Babe on the left poured hot oil on babe on the right because...

And this is the result...
My peeps are trying to get me more details on this incident, but it has to do with jealousy and things/people that don't belong to either of them...
What's going on with the youths of today? Have we lost it?
its d end time.it looks like d best way to avoid being a hate victim is to be a dundee united.dat way person no go get enemy.girl abuses boy she gets raped,girl abuses girl,she is poured hot oil or acid.up naija.
Uch girl.
It's not easy for girst chasing sugar daddies...
I don't know what the world is turning into. Human sympathy has faded away , people don't seem to have feelings anymore. More ple are acting on impulse . Am very sure if investigated it has to do with a man . No matter the cause this girl should be made to face the law, she is a monster nd also a murderer cos she can as well kill this girl if that wasn't her intention. She devil.
I don't know what the world is turning into. Human sympathy has faded away , people don't seem to have feelings anymore. More ple are acting on impulse . Am very sure if investigated it has to do with a man . No matter the cause this girl should be made to face the law, she is a monster nd also a murderer cos she can as well kill this girl if that wasn't her intention. She devil.
I'm sure the man's wife is somewhere laughing her ass off right now. Like really?? You ruined each other's lives over a married man who doesn't give a hoot about any of you?? How much was he giving you? 1 million dollars?? mmm...let me guess..probably not more than 100K naira every time he sleeps with either of you. Now, one is gonna rot in jail and the other girl is disfigured for life. Guess what? The guy is on vacay with his lovely wife, sipping on some coconut water on the beach. Don't you feel stupid right now? No guy is worth that. The one that is worth it would not make you go through all that.
na arito cause am o, the yellow sisi provoke say the black coke collect her aristo naim keep her for there. skara don end o.God help us all.
Oh Jesus have mercy
for what? a boy? oh nooo
linda, l hope say no be another person man this girls they fight for? if that is the case,the wife should pour acid on the other girl shikina.
This is naturally insane....my God!
I'm just sick of the way violence seems to be the order of the day in the world. Why are people so callous?? The girl that did this should be jailed. Imagine if it was acid and not oil!! Evil minds!
just wow! Pouring hot oil on someone for sleeping with ur so called man who is the HUSBAND of another woman????
I hope that girl rots in jail for the rest of her life or gets the eye for an eye treatment.
Are you playing with me? Women can be idiots sometimes.
what is going on these days? Whatever happened to just talking it out or at least throwing a punch and going about your business? This whole throwing hot oil and bleach and acid on people is just ridiculous.
Misplaced priorities founded on selfishness and wickedness!
talk abt stripping one of their beauty....this is terrible. thye both pretty much loose..one goes to jail for a lont time hopefully and one has to live with scars...waiting for the full gist
Well,i think a twitter-fight would have been better. Cos this one is truly *cute gals folks shoud desist from fighting,cos u jst mite lose ur cuteness wen u do*
You can't know the extent that any human can go to subdue another person in a fight (especially girls). Where anger is present, spite is a venom which is FATAL.
Well I'm quite surprised that it's shocking you dear ,in the south-south where I hail from ,this has become a norm! Boyfriend snatching,family brawls, jealous quarrels are relatively sorted out with tossing stuff that have boiled to 100 degree Celsius & more. So it no news @ all but the worst part is the perpetrators end up going scot free!!! like Nigeria now allows people with murderous intent to roam the streets with no single care in the world!! It's sick!!
Unilag Babe Gets Bathed with Hot Boiling soup By Roomate (Full Details)" on Date360 Entertainment: http://ning.it/no26FZ
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Thank God it wasn't worse than it is.
Okay, let me guess. Someone snatched the other's boyfriend...
Really youths of today seem to have lost it. And considering that I'm a young person myself, I can only say that the prevalence of things such as this is triggered by the environment. It's what we see on TV, the internet... that eventually forms who we are. Some of us may have been lucky to see bigger pictures. I just hope that the lucky few would rise up to the task of influencing the unlucky majority before our generation ends up in a mess.
i heard it was boyfriend issues..girls are mean and very wicked.
Na wa,,,,this is Babaric............Na wa,,,,this is Babaric............
This is madness!
Not sure what to say about this incident, but i think it has to do with men? Jealousy? About what?
