The story...
According to a law enforcement source, on 14 May 2011, shortly after midday, a 32-year-old hotel maid entered Strauss-Kahn's suite at the Sofitel New York to clean it. She alleged that Strauss-Kahn came out of his bathroom naked, ran after her, attempted to forcibly have sex with her, and forced her to perform oral sex on him. At 4:40 that afternoon, police officers removed Strauss-Kahn from Air France Flight 23 at New York City's John F. Kennedy International Airport, moments before takeoff for Paris.The notion that it was all a set-up meant to bring down Strauss-Kahn has spread like wildfire. They point to the CIA or rivals inside the IMF, to big American banks or financial interests threatened by Strauss-Kahn's push for more regulation, to murky schemes by some "black cabinet" working for Nicolas Sarkozy at the Elysée palace, or even to Socialist party rivals only too eager to get rid of a dangerous candidate ahead of the 2012 presidential elections.
What do you think?
She lied!
SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL AFRICAN PRINCESS THAT THIS DISGUSTING BIG ABUSED AND ASSAULTED! KAI! is he getting tired of his wife or what? this dude is so shameless. i was with anger when i heard this story yesterday. SMH.
there is more to the story. other women have come forward as well. but could they ALL be lying? do you think they would go out of their way just to make up lies against this man? but then again, will this man jeopardize his career? hmmm....
.....with stories like Arnold, John Edwards, and others like them, I'm starting now to be surprised if accusations like this come out. SMH.
how do you force someone to have oral sex and not damage them? are they not making themselves vulnerable e.g open to being bitten? also in the hotel hall, u cant scream, and shout enough to cause an alert? i just dont get it, am tryin to picture the scene, am not taking anything away fron her case of it being a terrible thing to happen to anyone.
It is all setup.
Of course she lied! How can you force someone to have oral sex with you! Dont she have teeth! Are you not afraid she'll bite off your penis......let her say something else. For me this is a big fat lie!
I smell a rat here. Apart from the oral sex she claims she was 'forced' to have with him, she also said he raped her 'anally'. Haba! She nor bite his dick when she was 'oralizing ' it, and she nor scream when he was 'anal-yzing' her bum bum? Please. This is a clear set-up. The guy has offended top goverments in power world-wide. And he is a French Jew too. France wil never allow Jews to rule them. The painful thing is that they had to chose an African as their trump card for their nefarious plot. But the girl fine sha.
there should be a presumption of innocence here until strauss kahn is proven guilty in a court of law.
right now, the media seems to have 'convicted' him. well, so sad.
if its proven that he assulted the girl, that is bad and wrong.it should be condem by all . he'll be looking at max 25yrs jail time.
if he's found not to be guilty will all of you take ur abuse, insult back?
It's a set-up and i believe Sarkozy is behind it. Yes, i agree he liked women and he slept around. His enemies are using it against him.
But with his money and in the heart of New York where you can pay for sex, why would he sexually assault her and possibly KNOW he could get into trouble for it?
It's ironic, because the IMF is at the heart of distrustful and "abusive" policies to Third World countries especially African ones and he has now supposedly abused a woman the way he abuses African countries with IMF's policies!!!
You sef Linda, why not take the moral high ground and conceal the womans ID?
That what they are doing in the States and here in the UK.
Regardless of whether she is part of some kind of set up, a very serious sexual assault is alleged to have happened so lets respect the ongoing investigations and not add to the sensationalism thats already ensuing.
This is a fake photograph. There is no where in the civilised world where photographs of rape victims are published. It will only add to the predicament of the victim and her family. Moreover this photograph and name has only been circulated within African websites. No credible newspaper has reported it.
Linda, why are you identifying a victim of an alleged sexual attack? Even if other outlets did the same thing, it's not proper.
Firstly, that's likely not her.
Secondly, the lady in question lives in housing which is set aside for victims of the HIV virus, only way to get an apartment there is for the tenant or their spouse to be HIV +, since she is not married, make of this what you will...
linda< there's someone parading himself to be folarin michael, look am well well o! cos folarin michael did not post with a blogger account, this fake one is using a blogger account. if folarin michael had a blogger account he would have posted with it and it would have been easier for u to reach him. pls pick another winner....in other words...me! *wink*
I hate it when the media started a rumor again, that she's HIV positive, just because she's African?
