Fernandez is alleged to have beaten his younger brother David Galarriago to death at their home in Jacksonville, Florida, in March. The two-year-old died from a fractured skull that caused bleeding on the brain. He died two days after being admitted to a hospital. An autopsy showed the injuries were caused with blunt force trauma consistent with being punched in the head. Fernandez had previously assaulted his brother and broken his leg.
Prosecutor Angela Corey said: ‘We have to protect the public from this young man’. She recommended that he face trial as an adult. Ms Corey said the public had a ‘right to be protected’ from him. If Fernandez were charged as a juvenile and convicted he would be free by the time he is 21.
Prosecutors decided to charge Fernandez as an adult rather than a juvenile defender after reviewing his history of violence and behavior. ‘The fact that we indicted a 12-year-old in and of itself is a stunning event and a sad event in our prosecutorial lives that we had to do this, but it is the only legal mechanism that we can use to protect the community from this particular defendant at this point’.
According to an arrest report, Fernandez was looking after his younger brother at their home on the 11000 block of Alden Road, while their mother Biannela Susana was out.
When she returned to the family’s apartment she found the toddler unconscious. Instead of calling for an ambulance she wiped his face clean of blood, changed his clothes and put ice on his head, hoping it was just a concussion and the boy would wake up.
Source: DailyMail
What a truly sad story. Do you think a 12yr should be tried as an adult and sentenced to life in prison? Or maybe they should take him to a mental institution instead?
Charge him...mos def
So sad...what is this world turning to eh?
Everyone deserves a second chance. What good will come out of locking him up forever? He should be tried as a juvenile and ordered to take anger management classes.
This is an evil child. Some one like this should have died at child birth
so sad. since he is still juvenile, he should be charged as such and taken to a reharb or something. that would help him better.
Cute face of a cold blooded killer!! The devil is indeed on rampage, how else does one even begin to explain this???
Did i hear some one say "He should be tried as a juvenile and ordered to take anger management classes"??? Pulessss, anger management my a**. this boy is possessed and anger mgt wont do jack. he needs to be locked up while prayers go on on his behalf
This isn't a case of anger management issues. The prosecutors most likely have seen that he has sociopathic traits even though he is too young to be diagnosed with anti-social behaviour disorder. No amount of therapy will change that. The truth is if he is ever released he'll most likely again
brother from hell.
end times i tell you!!!
erm if you leave this one he may end up killing his parents...please sentence him for maybe 10yrs and during that time he should be attending the anger management class BUT pls dont release him ooo for the safety of others. im sure he is one of this kids that threaten his parents....train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it na so the bible talk....all this onyinbo people no dey like beat their pikin( beating is not always advisable but trust me a lil bit of it helps..trust me) afterall the same bible says spare the rod and spoil the child...
The actions of the mother speaks volume. A kid mostly becomes what's made of, either through blood or enviroment. His decisions are simply based on that. He cannot really decide for himself, so I think the prison is not the way forward, change of perception to live should be their most important priority.
His first chance was when he broke his brother's leg. At his second chance he killed the boy. What more does he need to do to prove that he needs to be locked up and rehabilitated? He is a child but he's a very dangerous child.
wow,this is one angry kid....maybe his family shud be probed.he shud be tried as an adult as he's old enough to know what he's doing...i jus hope he sees the light along the way..
Some of these kids have no redeeming values. Definitely won't want him out in society, and locking him up till he's 21 will only make him a hardened criminal when he gets out...
Death penalty, maybe?
death penalty?? too harsh!!!
send him to a home for mentally disturbed children.
First of all people have we considered of the fact that this boy's intention might not have been to kill his brother, 2ndly, he is far too young to be accountable of what they are charging him what he needs is rehab bcos we all make mistakes sometime and we all need someone to help and pardon us.
@watermark n @anon 8:48..u guys r just yarning balls...he should ve died at child birth n dey should give him death penalty?..rili?..my own is that if this boy were to be having an affair with an adult...they will say he is incapable of giving consent...now he killed someone they want to lock him up for the rest of his life?..me I think he should go to juvie and he should be having sessiosns with a psychiatrist for the duration of his sentence. He did something wrong n he should not be locked away for the rest of his life...they should accord him with the same leniency they will ve
given him were he to have committed any of the crimes which they claim kids can't commit...this one is too much for a 12year old boy. Plus hus mum needs to take him for deliverance.
There is a force greater than the boy working on d inside of him. I think he needs deliverance b4 its too late
dis is extremely psychological..dis boy nids 2 be institutionalized nd he nids anger management...hez probably angry he isnt an only child or maybe his parents love d younger 1 more in his opinion...der r cases wr elder children r jealous on d younger one..especially if dey hv bin an only child 4 a while..in dis boys case i think dt mite be d situation...he nids crious mental attention.
a deliverance session with 40 days dry fasting@CLAM can solve this lol
for me,i think charging him to court and sending him to life imprisonment would only harden d boy d more.
although a 12year old child is no small boi.
will he be kept in a separate room, or he will join other guys who wont be of help to him?thereby not allowing d purpose he was lock up to be fulfilled.
It such a pity dat wat would ve warranted dat anyway?it is well o!!!!!!!!mothers please know who u live ur child or children wih.
Kudos to these pple!!!
American children in 2011 are VERY intelligent. They can sell u and act like nothing happened. And because of the law, u can't beat him to nonsense the way he did his brother. So, he will keep on walking around invincible.
Best thing they ever did. Children here can act like their craniums are hollow.
I don't fink d boy has anger issues,dis is basicly a psychopathological problem,d boy need to be locked up not in a prison but in a psychiatry home
if he did that at 12years think of what he's going to do when he's 18years
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