She tweets,
I was gonna wait until my radio show to address this but I want to say this now. I trusted someone that worked 4 me & allowed them to use my laptop a million times, I caught this person sending my pics to themselves and I fired this person immediately Wiz & I & both of our families have known about this for 2 months now. We tried to prepare ourselves for this day. Those pictures r 2 1/2 years old just sitting in my computer. I'm really hurt & embarr#!@%*#ed because I have so many young girls that look up to me. I would never put those pics out of myself.More of her tweets and the nude pics when you continue. But we warned, it's very graphic!
The company that I was working with no longer wants to work with me because of these pics and that prevents me from getting money to take care of my family. Its a messed up situation when someone so evil comes into ur life and tries to destroy it. I know I'm not the only girl in the world that has taken pics like that but they were very private. I'm sorry for letting my young Rosebuds down. Pls understand this was a result of trusting a person that didn't deserve my trust. I have cried for the past 2 days but I know this to shall p#!@%*#. Thank u for all of ur support.You think the biz she said she lost is the music meets runway event she's supposed to be hosting in Lagos July 7th? I doubt it! Meanwhile, people in the fashion industry who have seen the naked pics were quick to point out that the shoes she's wearing in the pictures only came out last year.
To see the naked pics...go here
Lol... Amber was a stripper @ Sue's Rundezvous up in Mt. Vernon, there's nothing she has that 10k dudes and women havent seen, touched or enjoyed...
That's my word...
Hmmm...I wonder if she'll still be invited to that fashion event in Lagos. If she is, then i'll know that the organisers are just as bad and aren't true Africans.
I Will SHAG' Amber even if she has HIV...
Kai! Shege! Mallam Garuba! See toto! I swear, if she come s for that event in Lagos, I go catch am f..k her die, Insha....
she shld ve sue them b4 now, dats if she is saying the truth
once a hoe, always a hoe. what business does a self respecting woman have putting her fingers in her vagina and taking pictures? i aint judging but pls dont try to make urself out to be a saint
OMG..am so F$$king HORNY Amber.....
My goodness see babe...chei i'm definately skin diving this, with no remorse, no fear, no thinking....straight from the back!!!!
Ah, she has a vajayjay and not a dick after all!
anon 10.40, thank you jare.how can a decent woman be doing this and taking picture? she was a striper, its just that when these people strart to "hit it big" they start seeing themselves as some posh thing. there's nothing strange about this cos she has touched that and even worse in all her years and never expected it wld haunt her someday. before they call me backwards, i live in a posh part of england and not everyone poses like this, so dont tell me its the norm abroad.
LOL, and that ashawo will probably still host that event in Lagos. anyway, i can't believe in this day and age, prostitutes are being glamorized. they claim she is a model, but what type of model. fashion model or "booty" model?! okay, and she dates rappers cause of their money. PLEASE, tell me what she is famous for other than selling herself to the highest bidder? and out of ALL people, some Nigerians chose Amber Rose to host, shame!
That girl got a premium body. Will beat the brakes outta that ass. Hoes be definitely winning. Never wife them.. Sad part is she thinks she a role model. laughing hard
Lol see how they caught her! 2 1/2 yrs ago but your wearing new shoes. Even if that's not true why would she keep such pics for so long??? Then give someone to use ur laptop constantly? Sometimes these ppl do it on purpose, you knw they dnt hv shame. Anything for fame! Hope she gets a reality show soon so she can stop this celeb serial dating and hv proper endorsements. This is really low...if she was a Nigerian they may hv withdrawn her from hosting that fashion show but you know how it is...
Linda, there's nothing wrong with what Amber has done, whether one pic of herself engaged in self pleasure or 10,000 graphic pics for personal use, it's her prerogative.
However, it's very wrong of you to add to her personal embarrassment by posting the pics here. What good will it do anyone to have them here?
lets talk truth, anon 10:40pm, if youre a lady, im sure youve probably done the same before you just didnt take the picture, infact all ladies have done this just not many were stupid enough to take the picture...she has a great body though...linda you suppose censor am o, these pics are NSFW....
Linda, was it necessary to put up the nude photos of a stripper here? You may as well send us the link to your favorite porn site! and, what young girls look up to you Amber?!!! You do take yourself too seriously, thankfully, no one else does!
Lol @ Anon 10:31pm! E be like say you been dey read my mind my brother...d toto dey ripe well well. Shege' Jaguar! I wan chop too!! You fit chop after me. Lmfao.
Right Click... Save as... Wiz's Bitch... LOL HUGE
June 30, 2011 10:40 PM
Lmaoooo...can't believe u actually typed that rubbish. What has self respect got to do with fingers in her nookie? Smh...them go just collect your husband. Keep doing republican style you hear. Or maybe you are just jealous of her banging body Jare. And if you are a man STFU already...na ur type dey ask for anal and menage a trois. KMT
Lord forgive me. After all my prayers tonight, they sent Linda to tempt me. Laugh. But it's mean to steal and sell someone's nude pics notwithstanding that amber herself shouldn't have taken such pics.
But hey Everyman to himself. You do what you think is right till the day you realize better. A true Christian or Muslim wouldn't criticize but pray that they stop doing self-destructive things. The self destruction here is not even the pic itself, it is the fact that over and over this happens to people. Can't it get into the brain that nothing is hidden with technology. Next time use iris password for such delicate materials.
Aunty Linda. Please take these photos down jor. This is not even your "oops" nude pic. This is hardcore pornography and should have no place except extreme xxx website, not to talk less of this blog.
