The primary school pupils will receive N100, while their secondary school counterparts will get N120.
Primary school monitors will get N120, while prefects in the secondary schools will receive N150.
I don't know whether to commend this or laugh. N100 per month? What do you buy with N100? Kuli Kuli? lol. Why not buy them books, school uniforms, sandals, build libraries and equip the schools with more facilities, etc.. just anything to make the learning environment more conducive for these young people, instead of giving them money that will make no difference in their lives. #Justsaying.
fuck him
i really wish i were there when he gave his comment on it...i would have given him a word or two to keep his food from digesting...what rubbish...can't have someone like this hurting the people's feelings with these ridiculous donations...absurd!...anyway....THIS IS NIGERIA....
point of correction,the money is not monthly but daily.its a gud thing also be reminded that this man has done alot to the state.
Linda, u are quite negative; why don't u first commend him and then make suggestions?
Do u know how many of the school children that 100 to 150 will help?
At least he is doing something.
I think this is why the country never moves forward, we always look for ways to discredit anyones idea without coming up with any viable one. Please tell me why the Government shud buy sandals and uniforms for it's students?
Maybe the students will learn how to manage money, by saving their hundred naira each month and putting it to good use.
It might not be the best idea, however, it is an idea with the intent of making improvement to the life of these kids
This man never ceases to amaze pple.
infact, He is a disaster,
what a wasted opportunity!
This has to be a joke right? It has to be! N100 per month? Seriously? I can't believe this people we put in power. Sometimes i wonder if dey are educated @ all. Education aside, dis is just lack of common sense mehn!
He is a big joker,he should ask Fashola how its done.mscheeew
This governor must belong to stone age how much does that translate to per day. From ridiculus controversial appointment to this.
If its daily then great. Let's just hope the money reaches the children
Here's to all the people who were clamouring for Ohakim to be removed and Rochas to be installed. Lemme grab some pop corn and a drink..this promises to be very very interesting. I live in Owerri, so Linda, i will be updating you as things unfold. lol
Nigerians should learn hw to appreciate and commend as appropriate. hw many governors have ever come up with this idea? all they do is to embezzle. i think we need to be constructive in our opinions instead of looking for loopholes all the times.
Aint even up to a dollar prolly bout 50/75 cents every month? wowzers!
i think nigerians should grow up and cultivate the habit of appreciating and emberacing good gestures. what have we done to those governors that embezzle tax payers' fund? nothing. let's be constructive even in our criticism.
Ask Fashola exactly how what is done?
I am not a Rochas apologist or anyone's ass kisser for that matter and never spare the government in my criticism but I really think Rochas should be commended. In Nigeria today no matter how small the gesture is it is well appreciated. Do you know how many students are in Primary school and Secondary schools?
N100. Imagine? God bless him for even making the effort plus many others.
All this people running thier mouths here what exactly have your governors done to touch the lives of people around them? I'm not talking about all the psychophants and ass kissers they surround themselves with. We have governors, ministers even the president and his wife spending our money on frivolities and yet not one of you have gone to talk to them so thier foods will not digest.
It's a good idea, but it's too small. Have you seen poverty in many parts of Nigeria? Then you will know that this money will go down well. However, 1000N per month would be much better.
Linda, will u be happy if he gave them 5000 Naira a month? bought them books, sandals and school uniforms?
How much is enough for us Nigerians? Did these kids have this extra income before? Do u know that this will be a way to teach hem how to save? How many other states have made such gestures?
Considering your blog reaches a wide audience, I think you be more open minded
He shouldn't have bothered.
Linda check your facts before you start making posts, the money is daily and if you miss school for one day, you don't get to get any money at the end of the month, it's a motivation to make sure students go to school daily and talking about sandals and what have you, he gave imo state free education, provided writting materials, books, uniforms even sandals for school children, what more do you want from him? Till he donates all the blood in his body to FMC owerri then you'll know he is trying? Mchteeeeew.........
@Annon Nov 2 10:47am.........Ur comments sound odd somehow.,,save 100 per month for a year,,,tell me how much it gives u....1200,,,so wat is 1200 worth buying?? of course we know there are some leaders who do nothing and they have all the curses on them and their generations and God's judgment to live with......if u want to help people do something that will make an impact in the person's life......it would have been better if he provided a better learning environment with good facilities for the children instead of the silly N100....Yes he should ask Fashola how he has touched people's life without giving some kind of money that will be considered as trash.....
