I kinda look like a drag queen here...lol |
It's a photo shoot for Genevieve Magazine, The Wedding Edition...coming out this December. That's me, Tinsel actress - Matilda Obaseki, and TV presenter, Jumai Shaba.
Makeup by Banke Meshida. My hair by
Lolavitahair. Photograph by Mousa Mousa.
you're so funny! babes the right man would come oh!
Lol. YOu don't look like a drag queen lol... You look like a beautiful bride ;)
You look splendid girl. I wish Banke can make me up one day. She has the gift to make even the most ugliest duckling become the most beutiful. I love the makeup well, well. But Linda, there is more to marraige than looking fine for 24 hours or less. Marrying the wrong man can cost you your life as we saw in Titi Arowolo's case. So, pray that a genuinely good guy finds you and not a devil in human skin. Again, nice pics Linda.
Love it.
Linda,Linda,Linda..hw many times I take call you,you are blessed!
Pls,remember thi thank God always and all your desires will come to pass,pls don't settle for less.
One thing I love about you is this,even though you say all these things you havent gotten married and divorced,which means God still have something for you in store all you need do is patience and thanksgiving to God,God bless you my sister.*never really wanted to say much#
Linda u no get problem now...too much choice of the wrong/right type and scared of picking the wrong man dey worry you..u look sumptious tho..and looked better without the photoshop....
LINDA BABYYYYYY.,.u look sooo preettyyyyyyyy!i love u!wish i cud marry u,.,but see weytin senate come cause na??chai!!and yes o for ya'll wonderin!I IS A SHE!and plentyy homo!
One more thing..remember what happened to Funke Akindele...had some real freaky proposals..
Linda you look fabulous! the other ladies look great too:)
Ure such a beautiful lady. May God bring the right man your way: one who will love & respect you. I guess you're Catholic right? Couldn't help but notice a finger rosary in some of your pictures. Dont worry Linda, oge Chineke ka mma. Welcome to December!!
lol. Only God knows how uncomfortable u must have felt in dem dress. But u look fine not small in dem dress. Linda abeg do marry one man and make a man a very happy man.
Wow....You look dabomb.com...splendid... dnt worry pretty pretty soon i go do bridal train 4 you...yeahhhhh
Yes u defo look like a drag queen. u coulda easily pulled ur darn weave up, but no ur njoku jawline wont let u. LMAO....i kid. abeg just fix another style already or pack ur hair up lets see ur face and tell if u r truly beautiful...OYA LINDA IKEJI VOLTRONS ATTACK ME NOW! or better yet dont give me the satisfaction.
Linda abeg carry dis ur self promotion go facebook jor. dats wat its meant for afterall. and when u get there u can fish for all d compliments u want like indirectly askin for compliments by saying u look like a drag queen so dat ppl can say no u dont, u luk pretty. I know its ur blog n d pics r for a mag..but still, enof of u jare.
U look goood johr iya mi.(Wish dia is a like button) But na which day u wan wear am 4real? Abi ! Happi new month swirry!
fine ke? u put it mildly. all three of you are absolutely stunning. genevieve dem sabi beta thing.
am interested sweetie
LINDA IKEJI!! These are signs of your upcoming wedding, say AMEN. REMEMEBER, that not too long ago, when you posted your new weave, I sent in a comment with heavy prayers for your husband. I will repeat them now. I can feel it happening. So, say AMEN now.
What I am waiting for now is your wedding :-( Linda when now? I profess that by this time next year, in the Might Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you shall be happily married to the spouse of your covenant; or at least about to marry him. AMEN AMEN AMEN
am interested sweetie
Hey! Honestly, I thought of this a few days ago while on your blog. You should do more of this - model clothing on your blog, facebook, twitter and youtube for fashion houses in Nigeria and wherever. They send you the clothing, pay you, pay for photography, shoes and makeup. Do it at least onece every month. If you do it well, it can make you lots of money and new clothes.
It being festive period, do for Xmas and new year. It will be a hit.
Shit Linda....ure soooo fucking HOT!
awwwwwww love it.
absolutely stunning!!!!
Pretty one,pretty pretty one,that's what you're are linda,you're looking so splendid that i thought an angel has gone on vacation high up in heaven.
