The new issue of exquisite magazine out this week has Uche Jombo on the cover role playing with different make-up and beauty looks. Uche Jombo and actress/producer just released her movie DAMAGE on domestic violence and is currently on a world tour for this movie.
The get gorgeous issue of this magazine also features different beauty tips and editorials to continue to inspire and motivate the exquisite readers. The get gorgeous issue stars different models with different looks and the DIY process to getting those looks. October is breast cancer awareness month and exquisite looks into what happens after the diagnosis of Breast cancer. Remember the Exquisite Lady of the Year awards is this month on the 23rd of October 2011.
She sure looks scary to me!!!
dis is a faux pas wat d hell is ds. Fine u got d warrant right. Arrest d stylist . Death by lethal. Jeez ds a total NO! NO! dis is a faux pas wat d hell is ds. Fine u got d warrant right. Arrest d stylist . Death by lethal. Jeez ds a total NO! NO!
Fearless diva! I love this
still trying to figure what she is holding. It takes alot to pull just a face on the cover, next time, they should stick to the portrait look instead.
DIS one no gud at all!!
aunty Linda, dis one will cost many criticism oo. I love uche but the make-up aint gud at all...
ko jo! or maybe it´s costume sample for the coming Halloween...
na every magazine wey she wan comot in front? abeg, make she dey take her time, dey pick and choose. may e no come become bad market for am.
abeg, i wan do amebo small, i hope dem and susan peters no dey quarrel?
Horrible pictures for such a fine girl.
Please has anybody noticed that Uche's fingers are getting wrinkled?
What kind of ojuju make up is this? Some of these make up artists should close shop jare. Dem just spoil Uche's looks finish. Mschewwwww!
Anonymous you said the truth! It's seems that for this magazine, gorgeous and scary mean the same!
yeah, she does look veryyy scary, expecially wt d pose where she looked up....wtf?????
even with all d photoshop she still fugly
Thank God, she's not giving us that horrible 'GUMMY SMILE' that looks like dentures she looks UGLY..as usual.
I am sorry but in the first picture she looks like a HOT MESS........
nothing exquisite about this.
these pictures are hideous!!! the desperate need and cheap popularity desire to appear in any and all magazines is mind boggling!!!
Please guys stop calling other pple than urself ugly. Who can you create?
God have mercy, Nigerians do not like creativity at all, OMG, they said get gorgeous issue 'starring' to me it means she's in character. u all just like putting people' work down, i wish someone from the magazine can put a comment and also diss u all. all the anonymous' can we get to see you and the work you do. this is crap this is a hot mess, the girl is ugly, her fingers are wrinkled, chai, this that, why dont you create your own human being and lets see. Anyway me i like. Linda post my post oh
This is just wrong. Why dint they use some eye drops to clear those red eyes yo.... Ewwww
I seem to realise that some people here need so much attention and hatting uche is like your Logo but the babe na DIVAS
Uche you Look beautiful dont mind them beeefers who are jobless. Carry go Joooorr
Some of you have decided to Hate the girl for no just course but if you guys are not so dumb you wil realise that hating her has not in any way reduce her but she seems to be going higher and higher everyday.BABA GOD NONI
as a make-up artist this is no good..the eyes please what in the name of world was that...i love uche who ever did this to her should be out of job
wrong front cover
as a make-up artist this is no good..the eyes please what in the name of world was that...i love uche who ever did this to her should be out of job
wrong front cover
She should slap who ever gave her this concept for a shoot! People fail to realize that SIMPLE is sometimes BEST - she looks like she has an insect hanging from her eyes laying eggs. Uche dear, you need a do over, mama cuz this is a H.A.M aka Hot Ass Mess!
Hmmmmmm no be every makeup design fit people oh....
The CLOSE UP is HORRIBLE...THE others are manageable.
Abeg Uche there are some things that u can say NO to....this picture makes u look like a washed up old lady trying too get her groove on despite her age.....I know u ain't that old but this shitty make up definitely aged ur ass....
She looks high in those pictures.
And why didn't she use visine for those red eyes?
Actress Uche Jombo Slowly Positioning Herself As The Most Elegant Woman In Nollywood and you haters will be alive to see her become one Mtsewwwww
she looks like a mad woman!! wetin be this? tschewww!
Linda, is it evertin dat is fine to you ehn?
Dis wan no fine at all.
anon 11:27 having wrinkled fingers is not such a rarity. amebo
I cant get past the cover picture..The photog needs to be smacked...What is that at the right of her nose..I know that is her cheeks but daaaaammmnnn...lol the line looks so pronounced..I thought it was a booger at first...The MUA been no try at all...We can do better...
LINDAAAAAAAaa where is my comment, Ms. She needs a do over, she needs to fire who ever came up with the concept or na you do am since you no wan post my comment? AND, yes those falsies look like an insect laid eggs on her eye lashes and what?! What is nice is nice, what ain't just ain't!
I am looking to see whether you don turn to anal retentive bellanaija.
