All the major concerts that have held in Nigeria in the last year or so, have had a gate fee of 5-10k for regular, 20-25k for VIP and a VVIP table for 10 people for N500grand. If you divide it, that's 50k per person.
Now, more than 70% of people who are employed in this country earn below 20grand a month..(I stand to be corrected). So I'm thinking, the average Tuface Idibia fan will probably never see him in concert...because to see him in concert, it will cost him almost half his salary...and with all he needs money for...he can't afford a ticket to go see his idol live in concert.
With all the problems people face in this country, people want to unwind, they want to socialize, they want to dance and laugh and see their stars live, but because concert organizers in this country think it's OK to charge 25/50k for a 3/4 hours show, it makes it difficult. And even if you are an above average worker who earns maybe 150k a month, and you want to go see D'Banj live in concert, it will probably cost you and your partner one third of your salary to make that happen. And when you think thoroughly about how hard you work to earn that money, you'll probably just sit your ass home and watch TV, right?
We blame the Government for all our problems in this country...rightly so...but for some problems, we need to take a deep look at ourselves. Like Mahatma Gandhi said, "Let us be the change we want to see in the world.' or something like that..:-)
There's so much I want to say but let me stop here, I don't want to offend anyone...:-)
So, that's my opinion on the matter. Please no insults o, I've had enough for one day...:-). Just share your thoughts.
Naija is all things considered a small pond, and since its a small pond, the few who want to feel like big fish have to find bigger and bigger ways to shine, going to concerts which cost an arm and a leg is just one way to do that. Look @ the darn rick ross concert, dude's music is for hood rats, you'll never see respectable people dress up to go see him perform in his native USA, but in Naija, what happened, homeboys and girls, just for a chance to shine put on their sunday best and went to his show. Not because they like his music, but because they wanted to shine.
Having said that, a concert promoter can only charge that which s/he feels the market would bear. If the market dictates $1000 per ticket as reasonable, then more power to him/her...
BTW in Naija, over 80% of the population lives on less than $2 a day.
So a concert that costs $60 is the equivalent of a full month's pay for the bulk of the population.
Not to be a doomsday prophet, but one day, Nigeria's history shall be re-written with the blood of those who flaunt their wealth in the faces of those who have nothing...
50k is over £200 and that's A LOT (well for me sha) but 5k is about £20 which is o...k... I guess... I dunno again jo. That's life. That's how all these stars make their money and rent £100,000/month condos. It's our money join together. We too let's do something to ma m'owo w'ole. Linda you are already on the right path.
p.s- I saw u in Mode Meeeeeennn!!! I was so excited, almost like I knew you personally, lol.
Most Middle class Nigerians in Nigeria are fake. The promoters of these shows are smart people who understand the tendency of average Nigerian to wanna live large.I was in that system for a long time so I know what am talking about. Now that I'm out, I can see how wasteful I and most of my friends were by spending money on expensive shows.
The crazy ticket prices is sure no big deal for some in Nigeria. But most middle class I know in Nigeria deserves better. Eko for show-Nigerians love to mingle/belong even if it means a month salary is gone in a day.
the amount is ridiculous! just even some "fast food" restaurants are over-priced. SIMPLE FAST FOOD. why?
such a shame
if u cant afford it, dont go shikena. nigerians always want to belong. afterall they do free concerts sometimes so those who think the others were too expensive can go for those ones. and who told u all concerts re cheap abroad? for those who cant afford it shld watch them on tv. nothing is by force.
You are right about us being the change we want to see. The producers abi promoters charge so much because people oblige them. If they don't have the demand, no be person go force them reduce the price, dem go adjust pronto. We are the reason why they charge so much.
To see Rihanna,Beyonce,Akon,etc at the biggest and exotic O2 Arena,one pays close to €64 which is not bad for stars of that calibre.At other less attractive venues,to see 'The GAME',or not too famous artists,maybe one pays €40-€50.€50 being 10k in naija.
So in Naija,for our local artists,lets say €20-€25 is not bad.Anything above that,is cut throat.Ka Chineke mezie okwu!
