Just found out today that from Enugu where I am presently, we will be going to Akure for the reality show auditions. Means I won’t be back to Lagos till Friday. There’s no way on earth I'm not going to blog till Friday. Not goina happen. So I got the crew here to find me a laptop with internet access. They were so gracious. Now let’s gossip a little...
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Kevin and Elizabeth on their wedding day on Sat |
Did y'all know that BBA winner Kevin Chuwang Pam and his BBA house mate Elizabeth Gupta are now married? The lovebirds got married just this Sat, Feb 26th in Abuja. This has got to be one of the most amazing love stories ever. I mean, she couldn't stand him in the house for three months, now she's marrying him? Wow, so happy for them.
More pics from the wedding when you continue...
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Their wedding reception venue |

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Beautiful bride |
Everyone wants to be with a winner I guess. Best wishes to them!
Aprokocious Linda, I have missed you die o. Why did you travel without your Laptop? Thank God those guys were magnanimous enough to find you a laptop with internet connetion.
Wishing KELIZ happy married life.
Nice pics.
Enjoy your time as judge. I can't wait to watch the show. Hope you'll give your readers a sneak peak. Anyways.... LOL abt the laptop. Don't be a diva o
Oh!! Linda u going to Akure!! You going to have fun der.. was der like 3weeks ago and i really enjoyed myself..
Ego di good oh. Chai! Hope he has a back-up plan in terms of ego. She looks pretty and the wedding looks unconventional
lmao...Linda that your comment get k-leg or maybe its just me. Anyhoo...heard you're going to my town, bring me some news.
do i smell a god digger? am not sure abt the story tho but how come she come love him now dat he's a winner. i hope it's true luv shaa cos it's possible she fell in love later. they look good together tho.
Hmmm... girl, be careful whose pc you use to log into your gmail account. Keylogger cost less than £20 but can do a lot of damage. If its on the pc you use, you are finished. Keylogger is a software program for monitoring cheating spouse. It can be installed on any pc - personal, work (if employer want to make sure you are doing the job you are paid to do) or internet cafe (419ers can use it to clean you out, bank, etc). Be careful. Only use your own pc for your blog, banking, etc.
there is nothing you'd tell me to convince me dat this marriage is for real. The babe is just a gold digger jo! she's in love with the money not the man. Tell me, how can somebody who said, she only dates WHITE guys who are TALL(all of which our darling Kevin)in a matter of months love d same person she said she can NEVER have anything to do with? It doesnt work that way...after all said and done, i wish them the best!
i missed the wedding. didn't even about it till it was over. i wish dem the best
Auuw so sweet
wish them happy married life
Gupta ke? Her papa is Indian???
Linda! Linda!! Linda!!! how many times did I call you for pete sake pls get an IPAD and keep this blog lively, I am tired of checking severally during the day without any update, if you need financing of the IPAD let me know. *wink*!
I am definately not impressed.... the girl is just a gold digger and it is so sad that Kelvin cannot see it..best wishes thou!!! at least there must be a reason for every action, it is either money or love, in this case, i know its MONEY!!!!!
Gold-digging bitch. Keven is so stupid.
Don't know these two but is he rich or from a rich family? I'm just wondering because everyone is saying she's a gold digger. I wish them all the best, let's hope the marriage is started with the best of intention.
Can't you all see this is a PR stunt? Since Uti won, Kevin Pam's claim to fame was over! This is just to get back into the spotlight and ensure he doesn't slip into oblivion. Look out for more drama from Kevin soon!!
oh well am really skeptical but my strong instincts def sense dat this love get as e be, just feel sori 4 d short man sha....CONGRATS
am really skeptical about this ....my instincts definitely tell me that there is something no right about dis love.Oh well goodluck to the short man!