Is it true then,pretty one,Miss linda?
click here to start browsing for free
wow linda u r a babe! :) so pretty :) you are blessed with or without a man. just keep trying to improve on yourself while waiting for the right one and be patient girl :)
beautiful picture Linda. I love the dress on you too. The magazine should be a best seller since you are in it. Great. I am glad you are still modeling. kudos.
Good think about you, you yab yourself before we have a chance to. Nice pictures. Maybe you r a lesbian? (kidding)
i AGREE 100% you do look beautiful, am sure the men are lining up but do be careful, since I relocated i've heard way too many stories of some (not all) 'men' who are looking for ladies who will feed, house and clothe them in designer outfits so they can live off wifey, driving their wives cars picking up and tripping takeaways babes with wifeys money and at the end of the day, laze aound watching the sports channel. NFA'S!
Abeg even if we flip it around those women that marry rich men and turn to housewives still work darn hard at raising a home and children.
So take ya time, keep away those rose tinted glasses and shine ya eyes,even at the 'correct looking' man who might have borrow posed to impress you till your eye clear after the wedding.. your own will come and be perfect just for you AMEN!
p.s: i know you are using style to advertise something for someone but no vex say i no read am. next time i will. pwomise :-p
u look magnificent Linda...
Don't mind/pity Linda! She is picky times 100! lol....
@ Linda pls abeg abeg pack your hair back for once! watin you dey hide. You have a pretty face...ok fine you like to hide your forehead like me, u can do small bangs in front...
One more thing, i see you are always giving out free stuff/tickets on this your website. I hope you will invite some of your fans to your wedding o! lots of luv -we go luv too...
Linda I want to marry you
You look absolutely beautiful. I like the photos.
I hope you know the meaning of drag queen?
Linda when is the magazine coming out ooo!! Please put up more pictures!!! i am getting married soon oo lol
You look sooooo pretty Aunty Linda :*... God bless you and yeah Welcome to December Doll :D
Baby u 2 much ohh! Wish i had a big n rich broda 2 pop d question 2 u. Love d hair, make up, dress n d gurls. Love pics n God wil grant ur heart desires, just don't worry. Next year is ur year, hapi nu month 2 u oh!
@LINDA you BAM..........
I just laughed till bust something. So it is true that you always have a centre parting on your hair. I thought it was a lie
linda you look beautiful!
linda u have refused to marry because u are looking for the rich....
u are more than ripe 4 marriage but understand that the more u stay single ....more troubles for u
If I marry you, will come back to the US with me?
u d luk 4 husband n if i cum 2 marry u, u wil start luking down on me. And start insulting me that am poor. I knw u u want a celeb 2 marry u
You look absolutely stunning dear! And your man will come very soon and sweep you off your feet.
Nice photoshoot.
Truly you will be a beautiful bride.......the 3 of you all look smashing
Soon and very soon. You look great!
Nne soon it ll happen. Happy new mnth!!!!!
Linda Rocks..........Shikena
Ur really pretty darling. xx
I don't know what it is but these are not good photos of you. I am not sure if the hair is just too long for the look, if its the makeup, lighting, or the airbrushing. You have a strong jawline so it may be better to do hairstyles that crown that area to soften it up. Sorry for the blatant honesty, no intention to be rude.
Nice, you look very pretty! Enjoy your single self, cheers
Lindy, so you no dey hooked up yet, let alone marry. Na wa oh...upon as you take fine sef!
Oya....come make I pity you! I go just marry you ni!
Lol! Nice gorgeous lookin pix!!!
Jummai Shaba forever pretty. Linda u look good too.
you look really kul, Linda, not to worry Mr. right is on the way. Hope you will recognise him when he does?
Your so gorgeuos! the right man will come at the right time..
i wish they put your hair up,
you look great and you would definitely make a pretty bride
You are a pretty fine lady and you mos def will be finer than dis on your day...
if i hadnt found my wife yet, i'd have chased after you with all of my heart & meagre salary...TRUE
Stay cool ok.
All things it's time linda. U'll get there suun enuf just mek urself 'the right person'.
i no someone who has been begging u to marry him for the past eight months and u refused. i don't know what you are looking for but i hope you find it. nice pix
Sure, Some guys may be interested in taking you home to Mama and Papa. Linda, you are pretty, sweet, splendid, elegante and more. You never lack male attentions. You are truly a fine bride to behold. Your problem is choice.
