Senator Ali Ndume (Borno State) has been arrested by the State Security Services (SSS) on suspicion of being a financier of the Boko Haram sect.
Ndume was indicted when an alleged spokesperson of the radical Islamic sect, also in SSS custody, Ali Konduga, reportedly named him as a major sponsor of the terrorist activities of the group. Security officials arrested the senator on Monday night.
An official of the SSS, who did not want his name published, confirmed the arrest and said the senator would soon face trial.“He is presently being detained in SSS custody, pending his arraignment in court,” he said. “Based on the confession of some Boko Haram suspects in custody, we have interrogated Ndume and he has made a statement accordingly. We are going to charge him to court on Tuesday (today) with some of the suspects in our custody.”
The suspect also named former Borno State Governor Ali Modu Sheriff and Nigeria's former Ambassador to Sao Tome and Principe, the late Saidu Pindar, as financial backers of Boko Haram.
Source: Daily Times
Gud 4 him. I hope dat immunity wil nt b grantd 2 him oh. God wil continue 2 expose dem, imagine d pain boko haram has causd dis nation.
Abeg this case shud not take years to investigate o. If found guilty truly, i suggest a death sentence. Na suggestion o!!!
i just pray justice prevails,,,,...may the blood of all the innocent souls they have killed ask for vengeance now.......
I hope they don't start with d argument that jonathan has started hunting down his political enemies!! cause that is the next thing u will start hearing
how na,
abeg try put link to dailytimes na under source, make people see the source. your blog address would be visible as people view it on our site. you hear.
Grabs popcorn and waits to see how this turns out...
this is just the beginin,i hope mor pple wil b indicted
May they rot...msheww.
See his face nonsense man. Where people used their money to sponsor good things, he used his own for evil act, may God purnish him.
The question is, who is the don behind him? PDP = a nest of killers.
He should be killed the way Ghadafi was killed
Hope this will not get flushed in the toilet when they think we have forgotten about it (like is usually the case with high profile people and the law in this country)
It will not be enough to arrest the senator if the allegations avaunt him were true! he should face the firing squad so that his family will feel the pain he has inflicted on other families and secondly to serve as a warning to the remaining lot out there.....similar rules will apply if younare caught
Make oga jonah no waste time on this 1 ooooo. if him no fit,, make him hand am ova to international criminal justice oooo... i beg oga jonah . blood of the innocent ones go dey on ur head if u na fold ur arms ooooooo
80% of d Hausaz r strongly in support of dis islamic mumu sect..quote me... MBK..
He should die like those innocent souls. Thank god that the SSS is naming and shaming our enemies.
The senators should vote and remove him from the senate. A terrorist should not be a senator.
There is news that senators are telling the SSS to release him.
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Ali Ndume, Ali Modu Sheriff and Saidu Pindar and others are the representatives of the financial backers of Boko Haram. Ali Ndume (& his wives & children), Ali Modu Sheriff (& his wives & children) and the backers (be it financial, military, intelligence or otherwise) of Boko Haram must die immediately by (slow and very painful) hanging. If u have malaria fever, recognise it by its identity. Recognise it 4 what it is. It's not a headache or migraine. Treat malaria fever like u should 2 get rid of it. Boko haram is NOT a religious sect or terrorist organization. Islam / sharia law, etc is just the convenient & fraudulent excuse of Hausa / Fulani people 2 use violence 2 gain political power. Boko Haram was created & unleashed on Nigeria by Hausa Fulani leaders, traditional leaders and religious leaders. Recognise Boko Haram by its true identity, ideology, motive, & the ethnic group & individuals that would benefit by its success. Boko Haram is the camouflage of a (very evil, violent, corrupt, greedy, immoral & very desperate) political group of muslim / sharia law loving northern Nigeria. They're of the islamic / muslim & norther origin & are ganging up against Goodluck Jonathan a non muslim & a non northerner elected by the majority of the Nigerian population. Boko Haram are Hausa / Fulani people of northern Nigeria. These cruel, violent, barbaric & backward people of northern Nigeria cannot win a free & fair election & these two-faced, sinister, filthy & revolting people cannot gain power without resorting to foolishness, nastiness, violence, mass murder, election fraud & military coups. We all have the same rights, but these discriminating and arrogant Hausa / Fulani people are constantly in the lime light and getting all the attention. Their agenda be it through coup d'état or through "Boko Haram" (or whatever stupid / misleading name the choose to disguise their evil agenda) has always been, domination, illegal seizure of power, election frauds & mass looting of Nigeria's foreign earnings (from oil and natural resources). For over 38 years, these fraudulent, corrupt & incompetent Hausa / Fulani people have ruled Nigeria and Nigeria has nothing to show for all the years Hausa / Fulani people have been dominating the leadership of Nigeria. God will punishment Hausa people and their shameless Fulani collaborators for all their evil deeds and wikedness. Goodluck Jonathan is NOT the cause of the ongoing Hausa / Fulani orchestrated mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing in northern Nigeria.