*singing gold digger by kanye west* she's a gold digger! That is why i love Jand, if na for Jand, dem don sign pre-nup sharp sharp. But i guess nigerians are yet to have their eyes opened.
if Tanzanian women are so not as beautiful as y'all how come all ur Naija men want em? #dead
@ Anon 6:14 There are so many Nigerian men to go around all african girls due to our huge population. Not that its a matter of preference. There are more Nigerian men married to Nigerian women than any other African. Stop using the vague word 'all', Nigerian men love their Nigerian women and if they want depending on choice can step out to other girls. We are not mad at them for that, as long as they are happy. Stop making yourself feel any superior. Nigerian women are beautiful, black women are beautiful, African women are the best!
@ anonymous 6:14, our naija men don't want dem, dey trick thier way in2 thier hearts wit thier pretentious n double faced character, dey r just gold diggers n our good naija men fall 4 thier schemes, every1 dat watched big brother africa sure knows that dis gold digger is just after poor kevins money n he's soo blinded by love 2 see it. From not being able 2 stand kevin in d house 2 marrying him! I think she ain't messing with a broke nigger
dont hatooooo, jus appreciatooooo..and yo naija men wil keep rocking with us, da Tanzanian gals, coz u aint got nothing on us..We tanzanian gals r jus tooo damn sizling hottt..so jus deal with it
You mean sizzling hot gold diggers!
Congratulations KELIZ wishing you all the best!Gold digger no Gold digger Elizabeth you rock!!!! And Kevin you are the best and the true winner of BBA
The sharp babe could not tolerate the poor verson of Kelving when they were in the big brother house but she can now fall in love with the rich verson of Kelvin outside the house.....wetin money go cause for this world....instantly change a hater to a lover ...truely money answereth all things.
@ anon9.50 hahahah your just to dumb thats all i can say...tanzania what?? please do us all a favour lonely f***,get yourself out of a NIGERIAN blog and put some lotion on that ashy burnt black tansanian skin of your okay? good...sob
All of you Tanzania women coming here talking trash, it is funny how you are coming to a NIGERIA woman's blog to talk about marrying NIGERIAN men, nwa really is something MISSING in your home community that you feel the need to poach on other people's things? It must NOT be so great where you are from when you have to look OUTSIDE of there to seek your happiness. NIGERIA HAS IT ALL or else you would have stay y'all sizzling hot asses in your home community BUT since your men don't have the swagger, don't have the looks, don't have the money, don't have the class, dignity, smart...oh, you did know that we grow the SMARTEST men, right?, don't have it to keep you all, you keep flocking outside for marriage in other communities.
Instead of being appreciative, instead of thanking God that someone has put you inside a fine home, fed you, made you part of a family...oh, you did know that Nigerians hold God first, family second, right?, put good clothes on your back, good shoes on your feet and moved your from herding cattles and boiling milk at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro for tourist...YOU OPEN your mouth to talk trash? Do not bite the hand that feeds you, okay? Karma might knock your flat on your behind!
EEEEEEEEDIOTSSSSSSSSS!!! IF you are so proud of yourself, put your name here. IEEEEEEEEEDIOTS! Talk about my people, make Amadioha fire thunderbolt at you there, NONSENSE MTCHewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
@anon 6.14pm and 9.50am, u guys just need to be seriously wipped by masquerades! i see u have carried this tanzanian rubbish of being more beautiful on dis post again. just out of curiosity: are tanzanian women professionally gold diggers? cos its so obvious. u guys should just sit ur ass down in dat bush and unhabitable country of urs. rubbish!
whats with all these tanzania girls on your blog like pests,Li
ok we get your point tazmanian devils loooooools
your 15mins is over
can we have intelligent conversations here without we are hot,ure not crap
**kanye shrug***
lol @ D sizilling golddiggers,pls everyone can marry from anywhere,and mind you all these tanzanians on dis blog yarning opata,Nigerian men marry from their tribe its very very rare to see a nigerian man marrying outside his tribe not to talk of outside the country,and to think you are making noise about Kelvin marrying Elizabeth mschew as in what, his height,or money, abi wetin pls go and sit down joor,and stop this stupid comparison,BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER !!!!.
