But it seems the feud is taking a new and more dangerous dimension, after the actresses granted interviews to Hinolly calling each other names on national TV. An Encomium reporter contacted Lizzy and Iyabo...what they each said when you continue...
Lizzy Anjorin: "Iyabo Ojo should be ashamed of herself. If she doesn't stop insulting me I will deal with her. I know she's not the only one, but I will make her a scapegoat. If she doesn't refrain from such rubbish she's saying about me, I will make sure she's chased out of Lagos. She said I opened a paraga shop in Abule Egba, she should tell the public where she opened her own shop. I am better than Iyabo Ojo ten thousand times. She is telling people that I am the one begging for her friendship, who is she? She claims she's older than me, that I should accord her due respect. I respect everybody and I think respect should beget respect. Before I knew it, she started portraying herself as my superior in the industry. She was the one who first insulted me on Hinolly, then when I retaliated in a bigger way, she became uncomfortable. I will deal with her squarely.
When Iyabo Ojo was asked to speak on the matter, she refused to comment, saying she had no time for rubbish.
All these agbayas self.
Yoruba actresses... what else does one expect. mcsheeew.
Make dem shaa take am easy
GROW UP! what an embarrassment on both parties.
Lizzy Anjorin.
Iyabo Ojo.
Lizzies and Iyabos of this world are always quarrelsome, especially if they are short :)
They both have tattoos on the same place,funny enough! they same kind of dressing!
Dear Linda, my own concern is that you address them as, "Star actress(es)". I don't even know these ones. See big adults disgracing themselves, they should continue giving us activity while we grab popcorn and sip Moet. lol
Methinks Lizzy & Iyabo are 'cut from the same cloth'. They are so alike, it is intimidating for them.
@R4, u're a clown. buhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. LWKM
same noni,two of dem get tattoo for body.so expect anyfin,no insults to those wey get oooo.
@Hello Kitty, you're a fool. Here's ten naira. Go buy yourself a clue. That's why Nigeria will never know peace with tribalists like you. Are you saying other tribes aren't quarrelsome or are you just blinkered?! We often hear when actors/actresses of other tribes at each other's throats but you of course have chosen to ignore this. You need schooling. Don't hate the tribe, hate the idiocy of what individuals do. Next time engage brain before commenting.
d sky is big enuff to accomodate all birds so y fight and tussle ova who cam eto d industry first?dis girls abi aunties shd grow up..
2 old women.
@R4 mind your speech and be careful. Don't generalise issues.
R4, well said and funny too. Time they should spend on creative thinking and improving nollywood they spend quarrelling on the nothingness in both of them...Mtscheeeeew
Lizzy Anjorin- Sum total of her contribution to the human race= ?
Iyabo Ojo- Sum total of her contribution to the human race= ?
As for chasing each other out of Lagos and what not, they must think this is a yoruba movie.
Human race cares, why?
whats with the multiple trashy tattoos?
all these mgbekes sef?
I actually like both of them acting,their personal affairs not so much
guess its their egos that's getting to them
awon oniranu meji
i bet one of them is stalking the other ...with the same tattoo,belt ,sleeveless gown and more importantly bleaching cream..and same posing...and lack of education =to razzzzzz
these are the kind of women one should not even bother keeping eye contact with let alone being friends with them.
Decorated nonsense. What a disgrace to both parties. I think its now the hobby amongst actresses to take up discord as profession rather than what they are known for.
"Star" actresses? I didn't even know who they were, well, maybe "stars" in the Yoruba genre of Nollywood films. These two old cargos should grow up, jare which kain nonsense be dis?
Guess these 2 dont know that when u are in the pubblic eye, like they are, one should now how to talk, how to act and how to tolerate one another. it is so shameless how these people talk on media, so shameless
The best comment so far is from R4.
I think the next thing they will do is take each other's name to 'Babalawo'. I am scared of both of them.
Yoruba culture 'allow' people to assume they are older than people who are sometimes the same age as them simply because of wealth or fame.
Anon 3:50 it's not about tribe. You are the one with a shallow mind. Whether ibo or Yoruba, what should an ibo girl whose mum is not too tall and is named lizzy do? Laugh at R4's joke?
Use your brain please.
Lizzy Anjorin again???? she is always fighting with one person or the other in the industry. I think she needs to check herself....last time, it was She-baby, then she had a big fight with her boyfriend that made the headlines. Biko...are you the only one????
I never liked both of them. They should get lost joor.
