The Nigerian Senate today passed a law banning same sex marriage in Naija. Any man and man or woman and woman that attempt to marry each other...will be arrested, prosecuted and sentenced to a maximum of fourteen years in prison. There's no fine oh! And PDA is not allowed even! :-)
Also, any clergy that marries or attempts to marry same sex couples will get ten years imprisonment and the place of worship permanently closed.
Haf u hear? This senate people are harsh o, even church sef go suffer?
But seriously though, this senate people need to get busy! There are more pressing/important issues affecting us a country/people. I doubt gay people in Nigeria are interested in marrying themselves. Next please!

This is awesome. I mean, everyone knows Nigeria's biggest issue is homosexual marriages.
Boko Haram.. No biggie
Armed Robbers... No Biggie
Lack of electricity ... No biggie
Lack of healthcare... No biggie
There goes ur dream..Linda!!..but seriously the country is in a mess..not moving..still got the Boko Haram threat and still lacking any new infrastructure of note.. even Aso Rock money is moving faster than the speed of light btw the usual players...
thats good
the senate are very busy with other issues of course but it is journalists/bloggers like you giving all that selective attention to this homosexual palava. How many people know about the FoI bill? Not many, I can guarantee you but you seem to know a great deal about this homosexuality bill
Na lie o Linda. It's the correct step in the right direction. At least that will keep their audacity at bay. You need to live in U.S to know that the world is fast going into extinction. This is where an elemementary school kid will be professing to be gay. A 13 year old middle school child already has a lesbian mate and they sleep together, while a teenage boy too has a teenage boy as his mate and their parents are looking the other way. Claiming they have their lives to live. A beg. Don't let it get to that stage in Nigeria. At least we still have a little bit of the fear of God if not much. Let all the gays in Nigeria move to Panama or Cuba or better still Kenya.
Really they need to focus on more important things o!
Anyway,its good to hear dt same sex marriage ȋ̝̊̅ڪ nw illegal I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ Naija! It really ȋ̝̊̅ڪ disgusting!
Truly it shld b banned!!!!!! Its just bullshit. Wot do they want to turn Naija into sef?
Of all the problems in Nigeria, the senate had to bring this bill to pass!!!
At least they should have allowed it and leave it to the clergymen to decide. But I really think being gay is a mental disorder....Baba God did not create ways for same sex to be together or have sexual intercourse,, you think am now...if you are confused, why same sex for animal no de mate????
Oooh! Nyz1 dere den. Good for em'
@anon 11:40pm was initially scared wiv ur 1st paragraph buh later got a clue of wah u were sayin, yh biggest issue indeed.
I trust my people. We'll see an increase in "gay" and "lesbian " people claiming asylum in other These senators are so jobless sha! No incubators in teaching hospitals, no ventilators even ordinary pulse oximeter are so few that nurses are them hiding away. They fly abroad for health care when the ordinary nigerian has no where else to go.Na wa!
Breaking News:
Nigerian Senate bans 419, fraud, corruption, bribery, money laundry, having sex with under-age kids, sponsoring Boko Haram, bad leadership, fighting in parliament, belonging a cult, polygamy, having sex or getting a Monica Lowinsky from anyone that is not your lawful wedded wife / husband, planning / engaging in military coup, oil bunkering, belonging to PDP in Nigeria - 100 years imprisonment for offenders.
Lool I can't stop lauging. No gay marriage for naija. Linda u re very funny
Really tho,really Nigeria with it's numerous wahala it's same sex marriage they had time to ban smh,maybe ban this Nepal tnieves,ban bad roads,ban poor health care,ban dirty water etc useless country
Just fourteen years? Not enough jare
Lmao! I'm all for banning the yeye thing. But As an International Relations field person, I am worried at how the human rights policy in Nigeria will be viewed from the western counterparts. Als pple will start to see refugee status in US and co! Lol..lets watch sha..