Naija men are just pitying few tanzanian babes & marrying them cos they want 2 bring them out of d bush 2 civilization, n moreover, d ratio of naija men marrying u guys are 1 in a milloin chances. We naija men hardly marry outside naija, n even when we do 4 one reason or d other, we still come back home n marry our kinds. Come 2 think of it, real naija men don't marry just anybody apart from naija babes, d likes of Dangotes, Abacha's, Adenuga's, Babangida's Shagaya's d list is so endless dont marry nothing but true blue blood, n thats a naija babe! My wife is d most beautiful woman on earth, and she's proudly Nigerian!
Good luck to kevin and liz. To those low self esteem tanzanias, get over your selves, i wonder why should make such baseless comments. GET A LIFE...
Chichiluv get a life coz u don't have any! You are a bitter person, you seem so lonely That's why u write rubbish and expect us to stoop so low to your level hell no!! Get a life kumamayo!!
chichiluv, u are too much. tell dis igbueke tanzanians something. how can people who live in d bush like animals talk to people who live in homes? na wa oh, all dis useless tanzanians sef! no be house girl and house boy dem dey come do for here? infact i have to sack mine straight away. chi dear, u need to visit d tanzanian versus naija girls post right away.
haha, why you Nigerians going in on my peoples? i can't lie some of the s**t you say is funny tho. To the people saying we leave in bushes...that's messed up lool but it's still love.
Where is all the hostility coming from? if what's being said by both parties, not true, then why are people getting upset? and this goes for everyone if you gotta disrespect another person to validate your existence...then you're way beyond insecure.
But reading these comments is entertaining, real talk lol.
TZ niggas they said we live in bushes.....haha thats cold.
Two things are wrong with these Tanzanian loners;they are either clinically insane or mentally unstable. I want to believe its the former, otherwise why would anyone try so hard to convince people that they are better off???
Who you are should speak volumes without you having to say a word.
To consistently try to prove to the world that you are beautiful when no competition is going on connotes two things
1. You are a typical example of a person with over inflated self esteem based on 'zilch' substance
2.It proves that your education is half baked with the only brain substance being 'garbage'.
With that said, my advice would be to get therapy and fast. More importantly,you Tanzanians constantly coming on this blog to display your ignorance need to go to a real school and learn to communicate properly without being primitive and vile. Going by your remarks, you have just demonstrated that you come from a part of the world unaffected by civillization. The ignorance that you have displayed from your writing is very offensive to those of us who think.
What do we watch on Africa magic everyday if not bushes and witchcraft no matter how educated Nigerians are but still they have to worship in witchcraft!no matter how you insult us we are bigger than you
@anon 11.08 it is u that is a loner,u live of a nigerian blog
when ethiopians,have not said anything it's these buffons called tanzanian women running their filty mouth.fools #productsofcheapcondoms
Anonymous 10.50am - Again, whose films are you watching on African Magic? Let me answer for you while your brain works out the answer: films written, directed, produced and distributed by Nigerias!
You simply showed us your level of education, witchcraft/magic/voodoo is practiced everywhere in the world, even in the United States, they have witches and covens. So check your swiss cheese brain again, try and plug the holes because the information leaking out is USELESS!
So what our films talk about witchcraft? Are we the first or will we be the last? Have you watched Harry Potter? Oh sorry, no electricity in the bush where you squat. Our films might show witchcraft but it shows the consequences of practicing the diabolical therefore passing on lessons so they serve a purpose. We don't glorify the use of witchcraft!
Anonymous said...March 3, 2011 11:08 PM
HHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ARE HILARIOUS! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! This is the best you could come up with? I should get a life, I am bitter and lonely CHEI, oh you are so hurt my feelings, I am going to now call Oprah, Dr. Phil and my pastor BUAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I have to thank you for such a good laugh this lovely friday. Seriously, thank you eh.
They are lovely couple.