Hello Kitty's brain cells are definitely frozen and non functional. When AGBYA of all Agbayas-Chioma Topliss, Mercy Johnson and Steph Okereke were beefing everyone, I didn't read any tribalistic comments o. It is why Igbos will always be at the bottom of the barell in nigeria. Nonsense tribalistic yidiots
kekere, well, you should see other posts and how often Igbos come under attack. and we are not at the bottom of the barrel, you dumb fool. or i guess all the people from your tribe are living like kings and queens and there is no poverty?
you can tell they either shop at the same stores or use the same stylists or one is trying to be the other...which might be the reason for their beef.. awon razzness
@ Hello Kitty- Don't just start-oops some peeps don finish you sef...make i no start..lol
Don't so much know Lizzy Anjorin..not much into Naija movies talkless of yoruba ones...
But i respect the hustles of Iyabo Ojo..I don't know what she's been through to perfect her acting prowess, but she is one very good Nigerian Actress that I have seen blending in both Yoruba as well as English genres...
Hustler, yes, but i respect people who don't allow their personal challenges get in their ways of fulfilling their dreams..@ least she works for her money.
Finally, i must add that I am disappointed esp. in the one I know (of course not personally), Iyabo Ojo allowing her emotions get the better of her and totally making a fool out of herself....both of 'em should be terribly ashamed of themselves.
@ all make una never start the tribalistic thing again, i beg una, biko, e jooor! lol
and where is NaMeTalkAm? lol, what can you say now? mtcheww
linda, you need to tag photos or something because some of us can't tell one from the other! Who is lizzy and which is the Iyabo?
Heyyy,you people,The yoruba movie industry is an organised institution. Its not a place where anything goes. When you join the industry,you give respect to the people who were there before you,just like in secondary school where you call people who got into the school before you SENIOR irrespective of age. Its been the norm in Yoruwood before either Iyabo or Lizzy joined it. Iyabo Ojo got into the industry before Liz,Liz ought to accord her that respect but she chose not to cus of whatever she thinks she is. Truth is,I do not blame Liz or even Iyabo for their endless feud,its the so called elders in ANTP who are supposed to uphold the tradition and culture of Yoruwood as well as yoruba tradition who have remained silent that I blame. What a shame,they have kept shut because they are busy chasing and sleeping with young actresses whom in their wildest imagination they would neva hav had the opportunity of knowing but bless their stars for the economic crunch that has driven these people to yoruba movies. Before before na only illetrates dey act yoruba film na,Shior! And Liz and Iyabo,make una fight till una taya una hear? God knows I love the two of you but una dey fall my hand. Liz,if I don't see Iyabo in Lagos again,I know u hav sent her away and if she venture sick or get headache,ur own don finishn remember you are not a Nierin in the first place.
Iyabo has been in the industry before Lizzy, Lizzy sould accord her the due respect (I am not talking in terms of age but seniority) & again Iyabo should know that one doesn't command respect but you earn it. The duo should please drop the shit & concentrate their efforts on how to improve on themselves & the industry.
At Kekere you realize the owner of this blog is Igbo? you have some nerve talking about Igbo folks that way! At Sapele, did you mean to say that she is not Nigerian?
and do that dumb bitch, MERCY JOHNSON IS NOT IGBO! SHE IS FROM KOGI STATE! HABA, please get your facts right.
On 19/08 @12 noon, I chastised Hello Kitty for making a dumb ass tribalistic comment. Kekere then loses focus, after making a perfectly good point, by adding the asinine comment about Igbos being at the bottom of the barrel! Kekere, you just showed yourself to be as tribalistic (and exteremly nasty I might add) as Hello Kitty. Get a grip guys. Life is hard enough without us tearing each other down. There's no need for it.
And peeps, really, is there any need to cuss and be so foul when you make a comment? I don't get it.
@Olodo-Kekere:Im proudly Ibo.I myt b at d bottom of d barrel;buh I graduatd frm Harvard,live xtremly comfortably in my fathr's house at Lekki and drive a pink range sport.
U prolly liv in one of doz shanties at Ibadan/Oyo/Ogun.Yoruba ppl wey no dey build beta hous.Yet u ar at d top.Aturu!@Olodo-Kekere:Im proudly Ibo.I myt b at d bottom of d barrel;buh I graduatd frm Harvard,live xtremly comfortably in my fathr's house at Lekki and drive a pink range sport.
U prolly liv in one of doz shanties at Ibadan/Oyo/Ogun.Yoruba ppl wey no dey build beta hous.Yet u ar at d top.Aturu!
@Anonymous..who cares if u drive ship and not jeep, u can live in the sky and not lekki, nobody gives a damn. pls enough of the show off...Havard my ass, whoknows whether na de money ur baba embezel he take send u to school...pls get a life. stupid una
Iyabo ojo is a stupid woman,
Abeg, all of you shuld please. Shut up.. Wtf do u people knw abt. D industry, to know who came in 1st. Nd who came in last!! I dnt blame all of you, coz u just read all d nonsense dey post nd believe just like dat, nt confirming if d person actually said it!! Jobless people.. Dey re their making their money, u are hear placing mumu comment, s if dey give a fuck about ur danm comment!! Abeg everybody, get a life!
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