The trial of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian youth accused of attempting to blow up a Detroit bound flight on Christmas Day in 2009 commenced yesterday on a very dramatic note. The 24year old attacked the US and declared that the Islamic cleric that was killed last week by US forces was still alive. Abdulmutallab shouted:
Anwar is alive! The Mujahadeen will wipe out the US. America is a cancer, we will defend Muhammad!”Abdulmutallab is acting as his own attorney in court...
You guys sure this guy is Nigerian?
Lol !!! Believe me, this boy don kolo ! What is he on about??
Look at this handsome young Nigerian that would have been a source a pride to his parents and Nigeria as a whole have bring shame upon himself all in the name of religion.
So this boy is not remorseful??!!
Kai smhfio <<<>>>
Wow. I wonder what they did to him. He still hasnt snapped out of it.He must have gone through an intense mind control programme or maybe has an evil spirit in him. what a shame. He needs prayers for the salvation of his soul.This could be another soul lost to the devil if he does not repent and ask for forgiveness.
We need to try to understand why people behave in certain ways. Mind control is worse than all other weapons put together cus it involves the human mind.People blowing up themselves etc is all about mind control. Developed countries have been testing this for years on people and will be used in future to control people.
Dey shud blow dz boys brain out! Bastard. All of u will burn in the hottest pit in hell. Ignorant idiots
This boy is really not well. He needs deliverance. I can't imagine how his family feel. This is so shameful.
Hell no, the guy is a twisted psycho.
wow!!! The name Nigeria is now synonymous to "Wrong" or "Failure".. So Sad. Corruption, Underdeveloped and now suicide bombing.. The new Iraq - Nigeria.. The country is like a PS3 war game. (COD). Stupid ass president gotta do sm' bout this ish!!!
i thought they said that he schooled in the UK or something like that, it looks like he was bullied in school so he decided to join alqaeda so that people would think that he's tough because i don't think he knows what he's saying himself. *Facepalm*
omo0 ale mani boboyi ke? he never suffer jare...they shld av transfered him to singapore to face cruel judgment
The Devil have eaten his soul,he needs prayer.
na because dem de give am food chop for the yankee prison na. dem for give am naija prison treatment see weda him no go change him religion by now. mschew.
Anon October 5, 2011 11:10 AM; i kind of agree. If this was a false flag and he was used, then definitely he'd have been MKed. Or he's been MKed in prison.
The ilk of Boko Haram.
The poor crazy boy! I hope he is getting some psychiatric care. He is definitely not mentally stable.
itz a pity, coz hezz an intelligent bt he was too Duul; dat day brainwash Hiim
The boy still dey enjoy for prison now...times like this is when i wish Guantanamo bay was still in existent becuase when he suffer finish, he will not even have enough energy to be shouting in court!
One word: BASTARD!!!!!
if its u,u will say d same thing.do u no how many times his arse has bin rammed ?
This is more than prayers unfortunately. We live in a world now where freedom of speech and human rights have meant stupidity has been allowed to prevail. Death penalty for him, would be the easy option......put him with those hardened criminals and let's see what he would have to say.
@anon11:10 my thoughts exactly
not sure this boy is ok..someone shd pls just tellhim to shut his trap....what kind of nonsense is this.....sure Americans knows how to deal with his likes...we have not heard d last of this...no wonder his father disowned him...only God knows where his mother found him...omo ale
No, he isn't. Well, what is Nigerian sef? At least for sure, he is not Yoruba. We love owambe too much to die.
i think he needs a shrink
Linda no vex me o,which 1 b is he a nigerian? Boko haram no b nigerians? Don't mind the idiots that spoil the name of our dear country in the name of religion. Next thing they'll tell us Islam is a peaceful religion.
I blame the US for still keeping him alive till today when he should have been given a jungle he deserves. They should force him to eat pork before execution, so as to deny him the 7 virgins he was hoping to fuck in HELL.
Trust me he is Nigerian and he is doing this to get his last few hours of infamy. When he is sentenced to life behind bars and he becomes someone's sex slave in prison, he will stop saying all this stuff about USA. He is even lucky that they did not send him to Guantanamo bay because by now he would have turned to Christianity.
he is Nigerian alright, just a mentally disturbed one!
