How did you two meet?Please continue...
Nneoma: We met in Lagos. We worked in a production together. I was a costumier. I have always been seeing him, I just like his lifestyle. So we became friends and from there the journey began.
How did you know he was your man?
Nneoma: I am not a friend keeping type, but when I meet my friend, I know. We have been friends and I think I saw what I like in a man in him.
What are the qualities you saw in him?
Nneoma: Chinedu is very intelligent and smart.
What was your parents reaction when you told them you are getting married to Aki?
Nneoma: They were not surprised. My dad was like 'waoo, you go ahead if he is your choice.
Would you say you it is a natural love you have for Chinedu?
Nneoma: Yes. I just love him naturally.
What do you really want changed in Chinedu?
Nneoma: Nothing to be changed. He is okay for me.
Many people believe you are going for his money and celebrity status?
Nneoma: That is cheap talk. They can say whatever they want to say. I married Chinedu Ikedieze, I did not marry Aki.
Intelligent Bride...Nice one
Indeed everyone has their own someone. married him for his money or not the thing is he is married after all there are ppl who have the money and are yet to get married.
she should have just stayed silent. No need to dignify anyone with a response, why she got married is still her business and his alone.
Happy marred life
Love that comment, Haters If you are not happy for them, Then go marry QUEEN. She have made her choice. Money or no money.
No mind them o Jare, if u no marry am, who go marry am? Thank God you are tall. At least u've been benevolent to humanity. U've rescued the next lineage of aki from being short. "That's if his genes are not stronger than Urs". Lol
Dat is some cool story!! Congrats to u two.
Now, that's a confident woman, who knows what she wants. You go girl.
GBAM simple i love this lady did you hear her i married chinedu not aki big ups u are a courageous woman dnt mind what anybody is saying what matters is love as long u love him no probs carry go nneoma some are tall but have achieved nothing so my dear take gud care of him ooooo.
Not that you owe anyone an explanation, but would you have married Aki if he was a "nobody" and broke? Would you? Then, why did you marry Chinedu? Why?
"I just like his lifestyle" = I didn't marry him cos he's tall, dark and handsome or for his personality. I married him cos of his money and celebrity status.
God forbid Aki goes burst, permanently, would you still be with him?
Where's love?
What's love?
What has love got to do with it?
Anna Nicole Smith paved the way for gold diggers.
Way to go girl
hmmn okay oo stories that touch!!
no mind dem jarree.......way to go girl......@LINDA,,,,If AKI can make it,,,you too can make it...........lol
Time will tell....we go see
Nene, don't mind dem joor. Njoy ur marriage n wish u d best of it.
Artist inks excrement on wayward lover's back.
@annonymous that talked about genes>>> Lmaooooooo!!! i hope too sha! lol!!! buh for watever reason>>> she's already married to him>>> so everybody>>>> mind ur business!!!
U go girl
If i were this girl,i would not even waste my time answering these stupid questions.I would have just told the reporters i love my husy soo dearly,period.
Don't need to explain yourself, Nneoma. Don't listen to the talkers.
Happy married life, go and enjoy yourself with your hubby.
Nne idikwa sure? Hope U'll not cheat on him. Anya o sakwara gi? Remb its for beta or worse. Don't leave when things are not rosy. I hail U girl, U're simply unique.
how much has he getten despite his looks? is nt eazy to carry on dis task. it is all 4 luv. i love her courage.
@last anonymous guy, thank u joor!!! who can boldly say :"i married him/her for money". nobody even when we knw d truth. anyway i wish them well esp d lady. hope she realise she's stuck with him 4 d rest of her life.
Relationship goes from "Babe" to "Bitch", "I love you" to "I hate you", "I need you" to "Fuck you", "You're my everything" to "You're nothing", "Till death do us apart" to "I'll kill you"
I wish them well. I hope it works out very good and prosperously for them.
just bc he's small doesn't mean he's any less man! All these people talking abt u hope she knows she's stuck with him forever--wth is that supposed to mean? The fact is that despite his stature he has achieved wayy more than some of his mates and will still achieve even more with a good wife beside him. Y'all talking down or looking down on him better be praying to get husbands HALF as successful as dis dude! N for your information, sex is important but it's not all that!!! N the women orgasm is in the mind not the size!!!!!!!!!!!!!Seriously people, grow up. And bf anyone abuses me, I'm comfortably n happily married by God's grace.
This guys have been dating for so long.I know the girl.If she married for money its non of your biz,95 percent of girls will marry for money.Anyway the elder sister is getting married on 27th.You all are invited
@ Emily Blunt, ur just blabbing all ova de place cos ur comments didn't make any sense. So cos he's short,dat means nobody is capable of loving him? And wat does Anna Nicole's marriage ve to do wit Nneoma's marriage.Is Chinedu an 85 year old man? I don't undastand de way some humanbeings reason.
