Oshodi/Isolo LG Boss, Hon Bolaji Ariyoh Battered actor Ayo Badmus
Some days ago, popular actor, Ayo Badmus, alleged that he was battered by thugs guarding the Chairman of Oshodi L.G.A, Hon Bolaji Ariyoh. (If you missed it, read it here). Well, the LG boss, via his media people, are denying they had anything to do with the beating. They claim the actor had a falling out with some men at the event, and it had nothing to do with them.
A press statement from the office of the Oshodi/Isolo Local Government boss below...
The much spread rumor and campaign of calumny issued by a Nollywood actor, AYO BADMUS, on his alleged humiliation and beating, ordered by the OSHODI/ISOLO LOCAL GOVERNMENT Chairman is nothing but a complete ruse fabricated to damage the image of the Honorable Chairman and create some frivolous attention and gain unnecessary sympathy for himself.
More when you continue...
The visionary and hardworking Oshodi/Isolo Chairman is a core fan of our own very Nollywood stars, someone who will never stop to support and promote our culture both at the local and International Level. It is so regrettable to imagine how cheap the actor is going around, spreading fake rumors and claiming to have been badly beaten by some faceless thugs, as ordered by the Chairman's elder brother, a quiet, reserved and friendly fellow at the Chairman's Sallah celebration that attracted the presence of notable Nigerians like GBENGA ADEYINKA 1st and some others who witnessed the occasion and could attest to this truth. We however found it necessary to address the issue and correct whatever ill impression that would have registered in peoples mind and confirming the story as untrue and unfounded.
The Bolaji i know definitely would not send thugs to batter someone neither will he give a rats ass if u greet him or not.
The actor is just tryna get some cheap popularity. If u have an altercation with thugs, cos the chairman is there doesn't mean he sent them
I just can't understand how some people form their opinion.How can you comment that the chairman you know can't not do such thing, when you are not physically there.Do you want people to believe that those wounds were as a result of his playing with his wife? I read the official response from the local government chairman, all I can say is that I am ashamed! The response lack substance and failed to address the issues raised. It is not about the chairman's love for nollywood and promotion of culture. Tell us your own account of what happened! I refuse to believe that the actor just picked Oshodi LGA chairman from millions of Nigeria, It doesn't make sense,there is definitely an issue between them,maybe he need to come straight and tell us the truth if he knows the actor is lying,in the absence of that,I will believe the only story I have heard.
Is that the thug-sending-maniac.Nna mehn he's a fine boy o,abi I lie?!
D guy fine sha true,true but we actually want to get to the crux of the matter. Is it guilty as charged or case dismissed for lack of evidence?
Seriously......looking at both photos, Ayo Badmus seems like the bad guy while the LG Boss seem innocent, in looks though.
Shadaybrity or whatever u call urself,hide dat UGLY face n mouth joor,instead of commenting on the issue at hand u re there masturbating and fantasizing about the LGA chairman...no go look for ur husband,home breaker...*hiss*
Looks cannot be trusted. Ayo Badmus has nothing to gain from the allegation. I don`t think he would have picked on the chairman for no reason. That chairman should be called to order. The response must have been written by an educated illiterate. Half-baked politicians!
I would be suspicious about this 'statement' because on the previous story you had posted about this matter, an 'anonymous' had posted on the 13th of November at 6.50pm, an almost identical post.
Its makes me wonder why their statement is almost the same as this post. Hmmm
This chairman looks responsible o. D guy na fine boi. Abeg more popcorn.....fingercrossed
@ Anonymous 2:31pm sharrap there...@ Shadaybrity u re right gurl, the guy fine o *wink* *wink*. Na the "fine boy look" even attract me to the story sef.
Nwyz, Ayo Badmus pele, its one of dos tins sha...
