Excuse me, please I wore it first, back in October, she (actress Uche Jumbo) wore it just last week or so, so she stole my look! Lol. *Just playing*
I was going to write 'who wore it better?' but the curves on Uche Jumbo...hmm...so let's leave it at 'B**ch stole my look''. :-)
I love u linda but uche wore it beta!.big ups to curvy chicks
But dead seriously, you look better! I would die for your curves anytime...anyday!
Linda! na for toilet you dey pose? Abeg na come hire me so i can gladly take all your pix. wlda nailed that look if i did. Love ur blog btw!
Sorry bitch(ℓ☺ℓ) uche wore it better.
Linda u self...jealousy go kill u. Uche is BB Curve..she won ma Jumbo prizsce..MBK <3
Even though you didn't ask,Uche wore it berra.
i hate to say this but i think uche jumbo wore the dress better- this style is meant for curvy women- not exactly the word you could use to describe Linda Ikeji- that said, i love Linda's figure too!
Uche wore it better but your boobs looks sexier than hers.
i prefer d dress on the bitch named Linda...uche looks a lil bit too stiff in it though i like her curves....but linda wore it better.....
Linda..i smell trouble
Lin-girl, that b**ch rocks it better.
Dont contest with her at all. I realised she fights and shouts even at banking halls. Dont cross her path or you`ll be battered.
You need more curves, Linda.
Linda you spoiling for a War. But you look cool though
You Linda is my goddess
You Linda is my goddess
You both look cool, i must admit
Linda, you wore it better. If I looked like Uche Jombo, I'd live in the gym. Your body rocks Linda!
Uche has my vote. I like a woman I can hold on to, not for a woman I'd be looking for in the dark. Linda, you're fired.
pls where do u get dresses like this from in naija....help...thanks!
uche wore it better :)
yeah, uche wore it better,very curvy and with that too tins at the top guess it good packaging or the work of a knife
Linda,you don't have anything to blog,guess that's why this lame news,the dresses are not same.I prefer your curves,sha. You don win LOL.
Uche wore it better.
uche wore it berrrrraaa.
You are a BITCH!
You didn't have to call her a b**ch!
ehm she stole your dress not the looks. And una buy am from yaba that's y. hahahahaha
uche rocked beta but y cal her a b**ch, ur heading is malicious so i guess.
linda looks far better in that outfit than uche. do pple really ve eyes to see?
Uche Jombo killed that dress.see hips
uche looks soooo good :)
Linda is ur own missing,if not,then let d b**ch be..or are u jealous dat she wore it beta...bt i stil prefer u 2 her shaa...lol
Linda certainly wore it better. Uche's oversized hips don't match her rather small breats(in that picture)
Hips r just looking fat! Linda looks elegant in hers
Huh? You say? Is that Uche Jombo? I thought it was Nia long!
Linda you are cute, I just read about you on City People and you looked so cute there but no vex o, She looks hotter.
God delivered me from one challenge but here I am facing two others, any advice given will be taken in good faith --> http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2011/11/see-me-see-trouble-my-pipupt-1_2784.html
If only i could get a night with u. Linda u a package.
lindaaaa u madafuckin wore it betterrrrrr!yes i'm screaming!!
linda u wore it BEST!
Both wore it well, Linda your curves are fine! Wow Uche Jumbo is dressing so good these days!
I love you Linda...SO dressed or naked...u are always better!!!
And yes..I am a heterosexual female!!!
Linda, you're in good shape for the shape you are in. The dress looks better on you. Uche's dress looks better on the floor.
watch your language madam as there are young ones who look at your site. By the way uche wore it better than you
except for Uche's legs which does not add up...she's got d figure and Linda's got d legs 50/50
curves? uche wore it better but overall looks, i guess u rock that dress better than uche
wait a sec, pls tell me u have shoes on in the bathroom.....omg linda
Linda, u too like trouble. can u pls change the headline to something less insultive/provocative?
Aunty linda toilet *picshure* y na hahahannnn , It looks better on u sha
how are the looks even similar??! wtf
"I was going to write 'who wore it better?' but the curves on Uche Jumbo...hmm." REALLY? So that your followers can say "no.. Linda you wore it better"-abi?Mcheww!
i have to go with uche. she wore it better and i love her shoes. and her curves are amazing.sorry linda.