@anon 11.55, did u say the money is daily? lol, not true. it's monthly. U go check ur facts and come back here
Thank God he is doing something. Whether the money is monthly, daily, hourly or minutely, just praise him for that little gesture. If all governors and other leaders will join, I think
9ja school children no go have problem.
Linda sometimes you make me laugh,but I don't blame you sha,it's becos you get small small dollars from the adverts you can afford to call N100 small.you don't understand what people are going through.you don't understand what N100 can do for a child in the east,even if they use it to enter okada so please shut up and just mind your writing.leave the readers to decide they they want.the money is not a lot for us but for those people it's manna from heaven.when someone gives you free education and also gives you money on top,no matter how much,believe me it makes a difference in the life of those children.I don't care if it is daily or weekly or even monthly,it's something.since I have known you,with all your earnings I have never heard you say you went to any orphanage to visit and take things to them so please mind your business......
@sleekreek 12:02
You are not making any sense and your comment seem short sighted.
Education is not all about what u learn in the classroom, it is also about what u learn and teach yourself.
1200 naira might not mean anything to u, however, it goes a long way for a lot of families.
In the UK and US, this same principle is practiced with the objective of teaching kids about money. This money will not make them rich, but will educate them with the concept of money management nad value of money. Again we are talking primary school kids here and not adults that have responsibilities
It is unfortunate that I have to spell this out to u in this manner.
Jazz money to use their fresh destinies.
Why not equip the schools and the teachers and provide power and jobs in the state?
but like someone else mentioned starting @ N1000 would have been better than 100(=0.70cents)/month. But Nigerians like to spill out too much negativity and judgments when they themselves aren't doing shit for this nation #justsaying
p.s linda have you started up your ''LIB initiative'' or you just wanted to sound nice on that post hisssss
Hi all, i think i saw the news coverage and if my memory serves me right he first promised free education, books and uniforms. i didnt get to the money part though. i work in the education sector, with an IDP in Lagos, and i know UBE is supposed to be free across the country but it is not, and the state of public scuools discourages a lot of parents. there used to be a school feeding programme (still is in some states), whr children are given a meal a day, first for nutrition and then to encourage them to come to school. this may well be a variation. there are so many out-of-school children in the society and in development work we try to use various means to get them into school and then retain them. pls let's check our facts and give the full info, to avoid Nigerians with our bad mouth abusing people that are trying to do something to help, even if its just a tiny drop. my only concern when i saw the news was on implementation and sustainability because it would really take a lot of resources to pay the fees, buy textbooks and provide the uniforms for all school children, then this stipend. but i was with my aunt talking and we concluded that it is doable if the govt decides not to squander the huge resources at its disposal and instead channel it to a good cause. i've hrd Rochas has interest in education and has done some notable things in the past for school children, just hope he fulfills he promise to the people this time.
I really do not know what is wrong with Nigerians these days now. A leader does this they complain, if he doesnt do it, they complain again. What do we really want them to do.
For all of those against this development who dont know: He could have embezzled all the money for his own monthly stipend if he wanted to, but he didnt. Even if the money is monthly or daily, it is a welcome development.
Also, Linda please get your facts straight before you post online. It could be very misleading to your audience to provide false information and very unprofessional too.
We Nigerians are sooo..... You people say here that we should be eternally grateful and worship d floors dat dese Governors walk on just because they re doing deir jobs. Jobs dat dey are paid exhorbitantly to do!! Now this Governor has come up with dis idea, as fooolish as it is, to give N100 monthly to students. How exactly are they supposed to get it sef? Go and queue during school hours @ some local govt office or what? I mean....dis is just a very silly idea. His intentions might be good no doubt, but still a very stupid idea. Let him use dat money to provide amenities as simple as a good toilet system in all d public schools in his state. We all have been hearing/reading of pupils who fall in pit latrines and die. Dat would make much more sense dan dashing N100 monthly, Money dat wuld end wiv his administration (dats even if it kicks off in d 1st place), whereas those toilets wuld be there long after he has gone.
