Kim Kardashian filed for divorce Monday morning, after 72 days of not-so-wedded bliss to Kris Humphries... TMZ has learned. We're told even though the marriage was short, she is not seeking an annulment. It's a garden variety divorce, in which Kim cites "irreconcilable differences."Ryan Seacrest, the producer of her E! reality show, today tweeted:
The date of separation is listed as today, Oct. 31, 2011. According to the docs, Kim wants Kris to foot his own lawyers' fees and she'll pay hers. And, she wants the court to reject any move by Kris to get spousal support.
And, the docs list the length of the marriage as a measly 2 months.
Kim has hired disso-queen Laura Wasser, who has repped the likes of Britney Spears, Maria Shriver, Angelina Jolie, Ryan Reynolds, and Robyn Gibson, Mel's almost ex-wife.

Errmm...anyone surprised? I just hope she didn't get married and file for divorce so soon just for ratings for her TV show...that would be too...sick!
I'm not surprised at all o. But watching her on TV and seeing how much she has been wanting to have kids, my guess is that she is pregnant and that's all she wanted...just saying. Na the Kris Humphries na im I pity. Young boy that could have continued his quiet life just went n entered wahala.
Jeez! It was just on E news! She confirmed it! I hope he signed the pre-nup! Sad!
That guy is a geek and a slob am sure. Just look at him. Wat was she thinking in the first place? If only Reggie Bush wud reconsider. However Kim is self centered.
KIM IS A BUSINESS WOWAN!!! SHE made her money.. Nonsense!
Kris is such a nice guy and i dnt know what he was thinking marrying KIM. With all the glaring diferences and misunderstanding.
*Saw this on line*
"Kris Humphries desperately tried to save his marriage to Kim Kardashian, because he's telling friends ... he doesn't believe in divorce.
Kris, who's a religious guy, is telling friends he and Kim discussed the possibility of divorce, but he believed they could work their problems out.
We're told Kris didn't know Kim was actually filing legal papers until this morning.
And, Kris is telling friends ... the stories that he was cheating on Kim are B.S.
We're told Kris is "bummed."
Good. I knew it wouldn't last. I wish I'd put money at on them not lasting a year. On the date they married, I had the feeling that it wouldn't last. Apart from "fame" / publicity, she had absolutely to offer her husband. I watched her on YouTube. She has no manners or class. I wouldn't marry that fat money hungry hoe / harlot / witch or anyone in her family even if I was paid. She's more empty than a blonde or a sieve.
Kim K is all about the money, she signed a prenup and that loser of a dude is not going to get anything and she will make money by writing a book and more people will watch her show as she tries to recover and find a new man. She was already seen having lunch with Reggie Bush. I saw Kim in Vegas last year on her bday and she is such a diva. SO much hoopla around her but yet she ain't got no talent. God Bless America.
This girl Is the definition of everything that is wrong with the world. This is what Naija girls keep track of and start misbehaving. What can a man do to you in 72 days to divorce him?? The guy hasn't even finished dropping his pant. But i'm sure this is planned ahead.
i hate dis programme
before nko...was expecting dis, just didnt know it was goin to be dis soon.wish her d best
No one should ne surprised at husband pls.Kimberly Kardashian is sick.period!
Kim Kardashian's "wedding" was just a Bernie Madoff money-making scheme. She never loved him. She had no intention of being with him. She married him to get her grubby hands on alimony (of at least $30 million plus). That's a 419 wedding. Kris Humphries was researched, targeted and scammed big time by allowing himself to be deceived into the fake marriage with this heartless ashewo woman. Kim Kardashian's marriage to Kris Humprhies was real to Kris, but a pre-meditated fake (419 / ponzi) wedding to Kim. Serves Kris Humphries right, though, for letting his d*ck rule his brain.
It's really sad,don't these people realize that marriage is a sacred institution?anyway,I wish them all the best.she should have Thoth about it well before going into it.that Kris guy looked too gentle for her and he didn't really bond with her family.