Another case black people are easily bought am sure this is a set up big time set up (conspiracy theory)
Monalisa, God bless you. you took the words right out of my mouth! how do u force sumone to perform oral sex on u??? even the most hardened rapist wont do that. thats akin tio shooting yourself in the foot!
and the event happened around mi8d day, why did they wait for him to board a plane at 4:40 pm before arraesting him, even though he was out having lunch in between.
then they slam him with $1M bail and $5M surety bond, place him under house arrest with 24hr security and make him wear an ankle bracelet... all for attempted rape??? C'mon!
in my opinion this is one huge set up and i hope he can beat the charges.
Theyinx, unlike Nigeria...rape is taken seriously around these parts. They are quick to make a scapegoat out of you. Besides, he had a female judge...he was not going to be able to pull out his "big boys card" with her.
Yea, Some part of this story is true. He is a high profile man, he def has serious security so any setup has to be better thought out than this. If it truly was a setup, they will uncover it sharply. If it wasn't then...justice will be served one way or the other. O and to those saying couldn't she have bitten the man, it is easy to say that when you are not in the position of the victim. Only God and those two know what truly happened.
I think that because she is a black woman he saw her as not having a voice. She was less than human to him. Lets see what happens next.
You guys are very close minded. Of course someone who is using force can force someone to give them oral sex. Once you get boxed in your face for biting and your nose is bleeding you will not bite again.
And for whoever says that this guy can have any woman why would he rapew. WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON? Are rapists always ugly outcasts? GET REAL. Rape is not about being able to get women it is about control and power.
There are rapists who are married with girlfriends they still rape. Rape is not about not being able to get none. Stop being so ignorant and educate yourselves instead of coming here and showing ya azz.
Jesus, come and see all the analysis!!! If this happen to any of your family members, I wonder if these analysis would be the same:} Let's take it easy, people as we are dissecting a developing situation.
I am not saying what people are saying is not a possibility but no one is seeing the side of the victim at all too. Everyone has ignored the fact that this man has a reputation that preceeded him. The madame who gave hookers to Eliot Spitzer the former governor of New York just revealed that she gave him a hooker at the rate of $1200 an hour for two hours, he was rough with the girl so much so that the girl never wanted to go back to him under no amount of money. And this was a paid prostitute, can you imagine some immigrant African whom he probably thought wouldn't say a word for fear of having to deal with the massive American justice system, her employers at the $3000 a night Sofitel?
Do Not Judge ~ If you have never been in a situation where you feel vulnerable, over powered and in danger being threatened, facing a man filled with a sense of entitlement, anger, aggression, bigger than you.
Do Not Judge ~ If you have never been in situation where a person has the clout to tell the world you are a liar and they would believe him over you
Do Not Judge ~ If you have never been in a position where you are without much grasp of the language of the country you live in and trying to make ends meet.
I can tell you that one can force a person to perform oral sex if there is fear, intimidation and if that woman has been in an abusive situation before the incident. Everyone can make their calm analysis of what they would do from the relative peace and calm behind their computers. What if he had a chunk of her hair in his hand while she did it, she bites, he pulls from reaction?
All I am saying is, let's take it easy and see how everything unfolds.
Peacefull Speaking,
!in calm!
Linda this woman take style resemble you small, but she no half fine like you.
God Bless Anonymous who posed on 2.31pm.
@Nollywood forever.....You seem to be speaking from experience....LWKMD
A 62 year old man assaults an able-bodied African lady??? hmm......let the case begin.....but wait oh..didnt she check the meaning of oral sex before??? abi she just read am for book..mumu girl,,,her eye go soon clear!
@Nollywood forever, respect what other people say and stop making out like you are sooooo smart. I think this is also a set-up that will be sealed for a long time. The word ignorant is now dated and overused.
Why don't you educate yourself on the intrigues and high stakes that go on in the corridors of power? If you are unaware, then you are the ignorant one. Well, since you are focused on Nollywood whatever, you are a dumb ass......
hmmmmm, na wah.. the saga continues. from Tiger Woods to Rrnold Schwarzenegger to this.. err 'super-man' seems to have a dirty secret.. smh*>>>>wetin una dey find sha,una go see am oh.
True to Lin Calm's word one can force another to perform oral sex even with ones teeth intact and i speak from a personal experience! I was young, it was dark on my way back from an errand... He gripped my arms and dragged me to an uncompleted building... i knew him and was so afraid he'lld kill me if i screamed; he was an agbero that lived in the area.
Finally he was in me all smelly and big, How the.... do yu scream when your mouth could barely contain him and you were paralysed with fear... just wished i would faint. Afterwards, i couldnt tell any one i was still afraid years after it was over. Still is i guess since i'm speaking about this for the first time.