Not sure what to say about this incident, but i think it has to do with men? Jealousy? About what?
Wow! This is still happening in Nigeria? This i think only happen in Nigeria films?
Come, what is the cost of the problem? Only jealousy? Jealousy about what? There must be more than just meet the eyes here.
i always say nd wl keep saying t, if u have a friend that's always jealous of ur little/big success pls run and not everybody u tell how life s so sweet to u, not all can handle good news, some people enjoy bad news and they bask n t....pls beware of bad friends...i used to have them and they know themselves but they have God to contend with......period!!!
It's not jealousy.....she slept with her friend's sugar daddy.....someone else's husband.....useless people, its all for blackberry, brazilian hair, lv bags, gucci shoes and all......vanity upon vanity
I heard it was a fight over the use of pot. Apparently the victim's pot was being used to make turkey soup without her permission. She requested for it but girl wouldnt give it back, so the ended up fighting. They got seperated and she left to another room. After a few minutes she returned only for that girl to empty the content of the pot all over her!
Point still remains that someone heartless pours hot oil on a fellow human being. Anger, jealousy, hatred or whatever it may we really need to put our anger in check and think before we react to any situation.
So where exactly did this take place ? Was this @ a University ? A place they have been sent to read their books !!!
This is serious ooooo,,,,if the fight is all about a married man,,then i give kudos to the man's legal wife,,,she must have done some Mountain of fire kind of prayer of binding and casting for this silly girls......now one is bound on the hospital bed in pains and disfigured looks and the other is about been cast to jail........waiting for the details of dis gist,,,just hoping it wont be in the direction of my tots.....hmmmmm
wow..probably because of a man who isnt even inlove with either of them.shocked!!
mennn talk about evil, its an understatement...na wa for these girls oh... satan don get twin sisters way dey waka for earth........ madness
I am shocked!! Das †̥ђe̶̲̥̅ word!
Please lets be very objective here. Details of this incidence is yet to be provided so do not conclude until we get the full gist.
Demonic possession! See her witchy eyes (the pourer, that is). she needs deliverance in a maximum security prison. The deliverance should start each day with 48strokes of cane on her bare butt for 2 months. my suggestion
This is gross!!!. Man's inhumanity to man. No offence should warrant such action. Some people ve completely lost it. A man should undoubtedly the cause of this.
look at the girl sef ...she is not as beautiful as the the victim.. i am sure that was part of her Jealousy....she must have done some other terrible things that is why her heart is now hardened to do such a wicked thing...
Wow, the girl got arrested and was later released. Now, she is no be found...wow! Ok, I'm scared of visiting naija now, seriously!
@1976ad.com, @ dith and co. can you please shut up,did linda confirm this incident was due to another man or sugar daddies? it's sick when people assume shit without knowing the real truth
wish the victim a speedy recovery.The heart of men is wicked,first gang rape and now this.so sad
This girls are not serious rubbish they both shld be dealt with messing up with another mans husband.....who be d man self?....RUBBISH.
What a pity!
I think the first comment is the answer to the wickedness festering our society today. If you see wahala run run run, people are so heartless. It doesnt mean anything for people to take lives they never knew how God created. But God dey sha, their evil shall catch up with them here on earth and in heaven but its still better not to be their victim.
End times for sure
Lord God please do not let any of my sons cross paths with these types. AMEN
that idiot is really an idiot. her behavior is punishable to at least 25 yrs behind bars....smh...do people think at all? she reasons through her anus , i guess, someone should pour hot oil on that her particularly light complexion skin...sigh
@ Ella - u this very confused person. Ur telling me 2 shut up while contradicting urself in the very same comment by saying d heart of man is wicked. Pray tell, Has d gang rape been confirmed? Pepeye!
Whether Linda has confirmed it or not, there are pictures to prove the girl was poured something. Be it because of whatever, sugar daddy or not. Even if d guy in question was her husband sef, she still deserves imprisonment.
There is no need attacking anyone becos of his/her comment. It is almost certain that a tussel over a man caused this. Its only fury over snatch of a boyfriend, aristo, sugar daddy or 'UNCLE' can cause this, but whatever be the cause, still not justifiable. Most women are evil indeed. Like some1 said Satan's actually has a twin sister.
