Culled from Yes! Magazine.
You can call it subtle enmity, if you like. But the truth remains that some of our leading pastors are not the best of friends. As a matter of fact while some have been hiding theirs for years, there are those that even up till now cannot stand each other. Not only do they not talk, they readily abuse themselves whenever time permits. Come with us, and let us unmask these preachers of the word as well as serve you the genesis of all their quarrel.

We doubt whether there’s been any war like theirs in Christendom. Hugging the covers of nearly all the major papers in the country for weeks, even the Nigerian police, Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria and Christian association of Nigeria had to wade in at some point. Okotie, founder of household of God church, accused his next door neighbour, Oyakhilome, of Christ embassy, of hobnobbing with Joshua, whom he described as a shamman, thus, contaminating the Body of Christ. And hell was literally let loose. Other men of God took sides and the war raged and raged. Till today, Okotie and Oyakhilome don’t relate. Likewise Okotie and Joshua, front man of synagogue church of all nations.
Their disagreement then shocked a lot of people. Do you know why? Both of them used to be so close. They attended the same University of Nigeria, Nsukka where the fire of their friendship was ignited; were each other’s ‘best man’ and so on. Even when Okotie was reigning as a pop star, madubuko was backing him up from a corner as a D.J.
With the coming of household of God church, Okotie put Madubuko in charge of the healing ministry. Then, one day, one unforgettable day, he ordered madubuko out of the church – with a stern warning never to step into the church again. Of course, things ceased to be the same again for the two former close friends – even though, lately they’ve been trying to patch it up.
Hate him, like him, Pastor Tunde Bakare does not care. One other noticeable thing about him is that there is nobody he cannot chastise in the body of Christ or take on, one on one.
Obviously the Pentecostal radical, Bakare is not a supporter of some of the things they do Oyedepo winners chapel – for example, anointing oil, handkerchief and so on – and repeatedly, he has criticized that. Even though Oyedepo has never responded to his criticisms, it should be expected that he wouldn’t be happy with him. Bakare pastors the latter rain assembly while Oyedepo is the G.O of winners’ chapel.
Anwuzia and Agboli are brothers. They both come from Delta state and used to have a very chummy relationship until a wedge of asunder was put in between them. Like Adeyemi and Adegboyega, Agboli used to work for Anwuzia. But upon deciding to run with his destiny, palaver started – and till today, it still hasn’t been properly sorted out. Anwuzia started Zoe Ministries while Agboli is behind Victorious Army Ministries
Adeyemi pastors Daystar Christian centre while Adegboyega is in charge of Rhema Chapel International. Before now, however, the former used to work for the latter. In fact, he was in charge of the latter’s Lagos branch and until he exited the ministry, both of them had a fantastic relationship. The rythm of the music only changed when Adeyemi said he wanted to be on his own. And till date, the relationship hasn’t been restored to its former state – owing majorly to how some issues were handled at the thick of the crisis.
Yes! Magazine promised a part 2...will keep you guys posted...:-)
Enemies ke? Lol Isn't that against the concept of turning the other cheek espoused in the bible?
Fashi pastors at war... Tell us about the 'how to get pregnant faster, Best positions to use' headline lol
Knew the RCCG main man wouldn't be there..way too classy..tho I'm not a member...wait o!!..all their supporters would flood this site slagging each other off..haba!!..one christianity so many variations!!..popcorn time no doubt..see bible quotations even the ones that don't exist!!
u dey hoard comments this days o!!..
Na wa for all of them. At the bottom of their beef with one another is money. Money is the root of hell, not heaven. Please, don't mind them. Na too much money de worry them. Smh :)
Okay. Let me gist you guys. There's a brand new church o! Its call Win Win Church. Win Win Church in Ibadan gives 200 Naira phone credit to first-timers. Existing members get 10% commission of all tithes of those they introduce to the church. Isn't this the best church ever! Apparently, the miracle working prophet and general overseer (who dresses in angelic white - like a magician) has the uncommon ability to use 'annointed' holly oil on his d*ick and sexually 'heal' barren (sexy) ladies. I swear on Nando's, I'm not making it up.
Okay, I'm kidding. I made it up :)
Haha Linda, be like say the mail man delivers the paper to your house straight from the printing press. I bet the ink is still wet when it gets to you. You and this YES magazine eh, nothin do uh na.
They've all got one thing in common - The love of money. Shame about the gullible & vulnerable people to go to their churches. I think they forgot to mention Pastor Oluseye from CAC - He's made quite a few enemies....
lol at this stories o, *now posing on ma seat waiting for supporters' comments** a bottle of soda and ekpa pls!