That's b/c Nigerians are fools. Imagine paying N100k to watch Beyonce and they are paying. WTF?. How many Americans will agree to pay $100 to watch Beyonce?. Una be mumu and dem dey chop una-Gbenga
Linda Darling then what would you say to the amount of money people charge for weddings and event venues. Nigeria to me is a joke sometimes seriously. I had a conversation with a girl about the fact that I would love to get married in Nigeria and she was like 'maybe your parents are boxed up' I was like no honey, I was actually thinking because it would be cheaper. She laughed so much and asked for Location I said Lagos of course, she was like Maybe am having a low budget wedding. Lol. I said no I would be spending close to HUGE 2 million Naira, she said but my wedding is on the mainland, I was like it does not matter, but the venue has to be good, decent location, and blah blah blah. She then continued laughing and I got worried like does this girl not know about me and she probably didnt think I have alot of money as 2 Million (Me wey I be big girl, shey becus I humble). She went up and got Her Laptop, got about 4 numbers for my decent wedding location in Naija. The first place I called, they were really nice, asked what I want and told them with a Fake Naija accent so they wont think I be mugu, the girl asked if I wanted some charis chairs (or watever) it sounded nice so I said yes, she then quoted the price at 2 million. lol. For venue alone oh, I asked her if it included for my engagement,she said if they were to give me for engagement they could do a deal, but it was still over my whole buget for the whole wedding. My friend said to call another place which this time was on the mainland, I got a quote for over 1.5 million. I shall called all the four numbers and the prices were just ridiculous. My 2 million budget seems only for venues. Then I started researching Niaja more and let me mention I have not been home for 11yrs, thou going this easter. But the house prices, everything is Naija is to damn expensive for my hard working ass. I mean is it not Naija with no electricity, bad roads, no basic, The prices just dont make sense. But I heard it is the high and rich men children that came abroad and are now back home that have changed the game. Wedding now is a matter of who can afford this venue, what type of this and that. Na levels. My wedding will defo be here in London, and Linda darling u will be invited so you can cover it and display here on Linda Ikeji, me I no get the level for Dele and uncle Bisi. God bless Nigeria.
Linda u ve said it all, but da show organizers aint to be blamed, its da artistes that over charge, featuring A lists artistes in a show wld cost an organizer so much, he in turn wld want to recover the money he invested at da same time make some profit, i heap all da blame on da fans, those who think dat 2 pay 50,000naira for a seat is da perfect way to flex their financial muscles.
@ anon 11:42, the 20% remaining represent a significant amount of people..that's like 30M people..the people in Lagos that make over 1M per month should be at least 500,000..and a show can only take so much.. not even 1-2% of that... so, even if 2baba ask for 100k, boys that love him will still pay.. anybody asked how 2baba moved his 1k CDs?...
In London some shows / concerts, depending on the venue and even cost £50+ or less. Its a numbers game. If its a popular / annual even, keep the price reasonable to attract higher number of people. Its a Michael Jackson, Elvis, Obama, Mandela concert, Id pay £1,000+ for standard ticket. I won't pay more than £25 for snoog, rick ross, 50cent, jay-z, minaji. no. i dont even want them on tv, why go pay to watch them?
The promotors charge u guys high prices so that they can cover their cost and make profit. its business. most top US artist like snoog wont perform for less than $100K. The promoter bears all expenses - first class travel, 5 star accomodation, etc. So, promoters needs to make $300K and above per show....
People need to vote with their legs. If people dont attend certain promoters events cos its always over-priced, they will think twice. But for a country like like naija with their show-off mentality, if the have nots refuse to attend such shows, the haves and the foolish are plentiful and the promoter will get paid.
i believe that competition and more promoters that can attract big acts from outside nigeria could eventually bring down prices.
U guys are being robbed blind in nigeria. really. u pay too much in effort, sweat and money for everything. i hope its gets better. amen.
I dunno why these things cost so much, even with my 100k salary i refused to go and see Beyonce or Basket mouth at their shows. The price was appalling.
I dont like comparing Nigerian celebs with Americans so i would not talk about all the other comedians abroad and their fees. I just feel our environment should play a role in fees.
I understand the deire to make money, so i guess that is the problem. And as my mum will say if you cant cook soup cook -oup!
(Manage wat you have).
Also i plead with Nigerians to improve on their courtesy, the insults roaming the reply section of Linda's blog is tooo much! It scares me sometimes, I mean are these much Nigerians so bitter?
Abeg Linda go and sit down joor lol. It's not by force to go for concert. Oya go and tell beyonce to charge $1 bcos her fans can't afford to pay lolol. Lets not b unnecessarily sentimental about business ventures abeg. The vvip price is not for d masses obvioussslllyyyy. And btw those r Lagos prices. I went to Ibadan for one of them shows and regular was 1500 and VIP 5k so u see it's al relative.
