision they make will be exposed and all their efforts will be frustrated to the fullest in Jesus name. As they have chosen to do this ungodly thing during the Christmas celebration, I pray the Lord Jesus Christ will step in and overcome BOKO HARAM and all its team members, sponsors and well wishers IJN. As they have cut short the lives of these members, may all they hope for never yield good results. We pray the angels of God to march into their camps and frustrate all their efforts. Boko Haram, you are cowards and the Lord our God knows each and everyone of you. Get ready for your downfall. Cowards! As David went into the camp of his enemies to take back what belongs to him and his people, we ask the angels of God to go in to Boko Haram's camps, all of them, and take back our peace, our security, our praise, our joys and our hopes IN JESUS NAME. AMEN. NIGERIA is moving forward to greater discoveries, inventions, greatness and leadership in JESUS name. You are just an obstacle that will soon be eradicated in Jesus Name. Backward people, may your hopes continue to be dashed one by one in JESUS name. We pray for divine guidance, supernatural wisdom and the urgency for Nigerian leaders to come together to dialogue, share ideas and come up with decisions that will behead the head of BOKO Haram so it can never rise again. AMEN. To the leaders, none of you want to die so please come together to solve this urgent crisis. God bless you all.
May their souls rest in peace, may God be with their families. This is really not the Nigeria we pray for. Too disheartening .
Just too bad,since the time of president goodluck people have been dying unnecessary,i pray the almighty god see us through and may the soul of the departed rest in perfect peace.
Even Santa Claus can confirm that Pakistan is safer right now than northern Nigeria. This religious and ethnic killings in northern Nigeria are NOT President Goodluck Jonathan's fault or making. It's the fault and making of Islamic Hausa / Fulani leaders, elders and prominent politicians of northern extraction, Sultan of Sokoto, retired and serving senior military personnel of northern extraction. They are deliberatrly and systematically causing and increasing chaos to make it seem as if Goodluck Jonathan is inept or incapable of restoring peace in the country. This are acts of TREASON. It's a deliberate and malicious acts of sabotage of Goodluck Jonathan's administration and Nigerian's unity and economy. Retired and retarded army General, Buhari and Arewa Consultative Forum (AFC) did said that if Buhari lost the 2011 election, Nigeria will not be in peace. Abi no be northern leaders, elders, politician and Buhari talk am? The only southerner that Islamic Hausa / Fulani people, Sultan of Sokoto and Arewa Consultative Forum (AFC) will EVER accept as Nigeria's President has to be Muslim. They hate southerners, especially southerners who are Christians. Blinded by tribalism, Islamic religion, personal greed and ignorance, northern leaders and elders have directly, indirectly and collectively ganged up on Christians, President Goodluck Jonathan and the Nigeria economy to promote their religious, personal and regional interests at the expense of the economy, Christians and Nigerians who are none Muslims or northerners. Through individual and collective silence, northern politicians, leaders and elders have launched another civil war on all of us, christianity and Nigeria. If you support what Boko Haram and their sponsors are doing, if you do not protest, if you do not speak against their actions, you are a coward and a traitor and deserve to be hanged to death for treason just like the treacherous northern politicians, elders and leaders will be hanged to death for treason. White, black, Christian, Muslim or atheist - we're all humans, but Islamic Hausa / Fulani people are by their actions telling us they are more important and more human than us. Northern politicians, elders and leaders have blood of many innocent people on their hands and on the hands of their unborn children. They and their unborn children will in this life, till eternity never know happiness, good health, peace, peace of mind, freedom, fairness or justice. They shall all suffer the consequences of the crimes and evil behaviour. They will ALL burn in everlasting hell. Amen.
Oh my God, this not good nah. Lord pls save ur people. RIP to those that lost their live.
what wickedness is thisssssssssss, my God.
This is serious,God please av mercy upon thy children,it's gettin2 much.President please do something
God the Most High. God of power. God of mercy. You made death the gateway to eternal life. Look with mercy, kindness and love on those who have passed from this life. Please, forgive their sins. May they come before you free from sin. Give them eternal rest. May they live in Your presence forever. May Your light shine upon them forever. Guard and protect us all from harm and sin. Grant us light, wisdom, happiness, and peace. Almighty Father, eternal God, hear our prayers, we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
This is jus so so sad,i am begining to suspect this is not just boko haram at work,i think there are some other forces using boko haram as a cover..until they hit the family or relatives of those in power this will never end,how long will the poor keep suffering and dieing in this spineless country called Nigeria?my heart goes out to all those who lost their lives..such a pity
Chuks Slam
When they passed the anti gay law. I warned Nigerians to beware of spewing hatred at others who have a different opinion, belief or lifestyle. Nigerians think its ok to jail and even kill people who have a different sexual orientation. It is the same heart of intolerance and hatred in your hearts that is in the hearts of boko haram.
Linda, point of correction, it's not, 'we can't keep doing this to each other' but rather, 'the northern muslims cannot keep doing this to christians and southerners'.
Your statement presupposes that christians do attack the muslims or a case of a teat for tat. But we all know that every single attack, every single bomb blast, has been perpetrated by the muslim north against christians, most often for very ridiculous reasons.
So, let's call a spade a spade. The muslims in the north are the problem we have in this country. I'm always tempted to say that Islam is the culprit here, but then, I usually remind myself that we have muslims in the southwest where, this type of attack against christians rarely happen.
So, muslims in the north are the real problem. Furthermore, have you noticed the eerie silence of the northern elites? Their years of utter neglect of the northern masses, are now coming home to roost. Unfortunately, they are not the ones bearing the brunt, but rather, hapless christians and southerners.
