His bio which I found online:
Tinubu has a Bachelor's of Law Degree from the University of Liverpool, England and received his LLM from the London School of Economics where he specialised in International Finance and Shipping. He is also a member of the Nigerian Bar Association.
He is the Chairman of Gaslink Nigeria Ltd and Tilca Nigeria and also serves on the Board of Stallion Properties, Oando Plc - Sierra Leone, Togo, and Ghana, West African Refinery Company (WARCO) Sierra Leone, Ocean and Oil Services, and Econet Wireless Nigeria. He is also a member of the Institute of Directors.
Is he related to former Lagos state Governor, Bola Tinubu? Find out in the comment section...:-)
Could very well be....seems like the fatter version of Bola's face
Correct guy.
You are too funny Linda about his links to Asiwaju.
They are related. Aren't all or most of the Tinubu's related? Some people will say no, because Asiwaju is not really BAT!
this guy na my name sake so automatically he must be my money sake too.
He is Oando Group CEO & not Chairman - Yes, he is related to Bola Tinubu. Bola Tinubu is his Uncle. His late father Kafaru Tinubu was the founder of K.O Tinubu & Co which was the law firm where Fashola worked and was Head of Chambers before he became Tinubu's Chief of Staff.
Yes Bola Tinubu is his Uncle. Not only that..I understand he is a frotman for Bola Tinubu and most of the capital to start oando came from Bola Tinubu. Should this man really be on Forbes cover...I mean...can Bola Tinubu openly declare his wealth and the SOURCE of his wealth. Hmmmm...let me not say any more..
I do not know him before, i saw him on cnn,he seem of a cool guy,just saying i do not much about him.
Thats my boss!!! Really inspirational, brilliant & down to earth man. It would really be unfair if his success is attributed to BAT, Wale Tinubu has got to be one of the most determined and hardworking bosses in Nigeria.
Tinubu is not a common name as per Madam Tinubu. As far back as 7 years ago, most Nigerians knew Wale and Asiwaju are related.
@Akin, are you not Akin, a popular Lagos lawyer from ? I 'bet' you are... Thanks for sucking 'em the info.
Bola Tinubu has no origin in the Tinubu family. He has a passport from the 80s under a different name. Who is his father/mother? Alhaja Mogaji is only his "area mother" and he is NOT her biological son. The true story of how an Ila-Orangun man from Osun State became governor of Lagos State, and commander of Yoruba govs will be known one day.
Chei naijas I hail una. See as Akin downloaded all the data about ol' boy. Wale and Bola kinda look alike sha
i knw him.i work 4 oando plc @ v.i.i dt knew much abt his history buh i heard he's 2 bossy.cul anyway.lol.urstyno
nothing Akin said there is news.
HEY, he's LA Reid's (Us X-Factor/ Produer)long lost cousin, look it up?
His uncles name is BAT bola Ahmed Tinubu
His own Name is JAT Jubril Adewale tinubu......for all you haters go and fry dodo with petrol....E is a genius and a mentor if you need one...keep it uncle wale
Ex Oando Boy
all this people are all cracy, and they all useless whith funking morning they get,all nigeria citezen are sorffering both home and abroad , what belong to many peopel one person is hold it
ok linda wat say you?.....i cant find ur own comment on the tinubu saga?
@ anonymous 6:37PM.......u have no clue
i am amazed when pple say shit they know nothing about. we are so proud of Wale and would continue to support him anytime......SOME OF US KNOW WHERE HE IS COMING FROM AND HOW HARD HE & MOFE HAS WORKED.
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