I am not saying this is what Played out with Stauss but NEVER SAY NEVER as anythin is possible under the sun and this means it could also be a set up.
sily story, na this old frail man go rape this agile girl...comoon..wtf!
what happend to screaming & calling for help when the raping was about to start..dummbest 2011 story yet.make she go watch CSI re-invest her rape TORI...oshissko...long hisss
Who knows whats behind this, anything is possible with these white devils!
but how is it a set-up? can you force a man to give oral sex na wa o
I use to be a chamber maid myself and i find it hard to believe this story. You do not clean a room when a client is there and we usually clean in two's and it was a big room so how come she was alone and how come she entered when she knew he was there. I feel something is wrong somewhere someone is not telling the truth.
well we shall see what comes out of this whole thing.
but sha the story get k leg small
there is lot of insensitivity be shown been shown her. So none of you have ever come across a rape victim? Let the case play out b4 you start thrashing her.
He does have a track record. Did all those women all make up their stories too?
Think first !!!!!!
Thank God for NOLLYWOOD FOREVER and 'IN CALM'.....on point with ur comments..
Im just waiting for this trial to start...
heard the poor girl is quiet and muslim....He must have thot she wont talk...His CUP IS FULL..
I cant believe some of these comments...but I guess thats what watching movies has done to our society...
...heard he said she agreed to it...why would a maid just walk in to ur room ..and agree to sex...OK..THEY WILL SAY FOR MONEY...but why would he even ask her....HE IS A PIG...
@ "in calm". All you said does not make any sense. No man will put his thingy in a woman's mouth by force except under some form of agreement. Anywys thank God she's not a Nigerian
I know this is irrelevant but the woman is a beauty. Perhaps this is what tempted DSK to try his luck on her- he would not have been able to get her any other way- I mean, how many black women out there will give this guy a second look?
See fine girl wen dey lie.....The world go end meet u ontop lie......na wa ooo....
why are people saying that she is lying or not??? Were you there??? We wont know the truth until the investigation is over. Until then, stop pointing fingers at a potential victim. stop the speculation.
That aside, I can't understand peoples lack of sympathy for victims of rape and sexual assault. Why do people always blame the woman, rather than the perpetrator? It is a sick and twisted world we live in!!!
Oh my she's beautiful!! Nonsense LOCK HIM UP!!! One thing is for sure, he's in the best place for any kind of justice and thats in the US. He's definitely getting some time, even if its a few months. He can toss ever being president of France bye bye.
How silly can people be though?
Last time I was in a luxury suite in Vegas. The maid was going to clean and I was in the bathroom (way on the other side), she assumed noone was there and had already opened the door, but I shouted to go and come back.
If I hadnt made any noice, she would have been cleaning when I came out into the bedroom section.
So I dont get how people think that its not possible.
How do we know he didnt hold her by the neck and force it down. We dont know how long it lasted, but fact remains even the mere act is punishable by NY law and pretty much the law of all other US states.
This no be naija where women are forced into having sex many times. God know show many house helps were raped by their ogas, some of which were men that could possibly be people we know or are related to.
Thats a fact!!
No wonder many people on here find it hard to believe because it seems to be common place in our society!! We need to change this.
Lets be honest with ourselves here
i hear the pic is real as someone elsewhere vouches that he knows her family and confirmed the pic.
More importantly,i have 2 issues;
those asking for her identity to be concealed, why is his own identity not being concealed,considering the fact that he has not been proven guilty?
secondly, how can someone force you to suck him?and you did not bite off his dick?
Then after that, he took you from behind?
this 60+ man can't be strong enough to hold this lady ransom while perpetuating all that.she could not run out, she did not scream enough to attract folks in the next room or security?
it just does not seem to add up.
@Anonymous at 9:08 PM- what utter rubbish- have you not been reading media reports? The guy locked her into the room so she had no way of getting out. If she did not scream, it could have been because she was too shocked to do so. Oral sex comes in different forms- it does not have to involve her putting her mouth in his dick and what do you mean by "this 60+ man can't be strong enough to hold this lady ransom while perpetuating all that"- men are generally much stronger than women and any man determined to rape a woman will find the strength to do so, no matter how old he is. I don't know where you are but here in some parts of the US and Europe, even if you scream, your neighbors will not answer you because they prefer to mind their own business.