Why is anyone surprised? Many people behave in an irrational manner over religion. Some just take it to a greater extreme. IT IS ALL MADNESS. Yeah Nolly said it.
Hmm may God deliver him because he has clearly gone insane
I wonder what his thoughts on Boko Haram are...
He should have been detained in Kirikiri, he would have been remorseful.
Muttar Bastard...ur fatherborn!!! u r hereby sentenced 2 death by hanginggggg!!! ANIMALLLLLL
The boy is under major hypnosis, am so sorry for his parents.......
I wonder what the problem is, with this islamic religion? They are supposed to be peaceful as other religions? Now The Boko's
this guy has lost it mehn. he's more than crazy. haa!
this guy aburo Naija!!!
These people are just wastin der precious time,hand dis boy over to area boys in mushin or ajegunle,buy dem wat dey need (poli),if hand touch am,him go knw say we no dey play for Naija,bastardo
well we can see what Islam is doing to Northern Nigerians - For how long shall the black man portray himself as a fool I wonder. We have been seen as inferior since the days of the romans and the europeans saw what the people from the middle east were doing and started the trans atlantic slave trade.Prior to this slave trade of black people was perpetuated by the middle easterners!!! We as black people have enabled being inferior. This boy is a fool.Why is he fighting the fight of the middle easterners and in this way. I guess his parents are proud of him now!!Abi his father is one of the proponents of islamic banking! Not that the model is wrong but why attach religion to it?Fools that have to enmesh everything in religion. Nonsense
More brainwashed than we thought..his own country has enough problems..dude is here wanting to die for Al Queda..
Well he's well at home in a country that goes out of its way to free Murderers..
Where is the likes of "galore" and Alicia here,,,,,,ar they on recess......sharp mouthed children.
why don't they just put some rat poison in his food and end his misery for him!! am surprise dis guy is still around
Sadly dis boy is gone mentally
foolish boy
they should feed him pork by mistake
i hope base on America's annoying human right system, they will not release this guy eventually...cos this guy is a potential Bin Laden (with all the benefits around him)
check out the latest feeds @ http://www.naijastuvs.blogspot.com.... Hurry up....
Ooooohhh Linda!!! Please I will advice the FGN to kindly revoke this sick twisted fellows' citizenship quickly. The small boy (ex nigerian) is suffering from a twisted mind clock in his head. Its clear that he is sick, indoctrinated, and not stable. He is not a Nigerian at all. His just a jail pig
i thought the bomb blew away his JT yeye boy oloriburuku omo alee , they should hve f----- his behind out in jail . may he rot in hell
They should lock him up and throw away the key. look at the education stolen money has bought for him.
Dis adulmutallab is insane,he's a disgrace 2 his family n entire nation "Nigeria" dat's if truly he's 4rm naija
Who knows he was supposed to be the next Al quieda leader. No need wasting our energy venting on this mumu guy. America should know better than keeping him alive because I see him saying more pofane things in future. Watch out Mumu talab insane comments.
i really wish i could see a video of him in court.
They are obviously chasing him from the village.
Wat u do expect from stolen funds and victimization of subbordinates wen u re in palce of authority...The law of carma is on his papa...period...he tot taking him to uk will make him better of......may d family bear dis shame......
They should send d guy back to kirikiri..i giv am 2 weeks kpere,by the time he eats beans with kokoro and black garri morning and night ,he will change his religion to Guru marahaji one time!they should castrate the guy already!!!
A product of spoilt Muslim Kid... Lost in his Religion. I pray he spends his whole life in jail... Cos only God knows what he will do next if he is released.
the boy has lost it. let's ignore the fool abeg. he can't stand the fact that he missed the chance of being in the mist of virgins doing all what not in paradise. sorry, those virgins are very far away right now.
So this Boko Haram's bitch is still alive?
This boy and his chicken yansh lips is not Nigerian.
Clearly, God knows what's hidden.
The guy na Bastard n shudnt b refered as a Nigerian. He's Yemeni cos a Nigerian can't make money for he family to enjoy with him avin a bit of it.
#Shakin my ed#God knows sha,its definately mor dan wt we tink.
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