According to the Head of National Office (HNO), Dr. Iyi Uwadiae, out of the 1, 5 million candidates who sat for the May/June, 2011 WASCE, only 472, 906 candidates obtained five credits above including English Language and Mathematics. The implication of this results he revealed was that only 31 per cent would be eligible for admissions into tertiary institutions. He said:
“The percentage of students that made five credits with English and Mathematics is better than last year. This year like other years, the candidates have not done well. The results will not be of interest to you journalists. Many of them do ‘cut and paste’. For this year, 472, 906 candidates (30.99 per cent) obtained five credits above including English and others as against last year of 23 per cent.”
am happy bt @the same time not happy
of course why wount they fail.. blackberry generation.. na to bb and tweet them sabi *rolls eyes*
blackberry is nt the case,their teachers are the problem have u c a school were student are been taught wit different language
this really is sad to read, I can actually attest to this, I finished my high school in Abuja, and I can say we had days were we would come to school, and none of the teachers would come to the class to teach. Now, if that happens how on earth do you expect students to pass their WAEC? it has nothing to do with BB, students are not being taught. Teachers barely speak english.
Yee,ONE Million Candidates FAILED SSCE...Y wont dey fail?...FB, BB,Twitter, Eskimi, Badoo, 2go...Kuramo, Oniru, Elegushi.. .Galleria, Ozone... KFC, Mr. quest,Mtn Proj Fame, Big Brother, Who wants 2 b a Millionaire...Paraga,Opaeyi, Jedi, Alomo...Affairs,Relationships,heartbreaks...Yahoo, 419, Runs, Aristo, Catchin Fun,clubing...Premiership, La Liga...brazillian hair,Bum Shorts, Low Waist, Saggin etc why dem no go fail!
LMAO @ JBLEENK!!! loooolz.funny ass post..but this is a sad thing to read.1million??damn.
LMAO @ JBLEENK!!! loooolz.funny ass post..but this is a sad thing to read.1million??damn.
Lol at jbleenk!
i'm sorry but the blames go right to the government, the teacher and Nigerian parent. little to no blames goes to the kids themselves.
first, the nigerian government provide nothin, no help to nigerian educational system. the teachers lack really badly. some teachers dont even know what they teach. my schooling in nigeria was just fucked up! so many tins are left out. the parents dont even encourage thier children to do better. and this yahoo shit, dat seem to look and sound 'normal'.....damn!
and the diciplinary system is to wack ur kids when they fail or anytin....thank God i left naija! (it might sound wrong) but not all students get the motivation to do better! i was talking to my 23 yr old friend, who resides in nigeria, and she still struggling with jamb. she was telling me how most of the questions in the jamb paper looks strange. oh! and she was a A student when we were both in high school in Nigeria! dat country itself, need teaching! even our president's why cant alter a word witout any flaws being detected. y'all might crucify me for my comment, but the truth does hurt! I LOVE NIGERIA, BUT WE NEED A BIG CHANGE IN EVERYTHING! dis shit put me in panic mode for the next generations! one million failing WAEC is just crazy! (i cant even put into words
@ Anon 4:29pm, please lets not blame the teachers, where are the parents and guardians?
When I was home recently, most of the young people, including my cousins spent so much time all over the place. You see them on Facebook and black berry, unable to compose proper sentences and phrases.
I just had to help several folks revise their CVs, so many grammatical and spelling errors on simple CV.
I agree with jbleenk! Yet they'll tell me when ManU is playing against Arsenal, and about Alomo Bitters.
Funny comment jbleenkmvery very funny
Jbleenk said exactly wat i had in mind when i read dis. We can blame the govt and also d teachers n parents but there re sooooo many shows distractin dis kids today...wen dey shld do reality shw dat is educative na big bro we dey engage in, dance shws, music competitions, not saying these re all bad, but the foundation is still d education...i also went to a public skl bk den in naija, where teachers turned staff rms to oshodi mkt, sometimes we sit at home for soo long cos govt didnt pay d teachers, but dere were pple we emulated den, we knew we wanted to make it in life, we wld study n play, neva a dull moment! extra lessons, even wen dere english bad, some of den still knw deir stuffs...wen we put our head into things we get them done, Nigerians re brilliant but dis dayz, girls just wanna win d crown or be d next big bro winner n d guys wanna go into d studio n sing or do scams, lazyness, no focus...its a shame!!!
This result is a shame to our Educational System...and it needs overhauling....where did they go wrong?......Yes parenys and the students need to take responsibilty but its just the half of it..Nowadays anyone can be a teacher.....just like anyone can be a policeman.....when the foundation is weak...U get results like this.
@ Kemisola
Remove the plank in your eyes abeg #HangingMyHeadInShame
Your punctuations na dieeee!!! Taaa . Please I schooled in Nigeria. I beg your pardon.
1- I'm sorry but the blames go right...
2- ...little †o no blames...
3- ...the Nigerian govt. provide nothing...
4- ...this yahoo shit,that seem †o look...
5-...questions in the Jamb paper looks strange...
6- she was a A student...
7- even our president's why can't alter...
Jbleenk, lwkmd o.
Is this the equivalent of the SATs in America?
@jbleenk lmaoooo
well said jbleenk!
This is massive failure! The world is changing. They say too much of TV, films, face book, blogging, blackberry etc is the cause. I disagree.
It is down to our old belief that reading is the only way to study. The world has changed and we have to change with it.
Maybe the teachers are the ones lagging behind. Why can't we teaching trough facebook by having the whole class in a group with the teacher as group admin reinforcing every lesson in the evenings?
What happens to multimedia? Why can't we use video or audio books instead of just traditional books that must be read?
We need to change our approach otherwise next year will be worse. There is nothing anyone can do about reading culture. It's gone! Lets move on.
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