Affiliation: Living Faith World Outreach Ministry, aka Winners Chapel
Estimated net worth: $150 million
2. Chris Oyakhilome
Church: Believers’ Loveworld Ministries, a.k.a Christ Embassy
Estimated net worth: $30 million – $50 million
3. T.B Joshua
Church: Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN)
Estimated net worth: $10 million – $15 million
4. Matthew Ashimolowo
Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC)
Estimated net worth: $6 million – $10 million
5. Chris Okotie
Church: Household of God Church
Net worth: $3 million -$10 million
Check out full story on Forbes
Don't this prove my point that this men are business men.
u can say that again...goggle the best biz wt profitable returns n Nigeria and #church# wl come up....they r actually richer than their followers....uhmn God where s ur face:-(
If the writer's previous article (Nigerian Pastor's who own private jets) is anything to go by, these figures are likely to be false. In that article, he claims Pastor Sam Adeyemi owns a private jet but to my amazement, Pastor Sam made a rebuttal 2 weeks ago at his church saying he was just as surprised as we all were to find out he was a jet owner.
it's so sad! won't these Nigerians wise up and stop giving their money to these false prophets! this is part of the reason why i do not believe in going to church! SMH.
@koinonia, you are right. I was in that service when Pastor Sam said he was surprised to read that "he owns a Jet".
Mfonobong Nsehe writes rubbish at times and yet when his rubbish gets called out, he never bothers to write a rejoinder.
I mean, who won't want to write rubbish when they get paid by one of the largest online publisher (forbes)
alicia or whatever you call urself,am so sorry for u. so ur reason for not serving God and worshipping in a church is cos of what you think pastors do.ure a goner my dear.
now to all, there are bible principles to wealth creation.observe it and get your sucess. The blessings of God maketh rich and addeth no sorrow.period
Am doubtful of the figures. @Alicia advice them to also wise up and stop giving their money to "night of a thousand Laugh" and others shows that adds no lasting worth to a man's life
where is our Papa, Pastor E A Adeboye of Redeemed Christian Church of God, He should be number first or second, u and i knw that
I don't think these figures are accurate. Income doesn't get reported in Nigeria the same way it is in other parts o the world.
I've got no issues with a man of God being wealthy. I go to church with tithe and offering and believe that Gos is steering me to the right place.
Church is business. God's business. And He God is not about to allow people calling His name to hang their heads in the halls of power. If you know anything about the Bible a lot of the men mentioned were exceedingly rich and others not so much. Which if you look at the landscape of Pastors in Nigeria is evident as well. We have our Davids, Solomons, Jobs, Josephs, Isaacs as well as our John the Baptists, Moses',Elijahs and Ezikiels.
Not to say all of them are innocent lambs, but to each his own.
How about you get up in arms about the people who are raping Nigeria of it's natural resources and talent.
Google needs to adjust it's search engine the most profitable business in Nigeria is being a member of the house of rep.
All I'm saying is you do not have to give your money to anyone. If you are not convinced said Pastor is legit then go elsewhere. To each his own oh.
I know Mfonobong Nsehe wishes he could be a pastor since he's so preoccupied with their wealth. Don't believe the hype folks
Christian who is overjoyed her Pastor is wealthy.
that is why i love deeper life when i go back to naija i am so attending that church....@least the pastor doesnt acquire wealth like others and holiness is the watchword of the church....its better than all this prosperity. afterall the bible says: seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you.
by the same writer that credited Sam Aadeyemi with a non existent bird?
how did he even arrive at this figures?
This guy needs to go and get a real life and stop writing crap.
Forbes just lost credibility in my eyes for employing such crap.
These are beer parlour gists and i am not even a fan of these pastors.
When Sam Adeyemi said that he does not own a jet, Mfonobong Nsehe wrote it on his blog that Pastor Adeyemi refuted the claims that he owns a jet. But these pastors got money!