"The man died in him that keeps mute in the face of tyranny...."-Prof. 'Wole Soyinka. As a living witness to all that transpired on that fateful day, it is not only disheartening but also a sad commentary on Mr. Ayo Badmus's character to read him linking the office and person of the Executive Chairman of Oshodi/Isolo Local Government to a misunderstanding between him and boys that approached him for gratification on the sallah day. The Honorable Chairman was seated in front of his house in the midst of his close friends and political associates when he was alerted by one of his security details of a brewing argument between Mr. Ayo Badmus and some boys based on the boys' demand for gratification in celebration of Salah and in due acknowledgement of Ayo Badmus's status as a celebrity. For heaven's sake, Mr. Ayo Badmus was neither coming to the social gathering nor the argument occurred at the event. It was actually the intervention of the Executive Chairman that saved the day and to the glory of God, he was accompanied by no other person than another respectable Nigerian, GBENGA ADEYINKA 1ST. The "Tales by Ayo Badmus" was casted, edited, produced and directed by him and the boys miles away from where the Honorable Chairman was seated.
Nigeria cannot move forward until we purge ourselves of this "pull-him-down" virus in our blood veins. As a young and dynamic individual committed to contributing his own quota to the development of our dear nation, what the Honorable Chairman needs from us all (Ayo Badmus inclusive) is our support and prayers and not character assassination and image battering. None of us, not even Ayo Badmus, needs indulge in such venture.
lol anon why r u vexing unneccessarily? the guy is fine juh! leave people to admire who they want to!
"It is saddonic and a case of bysmal-bismal. This is a state of calamity, anomy, macapadence and cuperbility." Patrick Obaihagbon.
Interpretation = Looks can be deceitful. He looks so innocent. Notwithstanding, he should be brought to book. You can do this to your fellow human and get away with it because you are the so called "LG Boss"
"The man died in him that keeps mute in the face of tyranny...."-Prof. 'Wole Soyinka. As a living witness to all that transpired on that fateful day, it is not only disheartening but also a sad commentary on Mr. Ayo Badmus's character to read him linking the office and person of the Executive Chairman of Oshodi/Isolo Local Government to a misunderstanding between him and boys that approached him for gratification on the sallah day. The Honorable Chairman was seated in front of his house in the midst of his close friends and political associates when he was alerted by one of his security details of a brewing argument between Mr. Ayo Badmus and some boys based on the boys' demand for gratification in celebration of Salah and in due acknowledgement of Ayo Badmus's status as a celebrity. For heaven's sake, Mr. Ayo Badmus was neither coming to the social gathering nor the argument occurred at the event. It was actually the intervention of the Executive Chairman that saved the day and to the glory of God, he was accompanied by no other person than another respectable Nigerian, GBENGA ADEYINKA 1ST. The "Tales by Ayo Badmus" was casted, edited, produced and directed by him and the boys miles away from where the Honorable Chairman was seated.
Nigeria cannot move forward until we purge ourselves of this "pull-him-down" virus in our blood veins. As a young and dynamic individual committed to contributing his own quota to the development of our dear nation, what the Honorable Chairman needs from us all (Ayo Badmus inclusive) is our support and prayers and not character assassination and image battering. None of us, not even Ayo Badmus, needs indulge in such venture.
d chairman is on this blog hiding as anons and am ashame of u even wt ur good looks u have a monstrous habit in u, just as good looks wl not pay my bills so it wl not get u out of this until u swallow ur pride and do the rightful,,,,fine boy my foot or u sayng d guy intentional cut his head cause he was happy that he has never eaten ileya ram b4 or what?