As for me, am not into any relationship but if I should start one, It must not take more than 3 or 4 months before we say I do. This is also my advice to people.
Most time, being a pretty baby don't always translate into being a good wife. There is more to it. But I know you will make a good wife. We need to know if you are already into a relationship/courtship. Beacuse no man will come for your hands in marriage if he don't know the person behind the mask. Or will you just marry any man that comes your way simple because the man is dudu and rich? Capital No. I know you are joking with this headline.
Courtship is the traditional dating period before engagement and marriage. During a courtship couples date to get to know each other and decide if there will be an engagement and marriage.
Usually courtship is a public affair, done in public and with family approval.
It includes activities such as dating where couple go out together for dinner, movie, dance parties, picnic, shopping or general “hanging out”, along other activities.
With all these activities in place, the question is whether lengthy period of courtship guarantees a successful marriage? I advice you linda and other ladies not to stay longer than six months in a courtship.
Successful marriage has no formula except what you make out of it.
Whether the period of courtship is long or short sometimes doesn’t really matter but the risk of staying too long is many.
What matters most is that both parties are able to know themselves very well within the period of courtship.
Ladies and gents should take much time to study each others very well.
But courting for a long period does not also mean that the marriage will eventually be successful because we have actually seen people who courted for several years get divorced. Long period of courtship has its advantages and disadvantages. One of those disadvantages include not having much respect for each other. Both of you have seen it all, in and out. The enthusiasim of love making may wane becuase nothing new in his or her body.
That is when you’ll find out that there is nothing any of them can tell each other about their hot spot that will sound new.
Sometimes, long period of courtship has been responsible for a lot of break ups in relationships. What can you say about a situation where people court for seven years only for one party to discover that they’re no longer compatible and that becomes the end of the relationship.
Why did it have to take them so long to realise they’re not compatible. It doesn’t have to take a decade before you can know that he or she is not good enough for you. Even three months is enough for you to start seeing symptoms of a bad relationship if you’re very observant.
This is world class beauty!!
Linda but wait ooo so our young rich and single dudez dem blind? QUEEN LINDA ur beauty is in u...
I don't like your make-up! Is anyone one angry with you there?? loool! Drag queen look confirm! The dress fit you well anyway! You 'll be a very beautiful bride!!
You look amazingly gorgeous Linda!
Linda, just sow a seed and see what the Lord will do in seven days time. Here is my acct no. 717448111 any bank of ur choice. LOL
Beautiful pics!...And u look sweet Linda!Luving ur weave,looks good!
Ehnn?!See all these 'Mother hens' n what not o!..hahaaa.Giving advice on who she shud marry n all! Abegi! Y'all need to stop being soooo damn nosy in Linda's life! She's definitely not laying there just like that sha!And I believe Linda knows what she wants n is about in life.Jeeez ppl writing long ass paragraphs n all!..Hahahaaa.Why r u all taking the caption soo damn personal anyway?!?Hahaaa...smh.No need for her to be blasting out who she's seeing,f*ckn,or whatever sometimes to u all.I believe she will make it known at the appropriate time.She surely will give all you very nosy ones a VERY GOOD surprise one of these fine days soon!..:)
Except the hair in the wedding gown but you are still pretty!
Beautiful bride.
You are beautiful, and above that, you are of value and valued, until that man who sees you like no other comes for you please! please!! stay single. Every one in those shots are all really pweeety...God bless.
you look absolutely awesome. and yes! you will make a beautiful bride. God will bring the right person to you in no time.
gorgeous pictures i must say i never comment on pictures of you Linda. (because you already have enough people telling you ur gorgeous or not)
Is Matilda married?
Ha my Linda is now one of the most single ladies in Nigeria. You have been Carrie Bradshaw'ed congratulashun, about d drag queen thing....must have been the hair or your biceps I think. :-D
chai!!!asampete!!!nne idi chap!take 5!!!*winks*
Lin Lin, u are Beautiful!!! All 3 of u are stunning, gorgeous and exquisetely beautiful!! Will love 2 have that look on my wedding day! And soon, u'll get ur Mr. Right!! Happy new month
terry teddy or whatever your name is you jut came here to say rubbish oh... nobody asked you. intelectual sugomu.
