Asked whether she will quit acting after her wedding, the sultry actress answered in the affirmative, declaring that “I’m going to quit acting.” She disclosed however that she is planning to go into television and also, to turn a movie producer.The actress is getting married in a four-day event this August. The court wedding on the 25th, the traditional on the 26th, the white wedding on the 27th, and the thanksgiving on the 28th.
If this report is to be believed, it means another talented actress is forsaking her blossoming career after getting married. Hopefully she's quitting because it's what she wants and not because she's being forced to. Will you be sad to see her leave Nollywood?
Oh please! Maybe her hubby is rich and she no longer needs nollywod chicken change. But why quit because of a man? How many men quit their work for their wives? Mtchew! Maybe its because of their bad rep and they dont want to be forced to cheat on their husbands for movie roles. Lol jk. But Dakore and now Mercy? There must be more too nollywod than meets the eye. And has anyone noticed some of the bad actresses that keep appearing in these movies time after time are very trashy? How else do you think they get thar jobs? Mtchew. Anyway, nollywood is very time consuming so I understand. At least now we can hope to see fresh, new faces.
linda, you 2 sef, na you dey fuel so much hate comment for this you blog with your toungue in cheek writings. u are always moving like a maradona or what do one make of this statement on mercy johnson quit acting...story...
.....'If this report is to be believed, it means another talented actress is forsaking her blossoming career after getting married. Hopefully she's quitting because it's what she wants and not because she's being forced to. Will you be sad to see her leave Nollywood?...'
now that she wan quit acting, that's when u know that she's talented? You wey no dey watch nollywoood film how u know say she dey talented. if she stay marry and still dey act, na you same linda go ask if he good make you be marry and still dey do the love scene...etc which side u dey sef?
another case in point...funke fowler and kuku dey get married. you don carry this jist once, what is the need to carry it again less than 1wk after the 1st?. and na the same story not that ther's another angle to it. me think u wan more bashing to the girls way... no be say the girl na better person anyway!
so sad to see her leave nollywood. shes an excellent actress with so much talent. kip her as a mad girl, house girl, poor girl, wild girl, rich girl, princess, chick, she gets the pictures so well.
dont leave actin, mercy
"Talented"?? did u just refer to Mercy Johnson as talented??? You really need to take the blinders off your eyes when you watch her films.
@hello kitty, mercy is not talented? i've seen one or two of her movies and i thought she did alright. besides, i assumed if you're that big, then u gotta have some talent
I wish her well and with that talent she has she can be anything she wanna be!!! She wants to please her future husband... because of the tongue-waging peeps that love gossip... LOL!!!
I have just finished watching one of her best movies, Heart of a Fighter... damn... that s why i love her!!!
really dont understand why most nollywood ladies quit actin after marriage?its so sad dt most of dem r marryin men dt r so insecured,why quit cos of a man,how many men quit deir job after marriage,did Joke Saliva quit?did Juliet Robbert quit?women wake up
she should gooo.. bye bye lol. I can't front she can act but she's not my favorite actress... ewwww her acting irks me jo. Her fav line in ALLLLLL her movies "my love" lol.. at least we won't hear that anymore thank God. lol
some ppl are so sad and full of hate...
the life of someone else bothers and concerns you this much~?!
your life must be so boring...all the best Mercy.
linda u be tatafo, wetin concern u for mercy body, it was tonto, now is mercy, why are u full of blabla,abeg relax and write about urself, ur own is getting too much amebo
I Think Mercy is indeed a talented actress and it will be a loss for Nollywood if she quits. But sacrifices have to be done in a relationship, I hope and suppose that her husband will do some too.
Thank God.... ooooooooooooooo i WILL NOT miss her lol..
I think it is the best decision for her.
In my opinion, I believe she is one of a handful of good actresses in Nollywood. Would be a pity to see her go as there are currently too many talentless men and women who would be better off in other careers perhaps, not acting.
I am unbelievably jubilant that mercy johnson wants to quit...if i see her in another movie i will literally scream!!! ...she dresses vulgar, over the top, absolutely no dress sense, and has no screen presence..i constantly wonder how she had such a meteoric rise...is it bottom power..or her highly overrated front and backside...that every average nija girl has, but doesnt flaunt it shamelessly like mercy Johnson...
It is almost as if we Nigerians have become a garbage chute that will consume anything we see..with absolutely no discernment...any Tom Dick Harry, or Jones is an actor or a singer...and is consequently celebrated...ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
@ Linda Ikeji----This is d umpteenth time dat i am askg for ur email and got no reply. I need to ask u a question. I dont wanna post a question like dat for evrione to see dats y i need ur email or something else to ask u a question. Pls send me a message on jayfunade2009@yahoo.com Thanks
@adenike..it's lindaikeji@gmail.com
Thank God, she doesent realise the huge favour that she has done to televison by quitting
We will miss her big time, but no husband will like seeing his wife acting in such a way. SO i shld understand the "quit" after wedding
Good Job she's quitting!! i guess she just wont be able to act right without flaunting her breasts, passionately kissing and wearing cloth two sizes too small. Thats essentially her, i mean out of every 10 films this girl's in 8 of them she's half naked. She's got talent and i enjoy watching her but enough is enough abeg!!
Linda, you dont reply all your emails. Its really not fair! i've sent you two emails, one in january and the second sometime in march(reminding you of the first one). Do you choose who to respond to and who not?
oh my!! heart of a fighter was superb ,totally changed my mind about her after watching that movie.I really wish her all the joys and happiness that comes with marriage and companionship.
good job mercy, IRE AKARI OO!!!
THANK YOU JESUS. at least we will get a rest with the fake fone up and down. Its not like she was a good actress anyway so I doubt she'd be missed at all...mchewwww
I will miss seeing her boobs on my tv screen, oh well nothing to miss 'cos those boobs makes me gag. what disgusting things.
Also Caroline Ekanem quit after marriage. Someone needs to do an expose on what really goes down on these movie sets. I'm suspecting too.
If she decides to quit acting, i believe in my own opinion that she is doing that because of the kind of society we come from, where actresses are considered as pro. But I believe if she were to be in the Educational Sector, she would not think of quitting.
then we can have some peace thank goodness. My love this my love that nonsense can act but not a talented actress
yipeeeeeeeeee.......at least i wl stop having nighmares from seeing diff shapes of her boobs....haba....s t nollywood or boobswood?
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