Abeg next, jare!
i pity kris, she cnt try that with reggie. i bet you her mother hand go dey, when lamar go dump khloe too as she self nev fit born pickin.
"Kim tweets - not about divorce - but to plug her new business venture". her marriage was a business venture.
exactly my sentiments linda. This is a very sick way of seeking publicity. And her marriage lasted for 72 days and cost $22 million, a true waste of money that could have helped millions of needy children...smh. But on the business side, she sold the rights to her wedding for $17.9 million. Her marriage lasted 72 days, That comes to a nifty $10,358.80 per hour. Clever move...
This is part of the reality show,its all planned to generate hype.There nothing real about reality.Shmm.
From their show its so obvious that Kris H is annoying and childish,an overgrown teenager am surprised she even married him in the first place. She should have listened to Khloe.
This is no news. Next news please!
I hate to be cynical about other people's relationships, and so was hoping these two would prove the critics wrong.
I guess the critics were right. #Oh well#
LOL @ Nigerians thinking kris was deceived or she did it to get money from him. Know the story before you comment. Kris was scouted and approached with an opportunity they had approached two other NY kinks players and they declined the offer. Kris was dumb enough or should i say smart enough to take up the offer and a chance to make some money. Now u know his name before kim entered his life how many of you knew Kris....I'll wait. He knew exactly what he was getting into so they are both guilty.
For those of you talking about the ring and all the money spent the Kardashians did not spend any money on that wedding it was fully sponsored by E! and ad placements and they also sold the rights of the wedding to E! who paid her 18 million dollars. So yea this was all business and anyone who actually had hope in these two is living under the rock.
Her mommager Kris jener is the master mind. She is hollywood's number 1 hussler. You guys should let them be th more we entertain them the more money they make.
she such a bitch alwys hungry for money all the time..i used to be a hung fan but she can kiss my A*** for all i care and no more watching her shows
They only used the guy for their reality show so Kim can get married on tv and the family get paid...while the idiot guy Kris got ZERO!!
He was only dumb enough to fall prey to those good-4-nothing money hungry Kardarshian leechess!
kim,i just feels she did all dis for fame,datz all,besides kris was so fast in askn her hand in marriage,he shuld have waited
Kim has Mammy water spirit, mixed with Kris stupidity! But on the real doe their houseboy Bruce Jenner never wash wedding plate finish them don divorce.. :'(
This girl needs some counseling. It's sad she appears to be looking for love in all the wrong places or could it be this was just a stunt to make more money.
The kardashian fame is OFFICIALLY over. I have never seen a family that money hungry. Kris Jenner is a bad mom. She does not care about her children, it's all about money for her. Marry an athlete, and call it a day.
Their whole relationship was fake. Kris Hum is such a dummy, doesn't he get it that he was just used. He bought that expensive ring, when he's just starting his career. Reggie Bush will be somewhere right now laughing. Kris Hum is the only one she can use
somone said they've carried braids that lasted longer than Kim's marriage...lmao
I am shocked!!!. really? just kidding
Just like a Chinese restaurant, I don't give a fork. Kim will get her just reward. Kris should have known, but he was blinded by "love". I bet he felt used by this bed hopping fat Jezebel. He needs to chop off her finger and snatch the wedding ring to prevent her from profiting from her crime of fake love. Poor Kris.
Abeg you guys should free the babe joor she is just 'business oriented'(sharp babe to badt gan)...okay seriously,let's say she did this with a pure heart,imagine how she would be feeling right now..she's not only gonna deal with her heartbreak and failed marriage but also hate mails(I assure you Kim K has more enemies than Gadaffi...apparently)and bad(really bad,trust Americans)press. Let's give the girl a breather!
talentless whore defrauding a gullible public.
