Dinora Rodriguez, from Los Angeles, California, was left with a 'uniboob' after her breasts were conjoined by skin. She also had a nip-tuck operation on her eyelids that has meant she is unable to close them.
This doctor has yawered mehn. Why you do her like this naw? But you know what they say; two shall become one..lol. Continue...

Her surgeon had cut across the two separate 'pockets' that normally hold breast tissue which meant the implants were able to touch in the middle creating the look of a single breast, or 'uniboob'.
The female surgeon also cut through nerves and muscle, leaving her with shooting pains in her ribs.
Mrs Rodriguez revealed that the surgeon also carried out corrective surgery on her eyes - even though she did not request any.
The operation has left her unable to close her eyes and surgeons said no corrective surgery will be able to repair the damage.
Mrs Rodriguez must take medication for the rest of her life to keep her eyes moist.
She said: 'It was a terrible experience waking up from surgery and seeing that this had happened.
Linda..I like u a lot. yes I do..but babe u need to watch ur english sometimes..you wrote.. 'an qualified plastic surgeons'?? please correct it before other people see. p.s: continue the great work..and if u ever need a guest writer. I would love to have the job :)
na wa o! i hope she feels prettier now...so how does she sleep if she can't close her eyelids? people take note- u are beautiful just the way you are...
choi! f*** up of d highest oda!....LWKMH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMFAO. See punishement o. choii
Her breast before the surgery looked fine to me. I wonder why she had to go under the knife. Oh well.....goodluck to her because she gon need it.
NTOOOIII!!MUGU. U no go leave wetin God give u. Vanity upon vanity
a bit spiteful for you to be laughing Linda. what's the difference between fake boobs and your fake hair eh?
Linda, why is this funny? The fact that somebody's life might never be the same and not in a good way. Call me up tight, but I don't get the joke.
I'm sure if the doctor is licensed, she will sue and win millions, but she go spend am on medication and fixing her boobs.
This is so not funny! @ miss ikeji. never laugh @ people misfotune cos tomorrow will be your turn if you are not careful.
love you still anyway..That's why i tell you the Truth.
And as for all linda stans who believe in insulting people all day long as you all constantly do on her blog, don't you not know that you will never find respect from people around you also? You all should learn to be careful with your words .
Not another one! Ladies, choose your plastic surgeons carefully!
At least she's even lucky that it didn't leak, she didn't develop a flesh-eating bacteria thingy and her implant didn't end up in her abdomen. Small mercies, I say!
Linda you no go kill person, what is "Uniboob". See as trouble crossleg sitdown him own jeje yanga come go mumuciously meet am.She was fine, she wanted to be finer now they have turned her into a freak.Please if you decide to have cosmetic sugery, do your research,choose someone who is qualified dont go to a quack for "Do one get one free".
Wahala dey sleep, inyanga dey wake amWahala dey sleep, inyanga dey wake am
Now what else will women need to replace? Eyes? Butt? Boobs?
Na wa oh, wetin women no go do all in the name of beauty.
Man's wisdom is foolishness unto God.
when they would never be satisfied with the way they are created!
I feel sorry for d woman. Everyone tries to enhance their beauty somehow. Like Meroh said, fake hair, make up, padded bra, nail varnish, all of them. If enhancing that beauty gives u more confidence, then, why not?
I hope it can b corrected somehow, in future
@ anonymous 10:24 u wey sabi english, she said an "unqualified" mumu oshi!
@ Meron, asking the difference btw fake hair and fake boobs puts u as the dumbest thing on earth. Why not try parading ur boobs like you parade your hair then ur dumb question will be answered. Go do ur own na. What a question!!!
I dont get wt info is being passed on to the society...is the "nipple" the only part of the breast dA̶̲̅☂ shouldn't be shown to the public???
*jst curious*..is the "nipple" the only part of the breast dA̶̲̅☂ shouldn't be shown to the public???