These northern elites that parades the corridors of power so very often, are equally as guilty as the miscreants that commit these heinous crimes. They sowed the seed.
You all shout God help us. Where was he when the people that went to worship him were blown to pieces? When will Nigeria realize that their future is in their hands and not in any God. The more you pray the more bombs go off. If you don't stop this violence. It will continue. All the curses you rain on the terrorists have no effect. Let go of superstition and be saved.
I'm so saddened by this. May their souls rest in peace, Amen.
How can the government sit back and watch this happen. Cant b that hard to catch this group.
the lady in the last picture just made her hair, she had not the slightest idea she was gonna die..smh. may they rip. Goodluck Jonathan please respond and stop buying bomb detectors for aso rock!!!
This is actually disgusting! Why should people be harmed when they are minding their own, especially as today is important to them. Islam is definitely not about this, being a Muslim myself. The Nigerian government are just faffing around like fools not doing anything about this, my mind tells me that some of the big guns in the government are behind these pricks.
I just hope this stops, and no more innocent people die as a result of these fool's actions!!! If not, Nigeria will be in the list of terrorist countries!
God Please help us oooo!
Its better we divide sef, let yoruba and igbo stay together, Hausa on their own abeg. But Hausa's will not agree because, they haven't got anything, they might not even survive on their own!. When they were celebrating their sallah or whatever, nothing happened, but when its Christmas, Easter thats when they want to kill everybody...! Abeg, let us better divide!! Gold Help Nigeria, i'll keep praying for us.
I'm really pissed at everything going on in Nigeria. this is just crazy. why attack innocent ppl? GEJ is in aso rock having cassava bread for breakfast. He needs to do something about the security in the country. this is just annoying i swear!
It will never Be well With ATIKU,,,IBB,,BUHARI........Amen
Omg!! Dis is horrible n 2 think on xmas day,dis boko haram ishh! Has got 2 stop.may dey RIP
And some people have brought up a mindset to believe that these avoidable killings are not religious! Lord have Mercy!
fuck you all christians...you all are now commiserating with the bereaved again. this gives the Muslim satanist another round of motivation. it is time to rise and make it an "eye for an eye"...there are lots of mosques out there so lets detonating such place of "worship" and make this country a blood bath too for every one. make them feel the pain of losing a loved one...
Christians, i dont why we fold our hands in the name of peace and these fanatics treat us they way they want. Please re-read your bibles and see that our God was always sending the Israelites to war and was always winning their battles for them. Revolution is the only answer. If not they'll wipe you out.
Dis Boko haram ppl A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ from Niger ooo we shld stop A̶̲̥̅ƪƪ dis Immigrant comin into our country cuz no Nigerian can do this A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ for Good luck n his Carnibal of thives welldone ooo n want to divert our attention
For as long as Nigeria has oil, for as long as the barbarians, chimpanzees, primitive and two-faced rulers and leaders of northern Nigerian lord over the rest of Nigeria and profit from our oil, petrochemical industries and refineries, they'd conveniently remain "patriotic." Fulani / Hausa people's "one nation one destiny" patriotism is only as long as they are massively looting Nigeria's treasury and wealth at the expense of the rest of us. It's about time the rest of Nigeria broke away from northern Nigeria. It's about time these illiterate, thieves, spongers and violent criminals fend for themselves. It's about time the oil pipeline (umbilical cord) to Kaduna refinery and northern Nigeria is permanently turned off. It's about time northerner Nigeria went their Islamic sharia way, stop forcing their religion on us and stop sponging off southern Nigeria. Northern Nigerian leaders, elders, politicians, their children and ancestors don't give a damn about the rest of us. Had Nigeria's oil and oil wells been in northern Nigeria, northern Nigeria and their Arab and North African collaborators would have lorded over us, treated us like slaves and broken away from Nigeria, long long time ago. How can northern politicians, leaders, people and Muslims and Islamic leaders not speak out and condemn these killings? How can northern politicians, leaders, people and Muslims and Islamic leaders keep quiet about these killings? How can northern politicians, leaders, people and Muslims and Islamic leaders support and justify these killings? How is Islam a religion of peace? How? How? How? Is killing Christians, non-muslim northerners and southerners or anyone peace? How? These killers, their leaders and sponsors must face the death penalty.
Boko Haram – which in the Hausa language spoken in northern Nigeria means "western education is sinful" – is loosely modelled on the Taliban movement in Afghanistan.
Rights groups say more than 250 people have been killed by Boko Haram since July 2010.
Mr Jonathan should quit his numerous speeches and stop being so passive and do something! These blasts have been going on for way too long! This is so sickening!
Mr Jonathan should quit his numerous speeches and stop being so passive and do something! These blasts have been going on for way too long! This is so sickening!
this is too bad, i believe Nigeria Government both Federal and state, My heavenly Father will punish every one involve in this bombing
Nigerian must reach d promise land n jesus name?we need prayers
this brings tears to my eyes.what do these people hope to achieve?
This should never happen on any day of the week, month or year. Its so sad that people would sit and plan to take other people's lives. Man's inhumanity to man. This is not fighting for a cause. This is plain wickedness.
And GEJ and his camp, I have no words for them. :(
Dis is really sad.may those encouraging bomb blast of innocent souls never go unpurnished. Awon oloriburuku
Boko Haram's Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume Granted Bail By Court.