LOL @ "oh no..." hahahahaa! Preach!
However, if you ignore a sore it only festers and spreads. SO I won't criticize them for nipping this in the bud immediately.
Now, if only they'd nip a few other festering political sores in the bud too...sigh.
Like seriously. In as much as I find the homo thing sickening but 14 frigging years! I do hope other pressing issues like CORRUPTION and POWER FAILURE will be dealt with such proactive speed. Maybe they are trying to send a message, nip the damn curse in the bud before it gets outta hand. Hope INSECURITY and the above mentioned National issues would whip them up in such a frenzy any time soon. Nuff said...
OH the Foolishness! pls come and show me were gays are geting married in Nigeria?? when did this become more important than the current state of shameful affairs? lack of roads? foolish senators, meanwhile most of them have lover boys oh...ODES!.
Linda please check this out. Very hilarious:
Your Fan
What do counterfeiters, 419ers, armed-robbers, assassins, child molesters, Boko Haram, terrorists have in common with nigerian senators? GAY. They all need to come out of the closest.
Dis gr8. It nt enough of dem 2 pass d laws bt wil dis laws b enforced? Every one knws dat naija is a lawless society. Wat of dis gay guy on FB wit his gay club wit it b shut down?
They beta put up a structure, like a toll free line where people can cal n give info n also equip d police 2 fight dis menace.
When a kiss is controversial:
Benetton's "Unhate" campaign isn't the first time smooching has set off a religious firestorm.
First commenter wont kill me...Good idea its banned but wait first. So these senators know God ehhhhh..Isn't funny that our Senators loot our money without remembering or having fear of God..... but they will be quick to call God on same-sex rights? Who is deceiving who? A nation of pretenders.
wetin be PDR???
I personally am VERY happy that this has passed, give the homosexuals an inch, they will take a mile. That is the problem in America today now the Republicans are stuck and wish they never allowed them in the first place. We are losing ourselves to the American/Western culture, it is important to keep this wrong from taking roots. U will say they dont want to marry themselves but I am sure that is what Americans said until every corner you look the gays are fighting to marry each other.
I thank God o
I know there r homosexuals in naija, but didn't think anyone was marrying them. I mean, d Anglican church in Nigeria broke away from church of England, few years back, bc church of England allowed homosexuals to marry. I doubt that d Roman Catholics permit them to marry either. So who is presiding over their marriages? Do they have marriage license at all? When did it become an issue that they married? Personally I ve never heard or seen them marry anywhere in naija. Didn't think it was acceptable by anyone.
A big top up to Nigeria. They should even make it 21 years plus.
Browse free with your mobile phone
I have always trust Nigeria to do godly things. Somehow.
This is good, the good book is against it anyway.
IMSU Release Pre-Degree Admission List
so finally we go hear word,because dem don too disturb us wit all dis gayish talk.hmmm
I am happy to hear this!
That Senator is GAY Lowkey!
This is wat they're focused on?? Ppls sexuality? Isnt that personal?? He might as well ban Masturbation and arrest any1 that jerks of in the comfort of their homes, since theres nothing else 2 worry about in Nigeria. I mean we r a safe country with no armed robbers, no worries so lets go ahead n ban homosexuals since we dont have nothing else but embezzling to do. Extortion does get boring doesnt it?? Hissssss.... The Nigerian Government DISGUST me! my closest friends r gay and they're pretty cool. Every1 deserves to b happy dammit! Geez! Backwards country! Full of Hypocrites, dumb & dumbers!
Pls wats dat senators name Linda!!! Im finding da guy or woman! Ill send guys 2 anally violate him let em feel the sweet sensation in his asshole, i bet he or she would find it tantalizing n mayb would reconsider their action :)
Peace & Love
This is quite important, because it is these things that eat away at the core of our values. Now we can go ahead and deal with the likes of Boko haram and all the other idiots fixated in destroying the country.
