Ama and Kofi Annan |
Annan, the first daughter of former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, will be getting married this week in Ghana. The 42 year old Financial Analyst and
business woman is set to wed Adepoju Adedeji in a 3-day event that will start on Thursday 29th of Sept till Saturday 1st of October. 40 year old Poju is a divorcee with three kids and the son of Professor Adebayo Adedeji, the Executive Director of the
African Center for Development & Strategic Studies (ACDESS).
Ama's mum is Titilola Alakija, Kofi Annan's first wife. The two divorced in the 80's.
Congratulations. So much for Amara's theory of 30 being the cut off age...
My father is UN chief scribe so no man is fit enugh to marry me...Now she ended up marrying at 42 to a divorcee with 3kids!
God linda u're becoming dry. Watin concern dis pple with news
I no fit shout
hmm...Linda, u'v brought d one dat will bring argument 2day o!
she's 42, he's 40 & divorced wit 3 children.
Oya comments start rolling in!!!
Ama omopadawale. Welcome back to your mother's land.
Women, get real. Not everyone gets married in their 20s or 30s even.
1976AD.com; i hardly agree with your views, but here you read my mind.
Plus, this is a lady that despite having everything, is such a humble and well-bred woman.
Take that Amara!
Kojo, we are waiting for your own.
The man is a divorcee, the mother also a divorcee. Hmn. Hope no more of this kind of bad luck. Anyway, this guy has 3 kids already. He just needs a companion. African man will never take this kind of risk if otherwise. Anyway, goodluck to them. May theirs be forever.
lol @ being a 42 year old bride. Like she got second pickings if the guy truly has 3 kids.
sharp yoruba guy's, they have refined the meaning of gigolo.
why cant we just congratulate her and move on...
what is wrong with her marrying a 42 yr old divorcee with 3 kids? Do you know if that was her prayer, because perhaps she may not care to give birth. Do you know if it was her prayer to have someone equally yoked in status and life experiences. It will shock you that this marriage will be better for the man that his previous. So people, life is not all black and white o. There is green, blue, purple, red...even RAINBOW and MULTI COLOR and CHECK. The same way POPLIN is not the only material in the market...we get lycra, lino, silk, jaquard, linen, lace. You pick according to the dress you want to sew. LOL!!
To all the critics, what is wrong with marrying a divorcee who has children for a 42 years old woman? At least at her age she won't be expected to bear anybody's children with all the possible risks...
Not all divorcees are damaged goods so it is a good thing they found each other. Congrats!
She's bony and doesn't look happy. I just remembered the song 'money can't buy me love', now fame didn't buy her love.She's bony and doesn't look happy. I just remembered the song 'money can't buy me love', now fame didn't buy her love.
LOL at Anonymous 7:07am......'Omopadawale' indeed!
@ my naija lifestyle, stop stirring! Ain't nobody's business if she does......
@Anon Sept 26, 2:23Am, Ehen? She is 42 and he is 40. They believe they can live as husband and wife, why do u swallow Panadol extra over their headache? And what makes u think u know the cause her delay? ...na wa o
she doesn't look 42
Na wa fo u o Lin Lin, dis kin detailed explanation says a lot about this two pple. Any sha, Who find love make them carry go.
So what if she's marrying a 40year old divorcee with 3 kids. When will you people stop commenting foolishly? God writes everyone's life story different.
It doesn't mean she's settling. Her husband might be to her a better one in her books than all the young husbands cheating all over Lagos.
Congratulations Ama. God bless your union.
If they are happy and its working for them, all we can do is wish them luck. Deng! guys are too opinionated.
I hope Amara is invited to such wedding.
Dlapikin Crawl back to your village. Who says she can't have healthy children? Siddon there.
@anon, 9.43. I agree with you... The guy a divorcee and Ama's mother a divorcee; her father a remarried divorcee. Not all that glitters is gold.
God bless your union Ama and Poju. For the rest of you people, l wish you all whatever you have wished for them in Jesus name. Amen.
