Announcing her divorce from her cheating husband, Demi Moore said: ‘As a woman, a mother and a wife, there are certain vows I hold sacred.’
Did she mean the vows to keep her body young and her plastic surgeon’s number by her side?
The end of her six-year marriage after repeated allegations of Ashton Kutcher’s infidelity comes as no surprise. From the very beginning, despite the Hollywood spin of the perfect match that was put out daily on her Twitter feed, this was a car crash waiting to happen.
Not because Mr Demi Moore was serially unfaithful, but because a woman of 41 - the age she was when she and Ashton got together - was never going to hold on to a handsome young boy of 25.
Marriages with an age gap can work, but usually when the couples are older and only when the two people involved behave like grown-ups.
But this is more than just another Hollywood break-up.
Demi Moore was a totem, a standard bearer for women of a certain age who believed they could have it all. She was the ultimate Cougar, the older woman who could snare any young man she wanted.
Age did not constrain her, not with a cosmetic surgeon and countless millions at her beck and call. She did not grow older as we grew older.
She was living proof you could hold back the years. Except, it turns out that she couldn’t. As yesterday’s divorce announcement proves.
This is a salutary moment for those of us who, at some level, have bought into the modern myth of eternal youth — the notion that you can pay for a new face, new body or even a new baby when you’re too old to have one.
It shows that, however rich you are, you cannot defy nature. Demi reportedly spent nearly £1million on cosmetic surgery procedures - but it still wasn’t enough to buy her a lasting relationship.
Successful marriages are mostly born of a shared history, of raising children together, of memories, the joys and the hardships, and the pleasure of looking at your partner in the morning and being able to count each other’s wrinkles and laughter lines.
In the end, Ashton preferred the excitement of sharing a hot tub with a bunch of groupies half Demi’s age (and having sex with at least one of them afterwards) to joining his ageing wife in her desperate search for spiritual fulfillment.
There isn’t a surgeon in the world who can change that.
Please demi moore should just be left alone! All these journalist feel like they know everything meanwhile their own lives are in shambles! Mtschew!
I hear the writer....but I disagree that MOST successful marraige is because of raising children yardy yardy ....not in todays world.....
6yrs together i think they tried and in Hollywood years...is pretty good....Even some of the so called successful marraiges are also ridden with alleged infidelty but they forgive and try and work it out....Did Demi and Ashton try to work this out? or was it one too many?
Demi is only 41 abeg.....there are many many guys within a decent age (35-39) if she insist that she wants a younger man.....
Goodluck to Ashton....
I guess the same applies to old men cavorting with women half their age! All the money in the world can't satisfy a young woman for ever..... I don't think Ashton cheated on Demi because of her age, I believe that Ashton would have cheated no matter what age his wife was.... I think there are countless examples of men cheating on their younger wives! Lets not buy into this misogynist world view of women!
Brittney Jones, Alleged Mistress Of Ashton Kutcher, Speaks Out: 'Vindicated'
Fantastic writer. See the line defining what makes successful marraiges...shared history, children, joys and hardships..bla bla bla...hope kate henshaw nuttal, shan george and what's her name again..em..yeah.. Mercy Johnson are reading. Yes, and Linda Ikeji too!
In my view I think men can get away with marrying younger women especially because men can have kids at any age. Plus age is much kinder to men than women. In addition men get wiser and mature with age. Check out Bruce Willis and his younger other half, they just had a baby. Demi must be feeling like crap right about now. I think her next guy should be an older man or who knows what the future holds maybe Demi will get back with Bruce. I think the key to being a cougar is don't get carried away with the relationship and keep it short-term and then move on to your next prey, lol!
They even funkified the whole thing calling them Cougars..(Demi/Vivica)..whilst the old men dating younger women were seen as Dirty old men..there has been a steady increase in parts of Europe/US where Older female teachers are actively grooming and taking advantage of young school boys..but society sees it as acceptable..as some sort of rite of passage for young boys..talk 'bout double standards!!..
for nigerians like linda on this page......whether age or no age marriage is rubbish in america.....
I loved Demi Moore and Ashton together and I imagine she is going through a lot of pain now. I however think Demi Moore didn't pay much thought to the future when she agreed to elope with Ashton. She married for 'love' without thinking about the practical aspects of marriage and how their union would work in the long term due to the age gap. Demi Moore is ageing, Ashton on the other hand (at the time of the union) had only began to experience life. He is restless and he probably needs to 'grow' with somebody who isn't as experienced as Demi Moore. The marriage was doomed from the very start.