@pepperz: yeah its obviously d same person that issued this statement , that posted d other one at 6.50
This criminal's full name is Bolaji Muse Ariyoh. Please correct it so that search engine robots will forever find this thug's name so that people know the type of person he really is. Please, remove the Hon which you appended to his name. There is nothing Honourable about this juvenile. Please. Linda, please don't and never be an arse kisser. Bolaji Muse Ariyoh is a human being, but a thug and a big fool. There's nothing honourable about his criminal behaviour. In this day and age, not even Nigeria's president, Goodluck Jonathan would try what Bolaji Muse Ariyoh did and get away with it. Bolaji Muse Ariyoh has shown Legosians that hes a wanna be tyrant and dictator. He must not be allowed to get away with it. Bolaji Muse Ariyoh should be arrested and charged for attempted murder. If Bolaji Muse Ariyoh claims he did nothing wrong, then why the hell did he go into hiding? Why go on the run for days if he did nothing wrong? He has a lot of explaining to do to the courts. Bolaji Muse Ariyoh is nothing but a low life thug and a criminal masquerading as a politician. He was there when his thugs battered a human being for not bowing down to him. Bolaji Muse Ariyoh suddenly thinks he's God Almighty that his "subjects" has to bow down and worship. Bolaji Muse Ariyoh, you are a little cockroach and a hopeless, deceitful and a disgraceful person. Damn you and your thugs. You are a disgrace to Lagos State Government and should be kicked out of office. Bolaji Muse Ariyoh should be jailed for his criminal behaviour. Since he claims he had nothing to do with the actions of his thugs, after the attack, what action did he take to ensure that Ayo Badmus was okay? Did he visit? No. Did he phone? No. He went on the run. Stupid man. If Bolaji Muse Ariyoh did what he did to Ayo Badmus to someone I know, Bolaji Muse Ariyoh would be so dealth with that he will regret the day he was born. Fact. Stupid bastard. You were there when your illiterate thugs beat up Ayo Badmus, but you did nothing to stop it. Now you resurfaced with your cheap press release so as to cover up your horrible behaviour. How dare you? You are a horrible horrible and dreadful creature that should be caged up. There is no place in civilised society for animals such as Bolaji Muse Ariyoh. There's no lawful or moral justification for the beatings dished out to Ayo Badmus. It was an attempted murder that should be condemned and treated by the courts as attempted murder. Nigeria does not need thugs, criminals or Sanni Abacha wanna be such as this dishonourable little cockroach, Bolaji Muse Ariyoh. Shame on you, Bolaji Muse Ariyoh.
I guessed right that the LG chairman would be as young as the actor. Oshi! Those defending the chairman will meet their Waterloo one day. Awon Ika! The wicked will not go unpunished, including the chairman.
c this useless guy that was jobless in uk,,, n became LG boss because he knows Tinubu. Ayo badmos is not a terrible person and has nothing to gain, Bolaji u better watch ur BACK...... IF U dnt ride gently, ur party will deal with u.if u like make urself popular wit negative things, n dnt play wit d press,,, they will finish u now.. odee
A prayer for defenders of the fine chairman:
May the Lord God allow thunder to fall on you all. Amen!
Was Lawrence Anini an ugly man!
Who is lying o?!
As a patriotic Nigerian with credible integrity, I don’t think anyone has been able to diligently dissect and address this situation rightly. Having carefully analyzed all comments posted so far, I could clearly read political tones in some of the commentator’s messages. Without sentiments, some are only taking advantage of the situation to settle political scores and share their selfish interest but not actually making right judgment. Their primary objective is to escalate the whole issue and make it become a political forum for character assassination and image battering. I would have expected some more cogent, valid and corrective measures placed in the whole issue and allow the parties to make amends wherever they have been wrong. We are all pained as citizens of this country because of bad governance but this should not be a license that we visit the situation on decent people elected to serve. When situation like this come up, we should endeavour to make good verification and ascertain facts of the matter before passing our comments. The actor had lodged his allegations and here comes the Chairman explaining his bit. Ours as reasonable and responsible members of the society is to plead for peace by advising both parties to sheath their sword and allow peace reign.
Bolaji Ariyoh, you need to admit what you and your illiterate thugs did to Ayo Badmus. Trying to deny or be clever in this matter is political suicide and I'd like to push you off the damn cliff. You're immature and you need to grow up. You have clearly in the past few days have shown our people the thoughtless and badly brought up person you are. Heaven forbid you climb up any further in politics, you will be a complete nightmare. There's no place modern society for desperate and arrogant fools like you. The sooner you're kicked out the better for all. You're a complete let down, hopeless and a disgrace. You're a thug and a criminal and you will, one one way or another, jailed for your wickedeness and evil behaviour. You will there and your people attacked a harmless individual who happened to actually be your supporter and fan, yet you were heartless to allow the beatings and humiliation of an innocent man to continue. You're heartless and do not in anyway, shape or form deserve the office you occupy. No matter how long it takes and whatever it cost, we will make sure your political career is terminated, early. We do not need people like you and your supporters anymore in politics. You will get what you deserve in this matter and in this life.
