'Hey Linda, your blog is the 39th most read site in Nigeria, the only entertainment blog in the top 50. Just below Sahara Reporters and above major Nigerian newspaper sites. How did you do it? Well done babe!"So I went on Alexa to confirm and it's true! GOH! Wow! You LIB readers are incredible, you made this happen. Thanks guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
To continue to stay on top, you guys have to help me. I've been doing this solo and maybe it's time to bring in help. If you have any ideas on how I can improve my blog, please send me a mail. Thanks and kisses.
Meanwhile check out the ranking here
Congratulations! Lol.
Now to get it to #1 :)
Congrats...keep up the good work!
Yay babes nice one ......... But don't let it get to your head k........ Also, when u give informations e.g abia state rape events do @ least put a link for does who want to get to the bottom of this .......cos the public may identify any of this bastards..
You can start by changing your blog layout. Even among the free blog layouts, it's the cheesiest.
Congratulobia tho. It's not a small something! More readers, more money.
I guess ur blog is now some sort of "e-city people" :-)
congrats....ur hardwrk is paying off wellcongrats....ur hardwrk is paying off well
no make me vex stop read visit ur blog oo..LOL..anyway i have referred a lot of amebo loving people to ur blog and they are indeed loving ur it.
Weldon LINDA. am very very happy for u. this is just the genesis of good things comin your way. remain focused. xx
and what are the incentives for used and profitable ideas
cool one, i think you should get a dedicated domain like lindaikeji.com which would still point to the same blog. register the domain and point it to your blog before another person does, or else, you might not be able to get a name you worked hard for over time again. the company i work is doing a promo called 5k flat, you pay 5k for a domain with 7 emails and 100MB space for a year. you may not need all the "jara", google is hosting your blog already, just register that name and point it to this blog, we can do all the poiting for u.
from yusuf
Yusuf Jimoh,
Network Engineer,
System Support Administrator & Analyst
, Blog Developer,
Icecool Contracts Nig.
(315B Akin Ogunlewe Lagos Nigeria,&13 Anerley Court,
Anerley Park London UK)
Nominee,"Best Use of Technology",
Nigeria Future Award 2009
Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional(MCITP)
NCSA Win XP Professional Certified,
NCSA PC Basic Certified.
Wow!!!! This is great Linda....A very big Congratulations to you girl...you rock.
May God continue to strength you, because the best is yet to come, IJN Amen.
ok Linda, congrats. I am addicted to your blog. I make sure I visit it at least once a day and to relax in the evening, making it twice sometimes, for news about nigeria. I live in Uk and visit your blog for my daily dose of "news", wink.
My suggestion, please stop showing x-rated photos like the one about men having sex with animals and similar ones. I'd like to introduce your blog to others, including young people. So make your blog more responsible and decent. Wishing you success as you ascend greater heights.
i have tons of ideas but my snag with you is that you don't listen, you're very heady and you don't want others to correct you. been a blogger does not make you a celeb well may be in Nigeria. listen more and ditch the whole diva attitude and you will be #1. You know who i am.
yayyyyyy!!!!!! go gurl..............so happy for you.
Well done babe. We've got your back always. Please ignore the loosers that come to your blog & insult you. It's funny that they do that yet they keep coming back to your blog. Muah
Linda it is not a lie, I even saw links to your blog on www.bbc.co.uk the other day with references to the Abia incident.
Good job, I love your style, keep it up.
Weldone babe
Of course,we can help you to become the best buh this is business,you have to relinquish a little control or probably structure it in a formal way and pay for those help.I guess dats wat hapens in labor markets this days or maybe u dont realize dat.Help for Pay........
Weldone babe...u've really done well
Yay!!!That's good..u'll rank way higher soon enough
Congrats Linda, you deserve it, you have been working so hard. You were one of the reasons I started blogging. About improving your blog, I think its just fine.
Not by Might, not by power...u'll EXCEL more!Not by Might, not by power...u'll EXCEL more!
**Spread d cash**--dats d gymix..u can ask questions dat need critical tinkin,like every 6th hour of d day..den u give credence 2 winners 4 d day,week,month & even year..*winks*..nd GIFTS shld folo..no mata ow smal,it wld b cherished..in dat was u av more ple visitin ur blog...*shikena!*
Put correct gist
Time to holla me jo ahn ahn :D
yaaayyyyy! congrats to us all :*
How accurate is it, well don't let it get into ur head o! Cos the next thing na to ask for money from u to be inn top ten.
