Q: When do plan to settle down?
D'Banj: When I see the right person
Q: How would you know the right person
D'Banj: If I see I will know
Q: How about Genevieve?
D'Banj: We're not...(pause) why do you people keep calling Genevieve? That's a long time, we've even got over that. I am single and searching.
Q: Have you talked to God about searching for a wife?
D'Banj: Of course
Q: Why hasn't he answered you?
D'Banj: Who says he hasn't answered me? You never know when it come to relationship. Your best friend might be your wife and you might still be searching. It might be a person that I have dated before or a new person. But I believe God will do it at the right time.
Q: Do you think when you finally get married you will cheat on your wife?
D'Banj: I don't know. I don't think about that but my dad never cheated on my mum
Q: Are you planning to follow his footsteps?
D'Banj: I'm not planning to but I came from him, I must have something in common with him. When I get married, I will know. Right now, I don't.
Q: How do you manage your female fans?
D'Banj: I don't really have many female fans
Q: What do you do when girls throw themselves at you?
D'Banj: They are usually prevented and I don't get to see them because my people around me near me but if I see you and get to like you, then something might go down. It's up to me to decide...
Q: So you don't have a girlfriend?
D'Banj: No, I don't. But that don't mean I don't F**k!
Q: How many sunglasses do you have?
D'Banj: I have more than 100 of it. Mostly designers
Q: What will not never be caught doing?
D'Banj: Fight over a woman. I will never do that!
Q: You are going international now, how easy will it be for you staying in Nigeria?
D'Banj: I did it from here and there is no way that you will mention my name that you will not say the Nigerian-born singer. So, it has changed nothing about me except that I am now a superstar who rocks, wines and dines with Jay Z, Kanye West and a lot of other international artists.
Q: What if they try to mimic you?
D'Banj: Nobody can steal me; nobody can take Nigeria from me. Well, that can happen only if I get married to someone like Rihanna.
Q: That means you are not coming back
D'Banj: Why not, I will bring here.
Q: How is that going to be possible? She won't want to leave her country because of love
D'Banj: With love, nothing is impossible (laughs)
D'Banj and Rihanna? I won't put it past him making a move on her if he gets the chance...badt guy! lol
Q: So you don't have a girlfriend?
D'Banj: No, I don't. But that don't mean I don't F**k!
Hahaha! Really? TMI my brother. Keep it classy! Love you still tho...
omo buruku. lolz
D'bang is a 'player'. He will cheat on his wife big time. That is why he is trying to dodge the question. He needs to go for a P.R. lessons so as to know what word not to use in the public. My personal opinion though.
why nigerians like dey consine demselves wit things wen no consine dem...if the man no wan wed...wetin consine us...hin wan enjoy hinself...wen hin wan settle down hin go do am on hin own time...no one should rush him jo..if i was the guy i fit vex for the interviewer sef...ah ah
Yawn...the guy doesnt even know how to speak. I'm sure its the cockiness...more d'banj and mo'hits stories to come. Stay tuned...
Is Michael Alonge a gay?....you won't expect a man with 2 nuts to ask those questions!
He's a natural. Leave him like that!! I laughed at the f£$k bit....
Q: So you don't have a
D'Banj: No, I don't. But that
don't mean I don't F**k!
Yeah right................... We can deal with that!
Like him though....
Master Dbanj is still a small boy, just frm his answers u can clearly tell! idk what happened with him and genevive but erm don't go that public . over 100 sunglasses "mostly designers" who asked u aba or original?! I'm happy u got signed with good music oh but i just lost that respect i had for u as a person!
wowwwwwwww. he doesnt know if he will cheat on his wife?! what an idiot. clearly that says he will. what a fool honestly
No long thing, abi?
Verygoodbadtguy d'banj
This one na 'hit' and run...
Sorry o, Genny...What were you thinking in the first place?
am a married woman wit a kids av been dreaming of dbanj lately cant tell anyone except u guys if he toast me am done wit dis marriage dats d reason why am goin to d concert here n london finally dbanj u don make me fall in luv
I still think ds might not b d'banj
this interviewer sef.....some questions are just stoopid!
and D banj is an ode...anyone notice how he didnt give any straight answer to any question? its like no then yes.......what an idiota! still love and will continue to rock to his songs though but sense is zero!total airhead. ya'll know if Genevieve hit that it was strictly for the dynamite in his pants(i would imagine) not for his intelligence!
Tina O, why are you even calling Genevieve? how do you know she wasn't looking for "hit and run" either? why do people LOVE to paint Genevieve as the desperate one that is/was "clinging" onto D'banj, when initially when the story broke, it was D'banj claiming to be in love with Genevieve, while she denied it and has never really confirmed it to this day. so initially it was D'banj that started the whole Genny is dating D'banj fiasco. could it have been on purpose because about two weeks later, his Fall In Love video with Genevieve came out. if it was a PR stunt, it was a PR stunt gone wrong. D'banj, don't start what you cannot finish. don't claim to be in love with someone if you don't want people to keep asking you, nonsense.
anyway Ms E, you had me rolling on the floor. you are so right. who the F*** even asked if they were fake or designer? he is sooooo cringe worthy.
as they say, marriage is not for everyone. D'banj, you are not marriage material, so maybe you should just follow the 2face route and leave it at that. in the future, you don't wanna end up like Femi Kuti, divorcing his wife to save his assets, SMH.
so my advice to you, DON'T GET MARRIED (not that i think you will anyway, cause i would pity the woman, unless she doesn't mind and only sees $$$$)
@Alicia well said hi5
Dont give what is holy to dogs or pearls to pigs.....