We Nigerians are sooo..... You people say here that we should be eternally grateful and worship d floors dat dese Governors walk on just because they re doing deir jobs. Jobs dat dey are paid exhorbitantly to do!! Now this Governor has come up with dis idea, as fooolish as it is, to give N100 monthly to students. How exactly are they supposed to get it sef? Go and queue during school hours @ some local govt office or what? I mean....dis is just a very silly idea. His intentions might be good no doubt, but still a very stupid idea. Let him use dat money to provide amenities as simple as a good toilet system in all d public schools in his state. We all have been hearing/reading of pupils who fall in pit latrines and die. Dat would make much more sense dan dashing N100 monthly, Money dat wuld end wiv his administration (dats even if it kicks off in d 1st place), whereas those toilets wuld be there long after he has gone.
its monthly....check imo official website to confirm....http://www.imostate.gov.ng/news/904
lind u gat to get ur facts strait before talking.and fellow bloggers...same goes to u.
linda u said he shld build schools and other things but if u researchd well,u will know that he hs rebuilt schools, uniforms r free,etc.
and those that keep talking down d man, whts ur governor doing?lets stop being negative n weigh all sides.
Idiot, is that what he is supposed to do? What happened to free and better education, books,libraries, etc. The man is a total jerk
Hourly? Daily? Monthly? Nah! That is not the point. The idea of "paying" (or bribing?) pupils to come to school in a state where education is already the biggest industry seems, to me, a VERY weird idea.
Whether daily or monthly is inconsequential. Rather than create a reward system that is not sustainable, provide an excellent environment for them to study.
If they serve high quality meals in school, provide relevant textbooks(they tend to give students useless books that a decent private school will bin) then we'll say he is 'trying'.
It's only in Nigeria that people get excited that these politicians are doing what they were elected to do. It is because of the decay anyway. Someone needs to advice him to channel the money in the right direction.
Even if it was N1 a day, we have 2 commend d man's gesture. If a N100 a month is small money for u, then thank God for ur blessings. U would be amazed @ how far N100 a month would go in the life of some of these kids. U should see how poor some ppl 're in this country,d kind of poverty that u can't even fathom...SMH...I commend d man, @ least he is making an effort, as oppose 2 some of his contemporaries .
This is the problem with naija. Our so called leaders are looking to win points rather than address issues.
Look at it however you want to, but N100 a month amounts to crap.
Now pull all that money together and create a health care center, all of a sudden you have used the same amount of money to create high value.
Please lets focus on the big picture not on scoring cheap points.
Rochas can afford to "eat" dat hundred bucks but he's giving it out.my dear Linda,bcus u were opportuned to have mur than that dsnt mean u'd laf at dem or d initiative.d woman who i buy fries from,her son heard d news n rushed home to tel his mum wt great excitment in hs eyes,100# is nt much bt it gave dat kid a reason to smile n here's d gud part! He said he'll pay his tithe!!!...do u pay yours? *just asking*
@ Linda : May U not know wat a N100 can do IJN! That's my prayer 4 U. Also, @ Sleekreek:N1200 can do a lot 4 your info. If U had ever tasted poverty in your life, U won't be able 2 appreciate wat D Governor is doing and dat's why U can call N1200 silly. Personally, l think d man is trying & is doing something! Stop comparing him wit Fashola; he started somewhere though, 2 achieve wat he had achieved today as a reference point, but compare him with other Governors U & l know. Right?
Rochas is giving the children what they want not need. The children do not need the money,they need good classrooms,good books, 3 square meals,good teachers.
I like the way they do it in some schools in Kenya. I volunteered there for a while and I was amazed. The children get breakfast lunch and dinner at school,education is free and now they are using the Kindle to learn so that they don't carry heavy schools bags and save on buying books.