Way to go Linda!!!! and to think Bellanaija came 58 or 59th.....You must be doing something right Chica.
congrats dear, we will still celebrate your rise up the ladder.
Congrats. . . Please post ur email above.
Congrats dear!
I think you should do the blog in such a way that people would be able to comment below some1 elses comments. This would be very good as it makes its easier to follow comments. U could also allow like nd dislike buttons for those who r either in or not support of a comment and the post as well.
Hope you take this into consideration
@Deep soul, this layout is not cheesy. Its simple, and loads fast.
And Linda, my love ;) , your blog is just fine as it is...
go linda go linda *dancing congrats sista mee :)
And oh, Linda, imma hit u up in one year. Be out of school then :)
congrats Linda, nice job but u need to hire good hands to maintain the tempo. Sometimes ur blog remains without updates for too long.
secondly, ban all ethnic and religious bashing on ur blog. U can see that nairaland has dropped to 2nd most viewed nigerian site for the 1st time in yrs. It is due to the ceaseless ethnic warfare that goes on there all the time. It always leaves the guests with a bitter feeling each time they visit the site. This blog of urs is a feel-good site. Pls keep away all ethnic insults. -OBINNA
That's what you get for consistencyand hardwork... Congrats!!!!
Quote me...
Your blog is the best in Naija...#gbabe
congrats.you deserve it
Bella Naija was on Oprah, Linda WAS not, and i think will not, so what they hell, been 39th in Nigeria doesn't mean you're the best, BELLA still has class, eg, you never see bella posing with some new dress and asking folk what they think, or with some used car. Stop all those and you'll be OK!
Linda ur blog s ok, keep t up and i just love t...haters eat ur hearts out
Congratulations Linda
Congrats Linda im so happy for u and of ur achievement....
pls have a look at my blog and follow pls
Congrats Linda. I like the clean layout. IMO if you add a reply link, like button and dislike button, it will look tacky and cheesy.
Nairaland number 10? I find it's such a tribalistic website and some of the topics i see there makes me think about how dense some people are.
I thank God 4 u oo
does Oprah pay bills?
Bella's path and Linda's path are two different paths.
to each lady her own.
Linda, i nthe recent past i suggested you take a look at Brown Suga's justcurious.co.za
that is the direction you should be looking at taking your blog.
in terms of layout and user membership.
the snag is that i wonder if you leave this free blog environment your revenue will remain as it seems most of your income is tied to the free blog stuff.
The major reson why i am recommending justcurious is that the your site has outgrown the era of Anonymous comments.you need to use the critical mass you have to build a community of readers and bloggers,then start looking at subscription in the future.
Whatever you do, stick to the contents that have made you.
We don't want to come here to read sermons in the name of motivational articles.We come here to read aggregated gossips from around the world.
Keep it that way.
nice 1 babe.. Congratnice 1 babe.. Congrat
Congratulations, Linda. Keep doing your thing. I like your site a lot because you keep it simple and also because I can relate to you. You also don't give a hoot about what anybody thinks and I love you for that and you also don't act like one big annoying celebrate. I love that I can come here and hear about social issues and also be entertained as well. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll continue to succeed. Nobody can do you better than you.
@ anon 3.19 aka mrs bella naija herself
youre so freaking rude!
ki la gbe,ki lo ju?
lindas blog is so real
not on a high horse like bellas
madam im all classy ,bella naija is soo booooooring in my opinion!
her people follow her and lindas crowd follows her
why compare the 2?
eat your heart out
P/S: You don't have a diva attitude.
@anonymous 3:19pm.....hush!!!wot r u doin on dis blog. go back to ur classy bellanaija n stop being a buzz kill. idiot!!! linda angel abeg carry on jare. i visit ur blog like 10 to 13 times a day 4 d hilarious comments n 4 updates. my day aint complete without visiting dis blog.i was here wen u started dis blog n u wud av 2 or 3 comments n sometimes none.....nau see wre hard work n persistence has brought u.........ur an inspiration to me.of course i invited myfriends n family to ur blog cos am a huge fan.i will always support u dear.kisses
Your site is ok, but there're some things u still need 2 do, lyk now i think u should go easy on the ads coz it slows down the site on computers, u can also take 2 others' advice:
Lyk wat an anonymous said about u pointing the site to ur own domain(u should do it), it is simple and u can even do it urself.