Load of balls!!!
Also, people who compare their marriage to a marriage where the man is older and the woman younger have misses a crucial point. First off, men age better than women- biologically and physically. Also, historically speaking, it's always been socially acceptable for older men to marry younger women due to perceived role of a husband ( protector, provider etc). Bruce Williston (Demi Moore's ex-husband is currently married to a stunning 33 year old woman and they look good together. Compare to Ashton and Demi, a very different picture.
Hello linda,I believe you are interested in this writeup cos its from abroad as some of ur commentators made ref to how it can be different abroad.well d write up is just one opinion.but that's not my issue.my take is that no matter the age ashton didn't take his vows as he should have.and I repeat,if he cheated on demi he would cheat with whoever else he's with irrespective of form(beauty and body).I think she did the decent thing by walking away.now Lin,that's my point of discussion.men would always have a reason to cheat and we women continue to indulge them with flimsy excuses.she's too tall,too fat,too skinny,too hot tempered,too religious,oh she doesn't fix her nails.....and it goes on.in my prev comment I said its hard work to stay on ur game and I'm sure this applies to most women if not all.even if u are genetically gifted,we must eat,sleep and nuture right to stay in form.its not vanity dear.I repeat, at 39 with kids,I do a lot of work to stay in form.(Mentally,physically n healthwise).if I wasn't so afraid of the knife and surgeries,I will take the easier way out and go under.cos 5days a week at d gym after work(I'm a senior partner in a consulting firm),salon trips and healthy eating when what I actually want to eat is pounded yam and egusi when I get home at 10pm!!!!this is minus constant reading to also nuture the mind and mental state.I think I hv gone on long enough.my point Lin is we should stop babying our men.bless you and have a good afternoon.
Very well said ....... What was Demi thinking?
A friend of mine had been dating a guy 3 years younger than her for about 2weeks and for some reason, the question of her age never came up...well the day it came up n she told him she was 33.... That relationship died.
In my opinion, women have no business dating younger men....that's my own 2cents.
Oops Bruce Willis"*
Ouch!!!! Bitter truth!
Even younger women (no matter hw attractive) many a-times hv to work @ kpn their husbands who r older than them not to talk of a much older woman kpn a younger man. He's young & handsome, & she has made him very rich thereby making him every li'l girl's dream man so....... I'm not hating but i think she shd go 4 a more mature-minded guy.
what a world!!!...This is total bullshit. This whole crap they are writing about gives rise to the issue of ageism and sexism...If this was a dude who was several years older than his wife all this articles about how he married someone older than him would be none existent. The author is writing as if marriages by people within same age bracket does not get disrupted daily...Personally i feel women are just jealous that Demi is able to pull a fine young man at her age. I am beginning to believe that women are more ageist and sexist than men. THOSE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROW STONES. Bottom line is Ashton is a male whore because he would have still cheated if his wife was younger than he is.
well, Amanda Platell has a sharp tongue but she has a point in this case- Ashton Kutcher is an immature, vain and shallow eejit- everyone knew this except, it seems, Demi herself
Well, the author of the article has a point. 16 years age difference is a tad bit too much especially because women mature faster than men. Heck, even men in their 40s still act immature much less a 25 year old boy. Demi should have seen it coming. Oh well, better luck next time.
Amanda Platell, u said it all. wht more can i say.
Right, so Amanda thinks that if Demi was younger, Ashton wouldn't cheat???? Hahahahaa, let me laugh in Dutch!
People cheat because they choose to...Age and beauty is no guarantee in marriage; just ask Halle Berry, Sandra Bullock, etc...
And why is it the woman who couldn't 'hold on'...what about the man who couldn't hold on to his thing?
Amanda...why the schadenfreude? Women...always their own worst enemy!!!
There's more than a touch of jealousy in that article by Amanda Platell. With the green goo of envy clouding her judgement she insinuates that the reason why Ashton cheated on Demi is because, despite her money, rejuvenated body and having been together for 6 years, she suddenly became too old for him. Or hang on, perhaps it was just because Ashton is a cheat who would've cheated on any girlfriend or wife even if she was 5 years younger than him with a body like Marilyn Monroe's. I wonder what excuse Amanda would offer if asked why she thought Hugh Grant cheated on Liz Hurley, with a prostitute, a few years ago. After all Liz is 5 years younger than Hugh, so according to Amanda, they should've had a lasting relationship.
