The five-year-old’s identity has remained a mystery after he was smuggled into Britain and murdered in a voodoo-style ritual killing. He was drugged with a ‘black-magic’ potion and sacrificed before being thrown into the Thames, where his torso washed up next to the Globe Theatre in September 2001.
OMG! this is terribly sad. one can only imagine the pain and despair his family would have gone through in the interim...praying and wondering where their son was. In some way,this would be a relief to them,they can finally find closure.
But to sacrifice a human being in such an inhumane manner is just totally mind boggling. We have to constantly thank God for his mercies.
Wow, it’s almost ten years. How time flies. I remember when this broke in September 2001 around the time of 911. You know why i like investigations in the “Western world?” They will not cower until they get closure. It may take a very long time but as long as they have clues they will keep on going. Mrs Osiagede has a lot to answer for IMO.
Cute boy and may his soul haunt his killers.
May the soul of the boy NEVER allow his killers a moment peace.
AMEN and AMEN!!!
Finally oooooooo! Boy Adam has bn identified. I hav been following the story ever since 2001 up till when the Scotland yard police traced him to nigeria thereby taking trips to villages. funny enuff, i told som1 abt it last week. may the perpetrators of this act neva know peace in their lives. Rest in peace little boy!
London is the heart of occultic practices in the world
the freemasons/illuminati dem all dey there for London
the royal family are the head of all the occult in this world
and the prince might just be the antichrist
so I m not surprised
I know some ppl will say I don dey kolo but pray to God to open your eyes and do your research
Kai, people wicked for this world oohhhh....
you can take some people out of the bush but you cant take the bush out of them. HOW SAD! finally the family will get some closure.
now he can truly REST IN PEACE.
Wow, dat is so devastatin,I wonder which is worse, that they hav identified d headless body of a 5yr old Boy or d boy is misin, my heart Goes out to his family, and I hope d ppl who did dis wil pay 4 it with their own lives and their childrens,I hope Libya war stray bullets meet dem!
@ Anonymous 8:55 PM you are a looney, please seek help. what has this got to do with the story?
O! What a cute little boy
I remember reading something on this case about 10 years ago- a suspect was arrested in Dublin- turned out that the suspect had lived in Scotland for some years before moving to Ireland to claim asylum and benefits- if I remember, the suspect was released due to lack of evidence. Some people are very wicked
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