I don't like to comment on someone else's good work but on this occasion I am being forced to act as I felt obliged to do so, after seeing this appalling magazine cover. First of all, the Magazine cover is in entirety wrong from design principles point or angle. The Fonts used are not appropriate for a magazine aimed mostly at women. The picture or photograph is not engaging. There is no entry point to the magazine cover. The whole magazine cover was just a mashup with no clear coherent though or input. This basically confirms why the lady on the cover looks out of place. People should understand that having Microsoft excel and knowing what it is used for does not make you an accountant. The blame lies squarely with the publisher who failed to engage a proper creative director that understands design principles. The actress was just used as a guinea pig to promote a bad product and if care is not taking this could damage the lady’s image or brand. Most ladies choose carefully where to do their hair as they understand the consequence or impact of “Bad hair day”. So to all actresses Please chose carefully how you promote yourselves. This whole issue confirms how we go about everything in Nigeria. If a product is not selling, we start blaming people rather than saying to oneself is the product right; DESIGNED, PACKAKED, MARKETED PROPERLY THROUGH THE RIGHT CHANNELS. Please understand that marketing can’t be used to sell a bad product or service. Please do your homework in any field you choose to engage in. Please stop promoting mediocrity, engage proper professional s that understands the job. Kudos to you Linda for a wonderful job you are doing. As I always say, Sandrarose of Naija. Good products will always shine. God bless
Everyone obviously missing what the creative idea behind the extreme makeup cover? If u all can read u will see.playing a role.I thought wht u should ask is what character is d cover,it takes a secure/ exquisite girl to do this....gettn gorgeous is not just about too much make up...get it? Pple are really rude....u see staring Uche Jombo on the cover, u c role playing in the write up yet u post insults...
This is a horrible picture. Was this the best of the bunch?
The Anonymous said tagged: October 4, 2011 8:55 PM. Please read book on desining a magazine cover or what make a good magazine cover. .No dis respect but you are out of your depth here. Please know your trade.
I think the false eyelashes are irritating her eyes hence the blood shot glassy eyed look.
As in someone was actually paid to make her look like crap? Uche sweety, i love you...you know i do so could you do me a teeny weeny favour? The next time you see that 'make-down' artist and faux-photographer could you pls SMACK the beejeebees out of them DAMAGE style? Thank you sweetheart. *kisses*
Bad belle people.
Can't you all see she is in a character.
I love the concept joo...another 'Uche' for a change.
Hey Anonymous tagged: October 4, 2011 8:55 PM.It appears that you have a hand in the production. You should have noted from some of the comments that at least one or two people gave an honest and constructive criticism which should have alerted you to the fact that you are being critic by an industry person that knows or two things about design. Please understand there is a difference btw fashion shoot and editorial shoot as design is all about communication. Please improve your skill, read, studies and also draw reference from other reputable publications out there and I mean mostly international publications. Most prints in Nigeria are far way below acceptable standard and should never be used as a yardstick if you intend to grow. A blind can't be leading a blind, that's a disaster.
she sure looks damaged. dunno what the hell was that.
Madame Florence,
Nobody is hating on Uche Jumbo! Hating on her for what? Look how long it even took her to come from looking like a housemaid to where she don try reach today so who dey hate on am? I praise her for having cleaned up, refined herself, learned the importance of make up and Spanx as well as for the weight loss BUT please don't get it twisted to think that she has arrived anywhere close to the likes of Rita Dominic, Stephanie Okereke, Dakore Egbuson, Genevieve Nnaji when it comes to Poise, Elegance and Style. She still has a long ass way to go as this damn magazine cover has shown!
Yes, we all pray that she truly accomplishes a full transformation from second fiddle to lead guitar but as for now, she has made a misstep with this cover and we are all pointing it out so that she can learn what not to do for the next time. Yes, we can say it without being mean about it but at the tail end, lets agree that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and now she knows don't let people plant insect eggs on your eye lashes, it ain't cute LMBAOOOOOOOooooo.
i dont like it
CCL you are definately not talking from the point of a proffessional because if you do, you wont be speaking buhahaha. If you are pointing out mistakes, Point out mistakes like a profesional and not raise insults that makes no sense
It obvious that you certainly need to wake up and know alot happening in Nollywood cos Uche Jombo has very much arrived to very well close to the names you mentioned and might just be way above
Looking scary is the whole idea so deal with it that way and stop insulting
Well this has nothing to do with what the hell is dis?? Because if you see hell i am sure you will wish you never mentioned it. Bulshitttt
Uche jombo dont mind them haters. We love you that way and if the pic is not good, its no way your fault
I really think if you people have anything to say, you should please face Exquisite Magazine and leave uche jombo the heaven alone. Love you Uche
Hey you there that says she looks like a mad woman?? I am sure you have problems with your eyes cos if you have seen a mad woman in your life you wil surely watch your stupid tongue and mind what you say. Nonsens
CCL I am not here to batter words with you but for you to have replied me it obviously means that you are part of the haters and even if you need to make any observations or comments, do so in a polite manner and stop ranting like a bulldog. Simple
get gorgeous? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa i cant stop laffing....
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