The truth is simply this, some people will cheat regardless of who they're with. And sometimes they just make mistakes. There's no need beating Demi while she's down.
Although some of what she said seemed fair, this lady stated --> "It shows that, however rich you are, you cannot defy nature"
But she (demi Moore )didn't do that. What if nature made it that age does not matter in any relationship or marriage. I think her opinion is a little too biased for it to be completely supported by most people.
the two were well into the open marriage lifestyle..they constantly had three, four and five somes...she herself is also an active lesbian....the snag is that he went behind her back and continued the trysts without her...they just need to repent and seek the face of God!!....most ppl saw this coming!!!!
Boooom!! Reality Check.... Cldnt ve said or written this piece any better. £1 million on surgery (waoh) a bit much.
This is BS... Taking her argument to its logical conclusion, marriages between men and women of the same age should last forever...
Mostly true.i find myself agreeing with her.
very true! First off, she should never have married a young impressionable boy who most probably idolized her and didnt know what the hell he was doing! She's mean and selfish, she thought that that would keep her young! Alas......Also sadly, I hear she's trying to lay her hands on his money despite having a hefty fortune of her own. Really selfish b***h!
Linda i think your are being biased here and in as much as I do not support Ms Moore n her surgery journey to look younger, may I state that Ashton was not blind and unaware of all ur 'allegations' before taking d vows with this woman, age is nothing but a number that s if both parties decide to grow up and act maturedly...may I state that a serial cheater wl always cheat even f he/she's 10yrs older than d spouse.....this s just d beginning...whoever he pitches his tent wt wl soon come crying back to us...remember this day and quote that Sakara once said it
Yaaaay!!!! I'm 1st.
True talk, Demi could have aged gracefully with Bruce Willis besides her, no pressure!! Rather she chose to defy nature.
I don't believe it's true that a woman of 41 can NEVER hold on to a young boy of 25. Never say never: I'm sure it can happen but it's going to be difficult for the young man. If he's only attracted to older women, he could.
However,if he wants kids of his own, it will take almost a miracle or numerous IVFs for that woman to have kids for him!
true talk.....I totally agree with this....
If indeed Ashton Kutchner had been serially unfaithful, it wasn't about the age but about his level of maturity and ability to stick to his marital vows. Nothing says he won't do the same to a younger woman.
An older woman can be with a younger man. However in this case, the main factor was physical beauty. And besides Ashton is not the most mature man around. On and off screen, he doesn't exhibit a lot of maturity. Too many things wrong.
Well said Myne. He was ust unfaithful and could do it to another woman, older or younger!
My Grand Mum is 74 and 15 years older than Grandpa. They are still together and very happy together. Having a good marriage is not about being older or younger in years, a lot has to do with maturity, being friends and being patient. Maybe even more.
Let's all just pray to get the right partners.
I can't imagine it. The gap is much o.
Linda so you think you can support your Mumu 'opinion' with this Mumu article and this Mumu journalist? This is woman sounds jealous can't u see that!
I'm in my early 20s and I've been dating since I turned 16, I have dated men my age, older and I cldnt even keep 1 for more than 3 yrs.
My point is even if a woman is 2yrs old, after a while u r old to your man! Heck I once dated a guy who cheated on me with an older woman!
I will forever respect Demi! 6 years (+ the years they dated) is good for hollywood.
Still hate you Linda!
Inshort I don vex, I am looking for bloggers my Age!
You are getting too old for gossip, "My opinion" Like that? .....Kidding!
Look Linda I know you are also against older men-younger women pairs but your comment was mean and you know it!
I am 39 and my girlfriend is 24. We live in the United States even though we are both from Africa. She professes her undying love for me but guess what, I know she loves me(i.e my money, my sexual virility, my good looks and the BMW Z4 I bought her for her birthday). Do I fool myself that she would love me when those things are gone? NO. I work hard, I take everyday Cialis and I work out. So I know she aint going anywhere soon. Ashton used Demi to get to where he is today. Seriously aside from punked, what else did he have going for him? I dont care who ends up using who...guys or girls as long as you find the other person USEFUL
Men don't age better than women... they may be able to have babies but the go thru the same aging process... weal libido, pot belly, flabby collapsed body etc. A 55 year old man is not more atractive than a 55 year old woman... its only money that makes a young woman marry them! who young pretty woman will marry a poor old man! Lets call a spade a spade!
At anon 1.13pm, Demi Moore is NOT 41, she's 49 years old, turning 50 soon!