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The difficulties & ongoing problems in northern Nigeria is 100% the handwork of murderous, unpatriotic, economic saboteurs & treacherous Hausa / Fulani people. People need to stop blaming Goodluck Jonathan or his administration. UK, US & EU leader know what's going on & the specific Hausa / Fulani leaders coordinating the destruction of Nigeria. Hausa / Fulani people are not giving Goodluck Jonathan a chance or allowing him to govern the country in peace. These awful Hausa / Fulani people want 2 make it seem like only a northerner can successfully govern Nigeria. The chaos & crisis are being orchestrated against Goodluck Jonathan's led administration by Hausa / Fulani people. Goodluck Jonathan was elected by Nigerians & Nigeria to serve. He deserves to be respected & allowed to do the work he was elected for (by the majority of the country). What these treacherous, evil & self-centred Hausa / Fulani people are doing by deliberately, systematically, collectively undermine Nigerian President's authority and distablise Nigeria, is malicious politics motivated by the worst form of tribalism, envy and greed. Nigeria's president, Goodluck Jonathan, is under enormous, orchestrated & unprecedented opposition & pressure at the hands of northern leaders, their traditional & religious leaders, including those in the military & intelligence services.They want to use Boko Haram as a front / mask / smoke screen to kill Goodluck Jonathan and blame his death on terrorists. No. Nigerian's terrorists are Hausa / Fulani people masquerading as "terrorists". The only reason they haven't slaughtered Goodluck Jonathan is the opposition they will face at the hands of US, UK and EU leaders. The leadership of Nigeria is not the birthright of war mongering Hausa / Fulani people. Through the use of terror tactics by Hausa / Fulani backed Boko Haram, northern nigerian wants to make it seem like Goodluck Jonathan is a lame duck president who can't perform his duties. Hausa / Fulani people are the cause of over 95% of Nigeria's past & current economic & political problems. All Nigerians must join the crusade against all forms of terrorism & the breakdown of law and order. We must teach these bastards & their unborn children a big lesson. One tribe or any tribe must not be allowed to dominate. It is wrong. The terrorism in Nigeria is due to the desire of Hausa / Fulani people to impose their authority & religion on the rest of us & forcefully gain perpetual advantage of the presidency of the federal republic of Nigeria at the expense of the rest of use. Where's our rights? Where is the fairness in all these? Are we & our children supposed to perpetually be second class citizens in our own country to these hateful, deceitful, cruel, sinister & fraudulent Hausa / Fulani people? Hell no! Enough is enough! Peace loving Nigerians need to wise up & rise up! We need to see these Hausa / Fulani people now calling themselves Boko Haram for what they truly are the long-term threat they pose to Nigeria & Africa. Hausa / Fulani people by proxy have lunched a war on Nigeria & they must be annihilateed. Boko Haram is authorised & acting on behalf of the Governors, Emirs and leaders of northern Nigeria. It was them that conspired & unleashed their military wing, Boko Haram on Goodluck Jonathan & peace loving Nigerians. These rotten and highly corrupt Hausa / Fulani people are telling us is each time their own person is not the Head of State or President of Nigeria, they will use Boko Haram, their military wing ( masquerading as an Islamist terror organisation ) to bomb & slaughter us till we capitulate.