Abeg Linda go and sit down joor lol. It's not by force to go for concert. Oya go and tell beyonce to charge $1 bcos her fans can't afford to pay lolol. Lets not b unnecessarily sentimental about business ventures abeg. The vvip price is not for d masses obvioussslllyyyy. And btw those r Lagos prices. I went to Ibadan for one of them shows and regular was 1500 and VIP 5k so u see it's al relative.
I don't give a rat's ass what people do with thier money; but i agree with Drajke that MOST people who went to the Rick Ross concert just went their to flaunt new clothes and stuff.
A typical Naija person attending a Rick Ross Concert is just gross.
I can Understand R.Kelly or even Jay Z, but Rick Ross? give me a break!
You have a point my dear but the truth is it cost a whole lot to put up this shows together. lets not even talk about the cost of the venue. with the high request on comedians and artists,you find out that if your fee isn't attractive they go onto the next.
Linda I have to say that you are talking absolute crap!!! I am not into show business but the issue of gate fees for Lagos shows is simple common sense!! All the shows you mentioned took place at new expo hall of Eko hotel. Do you know how much the hall costs? It costs millions of Naira!!!!!
The prices charged by show promoters are justifiable when considering the astronomical cost of the venue and artist fees, or do you think the show promoters are running charity ventures?
While its true that a huge chunk of Tuface's fans can't watch his live shows because they can't afford the gate fees, have you cared to imagine the crowd control mayhem that would occur if a Tuface show at the new expo centre was priced at N1,000????
When using an upscale indoor venue, effective crowd control is crucial. Even with the high gate fees, all the shows you mentioned were completely sold out. Its simple economics of demand, supply and affordability.
Your sense of reasoning just amazes me sometimes. smh!!!!!!
Linda,I live in the UK.Madonna once put her ticket at £85 which is about 20,000 or thereabout and she got tremendous flack for that.Now thats Madonna we talking about here not D`banj or Tuface .Why a Nigerian artist or commedian who is an international nobody would dare to put his ticket price at 25k -50k in a coutry where people are struggling to feed baffles me but more troubling is why anyone would venture to pay that that.We should simply laugh in there faces if they come up with crap like that.I guess its the Nigerian mentality that once anything is expensive then it most be quality.Nigerians pay top dollar for rubbish most times and that is regretable.When am back home I like to see the comedians cos its a change of scene but awhile ago A buddy told me he had a table at AY`s show at Federal Palace,on getting there I didcovered it wasnt at the hotel itself but the open space beside the hotel and then when he mentioned how much he paid for the table I tlod him he has just been robbed.We need to change our psyche in Nigeria and quit letting people rob us.We let the Government rob us and as if that isn`t enough we let private citizens do same to us.There is no succour for an average Nigeria citizen cos he wants to belong.
I see people everyday in Nigeria paying hundres of dollars for knock off shirt that boutique owner paid £5 or 5 euros for cos its a name brand and the buyer wants to belong to a certain class.
Dear nigerians please ask questions.Dont be the fool and let ur fellow citizens rob you.
We got no balls no resistance power.
if you are reading this and you ever ever paid 20k to watch any Nigeria articst or comedian then you were robbed lol.
Some of then are quite good but none and I repeat NONE is worth 20k and you casn quote me lol
Nobody forced anybody to attend.
Basic needs in life..food, clothing and shelter.
Show is far!
So make dem spend their money go drink garri for house.
It costs a lot to put a show together hence the pricing but its not by force to attend.
I uunderstand your pain but its the cold hard truth girlfriend
it's dam too exorbitant, concert is a means of free our minds, releasing tension as well as catching fun to some extent it recommended in medical line. maybe just maybe is in the blood of an average Nigerian to live extravagantly And the promoters & organizers are hiding under that shadow to dictate the price. the same things goes for so called Eatery and restaurant(Cos i dont want to mention names) they charge almost well over double of the price for a common plate of rice just because you are seating under A/C & a plasma TV is around you all are in considerable too high for a common & avrg. Nig. who want to live a bit comfort
Let the laws of demand and supply take charge, when no one goes for the concert the price will begin to drop.
Nobody, has forced anybody 2 attend any show!! If u think d price of any commodity is exorbitant or outrageous, 4get about it.. By d time turn ups 4 shows or goods dat cost an arm or a leg is poor, then d so-called promoters'll sure hav a good re-think!!
