Don Jazzy tweeted this morning. "Thanks for ur love and prayers always. Now we can hear IDJA (Its Don Jazzy again) from the world's finest Stars. Thanks again, it's Naija"
Dbanj also tweeted this morning. "Just like yesterday myself and my brother did Tongolo. 7yrs later Mo'
Hits signs with Good Music. Best birthday gift ever. God thank u"
Wikipedia has already added D'Banj's name on the list of G.O.O.D music signed artistes which includes Kid Cudi, Common and John Legend.
Incredible news...big congrats to them!
They better not allow Kanye to filter the 9ja out of their sound, because that is what made them successful.
They should be aware that American business is about using others and the cheapest price possible and that Kanye West is a butt douche... I'm just saying.
Linda Baby, whats up Utunu ;)
SELL-OUTS! anyway, when they ruin themselves, there will be other real artists out there to take their places that won't sell out due to inferiority complex or the highest bidder. some people will never learn. they probably think "America America America" and that is all, especially D'banj's sad interview on the BET thing. i couldn't believe all the stuff he was saying. he seriously has complex issues. Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, blah blah. dude, you sound a little desperate.
But dbanj did mention he did tongolo about 7 years ago. which to me: means he's done with the african influence. it's now the american market awaiting him. yes, the african music will be diluted, why not? if not. and nope, i am not d'banj. But that is what dbanj and don jazzy wants????
What about wishing them well people?? So much negativity from some peeps always amaze me.
Congrats to both and keep soaring higher
@Alicia, stop hating.. If na u u nor go happy? Be happy for them, they have gone international that's it all
Guys i am so upset right now!
Pls celebrate these guys and dont fucking hate on them.U think its beans to be signed to GOOD records? this is excellent news and every sensible person should be proud of these guys and their hardwork! Maybe if we love one another as Nigerians, our country would be a better place!GOSH!
@Alicia, I am not suprised at your comment cos u are a stupid fool! You are full of hate and none of your comments on this blog makes sense! I wish i knew who the hell you are so i can give you a good ass whooping, bann you from using the internet and lock you in the zoo with your other animal mates cos thats where your belong!
I'm so happy for them
dis Alicia girl must be a saddist.....is that how u say ur own CONGRATULATION..there are a lotta afroamerican dudes outta there in the states that kanye could've signed but he opted for our own finest, so is dat not enough reason to be happy for them? isn't it possible that Kanye signed them cos he wanted some afronaija flavour in his G.O.O.D music? Alicia! Alicia!! Alicia!!! If you no like people progress make you go iron KPOMO.
maybe it's time 4 glo 2 revisit D'banj's glo ambasadorial contract. abi what do u tink?
Thread carefully with the very talented but erratic Kanye!
Alicia you have no idea what a sell-out is in arts and entertainment.
If you did you would at least wait for the first song they release after this new deal and then if the content isn't what Mo'Hits would have usually put out then you know that their art is being influenced for good or bad.
If for bad and their artistic integrity is compromised THEN and only THEN can you call them sell-outs.
I agree D'banj sounded ignorant on BET, but on Linda Ikeji's blog you are sounding just as Ignorant.
And when you dress I'm sure you copy pop culture almost as much as D'banj, unless you only wear native dresses, do you have a complex too?
I'm not a D'banj fan, I think his music misleads the youth,and his political affiliation is shameful, but that being said on this particular piece of news I believe you shouldn't judge their artistic integrity before you have even seen the art.
What do you know about Music, Business, or the Music Business?
I don't mean to sound too harsh, Honestly Nigerians can be too negative at times joh!
Welcome to Illuminati Dbanj and Don Jazzy
congrats D'banj.
you are a proof that one can make it without talent.
In today's entertainment,talent is over rated.
well done.
@ Alicia LOL
Please what was he saying?
Big thing popping.
Don't know what to make of this, hopefully it's good.
Their attitudes match, they'll get along :)
Sha congrats to them. Don jazzy your beats are going global...your beats is Mo hits saving grace
This is good, but Dbanj should be careful not only about the good things that comes with associating with KW but also the negative aspect of being around him. God will give him the wisdom he needs
dbanj indeed does have complex issues. I couldnt even watch that stupid BET interview.Mannn nigerians need to stop this mentality of everything american is good. Point of correction: almost everything American is evil. Look at the music industry, the education is going down....I'm an AMERICAN and I'm saying this, so i really dont want to hear noise about ' leave your country if u hate america". Kanye west's music is demonic, dbanj is just going to be one of his puppets that will spew out more demonic music and hes thanking God for it? WOW." Thank you God for allowing me the opportunity to sing/rap about the very things you HATE! WOW!
This is a great accomplishment, personally it took me a while to get Kanye's genius, but that Runaway album drove the point home. My hope for Dbanj & DonJazzy is that this will help them bring back the magic of songs like Tongolo and Why Me, because their latest efforts leave plenty to be desired.
Hahaha @ confirmed on wikipedia... Someone placed D'Banj as an artist, and the editors promptly deleted that info; why? Because there's no confirmation...