Na wa for una ooo! Jst joining sides with d magazine alwedy! Be careful wat u say abt a man of God ooo cos the HolySpirit backing his ministry will nt find it funny with u!
Pastor Chris has nothing against anyone.
The GOJE Africa couple... They should have kept quiet and allow the baby to be born before making noise. 12 years is no joke.
This article is based on speculation not facts.
I tink dat dis their part 2 strategy is so people can supply info on other fueding pastors. Me will try to contribute small. David Oyedepo's war is not one frontal cos i knw of a second front with pastor Olutayo. Pastor Olutayo who currently over sees Good Tidings church in Abuja is an inlaw of Onyedepo. Pastor Olutayo was once the head of winners chapel Abuja head quarters and his relationship with Oyedepo was good until Olutayo decided to float his own minitry (Good Tidings), which also happens to be very close to Winners chapel. I hear their diffrences is still un-resolved. I xpect a tank u from yes mag for dis.
But seriously, why be say pastors stories dey always sell well well?
Linda you dont need to be telling us this has nothing to do with you. You are the one who posted it on your site and you are responsible for everything we get to read on your blog. I am a good christian but i seem to have some problem with the way we think as Nigerians. People still believe thunder would strike them if they say anything about the So called Men of God. Let me give you an example. I do not think it is Godly or Jesus like for any pastor to fly a private jet when he can fly commercial . Do you know how expensive it is to buy jetfuel? How much it cost to put a plane in an hanger for a day? how much to maintain? This pastors haave jets to their names. Some churches have 2. I wonder what jesus would do when there are people dying of hunger in somalia, strange diseases in african countries not mentioning our so called giant of africa where people are still dying of cholera. This pastors are so crazy sometimes that they have jerry hair, even normal morals does not permit such things. Some have fleet of cars. i watched the fireman video on some other blogsite months ago and i could not find enough comment under it because people are scared of how God would kill them if they say anything. Well as for me I know God gave us freewill to make our own choice . Most of this guys are scammers turn pastor. i wont put my name because i am scared my mom might get to read this and i wont want her disowning me. Dont mind my grammertical construction/ spelling. i am just a product of the Nigerian education system.
We have an example in the Bible where Apostle Paul and Peter did not see eye to eye. Paul openly chastised Peter for being a hypocrite because he disassociated himself from the same Gentiles he sat with before some Jews showed up. Galatians 2:11-14. Though they are a people of God they are bound to have difference in opinions, the only difference is that Peter accepted the rebuke. The same Paul also had a bone of contention with Barnabas because he felt Barnabas made an error in judgment, and they went their separate ways because of their disagreement, Acts 15:36-41. The point is men and women of God are not perfect and are bound to disagree with each other from time to time.
linda,you need to stop reading thrashy mags.No be everything eye de see na im e go read else one day e go develop apollo.Even soft-sells
have levels..stick to the En***ium and C**y P***e at least they have some little cred. .Haba,girl,u fall hand!
*Now awaiting their members' defences*.... I rily dont care much for any of dem, esp Joshua, Okotie n Oyaks (How can anyone trust a pastor with more gel on his hair than Miss Jay, even more creepy is d fact that all his male pastors follow suit) thats some weird ish goin on in that house n it has nothing to do with God! Dey just seem dodgy.
As for Tunde Bakare, he just seems to have lost focus on his calling; and is enjoying all d the sensationalism created by his drama.
Abeg Lily, I only pray dat we stop getting so involved with the 'Men of God' that we forget God himself, cos that's wat's taking over dese days, n its appalling!
to me they are all agents of satan.true worship of God is of pue love for one another.we are al imperfect bt the love of God strings all lovers of his word 2geher regarless of whatever diff we have.so b4 u choose a church open ur eye well well cos satan is using chistaindom as a means to destroy pple by blinding thier eyes
they typed my reverend's name wrong to show that they don't even know the person it is George Adegboye.
First of all, Pas Chris Oyakhilome doesnt have any beef with Pas Chris Okotie, Okotie Called him out & Oyakhilome never made a statement to any Media House about it but Okotie was the person all over the Media for weeks talking. Oyakhilome doesnt have time for such, left for him, he; not God & cant Judge anyone & no one is in the position to judge him.
Second of all, Pas Tunde Bakare Disrespected Bishop David Oyedepo by Tearing the Book written by Oyedepo on his Television Programe. If you dont like somebody, you shouldnt disrespect him if he didnt disrespect you. Oyedepo never responded as they said & thats because he doesnt have time for such. The Bottom line is Tunde Bakare & Chris Okotie are both looking for attention just to be more famous.
As far as i'm concerned no pastor has the right to attack another pastor if u didnt ordain them, even if u did their Vision might be different from yours.