Linda,you are becoming a terrorist! seriously!!! you are too diplomatic!!! stay on one side and stop dilly dallying!!! doesn't make sense!!!! you condemned something and then say again "naija government have more pressing needs and bla bla bla"i am sorry BUT you are beginning to lose your respect!!!! you beta post this! msachieeeewwwww!!!!! First rule of a blogger/journalist never be biased!!!!!":
Instead of concerning himself with Nigeria's defective education system, or dealing with Nigeria's widespread unemployment, or building some kind of social infrastructure for the hungry masses, Jonathan and his loonies focus on homosexuality.
I suppose it is smart in a way, he fans the fire of hate in our society, so that rather than discuss the structural issues facing us as a society, we are here on Linda Ikeji's blog talking about a non issue.
I suppose those seeking refuge in the west now have more legitimate reasons to be fleeing Nigeria. But as the video of the British woman in the train shows, the grass is not so green on this side either.
Linda what can be more pressing than this evil act.....Mo n f'unra si iwo girl yi sha. Good one Senate.
So happy right now, I think they should look for all they gay people in our country and get them arrested. Because that is so satanic and it can bring down a nation
It has not yet been passed... It is still a bill. Don't follow some ignorant reporters that are not qualified to cover senate news.
this is most problem that we hav if u linda don't knw, without treating this homosexual matter, it can take us to another level of problem that human being cannot solve, but other of our problem is wht we can solve by our self, so stop deceiving yourself u as less, maybe u are not planing to marry ur partner, others may want the something with homosexual demon man, so our first problem is this homosexual
this shouldnt have been a point of discussion within the senate. with so many issues right now in Nigeria, how did this even get on the agenda. idiots. people are being killed in the North, armed robbery is up in the south and they gave 5mins to someone else's business.
they should keep their bloody noses out of peoples lives and bedrooms. If two adults decide to literally penetrate each others anuses thats their problem. However the public school system that cannot educate our kids, the thieving petroleum marketers exploiting the subsidy etc are the govts fucking problem.
i totally support the ban,if they want to indulge in their sinful and abominable ways ghana,south africa e.t.c are nt far off they can move dirty gay people will assault my eyes with their dirty sinful acts in my own country.
the gay culture was imported into this country,and nigerians being the copy copy and follow follow they are imbibed it like they do anything foreign.
100% of nigerian celebs all form american accents
if you don't speak english or have full english comprehension you are done for in a supposedly african country!
fake bling bling as a result of copy copy now the gay thing is the new form of copy copy i bet it that if white people start renouncing and rejecting the gay thing nigerians will turn around and say they made a mistake act their sexuality
if animals who are of supposedly less i.q don't indulge in homosexuality,this shows its not natural how many male dogs have you seen having sex?
no wonder they call us monkeys and baboons
Naija senate!! Dem don start again o as Fela sang "..dem bring instrument of magic..dem bring enquiry.."
Any excuse not to focus on real important pressing matters facing us!
They have just created another grounds for Naija asylumseekers.The new excuse will be they can't return home for fear of persecution and 14 years imprisonment. Well done Senate *rolling eyes"
Yeah sex marriage aint important but it brought up its ugly head so we faced it,cut it off and face other pressing issues,hopefully.Good riddance to badt rubbish.
Like someone said sometime ago, even animals in their stupidity, wont indulge in same sex relationship. Thumbs up to the senate!
am surprised at some of the commentators here. HOMOSEXUALITY ISSUES might not be nigerian's number one pressing issue to be tackled but its of our best interest it was given ears promptly.
the demons in nigeria which ressurected from FESTAC 77 is enough for us cos that's what we are still battling now as they have taken a hold of ASO ROCK reasons y our leaders once they move in there, they forget about fixing the nation with electricity, good roads n all....but still, they took the right step with the GAY people...cos they r demon possessed n we dont need their man to man, woman to woman sexual pervertedness as a worry.
