I'm sure some of you read the story that made the rounds last week that the actress is dating the senate president, and he bought her the range rover she is currently driving and opened her Fancy store in Abuja. The actress and business woman says it's not true.
She tells Encomium magazine
Normally, I wouldn't react to stories about myself in public, I have my reasons, but I would talk about this briefly. I know David Mark, he is the senate president. But personally, I do not know David Mark and I can say this anywhere, anytime. Why I am actually reacting to this tale is for two reasons. It's a delicate story and second, I wouldn't want my success, my hard work, and my struggle to be attached to someone I don't know. I have never had anything to do with Senator David Mark. People just wake up and make up stories. The range rover I drive is my hard work, my struggle and my sweat.
But he is your SUGAR DADDY
abeg hw much is genny abi omosexy paid wey ordinary chika go aim enf to buy a car of 14m and a multimillionaira boutique from only acting cos v nt seen or hrd of any endorsement or ambassadorial deal. So babe js shut up there b4 devil go punish u. Ashawoabeg hw much is genny abi omosexy paid wey ordinary chika go aim enf to buy a car of 14m and a multimillionaira boutique from only acting cos v nt seen or hrd of any endorsement or ambassadorial deal. So babe js shut up there b4 devil go punish u. Ashawo
Abeg make we hear word, which kin hard work you do wey give you 14 million naira for range rover sport? How much are you paid as an actress. Even if it is not David Mark, there is definitely someone who is paying you well for your services.
Madam, we thank God for 'hard work'...he he! l beg make we hear word...you're not exactly the highest paid actress in Nigeria! And of all the lady 'hard workers' in Nigeria na you dem accuse with Senate Presido?! i beg make we hear word...you for just shut your mouth. Keep 'working hard'..he he!
No one is saying u didn't struggle n sweat for the range rover n store ofcus u did, all those midnight trips n booty calls. The dude flipping n turning u around the bed had to be a struggle lmao. Just kidding, don't mind them chika, do ur thing and ignore the hatersNo one is saying u didn't struggle n sweat for the range rover n store ofcus u did, all those midnight trips n booty calls. The dude flipping n turning u around the bed had to be a struggle lmao. Just kidding, don't mind them chika, do ur thing and ignore the haters
"The range rover I drive is my hard work, my struggle and my sweat."
I can imagine.
Chika, I believe you.
I can visualise you "sweating" and "working" HARD.
You must have really worked your ARSE off to acquire the Range Rover.
Keep "working" HARD, girl :)
First of al u dnt wear a belt over a corset top.nd ur sellin accesories chika..range rover ur handwork which work exactly do u do apart from d acting 1nce in a while.pls tell dat to d birds
i thought this babe was married? I never see her with her hubby and she isnt wearing a ring there. Are they divorced?
Good 4 u... But is she trying 2 tell us dat she have nt bin in a private place with him 4 timeGood 4 u... But is she trying 2 tell us dat she have nt bin in a private place with him 4 time
with ur fake smile always i want to believe u r so sleeping wt him, who expects the truth from u when u'll deny it anyways, so y is ur shop n Abuja? ur papa thy dere, ur mama dey dere, na there u start ur career? i beg go siddon, na because u want stay close to the senator
At the risk of being tied to a stake and shot...i'm just going to tell it like it is.this is just plain bull!I've been wondering myself too.It's not like these our sissys in Nollywood get paid 2million dollars per movie.14million is a LOT of money,anywhere in the world.And please let no one bring up the hater gist,cos this is just me wondering.Where the hell do they get this amount of money to splurge?Is it from movies like Lady gaga?tear my bra if you can?romance on fire,jump out of the window,mama is dead and all the other absurdities that they churn out in the name of entertainment?It's not only chika oh...all these ones that specialise in waka pass roles in asaba made movies,will be buying houses in ikoyi and wuse.It looks mighty fishy to me oh...14million naira car!O di egwu.
Enduring some hours under a fat, potbellied, old man is hard work enough........If it"s not hard work enough, try french kissing an old man with bad breath and enjoying it. Lmao.