UK, US and EU leaders and the international community must put Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume, his wives, children, relatives, business associates and the Sultan of Sokoto Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar III permanently on the no fly list. They must be barred from entering UK, US and EU countries. They are a permanent threat to peace, security and harmony in Nigeria, Africa and the whole world. Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume must never be allowed back to the senate or ever hold any public office or leadership position anywhere in Nigeria or on earth, in heaven or hell. Despite his direct involvement and overwhelming evidence which links him (and other prominent northern leaders, politicians, elders and traditional rulers) with the operation and leadership of Boko Haram, Mohammed Ali Ndume, a man who should have been hanged by his balls till he bleeds to death, was, surprisingly, granted bail by Nigeria's myopic executive, judiciary and Senate. Bastards. Bastards. Bastards. Bastards. Bastards. Bastards. Smh. Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume was allowed bailed by the Federal Government of Nigeria because President Goodluck Jonathan, the Senate and PDP were pressured and blackmailed by Arewa Consultative Forum (AFC), northern leaders, elders, politicians and Islamic religious leaders in the Middle East and Nigeria, especially the rotten, corrupt and two-faced mullah, Fulani Jihadist, traitor, distabliser, chief sponger, de-facto ruler of Hausaland and "spiritual" leader of Islamic community in Nigeria, the Sultan of Sokoto, "His Eminence" Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar III. Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar, kiss my southern Nigerian arse, you evil son of Satan. Rot in hell. Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar and his children, relatives and his fellow Fulani / Hausa people are world's number one spongers and thieves. Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar, you and your murderous people need to join your ancestors in North Africa and the Sahara desert. There's nothing Nigerian in any of you islamic northern bastards. Your ancestors are NOT Nigerians. FACT. Check your ancestor's original origin. You evil bastards have shed too much blood of innocent people. Y'all are EVIL and must clear out of Nigeria. Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar, you son of a fat ugly bitch, may all the deaths that occurred at the hands of your Boko Haram, forever and ever, occur in your rotten, corrupt, thieving and sponging family and that of your scandalous children, relatives and descendants. Amen. Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar, you stupid chimpanzee, till eternity and beyond, may evil, ill-health, misfortune, unhappiness, deaths, bad luck , calamity befall you, your wives, children, descendants and relatives, everyday of yout lives. Amen.
dnt want to preach hate today so i will kip mi tots to myself
3 churches bombed..this is more than the handiwork of cattle rearers..looks well planned and ochestrated..may their sould rest in peace..anyways ticket is booked reason why I'm online sef!!..would be in Lagos and Abuja..wetin we go do now..we cannot run away!!..
President Good luck Jonathan if you keep quiet God will definitely judge you. also remember that if you sow wind you shall reap whirlwind.
Police adjacent to the churches were most probably busy collecting bribes, passed the bomber through after he must have parted with a little bit more than usual.
The northern leaders do not see anything wrong in this kind of attacks as long as mosques are left alone. They run their mouth calling for this and that summit with emptiness coming out of the summits. Arrest some of the sects sponsors and other northern leaders step into the sponsorship position. This sect serve the northern leaders ultimate goal that the introduction of sharia law (not that the leaders obey this laws) failed to achieve and that is to give the Muslim north dominance over the affairs of the country called Nigeria. They make it easy for recruits coming into the country from Niger, Chad and so on. Focus more on the foreigners in our midst and you would be towing the right path toward crushing this insurgency. Stop celebrating your little achievements in dealing with this insurgency and focus more on putting something consistent into place to crush same. Eliminate some and more come in through the absolutely porous thing called the Nigeria border line. The Lucifer anointed religious leaders should be monitored, the source of fund coming into their institutions should be monitored.
If the military could organize the partial arm clean up they did recently, why not do that on a regular basis and extend same to the south west, south east and south south. Give this security strategy a bigger play and you would be doing national security a great good in the whole nation not just the northern region. Too many weapons available in the country, mostly those brought in by the treasury looters, sorry, politicians, during their campaign and by those who just profit from selling weapons. Clean this country of the arms on a consistent basis.
Mr President talks tough, the citizens see him as weak in action. It is always "we are going to do this and that starting from today", six months or a year after the talk, the story becomes "we would now start implementation because there were things that had to be put in place". Another six months down the line, the talk becomes "now we are ready to go" and so forth. This has become the Nigeria Government way regarding everything (roads, power supply, security, and so on). This has gradually worked it way into becoming the people way of talks, no action. The big professors and money bags talk, they have the capacity to do something little (boreholes, roads, security) in their domains but do nothing unless they would be rewarded with national honors or contracts in million of folds. They wait until they become politicians and join the other "big talkers".
The citizens praise treasury looters, want to be their friends, hail their wives and mistresses, look with envy upon their children, relatives and friends. Some citizens do this because of the hunger in their belly, some are outright greedy for this affiliation to the treasury looters. How do you praise thieves, their children, their friends, their relatives and mistresses? Why not do it the right way and say "that is the son of that thief going over there, that is the wife of the thief, that is the father of that thief, mother of the thief, that is the the thief's friend, that is the musician that love praising thieves" and so on. You can also go like this "na the barawo dey go so, na the barawo pikin be dat, na the barawo wife be dat, na the barawo friend dey go so, na the barawo praise singer be dat" and so on. Also this way, "na the ole dey go so, na the ole friend de dat, na the ole mama wear dat big head gear", na the ole pikin det spray money for dat party so, na dat musician wey like to praise oles be dat" and so on. Add your Naija flavor to this praises but do not leave out the thieving part.