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The time is right for Nigeria to go to war against Hausa / Fulani people & their interest in & outside Nigeria. We cannot sit back while our people are being slaughtered. We cannot sit back while these rotten & greedy pigs oppress us in our own country & destabilise Nigeria. We need to give them & their children a taste of their own evil medicine & send all of them to the Sahara desert where they & their worthless ancestors & their unborn children belong.The Hausa / Fulani people (aka Boko Haran) of northern Nigeria are not & have never have been and never will be united with Nigeria in anything. Hausa / Fulani people are only interested in their own selfish interest which ultimately is not right for Nigeria as a united country. Their interest must not & should not be allowed anymore to reign supreme over the collective interest of Nigeria & peace loving Nigerians. The wanton carnage & murders in the name of any religion, Islam or Christianity, is treason which must be punished by instant death. What have Hausa / Fulani people ever done for us or contributed to the betterment of Nigeria? Civil war, military coups, assassinations, oil bunkering, cruelty, bribery & corruption, large scale murder, destabilisation, horrible & evil sharia law, and looting of national and state treasuries. This horrible people need to be kicked out of Nigeria. Boko Haram is a criminal organisation (owned & operated by Hausa / Fulani people) motivated by their greedy desire to force their their way into power, force their stupid religion on Nigeria while looting Nigeria's treasury. All nationals of Sudan, Niger, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Mauritania must be thrown out of Nigeria. They've caused so much death, injuries, fear, chaos, crisis & damage. Nigerians would never dare do in any country half of what these ugly children of Satan have done in Nigeria without being jailed or deported. These bastards should be deported, the borders tightened & the internal Boko Haram & their leaders executed. Boko Haram (Sharia law supporting Hausa / Fulani people, Muhammadu Buhari, thieving Ibrahim Babangida, thieving Abdusalami Abubakar, and thieving Atiku Abubakar and their financiers in Sudan, Niger, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Mauritania) shall be defeated. Reorganisation of Nigerian military, especially the army (the real Boko Haram of Hausa / Fulani people) & annihilation (by every means necessary) Boko Haram & islamic extremism in Nigeria can help bring to an end the north & south divide (economic inequality) & the (Hausa / Fulani) militocracy (through the Hausa / Fulani dominated highest positions & most lucrative positions in the army or through Boko Haram) & evil mafia (Hausa / Fulani) that have been stealing Nigeria's economic wealth for over 38 years for the benefit of the northern part of Nigeria.
London, England.
Northern elite need to take the bull by the horns in solving the problem of Boko Haram which is associated with the numerous bombings in the country. The intervention of the northern elite in the security challenge is the key in the restoration of peace in northern Nigeria. Northern elite have a responsibility to ensure that it is achieved.
wow! what if boko haram people are lying?
Y̶̲̥̅̊ u folks talk as if u don't knw d country u resides or hailed from,dis guy will soon be discharged and acquitted,hands crossed!
they should investigate the case very well before making it public, Boko Haram may decide to name their enemies as sponsors
SSS should check out his claim of being a Nigerian very well. He may as well be a spy. How could a Nigerian cause his fellow Nigerians and the government so much pain and anguish. A family friend and father of five boys lost his manhood and both eyes to the U.N building bomb blast, he survived after going through 15 surgical operations. Senator Ali 's children should be tied to the stake and bombed right in his presence. So he would feel a pinch of what other people felt.
Boko Haram abhors westernisation and is campaigning for the Islamisation of Nigeria. Its just the excuse of northern leaders and elite to gain dominance and power and lord over the rest of us. It needs to stop. Boko Haram extremists have political patronage and sponsorship. Boko Haram are acting at the instruction of northern leaders and elite. If Islam does not preach enmity, hatred, violence, how come northern elite and northern leaders have been conveniently silent? Which northern elite or northern leader have publicly or privately condemned Boko Haram or the Islamisation of northern Nigeria? With all the killings and mayhem in northern Nigeria, how is Islam a religion of peace? Sustainable peace can only be achieved through the collaboration of the people of northern Nigeria. Over the past 2 years, these useless, corrupt and uncivilised northern leaders and northern elite are the source of internal security breach in Nigeria. Northern elite and northern leaders are 100% responsible for the attacks on police, community leaders, churches, prisons and the bombing of the United Nation’s office in Abuja and the sallah weekend attacks in Borno and Yobe state which left over 150 dead. Boko Haram's intimidation, threats, attacks, security breaches and operations can be halted and eradicated with the help of the public and northern leaders. The public and northern elite, traditional leaders, religious leaders, military personnel and governors need to pass information to the security agencies.
They will all pay. We knew this all along.
this guys should be dealt with seriously and sentenced to death because too many people have lost their lives.
A Snake That Eats His Own Tail.......Prophet Muhammad Surrogates
Submitted by Nuhu D. Son Of Prophet Muhammad (not verified)
The Boko Haram are nothing but snakes under the colors of grass they take in refuge. It is like their prophet muhammad that ate his own tail. What kind of humans that kill their own kinds? Islam is a religious cult. If you get out of it they will hunt you and sliced your troat. This is what they call the religion of peace. Islam thinks for you. You have no choice as it is in the other religions. If they are truely a religion of peace why are they killing themselve all over the globe? Does killing = peace? Peace can be defined as:The absence of war or other hostilities. In islam war is called PEACE. Long Live The Peace Makers Boko Haram. Long Live The Satan Of Sokoto Alh. M. S. Abubakar. The Author Of the Quranic Constitution.