Read Paul Tergats story,he is a beneficiary of the school feeding program. See where he is now.
when are we nigerians going to stop casting a negative aspersion on everything??
at least the man is giving a stipend is he their parents or how may states gives their students anything apart form the free education.
even if its 50naira its the duty of their parents to add to it or anyone making mouth here can help the government and donate more govt consists of everybody working in concert
pls keep your mouth shut if you can't control what comes out of it and if anything sensible is not forthcoming.
so i guess we should be stoning the man for not toeing the line of other governors who siphon the security votes into their family accounts?/
what have you done for the less privileged before you cast aspersions on something you only learnt of on linda's blog
even if its 10 naira a month like anonymous said it is for the kids to get the concept of money and also as an encouragement to attend classes.how many drop outs would have been gainfully employed if this innovation had been around for several years?
besides what commitments does a primary school or secondary school child have other than to use the money either its ten or 100 or 1000 in buying ice cream,sweets and what not.
a primary school pupil in the uk at their age is not waiting for the government to pay them he/she has started doing paper rounds with their bicycles and getting paid by the shopkeeper weekly at 18 yrs old a whie british kid is already contributing towards the household this is why they appreciate anything the government or private individuals do unlike us who still live under our parents without any form of contribution well into our thirties
travel out and learn!
Sillysilly Linda...! no be everything you go put for blog. You wan run Rochas down abi? you be PDP? The man try biko! Clap for am jo!
These kids badly need adequate learning materials and a good learning environment and not money for 'Askirim'
All you guyz dat ar gushin ova d 100 naira n berating linda should go sit down.wat is worth doin is worth doin well,its becos of pips lik u dat rejoice ova peanuts dats makin our leaders to treat us like fools.they appoint der girlfrnds,buy dem houses n luxury goods,fly them first class n give dem millions per month n you want us applaud him ? WAT A LUAGH !
These kids need a good learning enviroment and adequate learning materials,rather than money for 'Askirim'.
Lmao @ kuli kuli !!! 100 naira can't really do much but i think its a step in the right direction!
Linda shut your Mouth Up, How many governors can do what he has done so far?? when his predecessor was there, what did he do?? is it not to increase tuition fees and make education only for the rich and powerful in the society, If you don't know what to post here better publish foreign news. Not to dent someones kind gesture
Again, we find many people praise stupid concepts with the ever common "at least he is doing something". What kind of foolish reasoning is that? The idea is unsustainable, come 6 months and the government would be struggling to pay and the money would be disappearing. Maybe if he focused on improving the welfare of the parents, they would in turn improve that of their family. Also, teachers in Nigeria are mainly bitter and disrespectful, he should rethink this strategy. My fellow Nigerians, please people stop this love affair with mediocracy, it is killing us.
@ Linda : May U not know wat a N100 can do IJN! That's my prayer 4 U. Also, @ Sleekreek:N1200 can do a lot 4 your info. If U had ever tasted poverty in your life, U won't be able 2 appreciate wat D Governor is doing and dat's why U can call N1200 silly. Personally, l think d man is trying & is doing something! Stop comparing him wit Fashola; he started somewhere though, 2 achieve wat he had achieved today as a reference point, but compare him with other Governors U & l know. Right?
Rochas, thanks for this new development in the right direction which is starting from the grassroot. God bless you Sir. as for those poeple that are reacting nagetively, what will you say about Nigeria money that was used for the celebration of 2010 october 1st? which can go along way in solving some problems (improving on our poor roads, constructing facility for learning, etc) what will you say about the recent bill in the House? of what use is that bill to the development of the country? pls, lets all work towards change and commend those working towards change. thank you
Let's commend him please maybe the other " chop clean mouth " governors will follow suit.
Its a start. Whats that they say about little drops of water.
Education is empowerment!
Linda , you are 100% correct. This Okorocha guy does not know anything about governance. He is a father Christmas and he want to run the state as such. Read some comments made by some very myopic people and this is a shame as they do not really see the bigger picture. God help Imo State, Amen.
I Think This is One of The Many Reasons Why Nigeria is Where she is Today, the Mind of the Average Nigerian has Been Polluted with so Much 'Self Centeredness' we Only Pitch Our Tent Where We Stand to Gain Alot, What Happened to the Unconditional LOVE for Motherland?... I Believe The Solution to Our Problem is.. ''Revolution of the Mind''.... As Far as i am Concerned, this Move by Rochas is a Very Laudible One, It'l give these Kids a Sense of Belonging that their Country actually Does Love Them, This Will Help The Newer Generation grow With Better positive Thoughts to Govern Their Minds Regarding their Country and Locality. Think About it People, This Move Is More of a Psycological One, Than it is Economical. #Please Lets Use our Common Sense.