Linda, This is a right step in the right direction. With countries like Uk threatening to deal with countries that ban same sex marriage you still think it is not a problem already? Thank God we have dealt with this one, so lets move to the next issue.
Sometimes some comments only go to show the level of ignorance their source have. Why do we condemn just for its sake. eh? Haba. Are there not many committees of the senate on different issues of State? If other committees are not able to push their own bill for legislation why cast aspersions on one that has done so? At least dem don show sey dia sitting allowee no be for nothing. Naija people, una too do. All this criticism na to show sey una dey enlightened abi? Ok na, make we dey watch. However softly softly open una 32.
@Orangw Kenya had a law way before nigeria did jailing homesexuals for 14 years not that ma for it so sorry you can't ofload the nigerian gays there:(
Who told you senate is not busy with other issues. Do you people think it's child's play to govern NIGERIANS who cannot even take care of themselves in their immediate domains/houses/estate always waiting for government. But wen naijas are in anoda contri, hmm com see manners.NASS Una do well jooo. may ur resolve be strengthened. This is d beginning of beta tins to come in JN.
linda you sound like a lesbian if your not now i doubt.........check yourselve very well there was a time u made mention of such thing so dont u like what senate did???????so what they did dos it have anything doing with how nigeria is today??????
LOL way to go senate!:)
this gay ppl r mad! imagine me kissing Comedian Gordons oh my! when succulent lips like dat of linda is there? or imagine me touching julius agwu ass! when ass like dat of linda is there gosh this same sex ppl need rehabilitation
They cannot pass Freedom of Information Bill (FOI), they cannot demand state of emergency on Electricity, Education and Health Sectors but with the speed of light they have passed a bill against same sex marriage. Busy body them!
i am disappointed i n u Linda...unless u wanna tell us that u r gay or sympathise with them......Dont u read ur bible? a spade a spade.....these things are part of our moral decadence....we have other serious issues confronting doubt....but i think let thme takee them one by one as they must the western world tell us what to do in our own enclave?....Pls spare me that ur trashy comment....Mscheeeewwww!!!
linda are u in support of same sex marriage u seem to support or speak for wit every opportunity u get.i don't get y bloggers keep giving dis gay pple much needed publicity.
when will they pass a law banning Aristo?
shameless pigs!!
I also hear they are planning to ban masturbation.
This just shows how our government thinks of us. As silly children that you dangle a shiny object in front of and we are completely distracted. See how they've removed your eyes from worrying about real issues to thinking of how to stop gay people from marrying.
It's amazing how you people are saying that being gay is a mental disorder yet the same America that you revere so much lost that dumb mentality since the 80s. I'm not even interested sef. 14 years in prison because you love someone? Are you God?
Do they think that arresting gay people will end homosexuality in Nigeria? No it will not. More women will just end up with fags for husbands out of fear. Can't arrest him then.
Sometimes some comments only go to show the level of ignorance their source have. Why do we condemn just for its sake. eh? Haba. Are there not many committees of the senate on different issues of State? If other committees are not able to push their own bill for legislation why cast aspersions on one that has done so? At least dem don show sey dia sitting allowee no be for nothing. Naija people, una too do. All this criticism na to show sey una dey enlightened abi? Ok na, make we dey watch. However softly softly open una 32, abi na 38?
To all my Nigerian gay friends, I urge you to be discrete. They may seek to oppress and reject you now using the name of our Lord, but one day, they will answer to him for the wickedness of their hearts. If they happen to arrest you for the pride that you hold in your sexuality, then let them. The same wickedness they show you on earth, will be returned back 100 fold when they are rejected by God to be oppressed by the devil. Be strong!
Let's be realistic here... Being GAY isn't AFRICA just like many rubbish we've picked all in the name of civilization.
my question is what were they thinking about when took to the government to legalize same sex marriage?
cant just imagine one guy scooping my ass wow!! thumbs up to the ban.
lets be honest as well who does not love to watch two lesbians at it both male and females love to watch ladies getting dirty.