@sola ogundipe,sharrap n stop spesking big grammar here nd to those who re siding with the chairman...shame on all of you.Isn't it obvious dt the chairman is guilty here?as far as I'm concerned he shud make a public statement apologizing to Ayo badmus,cest fini!
@sola ogundipe,sharrap n stop spesking big grammar here nd to those who re siding with the chairman...shame on all of you.Isn't it obvious dt the chairman is guilty here?as far as I'm concerned he shud make a public statement apologizing to Ayo badmus,cest fini!
Bolaji Ariyoh is the who posted "Sola Ogundipe" comment. Amature politician. Bolaji Ariyoh, you better go and Ayo Badmus or your problems will multiply the more you drag things. This matter cannot go away by ignoring it. You are dealing with the Internet and web wise Nigerians and Lagosians scattered across the globe. Most of them don't and give a damn about you and your "almighty" position of lording over Oshodi / Isolo market women. If you don't sort things out this week with Ayo Badmus, his people on the Internet, Nigeria's entertaiment industry and the media will make mince meat out of you. You need to go down on both knees and beg Ayo Badmus and promise not to ever directly harass, attack, assault or intimidate him. Furthermore, you have to publicly admit the truth - what you did and what your thugs did. And you have to cover his medical expenses and you have to adequately and generously compensate him for the pain, injury and humiliation you inflicted on him. Bolaji, be a man and sort out the shit you caused or end up flogged in broad day light at Airforce base ikeja. And on top of that, we go spread your entire life history (including the ones your party don't know about you) all over the Internet. You know what I'm talking about. You have to do the right thing. You brutalised a human being through the hands of your thugs. Sort things out or we go use the media and the Internet instantly ruin your life beyond repair. You have 5 days from today to sort out everything or we go put you name in the gutter. Your time starts NOW.
An allegation has been made by ayo badmus,can't people just chill out and wait for d alleged person to be proven guilty instead of immediately crucifying d chairman. Na wa o,if only people could be a little bit civil.
A lot of people dat comment here are biased...sad. I agree wiv Sola Ogundipe. None of us here witnessed what happened...who's to say who's lying or otherwise? Even those dat might have witnessed it might be wrong. We are all human and we all knw hw we twist facts to arrive @ our own conclusions.. Let's get d truth be4 crucifying anyone.
A lot of people dat comment here are biased...sad. I agree wiv Sola Ogundipe. None of us here witnessed what happened...who's to say who's lying or otherwise? Even those dat might have witnessed it might be wrong. We are all human and we all knw hw we twist facts to arrive @ our own conclusions.. Let's get d truth be4 crucifying anyone.
I cannot but keep wondering at the level of barbarism and brutality many of our 'dealers' today would have visited on the citizenry if God had not inspired the creation of the Internet and social media. In a sane society where people in government are answerable to no one else but the people, Bolaji Muse-Ariyo ought to be cooling his heels within the four walls of maximum prison in Kirikiri waiting for his prosecution to begin. He has started on a wrong footing and he is bound to end it in destruction if he refuses to tender public apology to Ayo Badmus whose gentility is known both in the theatre world and the society. This power-drunk LASU drop-out sees himself as a demi-god after his godfather, Tinubu, who is systematically bastardising our polity with the "coronation" (apology to Ben Bruce) of these thugs. It also beats me hollow when people (whose mentality has been pervertedly distorted by the impoverishing governance of these vagabonds in power) come forward to boot-lick men like Bolaji just for porridge. Well, such people have taken after the biblical Esau and certainly their rights have been traded at the altar of ephemeral benefits; as such it is just natural that their course of life would be visited with repercussions reminiscent of Esau. Watch out, it is not a curse but natural justice unless you are free from blame and only God has the jurisdiction over this matter. You are meant to be the Chief Security Officer for the people but you have turned yourself to Nebuchadnezzar; lo and behold, your kingdom shall be torn into shreds unless you seek God's mercy.
Some people's comments on this issue is so senseless. Hw can u crucify the chairman without seeking to knw the truth??? Most Nigerians jus open their mouth and try to run down our elected officials. Does dat mean every elected officials are judas??? Who says Ayo Badmus is a saint??? Was Ayo Badmus invited to d party where he claimed he was beaten??? Was he a guest of the chairman??? Does he knw the chairman before then??? Let us ask ourselves sensible questions and stop putting senseless sentiment into dis matter.
