Before her death, Nike had been a strong advocated for breast cancer awareness through the NGO, Bloom Cancer Care and Support Centre, where she regularly held and participated in breast cancer awareness programmes. She had been referred to as a breast cancer survivor, before she relapsed a few months ago and died three days ago.
May her soul rest in perfect peace...amen.
this is so sad, may her soul rest in peace.
May God give the families and friends the fortitude to bear this irreparable. She will be missed. Adieu!!
Very very very sad. This Cancer is on a roll and it's almost scary how each day we hear someone else been plucked by Cancer. May God help us...
Aunty Nike you were an epitome of beauty.. I always looked at you and admired each Sunday how you looked. I attend hotr where you worshipped. U were extremely gorgeous. Well spoken and articulate and I rejoiced with you when you testified that you beat it. Ha little did I know that it would return. My heart is heavy but you loved your creator. You served and inspired and u would be missed. The woman to woman department of house on the rock would miss you
Sleep on aunty. Say hello to all the wonderful people we have lost too.
Good night ma
This is so so sad,,,,may her soul R.I.P,,,,,
sleep well sis sad! sad
Condolences to the family.
May her soul rest in peace, she's in a better place.
Uhhhhh, Aunty Nike. I usually use her salon in Shonibare Estate when i'm in lagos. May she rest in peace. Her story was in This Day style a while ago and it inspired a friend who had and recovered from the same ailment.
Cancer is a bitch.
May her soul rest in peace. Amen.
sad news. RIP
God punish cancer! AHN AHN! how many people have to die because of this dreaded disease.
May she rest in peace and her family find comfort.
so sad gone so young..i pray she is resting peacefully in the bossom of our dear Lord..i wonder if she has any children...
Oh no! So so sad. I remember her story in Thisday Style, she beat the cancer before. May her soul rest in peace. Too young.
May she find rest in our Lord's bosom Amen!
It's so sad. May God grant her soul eternal rest in his bossom. and also grant her family the heart to bear this lost. And may God deliver us from this devilish disease.
may her soul rest in peace:)
Rest in Peace sweet sister. God bless you.
May she RIP.
May her soul rest in peace.
This is so sad
At least She lived the end well ,she put out the word God knows how many lives were saved in the process
A short prayer for her family,especially the kids
Btw all we women(especially those of us younger than 30,that seem in good health), really need to take this cancer thing seriously and go for a mammogram at least once a year
aaw, i remember the piece this day did on her years ago. Now she is resting with the Lord. RIP
May her lovely lovey soul rest.Nike would often come to my friends house in G Cappa Estate Lagos, full of joy and laughter!!!! U are in a better place.
When the lush green turns brown, then a season ends and when the breath of life seizes then a life has ended. Sleep well Aunty Nike till the God will call and you will answer, till that day when no resident of God's Kingdom will say i am sick. You were a beauty to behold. GOODNIGHT A RARE GEM
May her soul rest in peace.. my heart goes to women that suffer from Breast Cancer...
OMG!!!! that is sooo sad. i thought she was in remmision!!! this is sad. may God keep her soul and take care of her family.
This is so sad. I lost my mum to cancer exactly two years ago to the day Nike died. May their souls rest in perfect peace.
This is such a shock. I met her last year July and featured her as a breast cancer survivor on an episode of Moments with Mo I produced. I found her extremely inspiring and down to earth. She was such a voice of hope. I truly pray her soul rests in peace. Amen.
May her soul rest in peace. I just heard this morning and it is so so so sad. I attended HOTR and she was one person i always admired and thanked God for when i heard her testimony of how she beat breast cancer.For it to come back aggressively enough to kill her is just heart wrenching. Life can be so unfair. God grant her family the grace bear this loss.
anon 1:17PM, no one s gonna do a mamogramm for a lady under 30....u start from 50 above and if that age has been reduced, it wl be to 45 & +.....def not under 30....a regular check up wt ur gynae while doing ur yearly pap smear sounds good & a better option...if u cant do d weekly under d shower test
R.I.P Nike, may God console your family and friends.
first of all..she was 51.. second she wasn't a lagos socialite..you need to get your facts right..and stop posting things that aren't true.. aunty Nike was a quite lady hardly ever out and always minded her business.she was never at events where socialtes were...go and check it out..she wouldn't want to be remembered as a lagos socialite who survived cancer and later died of it...most of all her son wouldn't want that..please check yourself
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