Men luv Uche Jumbo's curve she rocked it 92% i dash u d rest... no hate but appreciate .... if u lk no publish am bad belle....i knw u well, na only good thing abt urself u lk to dey show dat means u no fit tk criticism well u no fit wrk as a writer or journalist.. wish u luck...me still thk u 4 ya bloge...in d'banj's voice
if i see d dress on linda i would want to rock it but on uche,doe she's curvy but i wont gain much interest in it.
are u sure d dresses are d same?they dont look d same to me sha but anyways i love it better on uche.i dont naturally like lepa girls.call it beef.yes i get beef for them.lol but u are one cool lady.
peeps,i dont think uche will get angry at d title.u guys really think everybody thinks d same way like u?abi? loosen up guys.
Linda lets be sincere you took your pictures while hiding in the toilet, she took hers at some sort of premier or something.
So the b**tch beats you in her relaxed look, curves, as well as confidence and unlike you, she didnt take herself with a desperate smile begging for "you are so cute" comments on her blog or whatever, she wore it for an occassion.
Its your perogative to publish or not...Just stating the facts as I see it
is uche now yellow???
I would say you both look lovely in your own way... I love the red on you, and the orange on Uche.
To the people abusing Linda and all... Peeps come on!!!! Where is your sense of humor... She clearly stated that she was joking. You don't have to abuse someone to criticize or correct them! At the end of the day, you come to this blog for a reason... Maybe because you enjoy the posts, or are bored or whatever... It takes a lot of courage on Linda's part to do what she does... She might seem tough about it, but there is only soo much a person can take. You are all entitled to your opinions, but please my people, be mature about it. It is easy for people to sit behind a computer screen and type insults... But at the end of the day, I believe we are all civilized, well meaning people, so please let us act like it. Thank you!
if only uche will use the money she got (instead of buying A PAIR OF WRIST WATCHES) to fix her short midget PAIR OR TEETHS (lol)- the dress is wearing uche she is not wearing the dress.
a trillion dollars cannot buy class. Either you got it or you dont,
and as for linda we all know she is a snake woshiping maame water with one hair style
How do you name a female "Uche"? I hope she gets her crooked teeth fixed.
Does that Uche girl play Soccer?? Her legs looks like that of one of the Super Chicken Players.
love my curvy ladies.
hips and ass for life!!!
obviously, naija ppl rate 'sexy' as 'fat'...
how she steal yo style, the dress them no resemble sef. you jus dey find trouble
For those always saying to Linda to mind what she posts/ writes here... hello! its her blog! what's your minor child doing looking through it, anyway? did anyone mention they would get great education by coming on here? u best watch d sites they visit and stop blaming the authors. Better still, start your own blog, moderate it as u wish... and please, supervise d sites they visit. restrict access or something. Its ur duty to train ur child, not Linda's.
Also, Linda mostimes when we r faced with "bitch stole my look!" situations, we r usually presented with something to compare it with, like accessories- shoes, bags, jewellery etc. here there's nothing on u to use and compare who wore it better. So we r left with comparing your bodies.
The other woman still looks fat to me.. like Femiluv said, if i were her, i'd live in d gym
The dress looks pretty on u, i think Uche's curves r large.
Uche Jumbo is exactly what her name is "JUMBO" and no one in this generation wants a woman that would blow up once you marry her. Skinny women all the way for me at least it would take me a little longer before I cheat on you. Uche on the other hand, I will cheat on the honeymoon sef.
Linda you too sexy jooo.
LOL. =)) Linda, you are a riot. Well, you know I got nothing but love for you, but Uche wore it better. She's wearing shoes, you aren't. And you are hiding in the bathroom, she isn't. You are both gorgeous tho.
@chillysauce, oyibo people rate slim as sexy.
that does not make it right.
every man to his own taste.some lig it big, others small.
whatever rocks your boat.
Erm.... but this is a very old dress nau... Linda you need to step up your game.... ASOS 2005 dress and you're calling it your look... shioooo
Linda you rock!!! That dress was perfect on you. please make it your Christmas dress.lol!! seriously u looked better.