William Shakespear probably had Nigeria in mind when he writes: "Oh judgement! Thou have fled to brutish beast and men have lost their reasons"...I say the president, MR JONATHAN, MUST GO!!! It is obvious that he can no longer guarantee the security and safety of nigerians in their own country any more
this nation is becoming something i don't know,,, what is happening,
in all indication there is no security at all in this Nation may their gentle souls rest in peace
Just like that on christmas day!!!!!!God have mercy. Please RIP people may you all go straight to heaven and find space in Gods kingdom for your life was taken while serving God.
The heart of dis people is despirately wicked is only God can help us stop them with our prayers.
I wonder when nigerian will become a peacefull country?look at hw mases are sofring,the are not even thinking of are the one who make them to be their.hmm never let government to deceive u,always fight for ur right.....
Every1 iz saein boko haram, boko haram nd 4 al we noe it might nt b dem...buh whosoeva did diz God of heaven nd earth wil surely deal wiv dem!
Whose turn is it?!!!!!!...... Nigeria/Nigerians, something is wrong somewhere,go for searches...before, there was nothing like this, hmn?....then stop been a wheel chair georgrapher, GO FOR SEARCHES AND HELP THE NEXT VICTIM.
The berlin wall needs a nigerian version......and nigeria should go it's separate ways
May their souls and the soul of the faithful departed through the mercy of christ rest in peace amen
May their souls rest in peace. this cancer has got to stop. We should all pray that God exposed the brains behind this madness. I personally believe some of the higher ups are involved. These is a trained and tactical movement.
Johnathan, you weenie, I guess you will find your soul when there is a civil war
Wake up!!!!
ISLAM!!!! MUSLIMS!!!! how can you claim to be the religion of peace? Islam has bred more devil reincarnates than any other religion. Might as well be called a cult. O yE powerful clerics and "true muslims" when will you openly condemn the evil acts of your brothers? when will you quote koran passages that tell them wat they are doing is wrong??? evil prevails when good men stay silent. Now a lot of muslims accrfoss the globe have proved it IS NOT a religion of peace but a religion of war, bloodshed and unrest. Does anyone want to convert to islam?
The whole world has turned against God, so he gave dem over to the devil, my people pls turn bck 2 God & call on him 2 save our Israel (Nigeria)
instead of sounding so religious,get off your fu*king asses and fight back!!!for each church dy bomb,raze 5 mosques!!!if dy want a damn war,lets give em!!!!!
Why won't there be more Bombs. When a country is govern by Idiots who are in Govt. to protect their self interest and crooked politicians. Any country in the world with the likes of GEJ are in for serious problems. The guy has no clue at all.
Linda you didn't post my comment, I will say again until all these pricks are extinguished, yes extinguished, there will be no peace. Especially with this puppet of a president we have.
The innocent are being killed whilst Nigerian money is being spent on security for the idiot of a president and his family!
We cannot let these fools get away from this, as well as praying to God, we should be active in getting rid of these people!
Muslim YORUBA Nigerian!
How long will this go untamed?It's time the northerners told themselves the truth.
if it is to fight for oil subsidy removal now jonathan is number one and under his watch this horrible things are happening and he is budgeting more money to protect aso rock what about the ordinary citizens ehh i wonder
ah boko haram e no go better 4 una and the people wey dey sponsor una. GEJ you see how useless u are? i weep for nigeria asin dis guy is just not doing anything, may your conscience judge you, well that is if u have one.
its totally a badluck johnathan...truly the weakest president ever. is Boka haram bigger than the Nigerian Army. mehn!!!! Islam, una don do una own abi. i hate democracy. government for the people my ASS!!!
My God!!!,only You has the power to show that you are God,Arise!and let your enemies be scattered.I am tired of this Blood shed, I don't care what or who is doing this, I just want it to stop!
Post your comments on http://www.wayforward4nigeria.com/ and monitor your comments from Nigerians all over the world.
B-ARAM dont know that they are being used to set the basics for Nigerias division, the north will have there north and sharia no problem, but they will also be forced to all go back to there states,
These ugly, stinking and horrible Hausa / Fulani people (who make their women wear veil / balaclava as if they're bee keepers or going to rob a bank) keep killing people in the name of their fuckin religion. These backward, primitive and illiterate bastards no go die well.
Dee do you think God would walk down to jos and cease the lives of BOKO HARAM?No he will use mighty men and women of God, how have His Spirit to fight this spiritual battle which is not a physical battle.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places(Ephesians 6:12)
We the members of the body of CHRIST can no longer remain slumber while dealing with evil in the Spiritual realm. we most all bulid our selves in the Word in order to understand the mastery we already have over satan through Christ Jesus
RIP to all lost souls.i hope they had already accepted Christ in order to join Him
This is sad, Jonathan is not the one. Abeg nigerians
These ugly, stinking, smelling, stupid, evil, horrible, dishonest and deceitful Hausa / Fulani people (who make their women wear veil / balaclava as if they're bee keepers or going to rob a bank) keep killing people in the name of their fuckin religion. These backward, primitive and illiterate bastards no go die well. They give their Islamic religion a very very bad name. After these killings by these animals, only a stupid fool would convert to Islam.
Largely unnoticed, violent Islamist groups have been looking across the Sahara: Boko Haram's goals are still inherently local, but there are fears that more internationalist groups may seek to link up.
The attacks on churchgoers in Nigeria yesterday will further inflame the already tense relationship between Muslims and Christians in Africa's most populous nation. But they also point towards a worrying increase in violent Islamism across Saharan West Africa that threatens to destabilise an already fragile region.