Contact me on bolaji@sda.com.ng, if u need any help.
Anon 3:19Pm, na wah 4 u o! Linda babes congrats jare, the best is yet to come, just keep doing your thing! Keep the anons cos some of us don't av the patience to register, moreso I use my phone all the time and am not sure if it will be easy to register via phone. Keep soaring higher! U r blessed!....Meggy
Congratulation Linda! Am working to make this ma lil blog to reach the top 10 in Nigeria- http://freebrowsinglink.blogspot.com
I agree with September 29, 2011 1:45 PM about a new comment system
September 29, 2011 3:19 PM: That's what gives Linda's blog a personal touch...her posing with a "new dress and used car". We like it, cos it shows her as a real person not some diva blogging behind the scenes.
Congrats Linda, hard work pays. You have been consistent in your work. I dont know how you run the blog...But i think its high time you start treating it like a publishing company...get a versatile editor to run it while you concentrate on selling and extending your expertise to other niches such as a dedicated Fashion blog. The sky is the limit.
Congrats Linda!!
How about inviting guest bloggers to post important topics, like fashion tips, care of the skin, date tips et al.
By the way , congrats again.
Congrats Linda. I dont really have any suggestion on how to make ur blog better cos u've done much much better than i could ever do it if i've a blog. But i think you should try "like and dislike" button thing and let's see how it works out. Peace
Congrats Linda.. Been followng your blog since u started.
Dont change the layout. Leave it as it is. Remember when bella chaged hers how she lost so many readers. If it aint broke, dont fix it.
Just register a new domain and still let google/blogspot host it.
Congrats again
Congratulations!Hardwork pays..I think the most important improvement you need to make is to restucture your content..lately, I honestly havent been loving the content on your blog..do a bit more research and make it a little more entertaining and spicy..and please stop bashing pastors...
May be you should interview some celebrities sometimes..just to spice things up..get a bit more creative..listen to corrections..I believe in you..I like your passion and sincerity..keep that up! Congrats once again!
@anon 3.19pm u shld be ashamed of ur comment i swear. na wa for people o.
congrats linda dear. plese dont make too many changes. domain name is necessary, like and dislike button wont be bad.
Congrats Linda,
That's a great feat you have pulled up with your Blog.
Am still expecting your next Reply to My Message to Add Your Blog On My Blogs On Blogger Directory.
Goodluck and keep doing the good work on here
Congrats! My day is incomplete without coming to your blog. It lightens my day and I laugh my lungs out!
Congrats dear. It is not easy to build such a well-known blog with this huge following.
I suggest you get your own domain name (if you have not already done so) and go self hosting. You may be missing out on a lot of business (and cash) because you are on a free blogging platform. When you are on your own domain, potential business partners will know that you are not just blogging for fun.
You never know what will happen to blogger tomorrow and all you've worked hard for will disappear overnight. #justsaying
Congrats! There are so many things you can do with this blog, some of it has already been mentioned above, but beyond that from a marketing perspective there's huge opportunity with your brand.
That being said I no fit give you ideas for free :) Send me an email, let's talk and work something. PS: It doesn't have to be money, just publicity/exposure for my clients.
Have a great day
I said it here yesterday and i'll say it again today....there is a reason why this blog was ranked 39th and bellanaija came 58/59th. If you no like am, go hug transformer!Hehehehe
@Anon,3.19pm. You are a big clown... If only you could hear yourself. Actually, I don't know why we are all wasting our breath on you because you are clueless with a big C *SMH*.
Congratulations baby! Consistency and dedication pays. I know www.naijawhistle.com will get there soon one day.
Congratulations, Linda. I think you may benefit by hiring a personal assistant. Someone with a Human Services/Mass Communication background since you are very interested in the plight of women and chidren. This person can be your second eye, someone you can bounce off titles of your postings/ideas and someone that can post stuff when you are not able to. Someone that knows about the social happenings in Nigeria that can represent you at parties/functions and report back to you with pics and stories. Someone with the capabilities to scout and present good gists. Good luck. But you should not hire a family member unless you are going to pay him or her. This is business and you need to pay someone. Wish you the best of luck. Dont allow people to bully you Linda, most of them wish they can do what you are doing. Much love. cheers.
Congratulations, one day, it can become one of the most read top five. Keep working hard, and continue to be you.
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