As far as am concern all Nigerian actresses n beauty queens r all runs girls..slot of girls go into acting cos wen dis our foolish Nigerian men see dem on tv dey drop more money..ini edo.rukky sanda,genevive,Rita dominic,tonto,infect all of dem including d married ones r all runs girls..hv called dem b4 for runs n dey came
You guys chill out. Give the chick a break don't you know how much hardwork, sweat and endurance it takes to 'you know' a greasy pig like the Unhonourable Senator? Don't mind them Chika. I believe you. It must be really hard for you. *kisses* trust you!
Wetin b una problem? Why don't u believe her? Must she b d highest paid b4 she buys a car? Free d gurl abeg, she works hard... Gaskiya.Wetin b una problem? Why don't u believe her? Must she b d highest paid b4 she buys a car? Free d gurl abeg, she works hard... Gaskiya.
people this byetch is lying....i can confirm with evidence buh lets leave it that way....i run things in Abuja and i know whats going on! ENJOY IT WHILE IT LAST COS YOUR JUST A MISTRESS
hmmmmm chika u should have just kept quiet. dont make me open all the details about nollywood and their runz o. abi is it tonto dikeh? she z d pimp of runz abi is it halima abubakar? anyways i shall shun first and see. hardwork ko work hard ni
Chika Ike,
ntoooo, m meeeeee.
Your secret runs have been exposed!!!
look at her with her cheap plastic toys she is wearing on her body, and the get up that is so local and occasion inappropriate..this girl is a desperado!!!..she has dumped her husband and is living life on the fast lane..so so sad when she started she was decent looking and simple but now she is a train wreck with failed breaks!!!
ouch! the comments are so hilarious!
E be like say the same hater they write all these comments with the same name.
Anyways, i can get you a tokunbo range rover for under 7 million. Don't hate, appreciate.
what was the saying about haters being like crickets again?
liar liar pants on fire or arse on fire cos david likes it tru d arse
haba!u guyz should leave the poor girl alone,mind ur business for God's sake..........Chika pls i beg u in d name of God u owe nobody any explanation jst ignore dem and move on with your life.All dis is enviness.Guyz mynd ur business.
Let the people with no sins continue to cast stones. She said she works hard, it could have been anything. Its so unfortunate that we live in a society where it is widely believed that a woman cannot be succesful except she is opening her legs for someone. I suggest we watch what we say especially when we r not sure. Na my 3kobo be that.
At Oct 5 9:02am: Shut the F_ _k Up!
anon 9:02 AM, na u be Chika or her pr person? i begi go tell ur stories to d dogs, she dey do am and i got the gist from a floor member n d senate...& she's not d only 1 more names coming...i'll roll out their heads nonsense..& pls stop quoting d bible b4 thunder fire ur mouth
I'm beginning to think Linda like s the attacks on individuals..where is my comment standing for her? abi all the comments you want see na attacks?
Oct 5 9:02am na chika herself. lol
fucking out 14milla nor b moi moi ohhh! chika'a arse must be on fire naim make her de cll am hardowrk n sweat. she never recover.
Why can't we AFRICAN MEN accept that a hard-working, serious-minded, and thoughtful (young) woman can be as successful as men her age without selling her body? On the other hand, why do we seldom question the sudden success of male upstarts or their accumulation of riches without suspecting their involvement in dishonest deals? Why on earth do we mind other people's business? Why? Why should an actress of Chika's calibre NOT afford a 4x4 after working so hard? Would we cry foul if she was OUR sister? Poor rumour-mongers that we are! We spend our time, energy, and resources digging other people's life as if it was a sin for a young female star to purchase a brand new car AND set up a boutique! What is so impossible if she secured some form of financing?
@ thinkingaloud, u are soooooooo on point...lol
jeeezz!!! dat red belt is so not right..*smh*
I disagree that every successful woman in Nigeria has this kind of Label attached to dem, have u heard Tara Durotoye, banke meshida,Betty Irabor, even single ones like Funmi Iyanda r our own Linda Ikeji being bashed for prostitution... I think not. The truth is dat some other ladies refuse to do the real diligent work that success requires and they want to take the glory, n such things will never have a hiding place under the sun... Whilst i cannot confirm or deny Chika's involvement wit David Mark, her precedence in ASABA alongside Tonto is well known with Politicians even Guvnor, so why would i not be led to believe this... The high life is why she refused to focus on her marriage n make it work once things got though, and I dont blame her alone but her background...wen u have parents dat are irresponsible in their own life what do u expect! Please Chika had better let sleeping dogs lie cos going on talking bout this issue mean say she wan de comot her own leg n we go help am!!! I only ask dat she takes responsibility for her choices and Hope dat if/wen she has a daughter she does a better job than her Mother!