Nothing is going to happen to this senator. I give him one week and he will be out of detention. No be naija again.
Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume (aka Senator Ali Ndume) must be thrown out of the senate. They must be banned for life from holding leadership, political or public office. Nigerian, African, EU, UK and US government should place Mohammed Ali Ndume (aka Senator Ali Ndume) and Ali Modu Sheriff and their wives, children and relatives and in-laws on (life time) no fly list. Their Nigerian and overseas bank accounts and assets must be permanently frozen. They ploted and acted against Nigeria. Nigeria must show no mercy and must act severely against each one of them and their collaborators and fellow saboteurs. There must be no negotiation or concession with these mass murderers, traitors and economic saboteurs. Mayhem causing Boko Haram and their highly placed and treacherous leaders and financiers are corrosive to the economy and will be hunted down and exterminated. Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume (aka Senator Ali Ndume) and Ali Modu Sheriff must be charged with mass murder, treason and economic sabotage. They must be hanged immediately to serve as a warning and deterrent to anyone or copycat who wishes to follow in their footsteps to cause political or / and economic unrest anywhere in Nigeria.
This malicious murderer na proper onye aruala. Left with me, I'd give him total nightmares, anxiety attacks and complete nervous breakdown before I hang him, his wives and children. Ewu. Anu ofia. Their hold on power must be forever broken. A lot of people were adversely affected by his evil acts. There must be no forgiveness. Retribution must be swift and brutal for this awful and sinister man. Hang him by his balls till he bleeds to death. There will be no 72 virgins waiting in heaven or hell for this filthy, rotten and extremely evil criminal. Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar Gaddafi will be waiting for this nuisance (and other revolting arseholes like him) in everlasting hell.
As a reporter who once covered the national assembly i know this man, at least in passing. If this is true, it is a crying shame. He should hurry up and mention his cohorts ojare! Shuo! Fat fool! His sins have caught him out. Lets execute him quickly and send him on his way to meet the 70 virgins waiting for him. Olosi!
As a reporter who once covered the national assembly i know this man, at least in passing. If this is true, it is a crying shame. He should hurry up and mention his cohorts ojare! Shuo! Fat fool! His sins have caught him out. Lets execute him quickly and send him on his way to meet the 70 virgins waiting for him. Olosi!
I am not surprised at all, this is just the beginning of the disgrace of those sponsoring this sect. I guess many more important names will be mentioned. little wonder, they operate with annoying guts.
Does sharia law apply to him? Can they cut his hands off, and bury him alive. Mscheww, idiot.
Senator Mohammed Ali (PDP / Borno State) has confessed to knowing the spokesperson of the dreaded Boko Haram operating in the northeastern Nigeria. This evil man is married to two women – Aishatu and Maryam and he has 10 children. I don't think Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume acted alone. He's part of northern leaders who think that they must grab power through the barrel of the gun. He was responsible for sending threatening text messages to olusegun obasanjo. Who recently was having beef with olusegun obasanjo? Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, a northern leader. olusegun obasanjo opposed and blocked northern domination of PDP. Northern leaders have collectively vandalised Nigeria, introduced kidnapping, assassination, militancy, armed robbery, power degeneration and widespread religious crisis. They have caused too much chaos in Nigeria. The rest of Nigeria have not been given a level playing field in the competition with northern leaders in the contest for the leadership of Nigeria.
For over 10 years, blood sucking PDP politicians are the source of hostilities, unrest, insecurity and dirty politics in Nigeria. These occultic, corrupt, shameless degenerates and tribal and religious bigots sponsor militancy in Niger Delta and sponsor terrorism in northern Nigeria. They keep killing innocent people to achieve their objectives. May God avenge for the blood of the innocents killed in northern Nigeria by Boko Hsram and those killed in Niger Delta and Abuja by MEND. MEND are freedom fighters and civil rights activists. Boko Haram are Islamic terrorists. Put islamic terrorists, their leaders and senator Ali Ndume to DEATH.
Before we start passing judgement, lets be sure he is guilty. If he is find guilty, then let the hammer of judgement fall hard on him.
All bad things come to an end
This is just the begining.
Wow to him for being an ass to his own country.
Hopefully the suspect named the right guy(s). Boko Haram is more political than we think and this could simply just be to remove the senator from his seat.
@kimi why not just write a book?!smh
am sure its a hoax....That guy is lieing to his teeth...backer ko, financier ni...
Breeze don blow, fowl g-string don open for public..