Chichiluv,just ignore those deliquents,it does not make sense replying such comments,abeg tanzania kwa to make mouth to Nigeria,anyway l dont blame them sha,na condition make crayfish bend,just save4 your breath,as there is no comparism.Anyway sha talk is cheap and na them get their mouth and finger to type.Thumbs up to you ,suprise and Alica,etc!!!.
The last time I checked this was supposed to be kevin and Elizabeth's post and not dissing her Nation.I guess it's an eye for an eye now.
Bring your Naija passport and I carry My TZ passport and let's meet at any port of entry in the world and see who gets VIP treatment and who ends up being sucked into her A#ss to check if she'not carrying drugs, you know the answer it will be def beyou with your Naija passport.
Congratulations KELIZ, Elizabeth don't you dare to hold their passport you'll be treated differently even in the AFrican countries. Forever cherish your East African and SADC passport.
This namesless fool that keeps on coming here to make a statement? dont you tarzans have your own blogs? Or you forced to come to linda's blog.....
This is not a zoo garden where monkeys play,. Its Linda Ikeji's blog
when you know someone is corrupt and you continue to take follow that person religiously, it suggests that you are either corrupt yourself too or you dont just have common sense.
You complain of Nigeria, yet you cant stay of their blogs....why? Because you got nothing better to read from your boring trashzanians.
lwkmd..tz my foot
If Nigerians are soo bad why do your sluts keep flocking after our men? And why did her poor parents allow her marry him? Or are they dead? Or simply stupid? I guess, she had no other choice from the load of low swaggers there..lol
not her fault.....she had no other choice....but the poor short nigerian boy....hahahahaha... what a low lifer she was, thats shy she had to go on BB in the first place to get a man.
The beautiful Tanzanan tv presenter was so choiceless, she had to settle for the not so tall nigerian man
omg!!!! very pathetic or ur men all had hiv? lol
Tanzanians dont have a life outside of linda ikeji's blog.......they are simply addicted.
Somebody please teach them patriotism and how to start a blog of their own. I am taking this to Nairaland. Period!
@ na me.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! i am crying with laughter. they all had HIV? good one. hahahahaahaha.
@ anonymous 10:50 AM
you are such an idiot. at least we Nigerians are producing movies and have THREE channels on African Magic for our movies. lemme ask, where are yours? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND! hissssss.
and i co-sign with the rest of ChiChi's comment.
Yes we have our own blogs where we interact,we are here on this post coz it concerns us but not in your other posts!BTW this is not even a famous blog in TZ, very few peeps knows it!don't get big headed!!
And again if you are openning another channel, what has that got to do with the price of tea in china? Huh?
We have our good blogs but don't insult us in your blogs and expect us not to respond, why? Who the hell are U? Respect is earned!
laughing my fat ass off.
I see my comments have pained you well. Good I hit the nail.
So why do you keep coming to a non famous blog??? You saka or merely retarded??? You know the answer. Why gives a rat ass if this blog is known in some obscure part of the world known as trashzania?
If Linda;s blog is not known in Trashzania? how does that affect the price of Garri in Alaba?
You empty headed fool.....BE GONE
ha ha ha ha ha
Go cry on your stinking bed if you have one but if you are too much to contain the insults what will never cease, then loose your keyboard.
Who gives a fuck if you know our blogs or not? MBGOK LINDA....U minding these aliens from the east???
Get away you trash
You are the trash who keep on insulting, you need to get a life and a shrink ASAP instead of depending on Linda's blog to get orgasim.
Kiki you are just nothing but a looser,and Yes this blog isn't famous here,I repeat again the only reason we respond is because you are insulting us! Have you seen any Tanzanian commenting on your other fraud and robbery posts happening there? Why? Coz it's non of our business, get it in your thick skull once you provoke any Nation it will def respond! Anyways lemme just leave you and youe insults as you were born and raised like that.but just get a life!!you need somebody in your life and not this thing!
And I repeat again this is not a famous blog here, it came to our attention when someone posted your insults,otherwise there are so many famous blogs from other countries which we know but not this one!! Just deal with it!!you 419.
