It's a known fact that gorillas share close to 95% of their DNA with humans. But it seems Ambam the Silverback may have found the other five - as he swaggers around his enclosure like a man. The 18-second clip, shot at Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in Kent, shows the hulking ape walking upright on his hind legs, and has become an internet sensation. - Daily Mail UK
E be like say na human being go sow gorrila costume wear am. I no trust my brother from the east of the niger o.
why does this gorilla give me memories of our own former beloved president....
Linda, stop joking. This is not a gorilla. This is Chris Eubank.
:: < > ::
Linds darling who really gives a fuck about some gorilla?
lol, gosh, how scary!! :))
haha OBJ haha
Finally!!!! Obasanjo's brother is located! He must be probed by efcc cos am sure he's been laundering money for obj--lolol!!!!
Anon 2:46 has killed me for my mother o, LWKMD
Gorilla 'who'? Gorillas are described as 'which' not 'who'...
I know you've said you want a man, and like a carpenter WHO believes every problem can be solved with a hammer, u want to see a man in eqverything, but Linda, trust me, making love to a gorilla cannot be fun, at least not if you're not a female gorilla yourself... :)
Big Daddy Dickum, may a gorrila rape u in ur dreams. I won't b suprizd wen d gorrila starts reading, joins d democrat and becoms president of d united states. Everytin's got right over there and it's animal rights turn.
So what!!! A gorilla can walk. So this is used to confirm how we human beings used to be before we evolved...very stupid
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