LINDA BABY! You Look Amazing! :o
I pray the right name comes for you soon!
Keep up the good work!
You should do a christmas giveaway or competition for all this hair wey you don de put for head. AWOOF no de too bad sun timz oh! it is the season to give! give and it shall be given unto you! na so dem dey talk am!!
And the people say...? AMEN!
Terry oooo why are you always writing essays like you are doing a school assignment??? Na wa oooo
Seriously are these the most exciting dresses they could find*** rolling my eyes*** some people have the resources and no imagination while some people have too much imagination and scarce resources. Lord Help
U look very beautiful nd gorgeous in d first pics!i no too dig ur looks in d second one jare,but will u marry my brother?Am SERIOUZZZZ o
Pretty girl..Bad photography..
Bad dress angle.., bad background props, whats with the gold ugly chairs?style hair does not go with the face.. Bride appears too short and buulky and we know she's not... N a family photographer ,dem call? mbanu... e bad...
ah you guys should free linda naw she has a right to choose her husband! #just saying
this Linda sef,wic one be drag queen again,u want us to over emphasize that ur fine,,,lol,,,,ok.....ur beauriful......lmfao
linda i luv ur outfit but pls stop this husband/marriage thin b4 u run into a wrong hand.
Beautiful.com. U'll def be a beautiful bride. Oya, eligible bachelors, una don hear o
Yes these are really cool pix' but was just thinking that if the background were a contrasting colour the beauty of the gowns would have been more pronounced, this white background takes from these shots instead adding to its beauty...what do you think?
lol......nice pic. Don't forget to check out
Awwww.......u look so sweet,Linda...dat make-up is so splendid......dont worry,,ur man will come when u least expect,,,,,late marriage that is blissful is better than early marriage filled with so much bitterness.....it is well!!
You all look gorgeous!!
u dont look like a drag queen u look like a pretty queen..love it
such cheap wedding dresses
u definitely look like a wall paper/screen saver bride...i hope it translates to making a really good wife.
i give it to u,...u look quite stunning!
Gorgeous gorgeous Linda <3
Fine advertisement Linda. You sure do look stunning
d girl in the middle is very pretty.
Wetin remain na to find the guy o, lol. u look great babe!!
what'd you say we meet?
¶'m the man for you dear,call M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ with 08030552467 or ping M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ with 217f42c3.
linda......if ds is just a shoot i wonder how u'll be on ur big day!
u really look fab here! ur big day? OMG over spectacular! ur very own man would come....wen and from where u least expect. hang on! pretty soon.....n dats my girl tilda obaski right there too
I guess you are serious judging from the words of the article. Well, don't worry, we can start from somewhere and see where it heads to. Am also looking for a wife and a responsible one that is. Hit me up on my email... silvianomarutti@mail32.com.
you all look very very pretty, linda that man is coming be patient biko jumai shaba stop hiding and chopping what is below you you are too old and advanced for all that i say find your worth fine gal
hmmmm linder u dey bleach?????? see ur fingers. lip sealed! fair and white @ work....lmaooooooooooooooo
Awww, you look fabulous Linda. I even love the Rapunzel hair :)
I have noticed that Nigerians dont like to comment on matters that affects their lives. Like the political situation in the country.When it comes to discussing about the things in between their legs, they all come out in droves. Black people are simpletons. This is why their societies remain backward.
the only thing missing is a man
your desperation stinks sha.
Any intelligent and reasonable man would be put off by it.
marriage should not define you.
hey linda
you are so gorgeous, hope u will be the same way on your wedding day even without banke makeup.lol
doing ur thing in ur own unique way, makes it who u really are. keep up girl
@Terry Teddy
Na wa oooh. You've fallen for Linda Ikeji.
Please, Linda marry Terry Teddy make we heard word. His long easys are giving me migraine.
Am I jeoulous?
YES, I am.
Will I kick box Terry Teddy if I met him.?
You bet, I will kick his arse from Abuja to Lagos :)
I hate competition.
Smh !!!
naija woman hope say no bi rich man u dey find ?
Looks nice
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