Enough said,lemme go back to my peaceful life and Nation.This just so cheap and not our type.
Once again congrats KELIZ wishing you all the best! Elizabeth keep your enermies close! CIAO
Blah blah blah
Nothing new you just vomited ur intestine. Good the surgery was very successful you trashzanian. Go get therapy cos you are indeed disturbed. You are an insecure little unknown traszanian......
Go back to animal husbandry we don't need ur trashy contributions. We love LINDA IKEJI,s BLOG and I will keep insulting you got as long as this blog exists, you trashy excuse of s human being
Gosh I am important she wrote a whole article dedicated to. Wow what happened 2 ur sleep .....lol sleepless night????
Trash traszanian..... Good we 419ed you cos you were stupid enough
Bring it on bitch
A....assholes with no life, animal kingdom
Z.....zilch substance
A....Arrested development
N..negative attitude
A....Assailed to Nigerians
No go hang yourself
how did a post about a wedding which is supposed to be a beautiful thing btw become a Nig vs. Tan fight
Na wa o!
Congrats to the couple. she looks really beautiful.
Congratulations Kevin and Elizabeth, Haters like Kiki go die!!!
@ anonymous 6.27...
I am not a hater..I dont even know them to start with. I am only here to frustrate te tanzanian trashed who think they can hurl insults on my naija peeps. So get your records straights.
And for the insults in have heaped on the anonymous tarzans, I HAVE NO APOLOGIES.
Kiki was kelvins former lover but he dumped him/her just 4elizabeth.kiki its too late, now kelvin is elizabeth husband.its hard to swallow but keep trying you looser.you will remain single forever with ua ugly face.you have been dumped with kelvin..elizabeth woyeeeeee you a winner..kiki booooooo
Cette nouvelle salle de sport conna卯t un succ猫s croissant aupr猫s des passagers qui, s'ils n'ont pas de tenue ad茅quate, peuvent acheter sur place un maillot de bain pour profiter de la piscine et du sauna. L'arri猫re gauche, dont Jos茅 Anigo a lou茅 la qualit茅 de centreur et de combattant, a confi茅 avoir eu d'autres offres mais l'OM c'茅tait la bonne atil confi茅 au site Internet du club. Le site 茅voque 茅galement un coup de fil 脿 son compatriote Renato Civelli : Il m'a dit : tu peux y aller les yeux ferm茅s, c'est un grand club . [url=http://www.maillotfootball2013.net/]maillot de foot pas cher[/url] Tout est dit ! Et pour terminer cette s茅lection qui ferait p芒lir plus d'un entraineur, nous retiendrons l'excellente Orl茅ans Spring (15) et Perle du Mouchel (11). La premi猫re vient de courir il y a trois jours dans un lot beaucoup plus relev茅. Malheureuse lors du d茅marrage, elle n'a pu fournir sa vraie valeur m锚me si elle 茅tait un peu molle au dire de son mentor, Emmanuel Varin.
Aujourd'hui, la collection de maillots de Christophe Jallet est un peu plus cons茅quente. Apr猫s la d茅faite des Fran莽ais contre l'Espagne mardi soir (01), le d茅fenseur parisien et une bonne partie de ses petits camarades (Gonalons, Clichy, Giroud) aller qu茅mander une tunique de la Roja. En football, la coutume de l'茅change de maillots est plus pr茅sente que jamais. Maintenant, on a l'impression qu'ils le font 脿 tous les matchs, alors qu'avant c'茅tait 茅pisodique, explique JeanGuy Wallemme, l'ancien coach de Lens et Auxerre.
Tr猫s en vogue, enfin, les savons d'茅coliers: jaunes et ovales, ils 茅taient fix茅s audessus du lavabo gr芒ce 脿 un support en chrome, il y a vingt ans, dans les coll猫ges. [url=http://www.maillotfootball2013.net/]maillot de foot 2013[/url] la strat茅gie de Pierre Blayau
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