Precious, the miracle birth woman has allegedly given birth to baby No.8. She supposedly gave birth four days ago, just two months after she was released on bail.
The life-affirming tale of Precious Donatus Ogbonna and her controversial babies is yet to be over as she has delivered another baby, the same way she delivered seven others bringing the number to eight in a space of 16 months, and about two months after she was released on bail from the prison custody
The so-called birth took place at 12:15 am Thursday, at Rose Natural Clinic, Afam Street, Heritage junction, beside Paradise International School, Afam, Oyigbo, Port-Harcourt, Rivers state.
It was one of the places Saturday Vanguard had reported of carrying out mysterious deliveries. Precious is yet standing trial in court over child trafficking.
Her lawyer, Barrister B. E Nwigwe had written Vanguard informing it of the planned delivery and requested everybody to witness the process. He said he had also written the Police, the Court and NAPTIP to be part of the process. Among all these, only Vanguard was present at the place during the birth.
The reporter had arrived Owerri, Imo state on Tuesday, ahead of the planned delivery scheduled for Wednesday September 21, 2011.
She didn’t appear as an expectant woman, moving about with so much agility that no one could believe she was pregnant let alone about to deliver a baby. But she told Saturday Vanguard that the last time she went for antenatal at the same clinic, she was given September 21 as her delivery date.
She added: “the thing has been disturbing me since the last few months.” She said she chose the clinic against the conventional hospital because the hospitals did not see anything in her stomach other than fibroid, but Rose Natural Clinic, detected it was a baby and gave her an Expected Date of Delivery, EDD.
On Wednesday, the reporter travelled from Lagos to Owerri to join Precious and four other women who are members of her church in a commercial ITC bus to Port-Harcourt at about 1:15pm. We did not reach Port Harcout until about 4:10pm.
The stress of driving on the Aba-Port Harcourt road was phenomenal, exacerbated by the bad road along Oyigbo, Aba road. It was the most deplorable road in the country. That also was enough to induce labour on a heavily pregnant woman passing through the road in a popular ‘Keke NAPEP’. We arrived the clinic at about 5:05pm and was joined by another Vanguard reporter based in Port-Harcourt.
There was no indication denoting an activity of such going in the environment. The only sign post in that area was erected at the Heritage Junction, about a kilometre from the house and it read Ogechi Natural Clinic. No other natural clinic was known in the neighbourhood.
It was a two- apartment bungalow. The first where the delivery took place was occupied by Nurse Rose for her activities. The large sitting room is used as the waiting room where guests and patients are received. There is a lobby by the right hand side of the waiting room which has a toilet and a room used as labour room.
There were three other middle aged women billed for delivery that evening. They all had a similar appearance which did not portray heavy pregnancy. After several hours of waiting, four tea-cups were passed around to the four ‘expectant women’. All the four women drank the substance in it which the nurse said would aid ‘labour.Few minutes later, she began walking around, exercising her body apparently to aid the ‘labour’. They were called in according to their turns.
Precious was the second in the list. She told Saturday Vanguard that she had been tested and that the nurse confirmed that she could feel the head of the baby and that she would be the second person on the list.
The first person had a baby girl about ten minutes after she was called in. Precious who went inside the ‘labour room’ about 11 25pm did not come out until 12: 15am. No one was allowed inside the labour room to witness the process, not even any of the female members of her church was allowed into the labour room. Precious had assured Saturday Vanguard that a third party would be allowed to witness the process in order to vindicate her, but the fair-skinned Nurse Rose objected, arguing that such a demand would not be made in a conventional clinic . She threatened that she would walk-out if Precious should insist. She entered the labour room all alone with Nurse Rose.
Right from the moment she entered, it was shouts of ‘Jesus’ and cries of pain. The cry rent the air so much that all the women in the waiting room began to pray. Ada Ngozi, her personal assistant who was arrested with her in June and recently got released on bail did not fail to show her dexterity as a prayer warrior. Eventually, when Nurse Rose finished with Precious, she asked whoever cared to come and see the baby. The baby was dressed up while other women took their turns in the delivery room. They all had baby girls and none of them breastfed their babies. From about 12:15 am till about 8:30am when we were with her, we observed that Precious’ baby was not breastfed nor fed in whatever way throughout our stay. The baby did not cry either. With this development, the issue of Precious controversial birth is yet unresolved.
Responding to questions after the delivery, Precious said she is satisfied and believes that she would be vindicated. On when she got the EDD, she said she was given the date recently when she went for check up at the same clinic. We gathered that Nurse Blessing in whose clinic she delivered five of her babies refused to handle her latest delivery with an alibi that she was on vacation and would only resume after the dedication of her baby in October.