Linda, Linda, Linda..... I cant seperate fight oooo.
i prefer linda to uche cos uche hips is fat linda has the perfect fig joor just moderate breast,hip,height every thing blends uche is short but linda fits in perfectly if they were to bring them even in hollywood people would go for linda she just has the perfect fig o jare some people just dey look only hips wat of height abii dnt u know that height contributes to the beauty of a woman just my opinion.
Why call her a b**ch? You are just looking for trouble. Don't be ill mannered... Be civil.
Anyway, you are too short and she needs to watch her weight. Gbam!
Linda..go add some hips and azz..that was the difference..
sorry, uche wore it better...lovely curves jare
Linda, I dont even see the similarities, either way, Uche wore it better!
uche looks more stunning
ASOS don suffer ooooooooooooo
I'm on about all u super mumu's soooo worried bout the 'B**ch Stole My Look' title n taking it soooo personal!..Jeeeez mehn! Where una sense ☺f humour dey?!...Na wa o!Its just a title ☺f a show on E Channel where Linda must have gotten it from.Its about Celebs who rock the same look n who wears it better!..So the 'b*tch* in there doesn't really mean as its put but rather a joke!...Nothing serious!
@Anon 5:05pm:Shut the fuck up there mehn!...Asos 2005 dress so what?!?!?Clearly ur very ignorant! So what 2005 dress can't be worn in 2011 abi?!..See ur miserable wannabe self!...Mtcheeeeeewww! All these MOPS now thinking they r raised to DISH CLOTH n wanna pop trash!...Nonsense!!Ur humble Papa n ur Mama probably living somewhere in the village walking around the whole village barefoot n ur on here putting up a front!...Abeg!
I like your reply Aduke, thank you o jare! i tire for naijas posing sef! whenever i read some comments, i just cringe wondering why people like to lie! some are living with heavy gbese on their heads! their parents might be wallowing in poverty! and dem go dey form yeye forming for people! and do anything possible to have that money so as to intimidate people! anybody that really worked hard for their money would be very prudent in spending! unless the person steal am by corrupt means! abeggyyyyy! empty vessels always make the loudest o jare! so if person buy cloth in 2005, then it cannot be still wore when it has not faded or torn abi?
This is why CORRUPTION would never cease in NIGERIA! all nah LIP SERVICE!
to your question Linda, uche rocked it better!
@HISS...Thankx jare! U've added on correct too! Ahn Ahn toooo much fakes n soso fronting with Naijas!
son of Babylon, speak for yourself o!
give me curves everyday of the week.
my thing no go rise for any skinny girl.
Linda ppls stop taking yourself pictures in public toilets/bathroom and be posting on the web.. its normally done by runs babes who accompany men to good suites and they get carried away by nice environment they ve never seen before .. they dash to toile to take themselves pictures. you are better than that and am sure you are not runs babe, you are not carry go, not even a night time item.. just an advise.
na wa ooooo this one everyone saying uche wore it berra bico the girl is very short since when did being short become sexy eva wonder wat she will like after 2 kids jeez abii those ones saying uche wore it betta are short as well bico linda na u bico yes white people rate slim girls as sexy they know y till tomorrow only a slim babe can represent in a beauty contest look agbani,leila lopes if she was thick and short would she ve worn nope can u beat that for those saying real african women are fleshy this how an african suppose to look like my question is y do u wear their things desingners and all that rubbish be africa dnt use anything made by a white person be african like u said.
abeg abeg...LInda looks better! whos this useles person saying pictures in bathrooms are for runs babes. Ode! noting for you! just say you no fine!
who is that bitch that says only runs girls snap pictires in the hotel toilets?
am not a runs girl but sometimes i asctually do lodge at oriental or radinson blu over the wkend just to enjoy the sea view and with my own money too. i dnt need a man to take me to a fancy hotel before i can enjoy my life.
get a life bitch and leave runs girls out of this.
BTW i work mon-fri,well paid at that too,nothing stops me from spending my money on my myself!
tell them o jare..9jas always fronting on some class crap..why dem no get sef!!..for me sha..everybody na human being..i no send anybody rich or poor!!..
for US/UK people dey save money this recession over 3 years refuse to go and getting worse..people dey here they yab 2005 dress..at least na cash she pay..go sort out ur credit cards abeg!!..
worst thing all this so called big names and wanna-bes all come from one remote village in 9ja..don forget their family there..forming like UK Royal family!!..
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