So what's the fuss all about? A fan likes Wizkid & buys him a car. I love my pastor,i give him a house. Big deal??? You go to church, you aint forced there...
You never can tell only God know the true man of God
Only God know
@Anonymous 9:52am, leave Alicia alone, im a christian myself and i dont believe in organised religion so theirefore i do not go to church. Going to church does not guarantee you heaven. it is your personal relationship with God that will count at the end of the day. some people just go to church to show off and to let people know they are christians, eye service of the highest order.
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." - Matthew 19 v 24.
I don't think a pastor should be a pauper, but my eyebrows raise involuntarily at stupendous wealth such as this in a society like Nigeria, where over 70% of people don't even make 1% of these quoted figures in a year.
I agree with previous posts, this dude has written a load of crap on numerous occasions. He shouldn't be writing for Forbes.
The reality is that Churches are now businesses (most)but the most unfortunate thing is the many Nigerians still hold up Pastors like gods. They are humans and would have flaws and so people should start to use wisdom. Does not mean you should stop enjoying Church or serving God, just use wisdom.
Hmmm and Adeboye no dey this list.....bullocks
Alicia continue to search for a church that your spirit agrees with jare....And if you cant find one (cos i know it can be difficult in naija) small house fellowships is another route to go.
i pity you oo alicia never run a man of God down i've come to learn that he has no issues to settle with you but his maker who called him
alicia it sad that you condemn so quick with your mouth.Did God personally tell u they are fake prophets?if he didn't it is best you don't judge leave everything for the lord. Linda thanks for this post i like it because it shows the life of prosperity,wealth,victory that God has called everyone of us to live.It sad that peeps like alicia and co. still choose to live the not so victorious life for they still don't know Jesus gave us HIS riches in exchange for our poverty so in theory, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE POOR because you will be living a life other than that God has called for you.
everyone blinded in this world will always find fault with God 's kids living large but its perfectly ok for lady gaga,rihanna,oprah to live large and own private jets smh
anyway i'm glad i'm living the RICH,VICTORIOUS,GOD-KIND of life(ZOE)
Ask yourself this simple question? Which man of God in the Bible was poor and which one was rich?
This doesnt mean anything abeg!
Go to church and pray to your God. Leave these Pastors alone.
so being a man of God means you should die in penury?
Doesnt you Bible tell you that the earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof? Go and preach the gospel and spread the truth of God as you know it.
Sir talk wasnt Jesus the bargain that God used to save the world. Weren't Job and Boaz one of the wealthiest men that ever lived weren't they still the Sons of God? Does that make God a business man.
Alicia go to church and stop using the pastors as an excuse. Anyway please dont go so that you dont pollute those who are still trying to work on their salvation ( sorry just kidding please go).
ALSO how do you know who is a false prophet or otherwise? did the Holy Spirit tell you that?
I doubt it because if You are truly led of God the way you rain insults on people, i doubt you have such a relationship with the Spirit of God.
hmm..............ill really not call them fake. so what if they are good at what they do and make money from it? abeg, lets stop all these. they DO NOT beg for money and they are RICH
why would you say such things if the word if God says that we are entitled to riches cos Christ died for us please why shouldn't we see the evidence in the Pastors. anyway u will not go to heaven based on who your pastor is but rather based on your personal relationship with God.
Bishop Oyedepo keep up the good work your teachings have been a blessing to my life especially your book "Satan get lost"
Anon June 9, 2011 9:52 AM
I love every bit of your comment! #keepitup
btw, I don't like anonS sha! lol
He verified ownership of the assets he claims, yet how did he arrive at the value of the assets?
Did he see the P & L statements? Did he see the tax returns? The dude needs to go and sit down somewhere...
Is it the CHURCH that is worth all this money OR the pastors themselves?