Thank u very much anonymous at 9:15 took d words rite out of my mouth :-))
Polll ask urselves Why u dey Vexxxx is it ur Money ;-)))
I would never attend a show unless there is space for VIP/VVIP sef. But recently i have come to realise that the difference is just the food and the table. My class, salary, money in the bank remains the same. wtf sef! I decided i am done tryning to hang with my friends who earn lesser than me but still want to roll in VVIP groups. That been said, promoters are in the money making business, no one forced anyone to drop their 50k. Linda relax. If u want a 1k show or less, stadium or Ibadan or tbs is where u'll get it.
Abeg, people should stop this talk about nigerians being haters or so bitter on blogs (as in comments)... na so i be all over the word. we can't all see things the same way or think the same way.Give people the freedom of expressing themselves. That is the way it is all over the word. U need to see the way Kim K, Paris Hilton, Katie Price, Khole, jenniefer etc are bashed on americans' blog. They are stars, they are in th public eyes; they signed up for it. Nobody send them message! Nobody fit talk about me and you anyhow because we are not "known"...We are not celebrities. Abeg, free people. Does it mean that anybody that has a contrary or negative opinion is now a hater or bitter? Na wa o..
I think there a lot of factors responsible for the 'exhorbitant' amount been charged for shows in Naija.
One of the factors is the cost of organising the shows. The promoters pay for the venue, the security, the artistes, use generator throughout the show etc etc etc.
Another factor is the need to break even. Like some commenters said, the promoters are nor running charity organisation. At the end they must be able to cover the cost and still have something to 'take home'.
The calibre of the artistes or performers that is / are performing at the show is another factor. For instance in a show that involve high Ali Baba, Basket mouth, 2face, dbanj etc will mostly likely charge higher than a show that involve Ice Prince, Duncan Mighty, Bovi, I go save etc even though they are all naija artites.
Crowd control measures is another factor that should be taking into consideration. In a show that the promoter has limited number of seats available, he would most probably jack up the gate fees.
Lastly, it is not a must for any one to attend a show in which he or she considers the price to be 'exhorbitant'.
In conclusion, it is good once in a while, to go out to unwind with the whole family or loved ones not minding the price invole.
I rest my case.
Linda I must say that you have taken your position on this. Nigerians living abroad are not even the ones to ask about such because most of them are working their lives off and cannot even take out time to pay for most of these event abroad. That said have you considered the Nigerian peculiar situation where the venues are run on generators? These artistes spend so much in the studio, only for pirates to rob them of their sweats.
How many tickets do they sell compared to the foreign counterpart? “Take that” group come ticket went on sale and sold off millions of tickets in two days. The cheapest went for 65 pounds for standing ticket others were higher and am not even going near the hospitality ticket because that one is far more expensive. The “Take that” event is still till later on in the year before the show kicks off and it has been sold off!
I worked in the media and never paid to watch any of these shows because I felt I was going to feature it but the truth is how many media organizations do we have in Nigeria? with independently produced programmes on the rise. If every media person is allowed to go in free of charge, let’s not forget family and friends as well, tell me who pays the bill. Linda if I may ask do you pay for those events you feature?
The bitter truth is that most of them don’t even make much profit.
Thank u very much anonymous at 9:15 took d words rite out of my mouth :-))
Polll ask urselves Why u dey Vexxxx is it ur Money ;-)))
i once worked for an entertainer n his outfit and i can tell u wit a fact dat orgaising shows in dis country is expensive from the venue to d artists to perform to the equipments. if tuface for example is to perform except he wants to be a pally he will collect more dan 500k. venue in ocean view or eko
hotel is abt a million, adverts on radio or magazine cost alot, billboard e.t.c
our prob is everytin is inflated in dis country n its because of d economy. linda i understand wat u mean but and another but most shows organised by dis entertainers are done witout sponsors meaning d organisers sort for majority if not all d cost of organising. a trial will convince u linda
Kudos to everyone that said it's a damn concert and no one is forcing you rto attend. Personally I don't like concerts but those of you who keep saying that concerts abroad go for about £25 - £100 seem to have forgotten that a lot of people there earn on average what we earn here. The average annual salary is between £10000-£15000. Per annum which translates to about £900 - £1500 per month. When you subtract groceries, electricity bills, water bills, trash rates, rent, transport and the rest, the £25 - £100 you are talking about would amount to the same thing.
