lmao!SPOT ON!!! an authentic Hermes bag does not carry a PAPER TAG,with its hands wrapped in polythene(never!).i can go on an on! laff wan kill, me ds one na hremes!!!(fake of a replica)
Sometimes the fake ones arr just factory rejects because they did not pass quality tes eg zip faulty or the sti Hong look wrong. So sometimes it not always easy to tell. But the made in China ones you can tell easy.
well, they both look very cheap, don't they? Also, Hermes bags tend to have a long waiting list. In any case, the pictures are not very clear, so not possible to tell whether real or not. It can be very hard to spot a well made fake from the real thing as sometimes, both the fake and real are made in the same factories but in general there can be some tell tale signs such as the designer's name being poorly embossed or wrongly spelt. Also check the interior of the bag as well as some designers will only tend to use one style of lining whereas fakes may use any material but all in all, the quality of fakes are getting better as some fakes may be rejects
its easy to tell if you know what the real deal looks like.you can spot the diff from afar,(like this one with the paper tag) u dont even need to put the replica(fake) close to the authentic one. for the very good replica ones,it"s when you put both together that you start checking out for the leather quality,lock & numbered keys,cratfsman ID & date stamp,Hermes insrciption et al. hermes does not sell factory reject.....they dont even give it/sell to their staffs...no matter how little the defect is. this bag(i min the real deal...not the one linda posted o lwkmd!) can buy car(S)!!! FOR REAL ,NO JOKES cost range is £6,000 to £80,000.
There are different grades. The grade A ones (most are even made in China) are hard to tell. I remember someone buying a fake LV bag over ten years ago and she took it to the LV shop on Bond Street for repairs. They repaired it for her without blinking.
I agree with Anon January 13, 2011 10:46 for grade A original fake bags!
The ones here (especially the Hermes bag) are obviously fake.
the first one is a herms or a Balenciaga bag....... you can tell the difference between a fake and an original if the grade of the fake is low quality you also have your high quality fake that you can’t differentiate from the original
lolo11 u know but u don't know finish. there are grade A+ counterfeits that are counterfeits in trademark infringement alone. But in quality resembling original, they are grade A+
Grade A my ass, i can smell an imitation a mile away...... Its in the texture, logo, and the biggest tell tell sign, the "threading" which is usually accompanied with a sub par stitch job.
Some of us know the real deal u know,and just 'cuz we ain't saying that "ish" to ur face don't mean we ain't laughing our asses off behind ur back.
You know linda there are affordable options out there if u can't afford a high end name brand, Coach runs for less than a thousand dollars, depending on what u get, Juicy couture is in the same range and so on. These are respectable brands that don't put as much hurting on ur wallet as a YSL,LV,Chanel or a Birkin. In life u gotta crawl before u walk so unless u have Birkin money, don't go rocking some fake shit! That is the ultimate fashion suicide.....u will be labelled a broke, crass chick for life...lol!!!
to all the fakers who believe that they can smell fake out there you all her fucking liars am sure all the polo’s you wear are fucking fake and you paid original price for them
Thanks for hitting it right on the head fashion whore. If I can't afford something you will never see me alive nor caught dead in the fake. Heck no...I take personal pride in knowing I don't rock fakes. I don't own Hermes bag. I own a belt and scarf working my way up to the bag but that ain't happening anytime soon and I m not even tempted to rock the fake. I have so many authentic bags ( other brands) it d be a shame to ruin my swagger with a knock off. Se Bo ti mo. If u ain't there yet don't mean u won't get there someday...wait for ur time :)
That Hermes is definitely made in Taiwan, but I need a larger pic of the alleged Jimmy Choo to give a verdict.
Texture,finishing touches,logo n other things too but I look out for these esp. d first 2.
There's always some difference in the finishing and the texture of the leather.