I am still waiting for the day that the flock at the church will be as equally rich as the pastors. That's what I'm waiting for that time to come. I am totally NOT advocating that a pastor must wear patch-patch and look destitute because that isn't God's plans for any of His children. Yes, there were men of wealth in the bible as someone as mentioned, Boaz, Job etc but were they preachers? NO! There were business men working in cattle, farming etc. None of these men were full time preachers as these people that have been listed are so I don't think that argument holds water.
How much are these preachers paying themselves in salary? Is the house they live in owned by the church as the parsonage or it is their private dwelling? The cars and in some instances the planes? Who does it belong to?
Church members have brains and have a full right to enquire about the usage of their tithes and offerings which are supposed to be used for the upkeep of GOD's house. I refuse to let anyone tell me that I shouldn't question a man of God etc. God is ABOVE reproach NOT a man of God! He is a man and if his actions are questionable which God's isn't then he is to be subject to review in a respectful manner.
People go dey place pastor on a gold gilded pedestal like say he no dey go baffroom, PUHLEEZEEEEE! NEVER! If you are shady, you are shady!
Pastors???????? Ah, yes, Pastor Albert Odulele, the convicted paedophile comes to my mind…
Even Temi Joshua?
Wow at all the sheeple!!!
how did they get this rich,n some of there members can barely feed themselves,now i know church is real business
Only in Africa People rubbish men of God, if God is the creator of all things it is no longer an argument that the best is reserved for they that diligently serve him. and those of you saying Church is a business venture why cant you open one, or someone stopped you from doing that? men you guys need to be updated in your thinking. It is true that the Earth is of the Lord and the Fullness thereof
I am tired of these dimwits who rejoice at the ill gotten wealth of these self appointed men of gods - who worship materialism & money above all else.
You rejoice at their riches yet you have none; what does that make you blind followers of men? Fools! I pray you remain blind till your end whilst these men continue fleecing & deceiving you to give what they cannot even give to God.
seek first the kingdom of God and ALL other things shall be added. this is the scripture these men are living out.
Chei Naija people don become dimwit finish! First of all donations (tithes/offerings) should not belong to the pastor period! He should be paid a sum/salary commensurate to a standard befitting his status.
Why should anyone be proud of the vast accumulation of wealth when the church (just like the early church in Acts) should be a conduit of distribution to the needy in society.
These pastors would still get the honour they seek from the world (it appears that's the focus for a lot of them in Naija
& America) if the published accounts reflecting the said
millions were used for charitable works.Matt 25:31-46
All of you praising them & genuflecting at the altar of their
opulence, may you not be found wanting on that day seeing that you support them without holding them to account. They are mere mortals like you.
When He requires of you what you did with your talent, please tell Him you gave it to your MOG to buy jets rather than help the needy. Matt 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-28
Please people talk sense. How many olodos do we have in school? Does that mean the teacher or professor isnt teaching and imparting his/her knowledge? No sometimes people want it easy and wont learn the right way.
So dont blame the teacher if you come out still a mumu.
I am a big Oyedepo fan and I watch the services online sometimes from here in the US. I also have many of His books as well as those of other pastors. I can tell you that I have put some of the principles which are backed with God's word into practice and I see it working for me in ALL areas of life.
"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge."
Hosea 4:6
So its more than going to school, but what are you learning in there?
God is no respecter of persons, and we all start off with the same amount of grace. Its the anointing that makes all the difference. Many people never do anything with the one that they have. They accept fear instead of faith, they see themselves as grasshoppers, when they are bigger than the so called giants in the land. They go through a slight problem, and they cry and say "God has forsaken me", instead of "we are well able to overcome the land." God looks down and cringes...His children dont know their identities, they dont acknowledge their inheritance.
If God asked all these people to go through the hardships and trials these men had to go through, many would rather just die instead.
Those that know their God shall be strong and mighty and do great exploits! Daniel 11:32
Dont focus on other people's paths in life, move ahead, learn Gods principles and seek Him 1st and just like them, ALL will be added onto you.
Dont limit God to what you think of Him because reality check, you might be dumber than you choose to acknowledge.