@Modupsy November 14, 2011 10:27 PM
I shud bitch slap u with the back of my lefthand. Dougie off a cliff. Who's lying and who's biased, u crazy fool. Are you saying Ayo Badmus inflicted those wounds on himself. Are you in denial or boldface lying. Your cover-up ain't going to work. That ignorant and arrogant thug, Bolaji Ariyoh, ought to be apologising and making amends, not prolonging this ugly incident by drafting fools as you to help him get away with it. He will NOT get away with it. This mtter will END HIS POLITICAL CAREER. No one knows Bolaji Ariyoh or Ayo Badmus. No one gives a damn about any of them, but its clear that Bolaji Ariyoh abused his position (as chairman of Oshodi / Isolo Local Government area of Lagos State, Nigeria) and allowed his thugs to beat up a defenceless man who happened to be his fan and supporter. I wonder what Bolaji Ariyoh does to his enermies if he can inflict such injuries to his own fan and supporter. Bolaji Ariyoh should not be setting such bad example. Cover up or trying to fool or intimidate your way out your predicament with Ao Badmus, the public and the media is not the solution. You must clear out of politics and be jailed for attempted murder. You belong in the prisons and thats where you and your thugs will end up. YOUR THIEVING AND CORRUPT POLITICAL FATHERS WILL NOT SAVE YOU IN THE MESS YOU ARE IN.
@Samuel November 14, 2011 10:45 PM
I'm lovin your comment. Had no idea this power-drunk and thug, Bolaji Ariyoh, dropped out of university. Interesting. We will send him back to England where he was unemployed till Tinube fixed it for him. He's a clown and deserve to be flogged. Smh.
I knw the honourable chairman very well and I knw he can neva do such a thing. This is d youngest chairman in d history of Nigeria and instead of most of us to be proud of him, we r trying to allow sentiment to becloud our sense of reason. Wht does d chairman stand to gain by asking thugs to beat Ayo Badmus??? The chairman is an educated fellow,who studied both in Nigeria and abroad.
Bolaji Ariyoh is shameless and morally corrupt. Bolaji Ariyoh should be thrown out of office and politics, FAST. Bolaji Ariyoh is giving Lagos State government a bad name. How can anyone justify the injuries he and his supporters inflicted on a human being? HOW ??? IF HE WANTS TO MAKE TERRORISM A CAREE, THEN HE SHOULD JOIN BOKO HARAM, AND NOT USE HIS POSITION TO TERRORISE ANYONE.
Ayo Badmus is jus looking for cheap publicity. Ask him if the chairman invited him to his party??? When last did anyone noticed him in any film lately??? He knws he is getting irrelevant in d industry and he feels he needs undue sympathy frm the public.wht Ayo want is money.give him and he will be very happy. He should let this youngest chairman in d history of Nigeria do his work.
Wu says ppl with better looks don't get beta treatment...haad it bin this guy get face like ajigijaga now..we for don sentence am to jail for our mind but as we see say the guy waan fresh small ..most people gentle but come to think of it is there Any cool kid wu cud rise to become a chairman of a local government like oshodi?....I doubt it ..a lil craziness is needed to run things...
Well i think its too much of a sensitive matter for the issue to be a lie, there is some element of truth in the issue and i hope it is properly investigated.
Besides i would not rule the local government chairman as being innocent of the issue, if the guy does not want to drop anything for sallah why beat him? If the Lg guy says he is innocent then he should provide the guys that beat the man up. He is just hiding behind his office like all government officials do, besides he needs to be in good terms with the thugs in his area ,i do not believe the LG chairman.