*jst curious*
All of you that are saying "its not funny", "dont laugh at someones misfortune"should go to bed jor.if it were a Nigerian woman, one celebrity in naija tht it happnd to now, u will laugh, criticise and run ur mouths like u r GOD. but cos shes a white chick that u dnt even know u r feeling sorry.abeg jo!!!if Linda wants 2 laugh, its her mouth.
Rodriguez sounds to me like Latino or Mexicana...what wl they not do? from boobs, to lipo, to eyelid all surgeries they wanna try...very fake people and who says one canot laugh @ this, its so laughable as if Linda pushed her to go do d surgery, i beg free her
ochomma achota go jesus looooooooooooooool
hahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahh... cant stop laffin.. wu send u message
Siamese boobs and yes, her boobs were fine before she went under the knife.
LA again? There are so many unqualified plastic surgeons in that place.
Lord have mercy.
we really cannot (and should not) judge her. she went about to look beautiful the way she thot best. what is holding most people i know (even most ppl here) from going under the knife is that THE CANNOT AFFORD IT. and just cos they cant, the condemn those that can and have. HYPOCRISY. if u want to be the way God made u, leave the brazilian weaves, the lace wigs, the mary kays, the sleeks etc just go natural! bloody hypocrites!
too bad for her.
the booobs were ok before na no need 4 surgery na
Dis is so unfortunate, i feel a huge sense of pity on her, Its also a great le$$on for other ladies who's got same mindset (implant inclined) and i hope they learn from this. Meanwhile, d surgeon shud be punished or penalised for breaching proffesional ethics..Dis is so unfortunate, i feel a huge sense of pity on her, Its also a great le$$on for other ladies who's got same mindset (implant inclined) and i hope they learn from this. Meanwhile, d surgeon shud be punished or penalised for breaching proffesional ethics..
vanity upon vanity
Meanwhile, Linda, u forgot to mention that the lady has since had corrective surgery. It's there on d same original article
God help us all! This is a real warning to those considering such. Btw : Do you live in Abuja? If yes, then you shd join this group on fb http://www.facebook.com/groups/25499267447/ for events and happenings in the fct - ps invite ur friends
LMAO @ "Two shall become one". Girl, i am cracking up!!
At least she is lucky they are joined together. what if they had done it in such a way her boobs were so far apart that it was almost under her armpit nko? how she go wan put her hands down. she better respect that uniboob as she see am. after all na she wan upgrade her boob. She for just buy boob enlargement cream jeje and call it a day.
btw, the uniboob can be fixed. as 4 d eye issue, that one is just another thing. Sad sha.
i dont think if anyone was born with a cleft palete, would honestly 'LIKE THEMSELVES THE WAY THEY ARE!.
It boils down to confidence! everyone is different and each person is different psychologically, proper research should be done b4 plastic surgery! even if u have to pay a premium for it! i am a naija babe, i have had my breasts done and i dont regret it for one single day!, i paid considerably more to get the best and they look very natural, i am happy i did it, i did it for my self. It is the lack of exposure and not understanding that will make someone taunt someone bcos theyve had botched plastic surgery!
All the stars you see have had plastic surgery including Beyonce!
Linda, I take God beg you...when posting stories like this, give your readers the choice of whether they want to view the pictures or not...a nice "click here to view the pics" would do.Imagine my embarassment when I opened your page at work and my boss just happened to pass by at that time...Having a big-ass picture of some lady's boobs plastered at the top of the page really did not bode well with me! Even the Michael Jackson corpse photo...not everyone might want to see that and it can be traumatizing for a fan so...just give your readers some kind of choice. Thank you eh
But she got the cleavage she always wanted.
I know its a tragic incident but i cant help but laugh.. Good luck finding a bra that fits..lmao!!!
What....has joined together..let no man out asunder...
UniBoob..no doubt..lol!!
Dats cul 4 women dat always change there God givn body 2 sumfin xlseDats cul 4 women dat always change there God givn body 2 sumfin xlse
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