Sorry O...
congratulations to them! this is BIG! Mohits is really going places. Cant wait to hear what they come up with.
GOOD music wikipedia is yet to have Dbanj"s name on the list of artist under this label except he has re-branded to be known has hit boy(signed 2001)...lmao
Please, leave Alicia alone. She’s just airing her views and she’s free to do so.
Someone attacked me on this blog, for never making negative comments which made me look like an ass licker, another stupidly said I was a fan of Genny (so what) and was comparing her to Ini Edo’s half nude picture. With Genny i like what i see, with Ini, not so much. Another moron tried abusing me because I don’t speak Ibo.
The cyber world is full of anonymous bullies and it’s a case of damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Leave people to type what they like. The cyber world is to blame and not all the abusive morons out there. It’s now a leveler.
If Alicia doesn’t go with the norm & wants to be negative, it’s her choice. I love the fact that she has the time to come back here with her acerbic ripostes!!!!!!
As for D’Banj and Don Jazzy; good luck to them. They are living their dreams and making money. It comes with a price and they sure know it. It’s their time so let them enjoy. I guess if I met Warren Buffett and Carlos Alberto Slim I’ll be star struck too....
Lord have mercy. The vile that drips out of some of you people is unbelievable.
dis is gud news..it comes once in a mans life to soar, grow and bear fruits...Alicia u suck bigtime#gbam....congrats to them
everyone is entitles to their opinion, why atatcj alicia now? its not everyone that will support. Comment and leave or comment by critiquing rather than insulting
Lol @anon 4.29!!
Damn! annon June 9, 2011 10:33 AM
goes hard on alicia.. Nice one 10:33 . Alicia is a fucking hater
That bitch sucks real bad!
Linda Alicia MUST be banned from this blog! HATER OSHI!
just read the comments *SMH*. Kai bad belle people! na wa!
chilling we all know ur hatred 4 ini edo,go hug transformer joor!!u aint her bitchz,get a life!!! gennys puppet
Anonymous 4:29pm i guess you didnt check it very well,D'BANJ and DON JAZZY has been included to the record label..anyway good luck to them..
Pls stop the beefs and be happy for them, Congrats guys!
there must be something to this sha..i mean are they in the same drug cartel!
all dis so called concerned citizens talkin like if they were in their shoes they wouldnt jump at it...smh at them hypocrites...
Anon June 9, 2011 6:20 PM; You are a fucking moronic cyber bully. Go and get educated and learn how to speak and write/type in proper English. You are obviously jobless and all you do is trawl this blog as a voyeuristic rough trader. It’s so obvious from the way you type that if you indeed have a job, I can pay your one year salary in one month. Crawl back into your anonymous closet and stay buried there. You are a frigging hermie!
now we see illuminati revealed in their music....choi! so my guy dbanj don sell their soul to the devil..damm!!!!well sha!goodluck jona to them o!!!!!!
SMH now Pasuma has been added sef? Soon folks will go to town with this too.. SMH
wetin go happen to Wande Coal,D'prince and the other Mo hits crew? Fela didn't sign a contract deal with an american record label before making it globally.
just wait, you all will be eating your own words. I am thinking ahead right now and i only see D'banj and Don Jazzy becoming puppets to Kanye. everyone knows how egotistical Kanye is, so what do you lot expect from this? Kanye will probably make most of the money from the songs, Kanye will pretty much run everything, MARK MY WORDS! they are now confirmed members of the illuminati and i will not listen to any of their music henceforth. are you lot forgetting how Don Jazzy (a big time producer) and D'banj were shamelessly kissing Snoop Dogg's has-been ass calling him "boss" and all this other stuff because he was in their video for 40 seconds? MTCHEW! and after that, D'banj's BET interview with his inferiority complex and ass kissing. after seeing all that, I ALREADY KNOW what to expect from this Kanye deal. I'm sure they gonna market their association with America to the Nigerian market just to get people to buy their music, since many in Nigeria seem to have that idea that anything American is golden. SMH.
mark my words, D'banj and Don Jazzy will just become puppets under Kanye. they will answer to him.
@ chilling,na ur papa salary u wan pay.dis place na blog spot n I sabi say u be one proud paupa wherever u dey...u can speak all d grammar wey dey dis world but u will never ever be like ini edo.Jealous bitch!!!!
its not abt him signing dem on G.O.O.D....its about dem all puttn deir heads togeda to produce good music and not crap. Its a good news dou n an apprasial for Nigerian music Industry
Ignoramus Anon June 10, 2011 1:27 AM and Ini Edo's alter ego; GTFOOH. You obviously suffer from an inferiority complex! Go and get an education and get rich. Once you’ve done that, you can come and take me on. Nincompoop!
huh..why are u all beefing and fighting alicia when its quite certain that.........don jazzy and d'banj's joining GOOD music shows how they've sold their souls to the satan...............and u knw it..........welcome dbanj and don jazzy to the illuminati cos kanye west and jay-z are real men up there men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so dont be surprised when u c d'banj sings against God, and start speaking in devilish tongue.............cos dis is a certainty.
swaggzkid says
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