We all know its a fact that our Politicians/Leaders have failed us, yet think it would be so callous when we don't try listen&get facts of matas before passing ill comments...Don't let's address this wit the grief we have for our leaders..Its a situation where an Actor had alleged Assault, &simultaneously the Accused (Chairman) refuted the claims and opened up his own side of the story, as presented by his whatever Press Personnel........ should think it wouldn't be wise that we muddle up the whole issue&start putting more sands in the already troubled GARRI.......Please let's stop using this medium Ƒσя lodging personal displeasures or form of attacking anyone, by casting aspersions&making very condemnable utterances......We have τ̅☺ imbibe new orientation and learn τ̅☺ address issues properly without sentiments........Let us as aggrieved nigerians don't allow these politicians use this medium as a forum for settling scores and lodging their pains.......Please, make valid comments&find a way τ̅☺ pacify both parties......
what fact do we still nid apart from the visible wounds we can see,i dnt belif Ayo badmus wuld wanna frame bolaji Ariyoh for any reason.Bolaji Ariyoh is someone i knw very well,he is gentle and kool but lacks wisdom wen it comes to addressing pple,his close frnds can testify to dat even the ones making anonymous comments to defend him,they r only doing dat to get paid for helpn him cover his ass. And for does saying Bolaji is a fine guy,Ayo Badmus is also a fine guy and now dey wanna turn him to scareface............
Bola Ariyoh, the way you and your people are handling this matter is stupid and diabolical. This matter can't and won't go away just by being "clever" or by docking and diving. The media (online and offline) will never let this matter go away. You did wrong and you must sort it out as a man. Go and appologise to Ayo Badmus. Losing your political or being seen as a lunatic thug over a moment of madness is it worth it? If you allow this matter to drag on, it will cost you a lot and you know it. Your public relations people have no clue as to how to manage crisis in this digital / social media age. I am 90% sure that your gang attacked and inflicted those wounds on your victim, Ayo Badmus. In all your excuses and PR stunts, you have still not issued your version of event. You need admit your mistake or whatever you did, apologise, make amends, learn from it and move on. If you are hoping by ignoring this matter will dissapear it, then you are highly mistaten. Nigerian online and offline media won't get off your back if you trick your way out of this matter. They will gang up continously against you. As you can see, they are already asking for your removal. Google your name, then click NEWS. You are young and ambitious. Negative publicity can be very damaging to your political life. Beating the public, your wife, business associate or anybody is a no no no. You claim that Ayo Badmus was not invited to the party but it doesn't mean he deserved to be beaten up. Only an illiterate thug would do what you and you crazy gang did to Ayo Badmus. You still have the opportunity to sort this problem the right. The longer you leave, the more damaging it will be to your career in politics. It's all up to you.
Kunle Ogunbekun
London, England.
The Hon Chairman is someone have known for six good years and he is a loving and good person to be with.Honrable Ariyoh Muse Bolaji will have no intention of sending thugs to beat a fellow man like him.he is a good listener and an adorable,lovable and responsibe in general helpful man.if u no him too well u will support him in everyway neccessary to conquer who is try to spoil his image.May heavenly father tourch the heart of this blasphemy
This little tyrant, terror and wanna be oligarch, Bolaji Ariyoh, was imposed on the people of Oshodi and Isolo by that thieving and corrupt politician, Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Shame on Bolaji Ariyoh. Shame on Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. The sooner this two fools and criminal are put away in prison, the better for Lagos State and Nigeria.
LMAO!! anon 2:31 is the chairman's wife oh, abeg mrs chairman no offence bt ur hubby is a cutie, tout or not..lol
Heartless Bolaji Ariyoh and his missguided and brainwashed supporters are only interested in painting Bolaji Ariyoh in good light, running their ugly mouth and pathetically side stepping the main issue which is the assault, grievous bodily harm and attempted murder of Ayo Badmus. Bolaji Ariyoh you are immature, amateur, heartless, hopeless, evil and completely shameless. When are you going to make amends for the pain, humiliation and injury you csused to your fellow human being? When? Sort this matter out, fast. You are only in office for 3 years maximum. Please don't allow this matter to hunt you after you're kicked out of office and for the rest of your sad and wretched life.
Most of u r funny. For dem ones saying they've known this chairman since forever and he cant do this and that, i say, have u heard the proverb about not vouching for d baby u r carrying on ur back?
That a person presents a decent of holy front is not a guarantee of what he can or cannot do. isnt it priests that have been molesting small boys? if u were not involved, physically, then i dont see how you can come here vouching that he cannot do such and its not in his character blah blah. Except of course, u r d chairman posting under several diff aliases.