God aint sleeping plus the blood of those innocent people killed won't rest either.
The end tale of this is going to be like a movie...
Name the remaining sponsors already biko...
Relax and see how God deals with these bloody bastards...
There must be more high level people attached to this grievious crime..this would explain the silence of the Northern leaders..their plan is throw the country into chaos..make GEJ look very incompetent..which would clamour for a Northen leader at the next Election or even impeachment of GEJ...with Technology and common sense a lot is possible..
In a recent statement, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammed Sa’ad Abubakar, who is the president general of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, and the president of NSCIA and the Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI), said, "the current socio-economic indices in the country are a clear indication that Nigeria has begun to drift." He also added that "in spite of the nation’s unprecedented resources, development had failed to match the national wealth."
It was revealed by Wikileaks that the Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammed Sa’ad Abubakar, "facilitated the release of some of the Boko Haram members arrested over alleged terrorist activities in the past to enable them escape justice. The US diplomatic cable with reference 08ABUJA538, released by Wikileaks was reportedly sent by the former American Ambassador to Nigeria, Dr. Robin Rene Sanders, on March 20, 2008. Release of Boko Haram members. The cable revealed that the State Security Service, SSS and some Northern traditional leaders, including the Sultan reached an understanding to release some Boko Haram suspects secretly to ensure they were not tried in law courts for their alleged offences of terrorism in the country."
Please, Google: 08ABUJA538
The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammed Sa’ad Abubakar claims he doesn't know who the leaders and sponsor of Boko Haram are. With reference to the US diplomatic cable with reference 08ABUJA538, released by Wikileaks, who did the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammed Sa’ad Abubakar release the Boko Haram terrorists to? Who approached for help? A ghost? The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammed Sa’ad Abubakar is two-faced and double dealing and have been at it for far too long. The Federal Government of Nigeria knows the leaders and sponsors of Boko Haram.
Boko Haram are muslims. Boko Boko Haram is the military wing of the muslims of northern Nigeria. Muhammed Sa’ad Abubakar speaks for the muslims. He is the spiritual head and grand Ayatollah of Islam in Nigeria. He has never condemned the violence or killings or actions or activities of Boko Haram because he, the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, northern leaders and northern elite stand to gain by the Islamisation of nigeria, success of Boko Haram and other Islamists terror groups. He is the person behind Islamic bank in Nigeria, Sharia Law, and the future "Islamic Republic of Nigeria."
In a recent statement, "Boko Haram" said: "Our clamour is fundamentally on how to safeguard our religion and that is why we resolved to sacrifice all what we have, including our lives for the sake of protecting Islam. Peace will never reign until when Sharia as a complete way of life is restored 100 per cent; just like the way it was practiced during the period of Daular Usmaniyya.”
May God save Nigeria from these people. Amen.
Boko Haram: SSS, Northern leaders' deal exposed.
Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammed Sa’ad Abubakar opposes troops in Borno, and absolves Boko Haram of violence.
seriously @kimi..we r supposed to read all of that? wow!
@ Ahmed
Long read but good stuff. I hope they will catch all of them and kill them just like Osama. There's no reason why they should impose sharia law in a country that majority of the people also practice christianity. It's ridiculous. Muslims are seriously trying to take over, and their plans will continue to come to nothing and they will all be killed or brought to justice.
KIMI you are just talking rubbish here cos you are such an Idiot Bastard. You may not have a Father but Fathersss. you may not be a literate but Illiterate. No one is supporting This Militant called Boko Haram and No one like their stupidity because is not Part of Islam or Related to Muslim but instated we don't regards them as Muslim. Dont blackmail Hausa Fulani cos they are your rulers and will continue to rule you in god name. by the way which Bastard tribe you come from that has no Origin. I will ask you for a favour?? please go and read the Qur'an and find out about it teaching. Why is Islam is the Fastest Growing Religion in U.S??? cos them the whites try to find the truth about Islam after 911 and they totally find a different story about Islam and western Media, now they are converting in their Thousands.
I will not be surprise if CAN are sponsoring this terror group just to gain Followers and to put Hate to Islam. Why did Obasanjo visit the family of the slain leader of Boko Haram?????? whay??? and What promises he did make to them to continue their terror act???
KIMI you are the type of People that Hate PEACE in Nigeria so I will not be Surprise if you are among the Sponsors of this Killers that are Killing Innocent Hausa's and Destroying our Cities. God will Punish you guys, and I hope God will expose the sponsors of Boko Haram. let them be jailed for life without seeing the sunlight for the rest of their LIFE.
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