But seriously how do u marry d PUNK'D kid and expect not to get punk'd.... I don't agree wit d entire arguments in d article, but wen u got a 40sumthn goin on 20 year old, kabbalah practising wife- dere musta been some major weird ish goin on in that household dat d boi just sick off... Using screw drivers to tie ur face n all wat not won't save anyone...lesson learned. Shame it ended dis way though, just wen I started having hope for them...O well...
who says a 41 year old woman cannot have kids?
@Anonymous 1.13pm nov 20th, Demi is NOT 41. She is 49 going on 50. Get your facts right
Ashton may have cheated on Demi, even if she was younger than Ashton. But that's not that point. In 2 years time, Demi will 51 years old and she will get wrinkles. Ashton wouldnt even be 4o yet. At some point, she would have looked like his Mother or older sister. I love Demi, and I have nothing against women dating younger men, but the age gap was too wide. This relationship was not sustainable. Unfortunately. She should have worked things out with Bruce Willis
people keep forgetting that the outcome we just saw with Demi and Ashton would have been the outcome with Demi and another dude or Ashton with another chic. it's typical for the sex and everything to just get boring after 2-3yrs. her point is that kids and other things can alleivate the boredome in other instances. trust me marriage is very very boring. your true friends and family will open up and tell you the truth that ish gets boring and routine-like after a short while. you've heard that saying "show me a beautiful woman, and i will show you a man who is tired of sleeping with her".
kpaco pikin go say "YEEEEEEH"
Botty pikin go say "OUCH"
As i be Botty/kpaco i go say "YEEEOUCH"..........@Demi sorry jaree,,no mind dem jouralist,,the talk enter my "Akinyemi-Ara"....Enter my bone Maroow
Una get mouth.
Yeah... Right...! So what killed all the other hollywood marriages with couples within the "right age range"? Dumbass article, blaming a woman yet again, like Ashton didn't see all the other beautiful young women before choosing her. He was going to cheat anyways. How come Susan Sarandon's situation (23yrs/12yr gap in hollywood) lasted for so long if that is the case. I didn't see any articles about that. Women keep blaming yourselves and the situation will never change. Raise your sons right and try and put positive messages out into soceity about how it is not ok for men to cheat so this cycle can stop! This article gets a sitdownh**!
Very interesting read and comments as well.
Demi is a 49 year old who had her first marriage when Aston was only 2 years old. Fast forward 23 years later, she meets this young actor with his poster up on her teen daughter's wall. She proceeds to date and marry him as is her right to consort with any consenting adult she deems.
For those who imply that he used and dumped her, it is anyone's guess how the fresh faced 25 year old we saw the then 41 year old sultry vixen parade at a gala event in Los Angeles fared, his wits pitted against the vastly more experienced, twice married mother of three teenage daughters. This will not be the first time a callow young person gets entangled in the web of a more experienced, much older person all the while thinking they are in control of the situation, only to find out later that they didn’t even understand the half of it. Ladies will understand, they are usually the victims of this plot.
Demi well known for her risqué self promotion stunts had a combined 17 tumultuous years of experience in the marriage institution prior to marrying Aston. She knew well the risks associated in wedding a developing young mind as opposed to dating. Can anyone spell manipulation and having to live with the fall out?
A fact of life which has nothing to do with looks, gender, class or wealth is that human beings evolve as they develop. The changes sometimes can be so radical it becomes difficult to manage for spouses of the same generation who wed while still developing.
However, it is a certainty that a fully developed personality engaging in a permanent liaison with a developing mind is looking to be cast aside either emotionally or physically at a later stage, if the newly emergent butterfly has the courage or resources to follow through.
Difficult and wrenching as this public debacle is for Demi, she was the adult in the room with enough moxy to figure out how it would all end. I say move on and lick your wounds in private, it was good while it lasted. The world screamed blue murder when you took up with Aston... hey it's your life with every right to seek happiness in his arms but the collective wisdom that led to the public outcry said you both were always swimming upstream.
For all you Aristos and Cougars out there the lesson is if you must play, in these situations you don't fly in the face of reason hoping to own another human being with fame or material incentives just because you think you have the capacity...... "Don’t even attempt to buy the cow where you can have the milk, albeit temporarily, for token" and when it doesn’t pan out, don’t hate the player, hate the ‘you know what’.
I hope the men especially are watching because they are the ones often caught in these hard to fathom love tangles and the first to cry foul.
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