Lets cut this crap because Oyakhilome & Oyedepo never ever responded to Okotie & Bakare because they are not of the same Level both Spiritually, Mentally, Physically & in any other lly...lol
my dady adeboye would neva be in thIs kind of mess. God bless RCCG.
lol. Of course they will be enemies. Arent many of them commercial ventures.
this YES! magazine shud shut up joor. always writing what they dont know. enemies ki, frenemies ko. mscheww
Lol. Yes! and their very 'sharp' cover stories though.
'My daddy' now that's pretty dumb...you guys keep pulling your common wealth that folks keep using to biuld edifices Uve no idea what goes on behind those walls...besides'Ur RCCG' has been involved with lotsa money laundering scandal in the past with a poular American Bank,most pastors and musicians now help politicians launder money and dts Y linda keeps giving us sensational headlines of them buying cars...yep dts what they do to make such dough!these are the end times people You know only yourself!
Until we Nigerians open our eyes well 2 c d truth,all dis churches re avenues 2 make fast billions,once dey quote d book of malachi,evry1 drops his/her salary *smh*,orthodox churches were quite conservative in deir doings and were in2 missionary works(cheap schools & hospitals),immediately dis our miracle hawking churches sprang up,evrythng changed(pastors fly private jets,chaffeured in convoy of range sport & limited edition GMCs,live in mega mansions,build universities dt are nt affordable 2 deir church members even wen d sch is built wit deir tithes & offerings),even d orthodox churches are nw infiltrated,dey'v caught d bug...we 9jas re too miracle seeking dts y dey play on our intelligence...if only evry1 wud stop paying tithes & offerings..dem go stat 2 dey quote bible..well,Maga must alwz pay while sharpguy go dey enlarge him coast...all round thiefthief..
spot on @annon 28 nov 12.57am !
anyone who read this article is useless LIKE SERIOUSLY i feel bad for your wasted life
lol u would never see pastor william kumuyi's name mentioned in articles like this. i love that man and what he stands for :)
Not just the article!! as for me na Orthodox I dey go..no tithe..and only give to charities and worthy causes..not enriching all this Pastors..congregations have little or nothing yet the wallet of the Pastors is getting bigger and fatter and most of them are so shamelelessly vain..and they say to the congrgation seek glory in heaven whilst they plunder theirs on earth..double screaming standards!!
@steezz.com: It has been resolved at Oyedepo's in law's burial few months back.
Jobless writers!!! i don't mean your sis...
GBAM@ November 28, 2011 1:33 AM
Nothing more to add
Point of correction to one of the 'anonymous' posters: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome actually replied to Pastor Chris Okotie's allegations about him. I remember watching him on some stations in Lagos at that time. I can't remember all the exact things which he said concerning his accuser, but this one still sticks in my mind (it's unlikely though, that I got it word-for-word): "Where was Chris Okotie when I had started working in the Lord's vineyard? He was still going about dancing disco!"
to all of u denying that these pastors have issues, well, my mum will always say that "there is no smoke witout fire". there is truth is some of those rumours u know after all they are humans, pastor or not.
Ngwanu,after me, lol!!
Pls nobody should be afraid to say the truth.Many of these pastors are not christians not 2 talk of leaders.Wat else is Anti Christ?wat is christ-like?uv heard their preachings and how they enslave the minds of many Nigerians.Christ did not preach by his own deductions but by divine wisdom but 2day u see des pastors preachin logic but not divine teachings bcos if u get 2 d bible,u see dat Jesus never preached wat ppl wanted 2 hear but the truth But our pastors dey always talk 2 d liking of d people.Christ was humble but des pastors are very proud.He washed the feet of his followers but our pastors wait 2 be served.Christ was humble to the face of death,even when people criticised him he never attacked them Verbally but our pastors attack each other every sunday.Christ tolerated sinners but would fish out pretenders,pharisees n co but our pastors tolerate and accept huge donations from known thieves,oppressors of d people,ritualists n make them deacons in the church.Christ preached against d wealth of dis world n concentrated on the joy of the kingdom; our pastors emphasise on worldly wealth,making poor people believe they are sinners bcos dey are poor.WATELSE IS ANTI CHRIST? Dey shuldnt forget that it is the sherpherd that led the flock astray that wil be punished the most.On the last day,many will call out to the father sayin 'but I preached n did miracles in ur name' and he will deny them......NN
That's good. Nigerians are now exercising their right to speech and am impressed but, hey JUDGE NOT, SO THAT YE MAY NOT BE JUDGED!! (Matthew 7:1)
Hahahaha..naija christianity is money machine..soon we go hear the richest man in africa is a pastor yet is congregation can't even afford to pay rent...christianity means christ like...frm deir examples am not sure dey r followin christ
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