More: http://tinyurl.com/crgd4lb
‘Boko Haram, a dangerously evolving organisation’
The United States House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security Sub-commiittee on Counter-terrorism and Intelligence investigated the insurgent group, Boko Haram (Western education is sin) . In its full report obtained by The Nation, it labelled the group “a dangerously evolving organisation.” Excerpts:
More: http://tinyurl.com/bm5qyv8
@ Emy December 25, 2011 4.06pm, May God punish you as you spew Blasphemy with your rotten mouth. God will answer those who fervently praise and worship him despite current happenings. It is not for fickle minded and faithless people like you to worry about. GOD IS ALIVE! He alone knows why it happened.
To those that caused the bombing and their sponsors, Judgement day awaits you. You all will never go unpunished.
For the innocent lives lost, may you all rest in the Lord's bosom. May you all rest in peace in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
I wish my fellow Christians would understand that a righteous Muslim will not commit such inhumane act. I just wished......
May the spirit of EMEKA ODUMEGWU OJUKWU rest in perfect peace!Amen!History has definitely vindicated him.
I hope the rest of the world is looking and hearing what is happening in Nigeria before and since the end of the civil war-for they all believed that OjUkwu was too ambitious to move away from Nigeria.
All the bloggers pouring their frustrations on GEJ, did the killing of southners by northners start today? Please give GEJ a break and read Nigerian history!
May the gentle souls of the departed rest in perfect peace.Amen!
My God! On Christmas day. What a way to die! If anyone had told those people that they won't see 2012, they wont believ it.
Linda my take on this is for Christian to start bombing mosque. Our docility is an embarrassment. Even Jesus won't take this provocation this far.
Christians should rise up in arms against these animals. Christians should get ready to die for a cause they believe in. By the time they bomb three or four mosques, all their useless leaders that have been mute will get talking. They will appeal to their crazy faithfuls to sheath their swords. Posterity will not forgive, our children will never forgive these acts of cowrdice.
King David of the bible would not have allowed his people to be so butchered.
It's nauseating. Boko Haram members are cowards. They hide under the guise of religion to inflict harm. Let their leaders and their financiers come out if they are sure of their claims.
But then Christians are the worse cowards if they won't rise up against these injustice. The government has proved to be insensitive and irresponsible. So it's high time.
Push has come to shove!
It's high time
I think this man called goodluck is not competent to be our president washing all this to happen plz we need a strong president this man is a badluck
The south needs to form an alliance with Isreal, an eye for an eye.........
short of word.
have been crying inside me after seeing those pictures.
God have mercy.
I don't blame this heartless fellows,all d blame shld be put on Sarah for forcing Abraham to sleep nd sire children with her slave,now see what the slave generation are doing to the whole World!God help us all.....may d soul of d departed RIP! **Sobssss**
This is so sad,WTH has ds people done to deserve to die such a cruel death?it will be better if we can just divide Nigeria into 3,so that they can wipe only their own descendant out....am so bittered right now
What Boko Haram did and have been doing is the worst evil. They are worst than pedophile, Hitler and devil worshippers, combined. Boko Haram is Haram. Boko Haram are NOT, but desperate tribalist money and power motivated opportunists. The Federal and State governments must destroy Boko Haram or Boko Haram will tear Nigeria apart. No one must be allowed to kill or harm anyone for any reason or in the name or politics, tribe or God. Those helping Boko (in anyway) are Haram. Their sponsors are Haram. Fear must be silenced. Silence must be silenced. The fear and silence is over. Peace loving Nigerians must unite, fight and name and shame these prostitutes, lunatics and their sponsors.
Am personally launching attacks on muslims or anything that looks like a muslim! Am tired of seeing my people die! These uncircumcised beasts are here defiling Gods people and we sit back and say RIP? If ure a northerner and u reside in the southern part of Nigeria u beta run for ur life cos there's a revolution going on as I write. We've had it up to our throats. The last sallah u celebrated will be the last you'll experience without blood baths bastards!!!
In April i said drop d sentiments for GEJ forget that he didn't have shoes and that he is a weakling,clueless and incapable of leading this nation they almost killed me with their mouth now the reality is here. well all of you who voted him in this is what u have also caused . GEJ should quietly resign he has failed NIGERIANS!!!
I think it is time for the Nigerian people to live the government out of this and take matters into their own hands. I am christian and dont support violence of any kind but this time I am ready to take up arms and slit throats, this is the tipping point!!!!!
If you will reason carefull,
1. They are using bomb, an expencive weapon, which shows they are heavily supported.
2. They planted it where naturally it is opened, means they have insider.
3. They set if off on christmas day, which means they have alterior motive against christ worshipers (christian).
4. Do you remember a movie titled "sometimes in april" where one tribe refers to the other as cocroach,and coacroashes are meant to die, or have you spared a cocroach in your room before? means there is intense hatred for christians.
5. Think, the meaning of boko haram is "western education is sinful". Mostly all christian are practising western education and style and that means we are sinners in all our ways to them, and sinners dont deserve to live.
6. Dont you think they refer to killing as bad as you think. They believe they are on the course of God, even if they die on the course, they dont care.
7. Now, if someone does not care about his/her life, how then will that person cares about others.
8. How can i say RIP to the bereaved, when i am sure they are crying for revenge. Most christians are cowards, we fear to die, and what we fail to realise is that we are born to die, what we are afraid of will eventually come to us if we do not act. i have said it before, stop saying RIP, cause you will say that many times and if you are not careful they will say it to you too. Now let stand up and do something.