And it seems like none of you can remember one of the extremely cheap concerts for which Usher was invited and some of the people in the audience threw pure water sachets at him? That's just one example. Another happened with Sean Paul (or was it Shaggy). It's hard running a business in Nigeria. You need to pay the artistes, pay for their flights, hotel food, transport and all other sundry bills, pay for the venue, pay for the seats at the venue, pay security etc. Haba! You want them to become bankrupt because they want to entertain people. If you can afford it go, if you can't, don't.
It's very annoying when people say Nigerians go to show off. When did it become a crime to dress to impress? And at concerts it's really hard for people to notice you so even if that might be a reason, I'm sure it isn't the main reason.
Maybe Linda should try having a show and see how much she needs to break even.
I really dont know what 2 say but thank God for media pass i get to attend some of these over priced shows if not.... I tell u Some of the gate fees to them shows are numbing.
Well i tink if the shows r cheap then the location will be in a cheap place where security n crowd control will not be possible, so yes u want to unwind but can u do that in an unsafe place, imagine if our A-list artiste had their shows in d national stadium alot of us will not attend because we fear for our lives n valuables, and if i remeber correctly they used such a venue for Usher's show n the crowd were throwing pure water at him,and people were robbed n raped so im tinking promoters had to choose safer venue's albeit expensive but can at the least guarantee safety and make it expensive to cover cost and ensure at the least a civilised audience not touts
Thanks for the decent and mature manner you broke down the cost. I have always wondered why concerts are so freaking expensive in Naija but I have never put into consideration most of your points.
Highway robbery! it bugs me that people pay 100k to see jayz and crew in 9ja and we pay 20usd - 100 to see him here in the states. 9ja promoters are big rouges
No comment. Conflict of interest.
Linda we are basically paying for our need to 'put up appearances', to 'pose', to 'conform', to 'show off', to 'belong' or whatever the heck the slang is nowadays.
Let me not say 'we' let me say 'you people' lol, because I wont pay for such.
Just like the outrageous 'aso ebi' traders and event planners, the organisers of such events have identified this Naija'complex' and are maximising it, smiling to the banks.
I was just lucky to get free tickets to the few events I attended while I was in Nigeria (Some pageants,some This Day concerts etc) Call me stingy or non conformist, but I cant see myself paying that amount, lai lai
linda we dont lyk 'intellectual' topics lyk dis jor! c as people de speak english...abegi post pictures lets yab some celebs lol :D
Well I think 5k for odinary seats are ok and 25k for VIP is just in as much as u can afford it.
i agree with u. that's why i only go for a few shows. change starts from somewehre definitely agree with u. the ridiculous fees is astounding but i think we can blame thisday and all those star foreign artiste concerts that caused the musicians and comedians to revolt and hike their prices.
People need to bear in mind that the high priced tickets cover other things as well. What a lot of promoters do in order to maximize profits is dinner+concert. If you cannot pay, hang in populo.
Just before the super bowl P Diddy held a concert/show gig with a celebrity DJ and some others like Snoop Dog. The tickets started from $500. Some people were outraged, but the promoters response was if you think it's too high, then party somewhere else.
Moral of the story is that one mans meat is another's fish.
Linda, to make a living in Naija is hard. When government is able to give us light, water, good roads, security and the basics, then we can start complaining about people ripping others off.
And to that BITTER person courtesy is the word. Just because they swear n curse it doesnt make it right! I'm sure someone told you that. And if they didnt now you know
See how someone spelt jennifer (jenniefer).Hee heee. The 1st anon was talking about insults not ppl with contrary opinions. Try and read the comments b4 getting off.
if thats what it costs to put up a good show in terms of quality and talent...then thats just what it costs...trust me the average hungry guy on d streets doesnt care if he sees tuface perform..he just wants food...a % of proceeds can be donated to good causes...i dont see why this is an issue
it is simple economics.
As long as there is a demand, the supply will continue at that exorbitant price.
That said, i will pay a 30k to see Cassandra Wilson and Diana Krall in concert, but those sorts of talent do not come here.
I do not begrudge those who pay loads of money to see talentless gits sing off a CD, it is called choice.Each man to his own taste.
The day the demand dies, the supply will adjust.
Is not by force, if you cannot afford it, stay at home! It cost a lot to organise this shows, some borrow money, how else would they be able to break even?
I believe this is a simple matter of business mathematics. People need to be knowledgeable before speaking in derogatory terms in public fora.