She's always in a competition with her sisters. When Kourtney and Khloe went to Miami they came back with a husband and pregnancy. Kim wasn't having that so she decided to get a husband when she and her sister went to New York. Chei ya.....what a fake. I could tell from Khloe's face on her wedding day that it was all a charade. I bet her sisters and brother are laughing the shit out of her but then again since its business.....there's really nothing to grin about.
kim k n her mother r just after money money money. dis is lyk her third marriage. i jst feel sad cuz of d lack of respect ppl av dese days for marriage...marriage has somewhat lost it's value n essence cuz of ppl lyk dis whoring thn. dey make it luk lyk it's kk 2 get married to sum1 u barely n kk 2 get divorce...God save us!!!
@anonymous6.43, u took the words right outta my mouth... i so pity kris,,, but seriously doubt that chick is preggo o!! shes just too self centered and an attention seeker.... smh!!
@anon 9:58pm, took the words right out of my mouth; so arrogant, childish and annoying. d bobo no get respect.
I saw stunt stunt stunt. If it cost her 10million plus to get married she might make 400% more (40million) from the divorce, the gossip,the heartbreak and the new perfume/CD/HairSpray/Mositurizer/bum surgery-spanx-waistcincher. We know the deal ;)
follow at and I will follow you back
Linda, u got the exact point!
I just hope the dude makes as much money from dia tale.
Anonymous said...
somone said they've carried
braids that lasted longer than
Kim's marriage...lmao
November 1, 2011 4:39 AM
Yeah, it's true for some like me. I always knew the charade they had wasn't gonna last but didn't know it would be dis soon.
Kris Hum is such a big baby to me; he doesn't have that muscular traits to command respect from a lady. Kim no fit try that with Reggie. Reggie fit handle am well unlike 'baby' Kris.
I remember watching 1 of their shows where Reggie was vexing for Kim on phone why the car wash company dey charge him for services provided for Kim.
shes a shit-ass....khloe is obviously d most sensible,their mother even lasted 2months...dat was rather 2 longggggg 4 d b*
Scam. For richer, or richer. KIM KARDASHIAN is a fraud. She gives women a bad name. She's a disgrace and bad role model to young girls.
Scam. For richer, or richer. KIM KARDASHIAN is a fraud. She gives women a bad name. She's a disgrace and bad role model to young girls.
Why is this idiot famous exactly ? Dad was a lawyer in OJ trial, mom - nothing important, step dad won a gold medal in Olympics some decades ago. So what is her claim to fame beyond being an opportunist that is willing to sell her body and her morals for a few million dollars??
I have never seen a marriage that has been so syndicated, not even the British royal weddings. And it was all about the benjamins she was getting.
I would almost say that I feel sorry for Kris, but he himself was a mugu and allowed KK to play him and use him and now dump him. He wont see a penny for all the episodes they used him in, not a penny from all the rights that Kim sold for the wedding and nothing for anything thet Kim had before the wedding (Due to prenup agreement) So technically, this is what you call the ultimate SHAFTING.
You know what is really pathetic? Kim files the papers on Monday, doesnt tell Kris and then flies off to Australia on Tuesday and Kris is left to pick up the bits and pieces of what is left of his life and future. I foresee his basket ball career also going down the drains after this. Mark my words!
Friends, when they say love is blind, not to worry - marriage is definitely an eye opener!
You better look well well before you marry, or else you will end up as a philosopher.
I'm not surprise by Kim Kardashian's short marriage. The bad example started from her mother. An apple never fall too far from the tree. A hoe gave birth to a hoe. A hooker's skirt is longer than a Kardashian's marriage. Hope they are loved in America just as we love Boko Haram and armed-robbers. The difference between her and armed robbers is guns, but she robbed Kris and the American public more than a Port Harcourt based armed robber could. In less than one year, she's made over $25 million. Kris would have been better off going to a whore house than to the Kardashians. Paris Hilton and Amber Rose combined are nuns and saints when compared to Kim Money Grabbing Kardashian. I'd be very upset if I saw Kim Kardashian in Heaven.
the kardashian will sell anything for money, including their happiness
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