9. I am so sad, and believe me, very very sad, for these to be happening in my mother land, dont you think you are far away from them and you are safe. smhhhh.
10. Think about several deaths all over, corpers killed like shit, innocent roated like beaf, christians slashed like fuck.
See it like this, Nigeria is turning to a small hell, where you movement is restricted even right in your own country.
Stop talking and start acting.
jesus wat is this?
@December 26, 2011 3:26 AM, don't let any lost condemned soul get you upset. When Christ returns soon, he said many will start to weep 'emy'(whom i did not bother to read her comment which i'm sure is perverted as through reading her previous comments on other posts she seems to be the oracle of satan) will surly be one of them if he/she remains lost and hopeless in the dark
This is 2 much to bear please! See human beings like Roasted Ram! Jonathan wake up ooooooooooooooo
I dont know why people keep saying Boko Haram is not an islamic group, so they said about the Talibans, Islam has created more terrorist groups than any other religion in this world. I dont get it why people are still blinded by this wicked religion. Why are people still Muslims if indeed they care about the innocent people that are dying and dead, as a result of terrorist attacks. Stop telling me Islam is against such act, while Terrorist, Pray and Shout Mohammed/Allah before they kill. May God purnish such religion, and open the eyes of those blinded by it.
My heart goes out to those innocent families that lost their lifes. May God strenghten your family to bear the lose. I pray for God's continuous guidance and protection next year and beyound Amen.
i don't known if our so called millitary are afraid of this stupid organization this is a war we all need to fight together i don't care if you are hausa ,ibo or yoruba.MR PRESIDENT we are all counting on you now!!! get our millitary out know and lets flush this bastards out of our country before if it gets out of hand i'm begging you please our image is at stake abroad
I wonder how Nigerian government celebrates no improvement whatsoever. Last I checked, celebrations had something to positive progress. It's 51 years and we have nothing to boast of if not cassava bread and murderous atrocities and a cliche that Nigerians are Happy people. Let us not forget that the saddest people have the most beautiful smile to cover their sorrow. So having a smile is not being Happy. Nigerians take accountability for what is wrong with Nigeria. Change has not been forthcoming because, the old dog (Nigeria) has refused to learn new tricks for proper governance of the country. This is pure Genocide let us speak up If Nigerian Government will not. We are fighting ourselves to extinction!!!!!!!!! Leave your comments http://wp.me/p1EGfI-3m
All I Have to Say...I there is a silent insurrection Going on that needs to be niped at the bud but ...not with a poros Judiciary that lacks the strength to skin one of these culprits alive as a public example.
Our leaders are all afraid to die so Nigeria cannot Live! someone has to stick out his neck and do what has to be done without fear or favour... Everything rises and falls on leadership My People. Let us Get out of our comfort Zones....quit plundering monies that are to be used for security (Used as the Governor's pocket monies). Let us wake up and set structures that ccan work. Mr. president has to sack people that are not performing (that is if he is a performer
The politics in Nigeria is too complicated. It's difficult to solve the problems because you are talking about fools leading a country. What do you expect?
Hausas feel like it's their turn because Yar adua didn't finish his term. But, Nigerians wanted to see a new face from the typical yoruba and hausa president. But, igbos or delta also feel this is their opportunity. My thing is, maybe, they should have allowed Buhari to finish the term as a hausa. At the same time, the entitlement that Hausas feel to presidency is ridiculous and will have to change.
So, Jonathan is just trying to protect himself, he's a minority. He knows if he speaks strongly about certain things, the majority in the government will attack him. In addition to that, Jonathan is dumb, has no idea what he's doing. He's a coward, and very uneducated guy.
Religion is the biggest issue that divides Africa. It's unfortunate. Muslims have always persecuted Christians in Nigeria. I grew up in Kano, the big riot they had years ago, where hundred of christians were killed, churches were burnt down, which was what made us leave.
Boko Haram is a group of blood thirsty people. I also heard that it involves not just hausas but some igbos and some yorubas are part of it too. When you have an underdeveloped country, no jobs, no security, no accountability, this is what you get.
Jonathan, proposing trillion for security is fooling himself and us, which is truly a sad case. It's time to impeach Jonathan, let him go and maybe we can see what Buhari can do. He sounds like he has a little bit of sense than Jonathan. I can't deal with this stupidity for another minute.
It's time for revolution. It's time for Nigeria to split? I wish it was that easy. If Nigeria continue to go this way, no improvement, no change, like nothing then it will truly be a sad case for the most populous country in Africa with oil as their natural resource with some talented people to go to waste like that.
Nigeria has to start all over again. First, the whole old fools who have been running the country from a centralised government will have to change. The constitution has to change. Law and order, security, and infrastructure should be the main focus. Actually, the main focus is to get a leader who actually knows what he's doing, he is capable of leading a country, then we can start from there.
This is pure evil...hei Mr. President don't just condemn with your mouth any more, we need action this time, if you can't then get help elsewhere...
Should we all die before something is done or we're just left at the mercy of grace?
Am left with awe when i see the turn of events in my dear country Nigeria...
Our dear president is almost quiet on the issue of Boko Haram, Homosexuality among other trivial issues and i wonder why...
Picture painted: How could his voice be heard when there are allegations on some great Nigerians as homosexuals?
Check this out... At the so called Arewa consultative meeting, almost all the people in attendance found it so difficult to point to this fact that Boko haram is a northern problem on Nigeria...
