Her statement to Bossip.com below...
I’m only making this statement because I’m being put out there as a liar and I am very embarrassed. I would like to confirm that the rumor about Swizz Beatz cheating on Mashonda with me is absolutely true. I would also like to confirm that the rumors about Swizz “sexting” me, even in his present marriage, are absolutely true. I am also confirming that I lost my cell phone and someone else posted all the stuff that you see on the internet.Explosive! Read the rest of her statement after the cut...and Alicia Keys, pay no attention to all this...:-)
I’ve known Kasseem since 2007. We met at Solange Knowles’ (whom I do not associate with) birthday party in Houston, TX. A gentleman from Kasseem’s entourage approached me and said that someone wanted to talk to me. After I asked who it was, he pointed at Kasseem. I knew he was “Swizz Beatz”, but I did not know anything else about him. I gave him my phone number and he called me right away and invited me to eat at Katz’ Deli on Montrose Blvd. The next morning, he invited me to accompany him at Radio One (979 The Box) for his interview. Afterwards, we went back to his hotel room but we DID NOT HAVE SEX. A couple of hours later, he had to leave so he could catch his flight. He hugged and kissed me in public as if he were a single man.
Fast forward to a couple of weeks later. He invited me out to Miami with him and I gladly accepted. I met him in Dallas and we flew to Miami together. My last minute ticket placed me in coach and his ticket placed him in first class, but he switched his first class seat with the guy sitting next to me so he could sit next to me. In Miami, we stayed at his friends beautiful home. This is where we became sexually active and this is where I found out he was married. He snuck me through the house and it was all odd to me until I found a gift with Mashonda & Kasseem’s name on it. I asked him later on why he was cheating on her and he basically said she wasn’t being the wife he needed. He also said that if she asked if he was cheating, he would not lie to her, but he wouldn’t come right out and tell her.
After that trip, he invited me to meet him in Philly. I was picked up from the airport and taken to a club where he was performing at. Him and his crew jumped in the truck and we drove to VA from there. In VA, we got on a tour bus and drove to multiple destinations. After that, I flew back to Miami, he got sick and I got stranded in the Miami airport overnight. I flew back home to Houston the next day.
Later that week, he went on an overseas trip with Mashonda. I received a call from him saying “My wife is about to call you. Tell her nothing happened.” When Mashonda called me, this is exactly what I did. He did not contact me after that. They got a divorce and although we stayed in contact afterwards, there was nothing too drastic. I’m guessing this is when he was dating Alicia. Recently, we’ve been contacting each other (as you’ve all seen), but I haven’t physically seen him. We were making plans to, but I had to work and I wasn’t going to take off work to go see him. I live on my own, I have responsibilities and I strongly believe that if you are not contributing to those responsibilities, there is no reason for me to neglect them to entertain you. I am a very independent individual and the people who know me will tell you that I would never hold my hand out and ask for anything and if I do, I have a very hard time doing it.
Even though Swizz offered and offered and offered to buy me things, the only thing I accepted was plane tickets to go see him. He’s a wonderful man and I had a great time with him as well as a great relationship. Of course he’ll deny the whole thing and of course Alicia will stand up for her man. It’s understood.
Just in:
2Face signs with Swizz Beats...
Ha! Ha! Ha! This is so interesting I must say.... Wen a man cheats on his wife for u, he will definately cheat on u wit someone else. Alicia girl..u had it coming. Although he hasn't done it wit Chris since u've been married, its obvious he's been cheating ...Meggy
I believe her but not 100% cos I know Swizz Beatz was also Swizzing n sexting Linda Ikeji. Hot news!
hoe hoes hoeesssssssss!!!!
Damn! All I can say O____O
Just goes to show that "No One" is above getting cheated on and "Fallin" in love with a man who doesn't know a "Woman's Worth" truly "Doesn't Mean Anything". Swizz Beats did the "Unthinkable" but I think me and most of America can agree that it's just "Karma" in the works. Now Alicia can write in her "Diary" and "Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart". You can't be a "Superwoman" and reform a cheater.
Allz I can say is WOW. I believe it though. He is only behaving how he has always behaved. Whats new? Like Maya Angelou says, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them."
On a lighter note... Her curves are like WHOAAA! Where is Black Rob when you need him?
Hi a Honda Accord Car '97 Model (light blue colour) with plate Number EZ673LND was stolen today at Exclusive Stores, Wuse 2, Abuja. Ps help forward this message, you never who might help find it. Ps call 08065519574 if found.
Hi a Honda Accord Car '97 Model (light blue colour) with plate Number EZ673LND was stolen today at Exclusive Stores, Wuse 2, Abuja. Ps help forward this message, you never who might help find it. Ps call 08065519574 if found.
Oya Pakurumo ko jo daa da
┐('⌣'┐) (┌'⌣')┌ ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐┌(˘.˘)ʃ
So what next??? ¯\..(Æ ̴̴̴̴͡.̮Æ ̴͡)../¯
i dont need to read more all i know is that she is a glorified prostitute same for alicia
One thing i strongly believe is that all of these was planned. For her to be saying all these. If no one was gonna believe, then why the need to prove it? It simply means there's no issue na. And i don't buy into that "i misplaced my phone" story. You simply gave your phone to someone to leak it jawe...so you can get some publicity for your upcoming ALBUM...#shikena
Na wa for WAEC! This Swizz Beatz of a guy is something else, lol :)
She aint got no damn shame!!!!