ATLEAST HE IS A TREND SETTER...100naira is nothing to you but it might mean something to those kids even though they av been surving without it...people can always take him up on other things later....if he takes away that money away from those kids on account of linda's story, ow will you people feel?
Rochas Okorocha has no meaningful policy and lacks imagination. How the hell did people in IMO State vote for this man that can't even run a chicken shed. This man is turning out to be worst than the precious administration.
The Most Unimaginative Person of The Year goes to Okorocha.
Alots of nigerians living inside nigeria are too much reasoings at the negative side,,
why should you expect big without apriciating the litle one first?
how many old and new governors has given you 50naria before?
why can,t us be happy first before airing our views?or dont you know that with this move,alots of woman that brought kids to city for there banana and orange sells ,will now register them in school and can even go to villages and bring more kids,,and u know how much is for 10kids monthly,
Alots of nigerians living inside nigeria are too much reasoings at the negative side,,
why should you expect big without apriciating the litle one first?
how many old and new governors has given you 50naria before?
why can,t us be happy first before airing our views?or dont you know that with this move,alots of woman that brought kids to city for there banana and orange sells ,will now register them in school and can even go to villages and bring more kids,,and u know how much is for 10kids monthly,
@Annon Nov 2 12:27pm .......in a month that has 22working days (monday to friday) with no public holiday at all,,,tell me how a child can spread N100 for 22days??thats even less than N5,,my dear and even if the child has no responsibilities(as u claim),,what will less than N5 buy for a child???am not saying his idea is bad but he can do a little better or channel the bulk of the money into something that will make a better impact in their life....
@Marbeeexcel........N1200 in a whole year(365 dayz,12mths)means something to u....maybe i should remind u that its N100 per month not per day.....y should we applaud politicians that give out stipends to the masses and they swim in the billions and trillions that doesnt belong to them alone but also to the people who have put them in power with their votes??
I say bless this man fo even giving at all. How many of you have impacted other lives in anyway, espedially giving. This Linda, be like say you stingy o.
One naira should be appeciated. Is it constitutional to donate one naia at all.
Every giver never lacks. Not the amount, but the thought that counts.Its an initiative that should be appreciated. This man is blessed o.
Go and but a fight ticket and reduce N100 from it and see whether you will be ussued a ticket.
Linda, keep an open mind!!
How much is your governor giving?????
FIRST OF ALL,it is not N100 a month. And SECONDLY, if they are receiving FREE EDUCATION,anything,even kuli kuli,would be a bonus! Shame on you Linda. Shame on you negative commentors without looking into the situation. N100 may be small,to us opportuned to have more means,but then I thought to myself how it was mentioned that the ''average Nigerian'' (not sure about average,but some) live(s) on this or less per month.o please .....Hush
I think providing breakfast or lunch for these school kids would go a long way, coupled with free education and a better school environment for them to study!
Maybe the parents will take away the money from these kids and who even knows if these politicians will pay the N100 naira anyways?!
Politicians are known for making empty promises...this may just be another avenue to steal more money from Imo state under the guise of helping innocent school children!!!!
He shouldnt have bothered? YOU PEOPLE ARE DAFT. Anything should be gladly accepted. Since when did the governemnt start handing out money? This has never been anyones form of upkeep so if they decide to come and start giving out N100 then collect your own and go and buy your bottle of coke and MOVE ON! Its not like they are reducing salaries to N100 per month,then u can complain.But to give it as a (complimentary) stipend,is something! They are receiving free education! Let not forget how many millions of people will be given, one million students given is already 100 million a month away from HIS REGIME so pls think before u speak
One hundred naira to 1million students is 100 million naira a month,money he could have used to buy overseas property etc so the fact he wants to give to his people (as a governor should do) then please shut the hell up and commend! It is not compulsory he gives anything!Stop practicing group think and laughing at something just because everyone else is, smh,sighh,idiots!