Picture Painted: They could be having their hands stained or just scared.
I then got it more colourfully painted- "A CONSPIRASY THEORY" when close to A trillion Naira was allocated to security in the budget the President presented. Am left with questions...
What will that money be used for?
Are we importing the swat team or Black water from the US?
Or Buying some intelligence from the US..?
May be we need an American army base ιη Nigeria as †нє issue of Boko Haram is given less priority as we will all die before they say "we'll bring †нє doers †ȍ book...". AmTired of hearing all this.
All ι hear is removal of fuel subsidy †ȍ give us good roads that we don't have cars †ȍ drive on among others.
When ι complained that †нє islamic scholars aπϑ religious leaders need †ȍ do something about Boko Haram ι was told by someone that these guys are not muslims aπϑ ι asked...
Where Do boko haram "Worship?"
Why are they Attacking churches and on special days?
ι've got my picture painted... You can Paint yours too.
When all is said aπϑ done, should we all die before something is done about †нє situation of our dear country?
Thoughts on motion...http://www.herbertdanielg.blogspot.com
This is barbaric
God will surely punish dis evil doers Mr Goodluck dis is gradually turnin 2 bad luck on ur citizens. Pls do some tin.
pls jonathan step down, u have been a bad luck to this country since your entrance. pls we don't need you anymore
Jona is nt d cos of dis, u pple should use ur brains they want to make nigeria un governable Pple like atiku n babangida hav said it so what do u want him to do to dese faceless pple? Every one is sayn do somtn what xactly should he do. I xpect u pple to be thinkn of how xtians are goin to go about all dis
@ anon 4:55 Why don't you use your brain, listen to your own advice.
Jonathan is the president of Nigeria. Right? Who else will the frustration be directed at. What makes this whole thing interesting is, the government know some of the faces of Boko Haram. The next question is, why are they not taking action?
They know where it's coming from the Northerners who are also using other ethnic group, igbos, yorubas to carry out their plot. But, they want to be in a state of denial because Jonathan is scared to publicly condemn some of these Northern leaders.
I will say, not all Northerners are involve in this because I heard Buhari's house was burnt down by these idiots. I will say Boko Haram is another terrorist group sponsored by extremists. I'm okay with them kiling each other in their own land but when you start targeting southerners, christians then it becomes a problem.
What should christians do? Nothing except put it in God's hands. Some muslims are ruthless, they justify their evil under the name of Allah. Christians killing people, and trying to fight back will not help either. It goes back to the government doing something about it.
I read that IBB is sick, about time and he can die as far as I'm concerned. Atiku also. It doesn't settle well with me to hear them still lowkey running the show.
Jonathan, you goodluck is over. This is badluck for you, so it's time to seriously step down or start taking actions.
Since the death of the youth corpers, I have known that the president would never deliver on any promise. He was acting like a village man and his approach on the matter was poor . So what do you expect
where is Mr President?,Why are you silent?,you know the leaders and people behind this but you never do anything....God will judge you all and the calamity will fall on your family if you don't do something....You sucks
the world is coming to an end....
This is madness may God forgive us all our sins
This is madness may God forgive us all our sins
Is unfortunate
Lord have mercy....save Nigeria
@ Annon Dec 27 4:55pm.........pls make use of ur brain before u talk......Jona is not to blame,,abi,,,he is in power and has access to so many things that an ordinary citizen cannot have access to,,,,yet he has refused to do something,,,how do u expect an ordinary Nigerian to fight????? how many security robots have u bought or can u afford to buy???
GEJ......may u and ur household know no peace IJN and as for this Boko haram/Islam/Muslim or whatever u call urselves,,,may the wrath of God come upon u,,,,religion of peace,,my foot!1
Apparently, boko haram has become †ђξ order of †ђξ day. Simply put- there is no govt in dis geographical teritory called nigeria. We really need to decide if we want to exist wit dis beast or not; and if yes, by what terms. If nothing else, Obasanjo's govt had a bite; dat's obviously what gej lacks. Too bad
and Jonathan stupidly said we should learn to live with this till it fizzles out. Let Boko Haram include his children subsequently. May God save Nigerians from a clueless president.
all over the world muslin religion has been known/associated with violence, killing and other heart breaking crimes.a religion where a man has to fight for a god instead of a god fighting for a man. it remains a very terrible religion. go to pakistan, yemen syria, irak etc the story is the same. boko haram, muslim religion very synomous,. it is quite a pity this religion of violence found its way into niger. a day is coming infact very soon { monkey go go market ino go return}.
Its unfortunate,and its really sad but why is every1 talking about this very bomb blast, when people are dying every single day in maiduguri because of this boko haram people, mind you thousands of muslims have died and nobody said a word about it,now that 20 christians died the whole world is complaining and blaming muslims..boko haram is just a confused sect of group without a focus and don't give a damn weather we are muslims or christians.
Fellow Nigerians, see all these events are the fault of everyone. You and I, why can't we just have a revolusion? Are we saying RIP bcos non of our families, friends, loved ones are involved. If the ppl we gave a collective power and trust to secure our lives are actually treating us like pawns, fools, then we are to blamed. We are the ppl, we are the power, we are the decider of our faith. We can stop boko haram today if we want. Let our politicians knw that some of us are concious of the truth. But must ppl will just pray. I dnt blame the hausas or the fulanis or even boko haram; I blame our government. They av given us the wrong ideas, and notin in terms of material things yet they av enough money to throw around, while an avr. Nigerian is at the risk of so many bad things in this world; rape, insecurity, poverty, lack of qualitative education. Fellow Nigerians the list is endless, but the truth is we need a REVOLUTION. Simply Ayoka is the name
Oh˚◦◦☀☀ moa˚◦◦☀☀ gosh!!!:O . Cnt stop cryn seeing the pichurs. Ds ȋ̝̊̅§ so painful.
