Mr Albashi died today in a hospital in Germany, following injuries he sustained as result of a ghastly auto accident he was involved in August 2011. The late politician was said to have suffered serious head injuries and had to be flown abroad to receive medical attention, but died today. May his soul rest in peace...amen.
RIP. If only he and the other politicians had put in place good emergency response systems, maybe the injuries would have been less as the first aid from the ambulance team would have kept his head in position. when there is an accident, the life or death decision is all within minutes. I know he would have received a few wrong treatments before flying to germany. please politicians, put our health and rapid response systems in place. you never know who would need it...
May his soul rest in peace. What a bad news? Our roads are death traps.
Rest in peace. Amen.
The truth is that the world is passing us by. We are a nation of malcontents. When last did anyone tell a happy national story made on Nigerian soil? God will never come down to help us. Our destiny is in our hands. We must stop decieving ourselves. Nothing is moving in Nigeria till date. Forget about the lies of some prosperity and flambouyant Pastors. I have enjoyed all the goodies in Germany for the past 19 years, what about my country Nigeria? I was given baptisim of fire by dire- devil arm robbers in April 2009 along bad portion Ibafon - Shagamu road in Ogun State,on my way to Anambra State. The robbers told me point blank, Sir,we are graduates without job and hope. Bad road contributed so much in that incident. If the road were good, I would have sped off. May the souls of the departed due to bad road rest in perfect peace.
Ah see what happens when people refuse to enforce laws, fix roads and create hospitals in their own country.
Why not DIE in heaven, they are rushing to Germany where things are place well instead of putting it back home. Please go and answer ur call here jere! Sucks!!!
Are you telling me that there was not a hospital in Gombe that could treat this man's injury and that he had to fly to another continent to get medical treatment? No wonder he died. Victim of his own making. Let this be a lesson to every politician that you need to put services in place because one day YOU might need it.
ewooo!!such a pity,may his soul rest in perfect peace[amen]
Condolences to his family.
eya, RIP and condolences to his family
that is horrible. Such a young looking man also. I really don't understand why there are so many fatal road accidents in naija. Linda how old was he? and pardon my ignorance but is there a difference between a governor of the state and a deputy governor?
RIP, may God grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss
RIP but we no de shame say na so so abroad our politicians de die put. How many times German politician don die for we hospital?
May he rest in peace, AMEN
May his soul rest in peace @Nijaamerican yes there is a diff btw a governor and the deputy.......president and vice president.Hope dat helps besides u be obodoekwe oyibo person dis question get as e bi
@anon 6;51
true words...
those of you who think its a nigerian problem, pls watch BBC and CNN this morning. there was an accident involving 35 cars pile up about 20 dead yesterday night. accidents are not peculiar to naija but the medical response immediately after in naija is so bad. RIP sir, but send a message to other politicians to put good roads and hospitals in place.
I reserve my comments.What a funny place to be. Lmao! I won't miss this spot anyday.
Here is a country with so much potentials and natural endowments that are the envy of other less privileged nations. The resources are so enormous that even foreigners illegally come in to grab whatever they could with the connivance of unscrupulous Nigerians. It's always a buffet for them. The rule is: grab whatever is on offer and eat to your satisfaction, but care less about the masses.
What is indisputable is that nemesis would one day catch up with the strong men who fail to work at building strong institutions that could empower the masses and prepare the way for a better life for the ordinary man while providing him with the basic needs of life and an enabling environment to eke out a living. If the politicians put in place a workable system, Health, good raod, etc. I believe the deputy governor and many others who have lost their lives in raod mishap will be alive. Its unfortunate,,,,,,
Anon November 5, 2011 2:21 PM; 7 have been confirmed as dead on the M5 pile up. Reading all over ad watching the news, they said it was a rare case. In Nigeria, road accidents are not rare.
For the M5 pile up too, they are investigating the fireworks in a nearby Rugby Club and are speculating that smoke from the fireworks went on the road and caused a bad fog which caused trucks and cars to crash because of speeding and tailgating.
I drive on UK motrways every day and not once have i seen a major accident.
May he RIP. Got in April, was sworn-in in May and had an accident in August. Too sad.
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