I am waiting for the ban on senator's who marry 13 year old children.
I am waiting for a ban on teachers in secondary schools and university professors who sleep with their students to give them a better grade.
I am waiting for a ban on politicians who hide pilfered money in all areas of the world.
I am waiting for the indefinite ban and arrest of whomever in charge of NEPA.
I am waiting for the indefinite ban and arrest of whomever is in charge of public works/transports etc.
I am waiting for the arrest of those responsible for the deaths of the peace corp members and Christians in the Northern region of Nigeria.
the senaotrs are all hypocrites, certainly they are much more presseing issues they shd be considering instead of trampling on on peoples fundamental rights, am not gay but i feel everyone shd have the liberty to do what he or she derives satisfaction from. the senators that passed the bill are the main perpertrators of the crime...bloody hypocites
Nigerian senate passes anti-gay bill, defying British aid threat.
Must read.
God bless you chichiluv. You just spoke my mind.
Kudos to this Senate.Now those members of gay club who shamelessly showcase themselves on Facebook should disappear from the country with the speed of light. They should go to UK or America where they will welcome into the fraternity.Mbanu, all you homos, no vacancy for you in Naija.Linda, are you one of them? Why did you say that the Senate should get serious and do something else? Do no the level of damage this would have done to the moral fabrics of this nation?I hope this law will not be swept under the carpet like others, it should be implemented.
The annoying thing about the Gay folk is B4 u say Jack..they want to can??..and straight people are taking up their sexual habits too..taking it up u know where!!...
it's a threat to our culture/way of life...9jas copy too much and do things in the extreme..moreover the West are trying to impose on us..hellooo..Colonialism ended sometime ago..withdraw ur Relief fund??..BA makes that much in a month from us?? less of the loot kept in UK by our Thief Thief politicians..the cheek!!..just like they imposed Christianity...still loving that Chinua Achebe saying..When the Whiteman came we had the Land they had the Bible..B4 they left they had the Land and we were clutching the Bible!! im we dey till today!!
A beg thank God for this jare. Whether or not the senate has more pressing issues, this particular issue got under my skin. U can be gay and fist ur asshole as much as u want in the comfort of your home but I personally believe gay people are sick people's a mental disorder,no matter what any stupid scientist tells me. It's a choice, not something natural. Explain to me why animals don't have same sex intercourse. Why don't plants do it if it's sooooo natural or scientific? We always import rubbish from other countries. Whatever happened to our own history. It's good this was curbed before it got out of hand. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Homosexuality exists in Nigeria but it's not a Nigerian attitude. Polygamy is a Nigerian thing but outlawed in the US and UK. Why don't they adopt it? They always want pole to do their stupid deeds. Abeg NASS thank you. You guys just made me a believer albeit a distant one.
Wetin dey fuckin block ds pple brain......what is fuckin wrong wt them....this same sanators pay Gays to com and gv them good BLOW JOB and the women pay Lesbo to com and suck dem up.....Ok....Battle line is drawn...........The money to Soapy wt them wud increase too.......Mtcheww
Regardless of the imminent decay of the country, the affairs of "yansh tearers" and "fingering and fellatio experts" is their topmost priority.
Abeg make them tackle serious matters like power and Boko Haram, rubbish!!
linda, i will very much disagree with that last sentence of yours that the senate should get busy with other matters instead of the gay issues. yes they needed to do that but for you to say they should get busy is making me suspect that you had an interest in the matter of gay becos you have been unecessary promoting gay rights.