N100 monthly or no N100 Rochas is still my governor! He's doing a lot in short while, he's reparired a lot of road and is still on it now he has started with streets, streets people!!! Not just that, we now enjoy constant water supply, now free education! He has put a lot of smiles on so many faces,.....to but a few! Keep it up Rochas, may God give u more grace, strength and wisdom to govern our state...
Linda i think you and all of us Nigerians should praise the man for this wonderful idea. In the history of Nigeria my country has any governor come out to give the people a monthly allowance and also i will be happy if i could see other governors doing the same.
Na child benefit a la Imo state. I beg make una join me give my able Gov one gbosa!
This one na original jobless man work. This man has no clue at all and I am very sorry for my umunna - Ndi Imo.
Na dem choose this man and he must govern dem by fire by force. Another day they will understand that all that glitters is not gold
in my opinion i fink the gov is actually doin a good job cos bcos u were born wiv a silver spoon doesnt mean its d same 4 everybody,linda said sumfin about d gov providing books n all,wivout transport moni,who would be reading those books?wat d gov is tryn to do is called 'motivation'
Abeg all this one that people are trying to be humble and things. Realistically, N100 a month will not do anything for anyone. If it's to motivate students, money shouldn't even be used!
Rochas infact I don't know what to say.. fine we understand you are trying to be of help but brother this way is not a way to help the massess.. Giving free Education and Equiping the school environment with all necessary acaedemic facilities would be better of not stipend ... The People are watching.. One day!!!! The poor will have nothing to eat but the Rich.. God Punish You Sir...
Linda u very correct,the 100 naira is monthly. Just a way to score cheap point, whereas there are other pressing issues.the standard of public schools here is very low with poor learning environment.
This is a man that sacked 10,000 youth employed by his predecessor(Ohakim)
This man has done nothing in the state.I live in owerri,so am a witness.
If he wants to make a difference he should serve free lunches or free breakfast in the schools. This will help the children focus and achieve better grade. What is 100N, it will end up in the hands of their parents or some aunty or uncle there live with. The problem with Nigerian leaders is that there go abroad and see how things are done, and yet come home and embarrass themselves.
Linda don dey smoke ganja oooo! Abi na alomo bitters you dey drink,my friend? Chaiiii! Nor let abriba pple use u for meat o! Leave the man to do am,even if na N100 per year. Lol
Linda u very correct,the 100 naira is monthly. Just a way to score cheap point, whereas there are other pressing issues.the standard of public schools here is very low with poor learning environment.
This is a man that sacked 10,000 youth employed by his predecessor(Ohakim)
This man has done nothing in the state.I live in owerri,so am a witness.
Imo State: No Entry Brain Dead Politician At Work. Welcome to IMO STATE. Rochas Okorocha thought politics was all about stuffing his bank accounts with looted money. He, like his predecessors lied his way into office. He made election promises and now he can't deliver. So giving worthless pennies to school kids is supposed to stimulate the economy of Imo State or attract investments or help IMO STATE in anyway now or anytime in future? Naija, Naija, Naija, na wa. Sumburry, anyburry, please chase this clown out of office before he does irreparable damage to Imo State. Even if I drank whatever he drank or smoked, I'd still come up with better policies for Imo State than Rochas Cockroach Roaches Okorocha. Sumburry get me cockroach spray.
...I always knew that this Okorocha of a man would continue to stir controversies! From the very first comment after his election, to the unnecessary political appointments and now this! Haba! I think he really needs to be careful with his decisions. In operating a reward system, certain factors must be considered..In this situation; what are the conditions of the school facilities? Are teachers' welfare well taken care of? Will this be sustainable?
It seems right but it is not, you don't put the cart before the horse! ROCHAS needs to get his priorities right! QED!!!!
Nigerians you guys are funny. He gives out N100 and you are jumping. That is stupid money. We Nigerian are already ok with status quo. You deserve more than N100 and you need to start telling your leaders that. Linda is so right, that is stupid money and he should shove it down his throat
Stupi stupid country and leaders.. arg!!! 100 naira? that's not even up to a dollar.. lmao.. wtf kinda country is this..?
it amazes me the kind of leaders we have particularly in the eastern part of dis country. May God help us IJN....