This really shouldn't be here. Post a link elsewhere for those who want to go see it.
BTW... even though you put up a warning saying "very graphic", most of your readers wouldn't expect the photo to be extreme hardcore stuff.
I still love her and I hope her promoters could simply ignore this.
Amber is like anyother girl. Stupid, and too carried away by their body and things like this are bound to happen. Ive caught my chics with pictures like this on her phone several times and I sometimes get turned on by them. This isnt such a big deal abeg.
Tu Much
leaked my ass..
Kardashian wanna-be..
It is really really unfair.................ok,,,accepted this is her nude pics,,but for GOD sake,she trusted someone with it.......why stab her behind.....?
Please remove these hardcore pornographic photos from the blog.
They have no place here.
Despite the warning, this is too hardcore for anything other than a porn website.
Now dis is what every young females vjay jay should look like. Starting from now if ur vjay jay aint looking like amber rose......plzzzz dont take nude pics or rather never have sex.Lwkmd
the real story is dat she sent those pictures to nicki minaj's boyfriend sarafee via bbm...sarafee said he aint 'doin' her anyway
All these people talking skin diving and shagging Amber Rose even if she has got HIV just make me sick.
This is the mentality that is killing african women off in droves.
Pls Linda the pic is tooooo graphic , abeg.Your blog is not a porn site pls.
This Amber is really endowed. What a body! Kanye and Wiz are really enjoying o. What will it take me to shag such a whore?
wat da fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wat was she tinkin when she took dose pic... any way, her pu$$y make sence
wow....gotta say Hawt Pics....Wiz Kalifa is really enjoing something here. lol. but babe u shuld have deleted those pics if u werent using them again. dont worry the storm will soon pass.
Kinaan, in defence of anon 10.40, not everyone is wired to thinking about sex 48 hours a day. I am also a woman and i have NEVER done this to myself. Its just plain joblessness and a perverse mind. are you aware Kanye west made her sign a document to keep her lips sealed about their sex lives when they were together? that just tells you how dirty it must have been. btw, people like this who are perverts never seem to get enough sexual satisfaction and usually continue to explore worse ways to get satisfied. it never happens, unfortunately. It was a sales venture gone bad. She is a high class prostitute or, sorry, escort. she sent the pictures out to try and take nicki minaj's boyfriend and it backfired.
if i hit this...am gonna castrate myself there is just no point f*@kin anymore aint no p*&@y gonna be as sweet as this... this is the peak of all punanies damn!! i bet i wont last 2secs gonna cum immediately i slide in shiii
all the men who love this pictures only want a chance to hit it. you wont keep her a wife or take her to ya mama.
Was leaked. Yeah, right!! This is what happens when talented people chose to go the stupid route and date fame whores, they get a taste of fame and anything is game. Why would anyone take a pix of themselves and store it in this day and age unless, it is to profit from it. Never did Pamela Anderson,Paris, Kim and even Laurence Fishbourne's daughter any harm. This unfortunately, is the society in which we live in now.
Linda,i beg no comot the pics o!
i need to right click and save after work o.
na just comments i dey read now.
Whao!!!Reminds me so much of an ex in Nigeria,...M.M.A. here i come.
This woman turns me on each time i see her, now she's gone commando..am 'WANKING' on this pix.
Ye Ha!!!
What's all the fuss...show me a woman that's NEVER 'Wanked' herself..Go on show me?
Her virgaina looks tight...just my type.
Anon July 1, 2011 9:46 AM; thanks.
Kinaan is a cretinous pervert to say "infact all ladies have done this." How many ladies do you know? Big hiss.
This will get the publicity she wants. Fading star....
raggedy express road
To All Those Saying "D Pictures are Hardcore Pornography", U were warned, Why did U click d link in d first instance?
Now you got naija girls all out posting trash about AMBER'S leaked pictures. All these God loving, funny looking, my daddy's house is huge, I don't touch my Vjay-jay are the reason I don't do naija girl's no more. I don't do naija girl no more because they come at you as JESUS and then turn to AMBER ROSE at sex time. You all know what am talking about, right?
Well, she looks great naked...but that's no reason to share it with the world. Keep it behind closed doors and leave something for the imagination.
Please where can i get anal bleaching in Naija oh! That is my own!
i think we are all missing the point here...who took the pictures? if you'll just check out the camera angles, this was professionally done. so,about these being her private stash; well.....i dunno!
Like someone rightly said, she's just a Kardashian wanna be!
two fingers in the hole. xoxoxoxo... laughing in greek..
not every woman puts her fingers up ... i haven't. kinaan - your world must be very small & narrow if you think all ladies do it
I wonder why she is sad of the pics. she should be very proud mehn. Those stuffs she got called a body, Holy God damm it, are endowed, blessed and angelic. I wish all ladies can have such beautiful and clean art of God btw their legs
ALICIA IS RIGHT! off all d celeb nigeria would have chosen to host the show,they hand to pick this second hand hoe......shame!!!
Yeezy thaught her well!!
Its hypocrisy that will kill nigerians. that is all!!
Its hypocrisy that will kill nigerians. that is all!!
Its a free world people! Isn't that what happened to the congress man, Anthony... When people decide to endulge in porn, and it comes out to the public, then they find excuses. If she still host that Music Meet Runway thing! Then I know all the sponsors are fools...
Here is another perspective on the Amber Rose situation from America's Most Outspoken Artist! Let me know what you think and enjoy!
Lance Scurvin
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