...i think every one gets married to a particular someone for a reason...
...some people seek friendship.
...some seek companionship
...some seek fame...
...some seek financial security...
...some seek sexual satisfaction...
...some seek....nothing..(which in dis context is something too)....
Whatever anyone's reason is is d person's business to disclose or not...
so haters...i think u guys should just take some overdose of valium or something more lethal....if u think Nneoma's marriage to Chinedu.....doesn't go down well with you.....
Happy married life!
Men is not esay to see girls this day that didnot kia about your money this days ooooo
i luv her reply, if its anybody's headache d person shuld go ahead nd hug transformer.
"Many people believe you are going for his money and celebrity status?". Wait a minute! If these "many people" believe Nneoma married her man for money and fame, what would THEIR sisters, cousins, or nieces have married him for? Sympathy? Charity? Anything but money and fame? How childish such a statement sounds!
U aint ok wiv deir marriage coz u feel she married him coz of his money, oh dear hater, pls go swallow knife abeg #shikena
May God help them and protect there marrig Aman
Like some comments above. She should just say NO Comment. Many haters are going to bitch about it.
Whatever make you marry him is ya business.
phewwwwwwwwwwwwww! una try oooooooooo abeg she owes none of us any explanation. u be God? all of u hating, get a life!
in all i luv that her response "they can say whatever they want to say" period, some have it n some dont. i tink she nailed it, enjoy, it is ur HUSBAND'S MONEY, haters back off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she shudda just kept quiet
People should learn how to mind their business!!Concentrate on your own individual lives..it would help a lot.
Abeg Nneoma..happy married life jare..
His height doesnt make him less of a man...chinedu might even be 'badder' than most 6.2 (u know wat i mean)...lol
people lets leave dem alone ohhh! married for love or married for money n fame..bottom line is they r married n look happy together..lets just wish them the best.
For all the money in the world 99% of women will NEVER marry Aki for his size, money is not the issue here, size means a lot, so, i doff my hat for Nneoma for her COURAGE to marry Aki. Am proud of her and salute the Strength of Aki for many people will allow size to discourage them. GOD has the final SAY.
congrats babes. im proud of you. all of u saying she married cause of money sholud please go and marry cause of poverty! aki is an actor not an armed rubber or drug dealer. so whats the problem. GOD ALMIGHTY WLD BLESS YOUR MARRIAGE WITH PLENTY KIDS AND GRANT BOTH OF YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEARTS. AMEN HAPPY MARRIED LIFE
I love your answers,perfect,God must surely bless your marriage,no man can stop it in Jesus name.
on a more sewious note, its due to idleness or jealousy dat brought about does negative comments..sweet bride, i have jes one word for u, shut ur ears to wat dis haters are saying nd open ur ears to God and chinedu alone..i sincerely wish u d best and bliv me many pple are wshing dey have wat u have now...all d best
Someone pls tell M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ Нōώ old is this Nneoma woman?
Let me just say the girl is so pretty but I dont know why her dress seem to be dropping off her body on such a great day. If she married for money it is nobodys business. What matters most in a marriage is the happiness of the couple. Some ladies have married very handsome and tall guys who had or didnt have money and they are not happy despite all the handsomeness. We Nigerians should learn to mind our businesses including me who is looking at her droping outfit.
you haters are really crazy cos i don't see this aki or chinedu as a rich guy. congrats girl.
vivian M.
Come back and tell us in say ten years time....
We may be able to assess you then.
my dear even is its for the fame and money u try.. it takes a very courages gal to take such step
As if all these gal haters will wanna marry a poor handsome dude that has no future, we all want successful guys o jaree!!
Abeg free the gal, for those waiting for a break up, una go wait tire. Ndi Obi akpo LGA, mcshewww!! Abeg chop his moni o!
If u think she married Aki for money, why not marry osita or send ur sister, daughter, niece or aunt to marry osita. Leave d girl alone. Hppy married life gal, kudos!!!!!!!!!
Hmmmmmm haTers nawoh, how can U̶̲̥̅̊ be praying 4 someone's marriage 2 crumble, dat is wicked, the heart of men is evil. Aki is rich and so wat? Who is him richer than? So becos he rich,anyone who married him is α gold digger? 4 his size anyone who married him deserves α humanitarian award. Correct babe nneoma U̶̲̥̅̊ sure deserve an Award
Aki is Lucky to hv gotten a wife that lvs him for nothing....gd luck to both of u.
good luck to u both
allow d girl jor!if na u,will u marry him evn wth d money.so allow d prsn dat agrees to marry both, let hr be abeg.
What's all this talk about his money.Does he live in his personal house on the island? Just agree that it takes pure guts to marry someone like him.That lady knows her self.I like her already and pray I have the guts to live my life for myself and what makes me happy and not what people think!
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