I don't have a problem with the ban,but how come d bill was passed so swiftly while other bills containg more pressing issues are left to sit for years unatttended? Why did d senate not pass a bill on paedophiles marrying underage kids?cos those mallams amongst them are guilty.nonsense btw this is my 1st comment on this blog "gbagun" i ring bell for myself
To all the fools saying that even animals don't engage in homosexual conduct, maybe you should go watch a NaGeo documentary called SEX. I'm not here to say that homosexuality is not a sin. Deep down, even gay people know it is. What i am saying, is that it is no worse than any other sexual sin so we really are all just being a bunch of hypocrites. I bet you that there are so many homosexuals in the Senate (men and women) hiding under the cloak of intolerance so they won't be named. Bloody cowards.Everyone here has their own sexual sin they are living with so "He without sin cast the first stone". Now, i'm not for same sex marriage but i am for allowing anyone to fuck any other person he/she desires as long as its consensual and age appropriate. See yaz!
But Linda, why e be say na only babes dem dey catch dey thief BB?
Some guy for some other forum talk say dem dey lift the bobbi make dem check whether she hide any other phone for yonder... Lol
But me dey wonder which punishment she for prefer - a couple of months in jail for the theft or a couple of minutes fondling of her bobbi?
To those wey dey cry blue murder, know yea say to say na man, dem for don kpokpo am die, so she lucky say she the the right ammunition to titillate and distract the guys away from some other more sever punishment.
Lastly, Naija na jungle and na so e be for jungle. No law. Just be like now say Linda marry one ustaz and dem come put am for 'ba shiga', and one niggy come dey enthralled by her sexiness come mis waka enter the place, na only Bros Goddeh go fit hep the guy from instant castration... No court, no police, na jungle justice. E no dey right but it is what it is. E good make una dey publicise this kind jist so babes go learn say if dem no wan turn free show for internet, make dem look for one mugu wey go arrange them the BB instead of trying to take matters in their own hands..
Sensel! U said it all!you all fornicate! U commit adultery! And u dare come on here n chat shit!?really,like we care! We busy living our lives!!!!! Keep hating! We don't givva shit!
Lesbians rock!!!!
Sin na sin i agree. but one down and many more to go. but at least raan papapa raan papapa i just shot a sin down with many more left and still working on them!
In dis democracy if a referendum is taken u freak rodents will be exterminated all together which will be d right of the majority abi? so count yurselves lucky say na just say we no gree una marry, which is just a thinly veiled way of saying we do no want yur nonsense but we dey try conform to one global negative norm wey the lenders don agree upon, if not na acid we for flit for una prick and toto!
I am Nigeria 100%, but I hate to say this: Nigeria is becoming a disgrace. This is a new age & new era but our government thinks and act like it is not. They steal money from the people, get fat while seating on there lofty couches, afford lavish spending for their family. Whereas, the people they pledge to support are suffering. There are other important issues that needs to be addressed. I pray that The Human Rights Court file an order for the whole entire Senate body. Human Rights is the key to a progressive country. Banning Same Sex marriage is just as awful as denying people of their human rights. Nigeria is becoming senseless, and people need to let go of ignorance. Ignorane takes one nowhere. Nigeria is becoming an IGNORANT NATION.
This is why Americans laugh at you. Really really really really hard. No seriously. Really hard. And for those who don't know, 62% of Americans support gay marriage SIXTY TWO PERCENT. It's funny how much you hate America but keep quoting our numbers. You must Google us a you even have Google? And I am a science major with a minor in biology. About 60 years ago we figured out that 26% of animals are homosexuals....sixty years ago. You cannot be THAT far behind...well....considering the lack of money you put into education...I guess its expected....which brings me to my original point......we laugh really really really reeeeeally hard.
It makes me sad for all the educated nigerians because you make your smartest people look like you which is offensive. Let's be real here....its not like you have anything to brag about.....and the only intelligence that you have is destroyed by your absolute and inequivacable stupidity.
(for MOST of you that don't know what inequivicable means....look it up in a dictionary....even your outdated ones from 1982 should have that word in it) if you dont know how to look things up in a dictionary, I'm not surprised. Still laughing. Really hard.
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