Orisirisi what nonsense. If I was an investigator, I would test all of them for hormones or something. They are obviously doing something sinister.
Hmmmm! Odikwa egwu o. What a world?........we can't beat Precious, may be we should agree with her...lol.
Unbelievable this is a scam!she shouldn't be trusted.
nawa this woman again? hia i thought she was arrested and the babies were taken from her or sumthin? well sha wonders shall never end in this our obodo naija
something is definitely fishy here
Why is ignorance and evil so rife in my motherland? What is the fate of these children who are only pawns inthe hands of their birth mothers and these charlatans. Don't people have enough fear of God to curtail their self gratification?
May God protec t these children and Preserve their destinies IJMN. Amen
The best thing is to conduct a DNA test on her and the babies to unravel this mystery.The best thing is to conduct a DNA test on her and the babies to unravel this mystery.
i have a friend .she has given birth to two kids and none of them was ever detected through scan,they always told her it was fibriod.she saw her period till the last month of delivery.she also went to the uk to scan if they could detect her pregnancy but tests band scans were negative.d woman that delivered her kids gave her something to drink and she immediately went into labour.when she had the first child i wasnt there and it was hard to believe cos she did not look pregnant but the second one i was opportuned to be there and saw it with my eyes,her mother in law,mum and husband were there also.she never looked pregnant for the two pregnancies and all tests she did showed negatives but yet she has two kids today....mysterious things do happen
I reside in PH n this is a common story here. It is pure biz. Most of d women don't knw they are bg decvd. They r given something that makes them look bloated n pregnant. It is done by women who r ashamed to adopt. Even their husbands attend d so called antenatals wt them without knowing they r bg hoodwinked. When it is time for delivery, they collect a child from these pregnant unmarried girls for a token n transfer it to these women at a great fee. Yes it is not cheap at all.
all sorts of toomfoolery.
I know of a man who recently abandoned d wife when circumstances made him doubt d paternity of d child. The woman got d child exactly this same way. She claims d husband knows everthing as he always followed her for antenatals. On the day of delivery, she didn't wait for d husband as it was URGENT! Poor guy. Mugu?
there is something wrong with this story.these women are up to something sinister.av had two boyz n couldnt wait to breastfeed dem n even wen i was told i couldnt i was so mad i punched mi hubby who kept saying d doctors nos best.
This is not real.They know and work with the fact that any woman that leaves a certified hospital to go for fertility in a native hospital is desperately in need of a child and will accept anything/condition given to her as long as she will get a baby.Why did she not use another known hospital?.some of these women claim ignorant,but wont any sane human being smell a rat when she is asked not to go for scan in any other clinic and when u eventually go,nothing will be seen except the tumour which the medicine they gave to you is forming in your tummy.My only prayer is for the babies to be well taken care of.
i wonder why they're waasting so much time on this case. there's something called DNA test that will give every necessary evidence. what nonsense abt 8 kids in 16months, na so the misracle dey work? our God is not an author of confusion, he programmed it that a woman will give birth after nine months.
this is a scam,it's so obvious!why didn't the so called nurse allow the reporters to witness the delivery in the labour room,why is it that none of the babies delivered cried?,this issue must be investigated thoroughly with series of test conducted.
Why can't she just legally adopt a baby and call it a day eh? or is it by force to born your own when the creator has not made it possible for her to conceive for now?
Why she no et them enter room.....nonsense. I'm sure this baby's DNA will not be a match. just like the others.
They should test the baby, if not hers, she should be back in jail without option for bail
Na wa o! After DNA test has said she isn't the mother of any of the 7 other babies! But I fail to see how this "delivery" has vindicated her in any way o with all the closed doors and hush hush. Na real wa!
As Chief Zebrudaya would say, "FA-FA-FAAAAAAA FOUL!"
There why you do an HcG hormonal exam, cant fail if the person is actually pregnant. They cant base their conclusion solely on appearance because it is possible for nothing to be detected. Still seems fishy tho
there are numerous cases on this story. got a cable? then watch "i didnt know i was pregnant" on TLC channel. y'all take care now..
I stopped reading at the part where nurse Rose didn't let anyone into the delivery room...YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME.
We had a lady here in Kenya do the same damn thing- she and her husband had a church -Pastor Deya and something. Funny thing they had even gone to England with their" church " though the wife was deported. Such a silly lousy scam. Thats what it is!!!the wife is currently serving time in jail for child theft and such charges.
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