We dont know what went down, we saw the wounds. I guess the chairman should contact the actor, and discuss issues. As far as what really went down here, we cant say for sure, but only 'assume'.
The actor most likely didnt beat himself up.. someone did
@denike o ti kpa mii its true innocent faced ones r dangerous pple beware
Bolaji Ariyo, you and the fools supporting your criminal and unlawful behaviour are talking rubbish.
What you people did by beating this man up is wrong, unjust and very shameful. Regarles of who you are, if you commited such criminal act here in London, you will be licked up for at least 3 solid years and when you come out of jail, no more public office for you, ever and for the rest of your life you will own a criminal record. And with a criminal record, you will for the rest of your earthly life be on the no fly list and barred from entering the USA. I don't know if you are British or not, but regardless what your nationality is, Ayo Badmus can lodge a formal complaint / petition against you to British High Commission in Lagos and Abuja. It means if you are non - British, you will have a harder time securing visa to enter UK. And if you are British, it would mean you'd be picked up by the police when you re-enter UK, and possible prosecuted. This issue is all over the internet and the call for you to step down keeps growing. Whoever this Ayo Badmus is, go and apologise, make amends and do away with this nagative issue soonest. Anyone asking you to ignore it or dribble your way out of this your self inflicted predicament does not have your best interest at heart.
Nigerians will always be Nigerians jumping into conclusions without getting their facts,non of u dropping comments were at d scene of this incident yet most jugde immediately...sad I would say. I am not a suppoter of both persons involved. If ayo badmus feels his rights have been infringed upon on d said day did he go to d nearest police staion to officially report d case before going to d media. In a situation where he reported d matter and it isn't followed up by d police,then he can explore other options rather than running to d media immediately. Please let us be logical and objective about this issue.
Typical. Corrupt, thieving and geriatric politician, Bola Tinubu, sponsored a young and inexperience little rascal, Bolaji Ariyoh, and over night he becomes big-headed, power drunk, pompous, arrogant and lacks a sense of decency. Tragic.
Bolaji Ariyoh aka Mr Clever Clogs, now, you issued press statement through your N50 a year pr company that you had no hands in the attack. I don't believe you. You are lying. You denied having anything to do with the grievous bodily harm (GBH) inflicted on the victim, Ayo Badmus. You also claimed the actor, Ayo Badmus, had a falling out with some people at the event, and that it had nothing to do with you. Where you present while / when the incident occurred? Did you witness the attack? What action, if any, as a public figure and a representative of ALL the people (including those that don't support you or your political party) did you take against your thugs or anyone during or after the physical assault and attempted murder of Mr Ayo Badmus? Did you at any time as a public officer call for peace? Did you? If Ayo Badmus was your own blood relative would you have turned a blind eye and pretend the assault wasn't happening or that he deserved it or that he deserved to die? Did you intend to simply wound / injure of kill Ayo Badmus?Why did you go on the run and into hidding for many days after you and your illiterate, primitive, stupid, crazy and thick thugs attempted to murder Mr Ayo Badmus? Were you aware that the police were and still looking for you? If you claim to be innocent why run away? Are you such a coward that you can't face the consequences of your recklessness and thoughlessnes? Bolaji Ariyoh, you are a liar and a deceitful child of satan. You deserve everything, (hopeful the same illtreatment, grivious bodily harm, humiliation and 100 times more which you evil cow dished out to your fellow human being, Ayo Badmus), that comes to you in this life from henceforth. You are a very very horrible creature. Damn you and your hopeless supporters.
This is what happens when we vote thugs into office.He didn't send the thugs,but he was present when the actor was being decked.Abeg he should hold himself joo and tell the story to the marines!
Bolaji Ariyoh, is this everything you are? Is evil act you, as a Public Servant, allowed to happen to your fellow human being really who you are? What happened to your sense of fairness? I sincerely hope you learn from this shameful incident, make amends and grow up to be a better person for yourself, Lagos State and Nigeria. Do away with arrogance and pride or it will ruin you. Be humble. Show humility. Be approachable. Serve all and you will go far in politics and in life. It's all up to you.
LIB now turned to ACN vs PDP "fighting ground". God help us all.
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