Poor Genny this guy is such an ass.
I pray genevieve finds agood man hopefully someone who is not in the industry.
Kunle I think I agree with you. A bit of rubbish to be coming from Dbanj. It's not him...
lol see the way he said he was done dating genevive..lmaoo @ all the people insulting dbanj its not like genevive is classy herself! mtcheww abeg make i hear word classy ko classy ni
HAHAHA for all you guys taking this interview seriously, chill o! this is not a guy talking serious sense, apparently he has a sense of humor! lol He is a free spirit, hes a young man, who just clocked a milestone in his career, abeg wuna give him slack, its not like there is something he said in this interview that all of us given the chance wouldnt say/boast! remember that really got catch that you went to bed with, not specifically for a relationship and you later boasted to your girlfriends/guy friends about how good the lay was?? same thing, difference is that it was printed for all to read! and remember that new coach/Louboutin/gucci etc you saved up money to buy and you made sure you got the one that had the designer written in bold letters so no one can mistake the brand? you even made sure to parade it around so all can see..same thing going on here..not saying his interview is professional, but cut him some slack! I love me some Dapo D Oyebanjo!
Mr. Endowed indeed. Thumbs up and abeg use raincoat wella
U guys lets b frank ds is not d'banj. I'v read alot of d'banj interview 2 know dis is not him
I am yet to find out what is so great about this guy!
Q: So you don't have a girlfriend?
D'Banj: No, I don't. But that don't mean I don't F**k!
I just hope those he is fu**king reads this! Stupid Small Boy.....
this has just proved my point that dbanj is a dull head...empty headed black man....
@anon 10:03pm, its not dbanj that is the fool, its the lady that marries after reading this interview that is the babanla ode!!!
@anon 11:50pm, you have a problem, you are a big ode.....you mean you would free your kids and family for dbanj, DBANJ!!!!! oh my lord......
@anonymous 11.50am u r just a foolish and ungrateful woman.God blessed u wit a husband and beautiful children and u want to throw it away fo this D'banj who has no regards for himself not to talk of a woman. May God help u find the true meaning of marriage and have a rethink
@anon 11.50am your just a big fool for saying you wud giv up ur family for this asswipe who doesnt even have a clue of who he is. You shud record what you said and replay it into ur listening. Am sure you're one of those idiots that don't know why they got married.
Q: So you don't have a girlfriend?
D'Banj: No, I don't. But that don't mean I don't F**k!
OMG?! Does that mean Dbanj is F**king Ashawo or what does he mean by this statement?
Celebrities should be careful wiv their response to interviews on the pages of papers or wherever,either u belive it or not some our youngsters look up to them and am really disappointed that he can say that publicly witout any dicretion...Shame on You Dbanj!
I have two comments to make: firstly, is this interview by a Journalist as it is so first grader attempt. Secondly, the so-called D-Banj do not know or care for him should be coached on how to deal with the press. Too ghetto pls.........you do not have to go the n**** route.
Great entertainer but still a facking idiot.
This is not d-banj,
Well all i know is DAMN! Dbanj is a monster in bed!
He is a big time pro in the bedroom department! HE'S THE BESTEST!
interviewer = daft
DBanj = Daft
Daft + daft = double daftness...
Complete waste of Linda Ikeji blog space. Dbanj go and hire a PR team abeg.
Bobby Taylor or one of the other better PR firms can help change your parade...lol
im realy disappointed with some of the comments i see here. wats rong with d'banj baring his mind. u guys are all fake. u would rather prefer he lied to us?
if i read well, am sure d interviewer asked hm how many sun glasses he's got. in return he said 100. a bad belle person is now angry that he went further to say they are all designers. would u expect him to wear aba at his level?
guys, wake up and face reality. D'banj has been sucessful in his chosen field. Ask yourself; have you been in your own field?
he shouldn't be taken seriously...not sure why you guys are getting upset
Anon June 22, 2011 2:38 PM; so it's true he's good to go? Ha! Ha! Mr Endowed....
He's quite immature i must say. He'll learn or he'll keep to this his zany self.
Who is shocked by D'Banj's responses? You can take a man from the village but you can't take village out of the man. He is being himself, plain and simple.
dbanj is having a laugh at you people's expense. And u all have ur knickers in a bunch.
Lighten up ... the dude just has a sense of humor. Stop over-analysing everything
cracking sense of humor
Dumb interview!
@ Anonymous June 22, 2011 2:38 PM
So you have been there? You have yanshed my future hubby *tears! tears! tears!* DBANJ!!!! Kai! Know where you direct ur dis thing. I want you in tip top shape when we jam ok?! As for the woman that wants to leave her hubby, i sorry for you. Dbanj's types are just yansh and go experience. This one will make you wish you were never born in a relationship.loool.
Sweet dude in bed!!
It's amazing how cheap fools become celebrities in this country. One major thing about celebrities worldwide is that they often heve messy lives. In fact, a peep into their messy lives will almost make you throw up. A peep into their lives would make you see how much of bad examples they are. Look at all the celebrities that have been in the news lately. it's usually one sex scandal or the other. Be it Ryan Giggs, Wayne Rooney, Tiger Woods, they all seem to be driven and ultimately destroyed by an inordinate desire for sex. is that really what being a celebrity is all about? Sleeping around? Is that it? Yet someone still says she is in love with D-Banj? God help his sorry soul!
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