Is quet unfurtunate, that we don't have a president in this nation. Jo or jonathan watever he call his name, he knows those who behind this fullishness. If he keep queit in this matter May God quiet in all is way. Remmenber obj when there was sarial law, he salient them cous he knows them. So tell me did joo didn't know bokomad or aram. May devill add more problem to there generation.
I have one thing to say vengeance Vengeance is of the lord. But this vengeance in the political aspect as to b solved through human beings by taking the law into their hands and killing those bastards and make sure they all are brought to justice and made to all die by being electricuted and beheaded. So pls jonathan get up and fight like a president,for 1ce in your life FIght for your people ,work for your respect and your position bcos I hrd you av bin getting yur. Seats easy and you bcame president easy too.. So step up and take the fight to them just as the formal president of the united sate George bush did. Fight for your people fight for nigeria. I planned to say one thing but I av said a lot,am so sad.#wheeping#
i don't understand something about dis Boko Haram, are they fighting d governement or christain? why will somebody just decide to kill his fellow human just bcos somebody has paid him to do so? God arise and save us in dis nation.
..............the world indeed is coming to an end,,,,,,,,
Why are some stupid human being derving pleasure in making innocent soles cry for nothing. This is hurrible. Precident Jonathan should wake up from his slumber and tackle this mess. Am sure they know the people sponsoring them. Something
This is not the picture of the future Nigeria we had when we elected GEJ. Please i beg you in the name of God, do somefin about this people plss.
When we see this each time Nigerians are celebrating ,we ask ourselves..............do we have a president or a coward?
God ll do a fast judgement on τ̣̣ђё so called boko haram and their supporters. Cos this is to bad and pathetic to humanity it so terrible to be xperiencing this in our country. I pray that God brings peace to Nigeria and her habitant. Amen
Who could have done this? Nemesis will surly carch up wirh them.
Is the govt powerless to bring this Boko Haram scourge to an end? what manner of human beings will do this to their fellow beings. they shall know no rest and shall burn in the hottest part of hades when they die, which is shortly in the offing. since the govt is apparently helpless we cannot sit idly and allow Boko haram to kill us. we must act now to defend ourselves.
OMG! This is inhuman,Ђδω can a real human being be this heartless to take delight in doing this to a fellow human.this is tнε height of it all.I wonder tнε kind of pleasure they derive by unleashing evil on innocent people.God will surely reward them for this wickedness.is so horrible.
My president is an anus....he knows not why he is a president and lacks da whole xteristics of being a president! He shuld quite office coz he is so so confused! Wat makes u all so sure dat da new year's gonna be safe?#9ja is messed up lyk a trash bin...(Too bad) Tell Good luck ¶ said so! #animal.
It is time for Christians to Stand up and fight their battle.God has given us every thing that we need to clean up this Nation. The word says I will not leave thee, neither will I forsake thee. Everytime that their is problem in the North, the Northerners backed by some so called rich Clerics in the north,finance foot soilders to go and destroy churches, kill and rape Christians.Many churches in the following states were bombed in the past till present: they are Kaduna, Kano, Platuae, Gombe,Niger,Abuja,Bauchi,(etc). How many mosques has ever been bombed in Nigeria. The answer is NIL.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. CHRISTIANS STAND UP FOR CHRIST AND DEFEND THE FAITH EITHER AS AN INDIVIDUAL OR AS A GROUP. Please remember that Jesus died for you.
i think the battle line has been drawn. Let the muslims be prepared for atomic bomb in any of the central mosques on any jumat. Maybe that would solve the problem
Its really really disheartening d incidence dat occured on d 25th Dec 2011.I'm a muslim and I want my Xtian counterparts 2 understand dat I'm really sad as am typing dis txt msg...but I want xtians 2 understand dat dis is pure madness and dat no muslim in his correct frame of mind culd do such a disgusting act.D reasons 4 all dis bombings of a thing is simply 2 distarct our minds 4rm d issue dat has been on d minds of every Nigerian which is d issue of Subsidy removal..And dat Xtians shld understand dat these carriers of dis acts are just saboteurs or let me say terrorists who just dnt hav a heart(heartless).And Xtians shld understand dat these terrorists or let me say evil doers can b either d Xtians or muslims who dnt hav any respect 4 religion coz....coming 2 think of dis,a muslim as we all know can b sent 2 assassinate a muslim likewise a Xtian can also b sent 2 assassinate a Xtian as we all knw it has been happening b4 and I dnt want 2 start bringing cases up.So dis is rather unfortunate dat it just happened on Xmas day...We all knw about d issue dat happened @ Sapele where a mosque was bombed som weeks ago and who knws it might even b a muslim dat was sent 2 carry out d act..But my prayer is dat God intervenes in dis and expose those heartless evil doers..and may d souls of d deceased rest in perfect peace Amen.I really sympathise wit my Xtian brothers and Sisters...we are meant 2 b brothers and Sisters and not fighting war btw ourselves..We are meant 2 b our brothers keepers..Xtians pls take heart.
boko haram is satanism may God help n spear us
it wil neva be `1``wel wit mohamed in his grave.any religion dat kils in d name of god is nt of god.moslem shuld stop killing people.fuck mohamed
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