There is no need attacking anyone becos of his/her comment. It is almost certain that a tussel over a man caused this. Its only fury over snatch of a boyfriend, aristo, sugar daddy or 'UNCLE' can cause this, but whatever be the cause, still not justifiable. Most women are evil indeed. Like some1 said Satan's actually has a twin sister.
KMT!! Scum of the earth them lot. Bloody aristos.
i dont know y most people here assume both girls were fighting over a man. my guess is that those making that assumption are insecure men who like to believe that Nigerian girls are desperate to have them(like really!)
the second category are women who were former runs girls(or still are!) and assume everyone is like them.
plsssssssss!get it right!they were fighting over the use of a hot plate, people!
This is what lack of love, self esteem, respect and value for human life can do!
What the hell!
how does the object of the fight deter from the horrific nature of the act? Abeg get your priorities straight.
Foolishness of d highest order...fighting over sugardaddy...one has lost her beauty, d other will be put behind bars & d so called sugardaddy is wit his wife or wit another grl again enjoying his life.... Stupidity
What on earth made her to pour hot oil on her fellow woman??becos of a man????she must be insane????too bad
this is serious ooooo
@dith,your really not making any sense.No one can be certain that this incident occurred as a result of a man and your still blindly claiming this happened over someone's husband,when news(which is still uncertain)is going over that this happened as a result of the victim using the perpetrator's pot without her permission. Why not wait to find out the truth on what caused this before accussing the victim of sleeping with anyone's husband smh
@elusive kate THANK YOU,finally someone with some sense!
Elusive Kate, you are really dumb if you think a girl would pour a hot pot of soup on another girl just because she used it and didn't give it back. Common sense should tell you that there were underlying issues(men) btw them before the incident and she decided to teach her a lesson. DUH!!
ehyaah...she still dey cover breast sef....dem no tell am say shakara don finish?
Anon @ 3:53am, that is why I would never go to the police b/c they never do anything. If anyone pours acid or hot oil on me, I PROMISE them that I will retaliate by having acid or boiled oil poured on them.
This girls are just purely what? Pls help complete the word,i don't understand how they understand their mentality,is it that this man might do same for them?
They should have asked themselve this question before getting stupid.
Whatever it is they were fighting for, it just dosent matter. No justification for inflicting such pain on another person. the 'pourer' should be hunted down and prosecuted. wetin?
@ Ella u are missing d point. Whether she slept with sum1s husband or not is not d issue here. I honestly could care less about that. I mean She won't be d first. U seem 2 be hanging on 2 that 4 whatever reason best known 2 u.
Pouring a dangerous substance on a fellow human being is the main issue here. Be it hot soup or oil, Over a pot or over a man.
Anyway I give up, this is a pointless argument.
dith *sigh* you really do come off as slow don't ya
linda darling any news on the victim? I hope she's recovering
Irrespective of her crime inflicting such an injury on a fellow human is heartless and a wicked act . Cases like dz shud be taken straight to court and see to it dat d guilty one face d law.
lmao.........naija girls and sugar daddies........
Think all the seedy..evil...goings on in 9ja is out in the open for the whole wide world to see...open any of the 9ja Dailies online you would be horrified as to what goes on a daily basis..
The moral fabric in 9ja..is at an all time low..yet Mosques and Churches bo kun 4 every corner!!
@ Ella- yes dear! I am super slow when dealing with retards but some just never get it no matter how hard u try.
*deeper sigh*
LOL @ ELLA. U are very funny. calling someone slow when you are clearly the one that is slow.
Dith abeg no mind d weyrey jare. Mad people no dey gree say dem dey crase.
Ella clearly is an aristo. That is why she cant deal with the fact people are concluding that this happened over a man. Lmao!! Awww
but seriously what is wrong with our youths today?the police arrested Anita but released her wwhy d eff will they release sm1 that attempted murder? and i agree wit ella why is evry1 up here relating this to snatching/stealing/sleeping wit sugardaddies and hubbys when bola herself is saying this happen cuz of hot pot. sm nigerians can like to be stupidly judgmental at times the only thing they peanut-sized brains can cm up wit is they r fighting over a man kmt
This is disdain, i think our law maker shld deal severely wit anobody found doing this 2 be a scape goat.
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