Nweke allegedly killed Michael at about 5.40am on November 9 at the Ikota Housing Estate,Ajah. Before the incident, the two men lived in the same building.
According to Nweke, his house was burgled and his television, video player, shoes and other belongings stolen on November 7. In a bid to get to the root of the burglary, he went to Michael.
“Micheal was the closest neighbour to me and so I felt he must have seen whoever broke into my room,” he said.“To my surprise, when I questioned him, Michael and his friends started making fun of me. They were very insensitive and it hurts me,”he said.
Instead of reporting the burglary to the police, Nweke accused Michael of the burglary and a fight ensued.
“I listened to the advice of my friends that Michael should have an explanation for the burglary or he would know who was responsible. I went to approach him in the compound while he was brushing his teeth. This was about 3.00am and other occupants were still sleeping,” Nweke said.
“I asked him why he was insensitive about the theft in my room;Michael started insulting me, calling me a fool for not protecting my house.His insults hurt me.We started quarrelling and a fight ensued.Michael was the person who tried to hurt me with a broken bottle. In my struggle to collect the broken bottle, the bottle fell and Michael fell on it and hurt his shoulder.”
Michael was rushed to the nearest hospital but he had lost a lot of blood and died shortly after.Nweke was then arrested and taken to the Ilaje police station at Ajah. The case has since been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) at Panti,Yaba.
A police source,who requested anonymity,said Nweke had attempted to escape from the Ilaje police cell.
“This guy is a hardened criminal, he tried to escape from the Ilaje police cell by opening the ceiling of the cell and he was arrested and transferred to Panti,”the source said.
Confirming the incident, the Lagos State Commissioner of Police,Yakubu Alkali said the suspect will soon be charged to court.
Culled from Dailytimes
kill him too, he looks deeeeeeeeeeead already
is this me or this man looks homosexual????
His look is terrified. Dats all i see
It is suprising the things that happens around our once old dear country now.
Oh i know the guy never planned it.
What a pity. Fighting never bring peace. But...
Killing by mistake, this.
There is more to this story than meets the eye ...
I hope he'll eat the person he killed.
damn damn shame!
he should have controlled his temper and walked out instead of getting into a fight, what is this world turning into???????
ok i'm the 1st to comment......so who brushes by 3.00am in the morning???? na wa o, this is a case of the ran into my knife 8 times
"Michael was the person who tried to hurt me with a broken bottle. In my struggle to collect the broken bottle, the bottle fell and Michael fell on it and hurt his shoulder.”
Nweke's claim that Michael tried to hurt him and then fell on a broken bottle sounds dodgy to me. Unfortunately, Michael isn't alive to tell his own side of the story.
This is just another incident of uncontrolled anger. Any of us could be culprit(s)if we don't find ways to handle our aggressive tendencies. God help us.
So sad.
I think he didn't kill Michael. I think he is also innocent. We need to look at this case propally. The part I don't till get is why the accused wanted to escape from jail. I would say we need to build better prisons in Nigeria. The case is very crucial and needs to be studied very well too. People, let God be the judge not us.
Linda never bothers to post any of my comments so.... No Comment!
That """Bracelet""" looks lovely on his wrists and it fits him so well.
Dis country is turning into sumting else. God save us
The Guy na confirmed DODI,part of the argument and abuse was that he was called gay that he sleeps with men.
How does one die from injury in the shoulder? 9ja sef na wa for d medical situation.
i feel soo bad for him. 1st of the part of the article that said .."instead of going to the police" . puhlease.. what would the police have done. they dont cater to the un-rich. they would have probably laughed and shoeed him out hence him taking matters into his own hands. i pity him. they probably called him a hardened criminal just because of his tattoos. where are the witnesses though? i pity poor peeps in naij. i see this guy gettin locked away for an awfully long time.. guilty or not.
I do not believe this story.
I feel like this was a romantic story between the 2 guys. Common! you go to someone's house at # in the morning???? I understand man act before thinking most of the time but this story looks suspicious to me.
I feel that both guys were romantically involved and something went wrong! Anyhow, I wish the best to everybody involved in this story. I am hoping michael is innocent, this kida look like a fight that went wrong
def a battybwoy!!..killer male hairdresser what a headline!!..
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