Its better to be a fool and seek knowledge than to act like a genius and end up with nothing.
Even Jesus was about His Father's business (Luke 2:49), so go be about yours. One thing is certain, if you put God first in whatever arena He has called you to be, He will bless you, because it is through us that His glory is seen to the world. (Romans 1: 18-23)
Men are not smiling utunu! I need to open my own church. Thank you.
@Doll, I couldn't agree more with you. Right on point! Where were you guys when they started from the scratch? There is always a story behind every glory. Go and find out the facts.
Why should they even be 'worth' any amount, like rich business people or celebrities are refered to? They are pastors for goodness sake. Anyway God knows everything.
LOL Pastor Chris Okotie would have been a lot richer, if not that he keeps spending it on his presidential campaign every year
And this is why it takes man longer to prosper. We worry about and envy what others have, & forget to focus on our own assignment so more can be added unto us. Next, many assume that it is with the congregation's money that these pastors became rich. Last I checked, there is something called stock market, where your little hard earned money works for you & doubles or triples. Finally,"As you think so shall you be." Think weak & poor, & you will be weak & poor. ~ Evelyn Salt
you all should read 1timothy 6:6-11 and see that life is not only about how much money you have.
Seems like the only time I agree with Alicia is on the Men of God posts. Don't mind these brain-washed people.
i want to become a pastor or work for the government so i can make money and become rich...um i mean steer people to righteousness and move my country forward!
@ Beloved USA really? So the poor people who climb okada to those churches and give the pastors their hard earned money do not serve God diligently?LMAO
@doll thanks for that
hahaa the funny thing is that all you mugus condemning them are all poor! yes because no rich person will hate on another rich person only poor people keep complaning.
like stacey said its ok for celebrities who promote satan,nudity and drugs with their music to live large right?but when it come to born agains you fools get mad.well stay there blinded and keep judging and suffering while we keep preaching the gospel and living the good life
I Love You So Much Mimiheart.
All of you that sit on your computers and critise Men of God that walk with the Holy Ghost are under deception by satan.
Jesus said in His word to the Pharisees that you can insult Me but not the Holy Ghost. That if you do, it is a SIN that can NOT be forgiven. The Pharisees said Jesus was using demonic powers to cast out devils but instead they were talking about the Holy Ghost. That is why it is imperative that you should not critize a man of God because if you do so,you are insulting the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost is God,if you are not sure about a pastor let God be the Judge of him, leave it to the almighty God.
@Alicia its unfortunate you've stopped going to church,because the church is there to build an individual up.When you walk away from the light,darkness automatically takes over.Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is sent by Jesus to be the light of the world,therefore it is not late to come into that glorious inheritance in Christ Jesus.
Ok CHI did you ever hear of Moses.. he controlled everything that was brought out of Egyptt!
Lets talk of Zechariah whose garment and that of all th priests of OLD were made in gold ( as in their breastplates)
There was also Daniel, Shadrach, Mischach n Abednego wo after surviving the fire trial were likened to GODS and treated as such!
So please dont talk about men of God all in one basket if you have come across bad ones then you have to check yourself cause EVIL ATTRACTS EVIL!
My Pastor BEN AKABUEZE is precious and may God bless HIM
Bishop David Oyedepo $150million??? I dont think u know wut ur saying. He's worth way way more than dat plzzzz....I live directly under his nose o, so i can boldly say that!!!!
Glory to God.When u see a man that is succeeding find out what it is that is making him succeed.there must be something he knows that u donot know.These men of God are living the word.If they donot how will we know that the word works.
There are three irrefutable keys that makes a man rich;
1. The demand for what you do
2. The ability to continue what to do
3. How difficult it is to be replaced.
These pastors are solving people's problems, their annointing makes them needed. When you discover your true purpose as a man, you will also walk in riches too. They have discovered theirs and they are walking in it, so go and find yours.
May jah b praise
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