Whatever man. I don't know why she is doing this. Even if it is true, that just makes her a hoe. chasing after a married man then still fooling around with him after he gets married again?!? She's more concerned with people thinking she's a liar than realizing she's a whore...thats crazy to me.
'Alicia Keys, pay no attention to all this'
errr. Is she not the same one who same a song about karma?!
What goes around comes around.
Did she really think he would be faithful to her.
here we go again, her 15 mins of fame will be short lived, and we can all go back to what we were doing.
Alicia should just pretend like she doesn't know what's happening because all that denying on twitter just makes her look a fool.
wat so eva a woman sows.....
Linda Mediatakeout has posted an article today where they apologize to Alicia and Swizz... The lady was revealed to be a phony...
Veeeerrrryyyy interesting and explosive. But why did she need to go public with dis info when she should be doing all she can to hide d fact that she's been dating a married man??? Married man wey not marry you even after he broke up with his first wife. Some people are funny sha!
men will never change d same yesterday today n forever,bt nna mennn see shape
no big deal .we all know everybody in hollywood sleeps with each oda
no big deal anyway, we all know everybody sleeps with everybody in hollywood
sorry linda I derail but this made my morning
Beginning of a new story...........
The girl looks like silifa the pepper seller
lol. Nothing new in "Jumpoffry"
Pls she shuld sit down somewhere....shez happy to tell the world that he was cheating on mashonda and alicia with her...omo sexy...pele *yimu*
Linda help me thank God i delivered a bouncing baby girl yesterday around 11pm in d night
@wini, are u serious? big congrats babe. but how come u are commenting just hours later, aren't u supposed to be resting?
Variety is the spice of life.
@wini syno,
are u for real?
biko, go get some rest or attend to your baby naa!!
@Dlapikin: Everyone knows that MediaTakeOut are rumour mongers and you can pay them so they post nice things about you.Yesterday they posted that Swizz bought Alicia a 'Lotus'. It was so dumb seeing Alicia pose beside the car 'cos its something she herself can afford over and over again and she was trying to show the world that he is still in love with her by buying her a car. SMH, some ladies are so daft...
I always knew that Swiss Beat was not right for Alicia, she needed a strong good man and not some...
Are you a woman love and have the interest of nigeria in mind, their is a prophes for all of you on independent eve ,at 12 mind night strip naked and pray for nigeria ,all you want nigeria to be for you and generation to come. If you the of this nation thanks all
Lol thanks Linda, thats to show you how addicted iam 2 ur blog, anyway i wanted to share my joy with you that was y i commented when i woke up baby was still sleeping then.Goodbye and remain bless till 3months time when i'll start commenting on your blog again. Omugwo don start.@ Anon 10:58 biko i've hard enough rest and baby is not disturbing yet, dont worry i woun't comment again inu go
Being a liar is NOT the only thing you should be embarassed about, Ms. Lady! The man cheated with you on BOTH his wives so what does this make you exactly? Let me help you, it starts with a "W" and ends with an "E"...get it?
Some women no get shame. Mashonda is laughing her tail off as she cashes those checks. Alicia will continue issuing statements about how strong her marriage is and how rumor mongers are trying to ruin it all the while she's writhing in pain from the lashes Karma is giving her! *pulling down both eyes at Alicia and sayin' in my deepest Naija accent: NTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwwwwwwwwwwwww!*
@ Wini Syno - I don't know you but this is indeed blessed news, CONGRATS!!! Abeg, don't listen to people if this blog gives you a moments of enjoyment while your baby is napping, take it and savor it because once the baby wakes up, it's non stop go-go-go.
I like the girl... I dont know why but I do
Alicia good for you. Karma never disappoints. As for Chris....you are simply a cheap groupie/hoe/dead meat. If I were you I would crawl under a rock. He left his first wife and still didnt marry your stripper arse? Shame no catch you? I really feel sorry for all the women involved. Yes Chris is a Hoe and Alicia as beautiful and talented as you are, you are still a husband snatcher and now your turn has arrived. But in all of this, the MAN, SWIZZ BEATZ, the rat with his Pinochio nose, is the DEVIL in all of this. HE is a weak, lying cheating little squirrel
Thankfully Alicia sang the Karma song so im pretty sure she was prepared for this kinda bullshit...she must have trained herself to grow a tough skin towards all this..plus she's has a lil ghetto madness to help her handle his cheating ass.
@winy syno: Congrats, i rejoice with you. May the lord provide you with the resources and wisdom to nurture the bundle of joy. Feel free to unwind jor, and unburden your heart. The quicker you get back to your normal daily routine the better. Hope your hubby is also doing his own part. My wife was out on a girls night out at the theatres two weeks after childbirth, and i babysat for the 3hours she was away. Pls, linda let her post jare.
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