I don't know why Africans don't take the issue of rape seriously enough- it is happening everyday in our midst- babies being raped, toddlers being raped, little girls being married off to older men in the name of tradition but this is another form of child sexual abuse. We prefer to think it is a woman's fault if she is raped rather than looking at the whole angel of a story. No wonder, African men rape women freely without impunity- at least this woman will get justice in the west where this heinous crime happened.
SMH... Sexual assault is a crime of power, and yes, a woman (or man) can be forced to do anything UNDER the threat of force, not necessarily the use of force itself...
Linda, That is so not her babes..... please get you story right.x
Bunch of Ignorant people commenting. How sad! If you were raped and no one believed you, how will you feel?
***See dem running their leaky mouths!*
I don't condone rape....but he'll be a free man by the end of the year! Convenient that hes one of the most powerful men in the world.
Ok....let the other stories of him assaulting other women start rolling in...
We can't abstract real rape or set up in this case. Many ladies could resort to this kinda cheap blackmail 2 prove their point. All am saying is that the girl may be saying the truth or lying. The case at hand should be thoroughly judged to decipher the truth and deserving punishments slammed. The man should have lived with other domestic staff and I believe they would be very useful in a case like this where the man's credibility is at stake. If the man is the randy type little by little clues about his errant lifestyle will be brought to the fore. Knowing how influential men are susceptible to scandals like this it won't be a far fetched theory that the girl was tipped for this. Am aware of so many great men suffering this kinda humilation from paid women they are sleeping with. Mike Tyson had a blighted career courtesy of Desiree Washington who claimed he raped her and the list is endless. 2 adults in a sexual relationship isn't bad but then some detractors cash in on this and pay a fortune to tarnish the man's image. Am not trying to exonerate this man from the crime hanging on his head....NO on the other hand am not calling for his head. Cases like this are bound to crop up in human society especially around "Top Crowd". The case should be well reviewed and appropriate punishments leveled on the guilty party. Men raping girls is as old as the days but then again girls lying against men to bring them down is 2nd nature to many women especially when well motivated. Testy case;nothing a good judgement can't untie. Let the hearings begin and am sure the justice system will employ its all to serve the good old truth.
fat lie!
an old thing grabbed a young gal like her and she couldn't kick this dick? was he with a gun? or dangerous weapon? if he forced her to have an oral sex, couldn't she bite his dick off? liars! when there are countless prostitutes to go down on him! bullshit!
This is how useless women would accuse guys of rape!
yes! i am a hater, so don't waste your come-back reply on my comment! #wicked grin#
@ Blessing: kudos on sharing your rape experience. I pray you are able to heal fully and find the peace to forgive and let go of the pain and the memory.
Rape is a touchy topic in any part of the world. Nigerians judge not so you will not be judged. All of you condemning the girl are wasting your breath and at the same time revealing your cynical and uncompassionate mind. Leave her alone, you don't walk in her shoes. Leave him alone, you don't walk in his shoes. People judge too much and care too much about other peoples' predicaments. Why not try exerting the same energy in doing something positive in your life or in this wicked world we live in, rather than adding to the wickedness by judging and condemning when you don't have full facts!
This is a big lie. They should pls fabricate someting else against this guy. Hungry African babe who have gone to look for greener pasture will not love to affir with a WHOLE imf boss, who can give a million dollars.
Its all crap joor... Dey dont want strauss Khan to bcom France President dts y dey are doing all this. God will forgive that black babe for lying against KH.
blessing your story is plausible. he had several advantages against you. darkness, lawlessness in the society, even his very nature as an agbero etc.
strauss as IMF chief would have been drunk, drugged, crazy, foolish to have tried that in sofitel.
i know i know but somehow something is missing from this story.
please and because she is muslim does not equal stupid please. she already made a courageous move - she divorced her husband so pls people should stop talking as if she is one voiceless woman in purdah.
Tomorrow one poor girl will come and tell you how Gov Fashola forced her to have blow job with her. let her come and try it in Nigeria.If she claimed it was on gun point then it can be believed. she be mumu period
Like your own leaking mouth FIFI! SHARRAPPP! if it's you own father that is accused, you would accept without doubts? Nigger PLEASE!
Oh! NOLLYWOOD FOREVER is here with her ITK attitude! don't worry, you can keep talking since you are the only 'educated' one here! GET A FREAKING LIFE MULATTO!
nonsense..he is a pervert that got caught.. Hope it sticks!
Errmmmm...if you can get his dick into your mouth, then you sure as hell can bite it off. I'm not understanding that part. Not to say she's lying cos i have no clue, but I would have done MAJOR damage if it were me. When they see his hanging penis, there would be no need for more evidence as to what happened.
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