Typical of African men....once a woman is successful she must be a whore. Its quite a shame. I just hope she can ignore these haters.
And all of you leaving stupid comments i am sure it is the frustration of jumping molue bus and taking okada everyday that is worrying you people. Get a frigging Life.
@annoy 11.8am she secured a form of financin ? and first she did with d moni was to get a 14mill ride ? you r a gbemf ,u n chika
Well good for you, i pray u attain the heights of success as u so desire. But don't u think "fancy nancy" is a dumb name.
Sorry to say, but most Nigerian "actresses" are runs babe...they sleep with men for money because they can't live off of the money they are getting paid!!!
this is an open secret in Nollywood!
Ok o! Make una dey cause dey go. As for me any girl wey don sleep with more that one man and e never marry na the same thing with the one wey dey waka waka.
Sorry I tot this actress was married
LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE. I don't believe her. She isn't a top actress and she isn't in back to back films... so which sweat is she talking..
Chika, no mind dem joo, na jealousy dey worry them. Most of the people for this blog, dey abroad and they no fit make 5m in a year, talkless of 14m. And the little they make flipping burgers, oyibo go come take am in the form of bills.
That's why dem dey mad at you. Enjoy your success joo.
All you haters. She is making her own moneY! So go get a life you all.
To Chika Ike. Keep on Rocking.
How much i have always love to see this girl succeed. Whatever thing you are doing to get ya money Miss? Chika or is it Mrs? Please do it well. We Love You!
@ Ada. u re soooooo spot on. Why has rumour not trailed the likes of Tara them? And you sound like you have insider info talking about Asaba and her upbringing. Abeg say more so that our litle sisters and daughters will never see this types as role models
She wouldn't be the first..so many so called BIG BOYS/GIRLSS with no explanation on how they came about their wealth or rather sudden material possessions
Why do some people say grow some BALLS??..BALLS are weak and sensitive
If you really want to get Tough..Grow a VAGINA !!...Those things take a serious pounding..BETTY WHITE
in as much as i'm nt trying to be judgemental all dis showbiz pple are all gulty of dt.we all work in nigeria and we know hw hard it is to get dt type of money and to be a good business person you only spend out of your profit and re-invest with d rest.are you telling me she made a large amount of money 4rm whatever she is doing to afford the livestyle she is living.
@11:28 You 're right! Why do we always question a woman's financial success in Nigeria. If Jim Iyke or any other male actor gets a "range", we wouldn't attribute it 2 a sugar mama......is really unfair...
If she says, she got her money from hard work,then, why don't we give her the benefit of the doubt. After all, there is no blatant evidence of her messing around(no pics, videos etc).....So, everything is based on speculations.....
To be falsely accused is very painful, so let's be cautious about how we point accusing fingers....
So, unless u have proof, don't lash out....
@Ogbuefi or is it Ogbu Ochicha? you sound like an ignorant fool. I bet you know nobody in the house or floor, whichever one. You find it difficult to deal with a woman's success. Guy, do your miserable self a favor, go and hug a transformer bc women will continue to make progress whether you like it or not. Aturu, Ezi, Nkapi those are your names and as for the thunder you mentioned, it will sure strike you and very soon.
Wow! these haters are so so jealous. She is making money people. None of you has any proof that she sleeps with David Mark, am sure many of you don't even know who David Mark is. you all should get on with your gossiping lives and let Chika be.
Poor haters, I don't actually blame you all because it's difficult to be poor and be happy for a successful man or woman, but guess what? it is more profitable to work hard and make your own money than to idle around looking to badmouth a successful sister. Sheeeeeew.
make you go tell that one to the bird and marines.you work hard pass bill gates.make we hear word abeg
i thought chika ike was married?
Whatever Hard work she is doing or did it's fair enough. She has been saving in a looooooooog while. She has done something Gud with her money too. She can then relocate to London or to Hollywood where she can get more. Give her a break poll sasses xxx.,!!
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