Amara that said women should not show money. I suppose that its because shes rich thats why shes getting married now. maybe she should have left her fathers house for the village so men would not be afraid to come to her. lol.smh
A good number of Nigerians are bitter. Can't people just wish them well and keep it moving. Why all the negative talk... LOL@ "OMOPADAWALE". This blog won't kill me with lafter. I laugh every single time I come on. Pls who mentioned that el-dumbo omo nna Amara. The girl is foolish. Sounds typical- igbo people and their haughty, condescending way of dealing with other people who they think is not up to them yet the igbos are still at the bottom of the barrel in naija. Until the likes of Amara kill that nonsense ego and foolish senseless pride the igbos have, they can never move up the ladder o. Na my 2 kobo be that
@black barbie...that is quite a daft comment? Really...it is now an igbo thing. If it was positive it would be a yoruba thing abi. Hiss. How did tribe enter this conversation? typical 'ignorant nigerian' attitude to arguments....throw tribe into the mix. Amara's attitude transcends all tribes, income brackets, religion and social circles. So work on your tribalist attitude
she looks younger than her age..i love her hair do...wish her the best
OMG! The groom should be ADEPOJU ADEDEJI that worked at Baker hughes, Houston. In that case, he's (or was) married; with kids. I just hope he divorced his wife the proper way.
He's also a known gigolo who dated only older women...
So much for Amara's cut off age of 30, but this Ama's own is extreme and no woman prays to be married at 42. Abi you Linda, can you be single for the next 11 years and be truly happy?
So much for Amara's cut off age of 30, but this Ama's own is extreme and no woman prays to be married at 42. Abi you Linda, can you be single for the next 11 years and be truly happy?
Anon 6.58pm is obviously Ama or one of her follow follow friends.
When Ama was in her early 30s, real single men wanted her hand in marriage but to her they had local fame...We thought she would end up with an oyinbo like George Bush son.LWKMD!
Lol @ Ama getting married to oyinbo like Bush descendant. I thought she'll marry a footballer and not a tokunbo oko iyawo. End result of too much posing and broken home...
The guy sef is as dysfunctional as the babe, at 40, divorced with 3 kids. Too much tales in their lousy marriage!
At last Poju got a 'maga'. Am sure he won't be bothered about her having kids, he'll be ok with her money and body. All human beings will truly be judged according to their intentions.er having kids, he'll be ok with her money and body. All human beings will truly be judged according to their intentions.
I have known Poju for over 20 years and He HAS NEVER BEEN MARRIED. He is NOT a divorcee! He does have a beautiful daughter however. NOT 3 kids.
Theirs is truly a match that by His grace will last forever.
Stop hating people you don't know.
Poju or PJ as his friends call him , has never ever been married and only has one child. Get your facts straight before you publish nonsense gist
Poju has one child... You defenders should better go find out if he has more than one! He already has kid no wonder he took the risk of marrying a 42yr old whose chances of having children is slim.
Poju, Pj is a controversial 40yr old man. Whether he's been married before, or has 3 kids or just one kid. The truth is his family life is not straight cos one of those 3 are right. Ama also from a generation of divorcees. And yet someone said all these dysfunctional family story is marriage made in heaven. Hehehehehe...
She dated Laolu Saraki for years, and that one was ready to marry her then. Now she's ending up with 'drama' boy Poju with tales of divorce and kids flying around!
The end of too much posing for men!
Adepoju Adedeji, sure married Ama from, just because of kofi Annan fame! He didnt even mind the gist about Ama's mother Titi flying all over London and Lagos.
Poju is ole, olojukokoro at age of 40, with controversial number of children.
He was going about saying his prof father worked at UN. I laff in int'l languages... Even young people doing PhD work for UN.
@CLF, you make me laugh ou very loud... Ama has everything... Parents who are in accord about her progress, a pretty face, houses in VGC, asokoro and maitama, fleet of cars, private jet, happy family and career! And yet she got second pickings at 42. Why were guys not carried away with everything she had plus her humility? I bet you wish to be like her, be careful who you wanna be like cos you dont know people inside out!!!
Anon @ Sept 26, 6.58pm... Why the indirect curse? Poju and Ama's happy or unhappy married life isn't going to affect the price of fish in the market. We all will only entertain ourselves with it. Ama is from a generation of divorcees and Poju has something in common by fathering children out of wedlock. Now you can see their stories deserve awkward wishes!
This Ama sef doesn't have good friends. Her so-called friends who she invited to her wedding are the ones going about and condemning the party. E.g no world class VIP guest, ugly groom, nervous guests, uncoordinated cocktail reception, akward bride's mother etc. And in Ama's head, those are her friends!
Flaky; wish to be like her? Take that sucker. Hell no!
@CLF, thought you admire her 'success' and humility. Lolllllllllll. Ten years back Ama was a cocky, saucy girl about town. She only mellowed down some 4 years back when she was the only single in her circle of friends! I've known her all my life but we aren't related.
He has only one child, not three, from a previous relationship.
He has only one child, not three, from a previous relationship.
Poju has one kid from a previous relationship! He claimed only Adebomi as his and rejected the other two.
Either way, it's a controversial set up. Now Ama didnt move to him, instead she's shuttling between her Lagos home and his France home. Hmmm...
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