Casey Anthony walked free from a Florida jail early this Sunday morning, three years and one day after she was first arrested for her role in the disappearance and, eventually, death of her 2-year-old daughter.
The world was stunned by the Anthony verdict. Everyone expected her to be found guilty, but she walked and has been released.
Casey's 2yr old daughter, Caylee's skeletal remains were discovered on December 11, 2008, almost five months after she was reported missing by her grandmother. Her mother, Casey Anthony, failed to report her daughter missing. She was indicted on charges of first degree murder and faced the death penalty.
Casey entered a plea of not guilty, and at trial, her attorney maintained that Caylee died accidentally by drowning in the family swimming pool and asserted her innocence. And on July 5, 2011, the jury found Casey Anthony not guilty of murder and other felony charges.
How could it have been drowning when a duct tape was found on the mouth of the skull later identified to be Caylee's skeletal remains? How did this woman go free? What is wrong with these oyinbo people?
Meanwhile, if this is news to you, you can read all about the case here
there are a lot of people that are after her, so if she wants to live, she better move to another country and change her identity. there are people being harassed on facebook and a lady that was almost killed in Oklahoma for the simple fact that she resembled Casey. this WORLD!
the only thing I don't like about this case is that they gave it so much publicity, yet things happen like this everyday. Parents are killing their kids everyday and we NEVER hear about it. they never get the justice (even though Caylee didn't get justice either) that they deserve or the media attention that they deserve. so while people are going on and on about this case and losing sleep over it, I mean, it happens ALL THE TIME. I just wish they would open it up and give media attention to all the psychos like Casey.
OMG. Alicia spoke very well today. Am proud of u lady. Kip it up.
@ Alicia...The attack on the Casey Anthony's look alike was bogus...You can read more about it here http://www.tmz.com/2011/07/15/casey-anthony-look-alike-sammay-blackwell-attack-car-run-off-road/
@ Linda,Duct tape on the mouth/skull..where exactly?..You actually bought the prosecution's case that the duct tape was on her mouth?
The duct tape was found with the remains and the prosecutors chose to put it on the mouth...besides that same duct tape was found in Gorge anthony's possession.
This case has ended but unfortunately,No one got to know what really happened to beautiful Caylee since the media chose to blow it over the top...This case is deeper than most of us think......Sincerely i think Casey didn't kill Caylee..But she should have gotten more years than she served.
The prosecutors flunked the case when they went for death penalty based on what they feel and their emotions........No,American justice system doesn't work that way..Jose was able to sow in some reasonable doubts..The most obvious...why was Caylee's remains found on the same spot where many people had searched previously?..Why did the line reader(the man that found the remain)tell a family member to watch out for him on the news that's he's going to be rich and famous...Red flag..
The most important evidence,the smell on Casey's trunk..why was there no decomposing stain of a human found on the floor of the trunk?
The Anthony's family is a typical American dysfunctional family...A whole lot of things are going on there....Gorge Anthony knows more than he's telling........Why will he try to commit suicide when people were busy looking for her grand daughter?
And he told people her daughter is retaining water while she was halfway gone in pregnancy?
This is a family that lives in denial......Typical...
And Casey.Oh what a professional liar..It might be very hard to wrap your brain around while a mom will be partying the way she was when she knew her baby was dead...She's living in a big denial and acting it out that way....She made a whole lot of horrible mistakes.....But in conclusion.I think this was a horrible accident that got out of control and they tried to cover up her their asses.
The best part is that beautiful Caylee is resting in a place no one else can harm her.
She was acquitted 4 lack of evidence :(. Won't b surprised if the same happens in Titi's case.
its quite simple. the prosecution failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable ground and she was acquitted based on lack of evidence.Thats how the system works.
Linda, i dunno about american legal system as i've never been there, but from watchin the series Boston legal, i've learnt that in cases like this, all u need to arouse in the jury that gives a verdict is- Reasonable Doubt, once u can create reasonable doubt as to why it couldn't have been casey who committed the crime, there's gonna be a possibility of her walking away a free woman. So i must say that her lawyers worked hard enough to create that reasonable doubt.
To me she's GUILTY, but
The prosecutors really never proof their case,
They can't even said what killed Caylee( RIP),
The cause of death was one of the main KEYS in the case, that's what THE JURY was looking in,
Till this day no one know what killed Caylee Anthony.
Casey Anthony may have been a bad mother who neglected her child but she certainly did not murder the poor girl. This was presumably why she was acquitted
I honestly do not believe she did it.I jst think she was an ignorant and non challant mother who didnt give a fuck about anyone including her daughter.Dats why she never reported her missing.On the other hand,Her Lawyers did a Good Job.thumbs up to Team O.J Simpson and Team Casey Anthony.Wish we had Good lawyers Like Dat In 9ja
it is crazy she may have to leave the US a lot of mothers are pissed off by the verdict. By the way congrats on being an internet mogul saw it on NAIJAGAL.COM fantastic news:)
I believe the real verdict will happen in the next handful of years.
This pathetic example of a human being will not be able to move on with her life. This will follow her until she cracks or something happens to her. Shes a train wreck waiting to happen and its only a matter of time before we all witness it. Just like OJ Simpson couldn't escape it, neither will Casey. Her daughter will haunt her for as long as she lives. I'm sure this disturbed piece of trash will ultimately make money off of this tragedy,but it will be for naught. Whatever led her to the point of harming her own child will rear its ugly head again. She has no impulse control. Take my word Casey, KARMA IS A BITCH! You can bank on that.
@Anonymous 4:50 i totally agree with you. Not guilty does not mean she's innocent. She can smile all she wants for now, but the death of her child will surely haunt her.
This case remphasizes the notion 'proof beyond reasonable doubt'. The prosecution could not prove she killed her child. The defense gave a story that the baby accidentally drowned in the pool and the prosecution could not derail the thought of the jury by proving the child's death was'nt an accident.Casey may not have killed her child but she was very lousy in proving that. I say this because of the events that followed after her daughter's death, where she partied all day and night and got tatoos and stuff. At best , without much evidence for a murder conviction, she was just plain irresponsible;making a report weeks after her child went missing? if she did it , maybe we'll never know, but if she didnt, she was just plain stupid in proving her innocence. The trial is over for her, its now between her and God; conscience or whomever or whatever she holds holy.
However I think this case was over hyped by the media and I think to some extent the media are responsible for the outcome of the verdict because the media threw out much assertions into the public. The public opinion decided and still is deciding the case and not the jury's verdict.
A daughter goes missing for 31 days and Casey doesn't report it? She goes partying and gets a "happy-ish" tattoo? She’s as guilty of sin in whatever way that girl died.
The Prosecution messed up. Maybe they should have gone for a life sentence and not the death penalty.
Such a dysfunctional home.
May Caylee rest in peace.
The case and its outcome were both very disturbing to me.whatever happened to caylee, casey didnt do right both as a mother and as a human being!her just walking away is very annoying but then who are we to judge?
hmmm every time I read this story, I think about the O.J Simpson case. Enough said.
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