Russell's legal team filed court documents at the Superior Court in Los Angeles yesterday citing 'irreconcilable differences.'
Why do these people even bother? Oh yeah, to boost their careers. *Nonsense people* :-)
Sorry I've been MIA for over 24hours...hung out with some 'crazy' people yesterday...:-). Even now I can barely keep my eyes open...ahhhh!
but they r cute together before ohhh! d guy is ruggedly handsome n d chiq..just sweet. eyaaaaaa!
linda sice yesterday. the whole blog , everywhere dry
Like seriously....signs ov end time...sad mush
Who is this Russel brand guy??!!. Off the chick Joo!
I was kinda surprised actually. I didn't think they'd get a divorce, at least not so soon because they kept their relationship out of the media most of the time. But hey, that's the stereotype of a celebrity marriage right?
I don't understand women that can see an obviously gay guy and marry him. Mshew. *publicity stunt, my ass*
sparks flew,hormone raged,the sex was good,cant keep our hands off each other...so let s get married
Who's d idiot that said russell brand is gay..he's slept with over 3000 girls..google it..that being said..they obviously weren't meant for each other sha..divorce is best for them and their careers
Eya.I am surprise o.I thought they had sometin strong together.na wa
Lol. For those who don't know. Katy Perry's album is currently in contention to get the most #1 singles, beating MJ's Bad.
Alas, the last single hasn't gone beyond #3, and is in fact receding.
With this stunt, and its ensuing publicity and attention, she's bound to have her single go to #1, thus beating the record.
Does this mean the marriage is not legit, or the divorce is not legit, we don't know, but we do know this is why the divorce filing took place now.
Another divorce In the last day of the year 2011, but why will they marry at the first place when there is no love? Will try and understand the differences between love and infatuation.
Celeb marriages are made only to boost careers. its a given in Hollywood. Its like marrying for a Green Card...no hard feelings, its just another American Wedding
@Anonymous 2:50PM, I hope you'll wash your mouth with soap and bleach for calling someone an idiot.
Hope the new year will give u a new set of kind words to use on people.
I just don't know what is wrong with this entertainment people. I don't think they know what marriage is all about. The one that infuriates me more is that of Jlo.
FINALLY!!!.......I waited for this day all ma life... She is outta the picture now,,, that means I can finally go for this hot british guy...lol.... Seriously??? What do these people do??? Just so,so sad. . . I know their story from the beginning,,, and I didn't see this shit coming. . . If being a celebrity is about all these crap we hear everytime,,, then I shouldn't bother... *HISS*
U are high...we understand...hangover
They both look irresponsible.They don't know what they want yet. If I was a celebrity, i'll prolly never marry. I'll just be shagging babes up and down everywhere.
Erm how many women has Mick Jagger slept with? The moment he slept with one man, he too became gay...
*cryin* i tot they were goin to last longa dan dis, y did they let me down.
At least they still beat the Kardashian- humphries 72 days record
Russel Brand gay? you must be kidding!!
I just hope she won't keep going back for the sex. I hear he is that good in bed.
What will they do with all the tattoos?
And to the idiot that said he's not gay because he slept with 3000 women...that is what gay men do when they are trying to fight the fact they are actually gay. He slept with so many women because he's never satisfied, and keeps searching for what satisfies him. TRUST ME, HE'S 100% GAY.
wait, Mick Jagger is gay now???
Linda when you get a man and you get married thats when you should talk about people's marriage. smh #how you know they married for their careers?
@ platform entertainment if you divorce it doesn't mean you were not in love. THINGS CHANGE!!!!
Nah lie ooo! Linda who gave you this info pls? it's not correct, pls verify before you proceed ooo! i'm living with them and they haven't told me ooo!( WTF)@#$%^&*
Why get married in the first place when u know it's a matter of time u gonna get divorced. Happy new year Linda! ILOVE U U U U U!
Can all these people talking about someone being gay just STFU plz? How possible is that?... How come he hasn't been linked to a guy b4.? Dey divorcing due to .. "u saw it there"... so stop yarning gay accusation crap here.
why she ever married that loser is beyond me. Not surprised though
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lol, they were cute together. But we totally saw this coming
the wedding was over before it even started. was she not the one who was asking about her hussy on tweeter that if anyone should see him they should tell him that she is looking for him mschew and they say it was a wedding look at that marriage ko marriage ni nonsense!!!
Don't think much of Russell Brand, but saying that I think less of Katy Perry. She and her mate Rihanna's wanton displays and drunkenness disgusts me.
Russell should get what's he's due following the divorce as I hear there's no prenup. Equality for both sexes! BTW I'm a woman!
Does this mean Hugh Heffner of playboy is gay 2? I mean he's had like a million women. Is he still searching 4 satisfaction?.....#justAsking
Linda guess what? They're divorcing 'cause she's not ready to settle down... www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2080806/Russell-Brand-files-divorce-Katy-Perry-fame-ahead-children.html
Meanwhile, let us see if he'll be going for half her fortune as women usually do when it is the other way round. My guess is; he will not.
Russel is a schmuck!! with that his annoying brand of comedy...mstchewww..i always wondered what she saw in him..maybe it was the sex!
I am so glad they did not bother making children. Experience has shown that once rumours of divorce start swirling around a particular hollywood couple, no matter how much they deny it, just wait a couple o months and...poof! Its all over. Marriage don become joke for Oyibo man hand. Na wa!
And ofr the person defending Brands sexuality and calling people names, all u have to do is watch the guy's mannerisms to know he is clearly GAY. The fact that he claims to have effed so many women to me smacks of abject denial. But other than that, I know Shakespeare said, 'there is no art to read the mind's construction from the face' but, its not always true! The man is clearly a rscal, if not gay. The girl comes from a very strong christian background (i know her music does not reflect it but...) why did she think it'd be a good idea to marry this goon?
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