One of the most popular & let's face it, functional venues for shows in lagos is the expo hall. The standard fee for the hall is N9m. By the time they add all the other services & costs, you'll be close to N20m. Then there's the cost of staging, lighting, sound & other NECESSARY logistics which go into putting together a standard show. These listed ones can cost u N10m, & that's being moderate. THEN, there's the cost of security, traffic control. They also have to pay for advertising, which without saying, costs a lot! There's little mundane things as shipping in the tickets/security tags from the UK/China so as to avoid counterfeiting in "Oluwole". All these, and we've not started with artistes. 2face, D'Banj & other Nigerian A-listers do @ least N2.5m off-peak, & as much as N5m peak seasons. Internationally, artistes like Jay-Z & Diddy command about $500k for international appearances.Don't even touch groups like U2 & greats like Stevie Wonder that ask for as much as $1m. And this is not inclusive of their most times, VERY bizarre & expensive hospitality requirements. I assure you that there are still a lot of other expenses not listed here. In the light of these, would we now say those tickets are too expensive? Blame the economy instead. I think that the general cost of doing business in Nigeria is unreasonably high & same applies to the entertainment industry. The promoters are after all in the end, BUSINESSMEN. So sentiments aside, while things are like this, pay for it if u can afford it, & hope things generally get better.
Back to Linda's original ques which seem to have got lost somewhat...
Very Very rare would you see any concert cost more than £35 in the UK or $55 in the States
So let's do the figures N25k = £100 or $155...now that's a lot..that kind of amount is what you pay for Exclusives by Legends such as Prince..Elton John..Madonna..Steve Wonder..and it's mostly attended by Industry bigwigs anyway..
To pay that to see some trick like Rick Ross..is a bit messed up!!..at least charge Artist appropriate..
And most annoyingly..most of the 9ja Artists..bar PSquare.2face and 9ice..just get out of bed..no rehearsals and mime the hell outta the tune!!..shameless!!actually Promoters should pay Artists less for miming!!
So is £100 too much..damn RIGHT!!
Bottom line 9ja's so called big boy&girls would pay anything an exclusive..not knowing it's worth much less..
and some of the comments didn't sound rational..logic is...in a country with less..things should be cheaper..in wealthy countries..those prices should be dearer 'cos people can readily afford it..again missing the point!!
It costs a whole lot to organise shows in Nigeria and the fact that corporate bodies rarely sponsor events doesn't make it easier bcos it means organisers of these shows have to depend entirely on the ticket sales. tickets can't be cheap!
Fact is,All of Tuface' fans will not be opportuned to watch him perform live,not only bcos of the price of the tickets but also bcos we lack d facilities in this country. Imagine what a Tuface show will be like if tickets are sold at 1k or 5hundred naira? Do u remember what happened at the star show in abuja? A STAMPEDE!! No one forces any1 to go for this shows,and if u must go,remember that there's always a 5k or 7k ticket for every 50k show,cut ur buba according to ur material!
It costs a whole lot to organise shows in Nigeria and the fact that corporate bodies rarely sponsor events doesn't make it easier bcos it means organisers of these shows have to depend entirely on the ticket sales. tickets can't be cheap!
Fact is,All of Tuface' fans will not be opportuned to watch him perform live,not only bcos of the price of the tickets but also bcos we lack d facilities in this country. Imagine what a Tuface show will be like if tickets are sold at 1k or 5hundred naira? Do u remember what happened at the star show in abuja? A STAMPEDE!! No one forces any1 to go for this shows,and if u must go,remember that there's always a 5k or 7k ticket for every 50k show,cut ur buba according to ur material!
I guess it all boils down to economics, if they charge 50,000 naira per ticket, and the venues are still full, then its still not too much
Inflation is the way in your country Nigeria. Even new cars in Nigeria cost twice as much as the western world and you all still buy it on your tiny salaries...so likewise show tickets.. Good luck.
ummm A concert to go and see Usher and Trey songz was 60 dollars which is about ten thousand nira.....so why should I pay so much to go and see a concert in Nigeria?. It does not really make sense. I think they should reduce the prices. Anyways It don't affect me so wth...!!...but seriously.
i think it costs a it especially for the purported @VIP tables. In england, depending on teh town and venue, the cost of tickets differ. tickets i believe should be shown according to seat positions, the closer to the stand/podium, the more expensive the ticket. thats how its usually done. the promoters i believe havent really studied the rudiments of the business and the consumers are just thirsty for something fun so its a 'win-win' situation. when we as consumers start demanding better standards, then the promoters wud begin to augment their services. I could pay 10k for a ticket to a tuface show if am granted a good seat, good ventilation, large screens all around, good sound, good parking etc etc etc. except its an outdoor thing then everything changes..
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