Linda, someone has corrected you It is N100/day.Has any Gov.offered N1 before now?.Pls always get the facts right before posting. Anyway, i commend you for this your blog.It brings out a lot of the human side of life in naija. On a serious note, i watched Rochas presentation of his 100 days in office on NTA network yesterday and i was quite impressed with his presentation and achievements in 100 days. Real people oriented programmes. No bogus award of multi-billion naira contracts to steal the people's money. I listened to him talk about creation of jobs,increase in the state's IGR without heavily taxing the people,building of new structures and renovating abandoned and dilapidated ones etc. All these he said cost him about N1.5b. Hello-oo!! Are we in Nigeria? Most state Govs. would have claimed N150b for these achievements.Linda,have a look at the Rochas 100 days and you will surely commend him.
The sad thing is that their parents will collect the money from them and spend according to their own needs.
I swear Naija is dead when we have short minded pple like the ones on this site that think the solution to uplifting children is by giving money.
baby steps. nice one!
Hi linda, sorry. Reading the comments from the various contributors, I could only marvel at the level of ignorance and information poverty in Nigeria ( IMO state). Just to try to shed some light: Statistics of schools in IMO;
(i) No. of Government owned Secondary Schools = 309
(ii) No of Government owned Primary School = 1245
(iii) No of Tertiary Institutions owned by State Government = 3
(iv) No of approved private owned Nursery Schools in Imo State = 158
(v) No of Privately owned Primary Schools = 132
(vi) No of approved privately owned Secondary = 139
(vii) No of approved privately owned Vocational Schools = 319.
This totals: 1,983 pri + sec schools in IMO state.
Working with an average of 400 pupils/sch = 793,200 estimated
Giving N100/ month = 79,320,000 monthly
@ N100/day = 1,586,400,000 monthly (estimated)
This cost is removed from IMO state's monthly allocation.
This cost is in addition to books, teachers salaries, school infrastructure maintenance, civil servants maintenance.
Qu: how much is allocated to IMO state monthly? How much is required to run the state monthly? How much is required to maintain and build new infrastructure in the state? what is the opportunity cost to the state?
Asking these questions will show any rational mind that the governors decision is stupid!
I wonder how much Imo will have to pay for the students to read the books or seat for exams?.... These are truly interesting times. IMO state, good luck. Cheers
Hi linda, sorry. Reading the comments from the various contributors, I could only marvel at the level of ignorance and information poverty in Nigeria ( IMO state). Just to try to shed some light: Statistics of schools in IMO;
(i) No. of Government owned Secondary Schools = 309
(ii) No of Government owned Primary School = 1245
(iii) No of Tertiary Institutions owned by State Government = 3
(iv) No of approved private owned Nursery Schools in Imo State = 158
(v) No of Privately owned Primary Schools = 132
(vi) No of approved privately owned Secondary = 139
(vii) No of approved privately owned Vocational Schools = 319.
This totals: 1,983 pri + sec schools in IMO state.
Working with an average of 400 pupils/sch = 793,200 estimated
Giving N100/ month = 79,320,000 monthly
@ N100/day = 1,586,400,000 monthly (estimated)
This cost is removed from IMO state's monthly allocation.
This cost is in addition to books, teachers salaries, school infrastructure maintenance, civil servants maintenance.
Qu: how much is allocated to IMO state monthly? How much is required to run the state monthly? How much is required to maintain and build new infrastructure in the state? what is the opportunity cost to the state?
Asking these questions will show any rational mind that the governors decision is stupid!
I wonder how much Imo will have to pay for the students to read the books or seat for exams?.... These are truly interesting times. IMO state, good luck. Cheers
N100 per month or N3000 per month does not make business sense. Nigerians needs to differentiate between charity and governance. Government funds allocated for state development and infrastructure building should not be used for charity donations. Is a good gesture if this was done during emergency as a relief for the citizen.
The appropriate thing to do in this case is to start a school meal program for the kids by giving them food token or voucher then contract and sub contract the meal program to food vendors in the state by so doing the government is creating jobs and empowering her citizen.
Why give N3000/month and N100/daily to this poor kids when they do not have good classrooms for their studies and read and write under mango and orange trees.
Nigeria leaders lack business sense and wisdom.
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