The imitation usually has poorer finishing and less supple leather.
lmao!SPOT ON!!!
an authentic Hermes bag does not carry a PAPER TAG,with its hands wrapped in polythene(never!).i can go on an on!
laff wan kill, me ds one na hremes!!!(fake of a replica)
Lol. No u can't, except u examine both copies next to one another, and then very closely.
Counterfeit goods vary in quality, and a good one can pass for the original to even those who work in a haute coutre...
Sometimes the fake ones arr just factory rejects because they did not pass quality tes eg zip faulty or the sti Hong look wrong. So sometimes it not always easy to tell. But the made in China ones you can tell easy.
well, they both look very cheap, don't they? Also, Hermes bags tend to have a long waiting list. In any case, the pictures are not very clear, so not possible to tell whether real or not. It can be very hard to spot a well made fake from the real thing as sometimes, both the fake and real are made in the same factories but in general there can be some tell tale signs such as the designer's name being poorly embossed or wrongly spelt. Also check the interior of the bag as well as some designers will only tend to use one style of lining whereas fakes may use any material but all in all, the quality of fakes are getting better as some fakes may be rejects
its easy to tell if you know what the real deal looks like.you can spot the diff from afar,(like this one with the paper tag) u dont even need to put the replica(fake) close to the authentic one. for the very good replica ones,it"s when you put both together that you start checking out for the leather quality,lock & numbered keys,cratfsman ID & date stamp,Hermes insrciption et al.
hermes does not sell factory reject.....they dont even give it/sell to their staffs...no matter how little the defect is.
this bag(i min the real deal...not the one linda posted o lwkmd!) can buy car(S)!!! FOR REAL ,NO JOKES
cost range is £6,000 to £80,000.
There are different grades. The grade A ones (most are even made in China) are hard to tell. I remember someone buying a fake LV bag over ten years ago and she took it to the LV shop on Bond Street for repairs. They repaired it for her without blinking.
I agree with Anon January 13, 2011 10:46 for grade A original fake bags!
The ones here (especially the Hermes bag) are obviously fake.
the first one is a herms or a Balenciaga bag....... you can tell the difference between a fake and an original if the grade of the fake is low quality you also have your high quality fake that you can’t differentiate from the original
lolo11 u know but u don't know finish. there are grade A+ counterfeits that are counterfeits in trademark infringement alone. But in quality resembling original, they are grade A+
Grade A my ass, i can smell an imitation a mile away...... Its in the texture, logo, and the biggest tell tell sign, the "threading" which is usually accompanied with a sub par stitch job.
Some of us know the real deal u know,and just 'cuz we ain't saying that "ish" to ur face don't mean we ain't laughing our asses off behind ur back.
You know linda there are affordable options out there if u can't afford a high end name brand, Coach runs for less than a thousand dollars, depending on what u get, Juicy couture is in the same range and so on. These are respectable brands that don't put as much hurting on ur wallet as a YSL,LV,Chanel or a Birkin. In life u gotta crawl before u walk so unless u have Birkin money, don't go rocking some fake shit! That is the ultimate fashion suicide.....u will be labelled a broke, crass chick for life...lol!!!
@ Fashion whore.....tanx babes...smh@ Grade A+, some of us know the real deal jo!!!.
lwkmd! @ Ann 8:16 (in your words: i know finish) aha aha ahha. Grade A ko, Level A ni
@ Fashion whore.....tanx babes...smh@ Grade A+, some of us know the real deal jo!!!.
lwkmd! @ Ann 8:16 (in your words: i know finish) aha aha ahha. Grade A ko, Level A ni
to all the fakers who believe that they can smell fake out there you all her fucking liars am sure all the polo’s you wear are fucking fake and you paid original price for them
Thanks for hitting it right on the head fashion whore. If I can't afford something you will never see me alive nor caught dead in the fake. Heck no...I take personal pride in knowing I don't rock fakes. I don't own Hermes bag. I own a belt and scarf working my way up to the bag but that ain't happening anytime soon and I m not even tempted to rock the fake. I have so many authentic bags ( other brands) it d be a shame to ruin my swagger with a knock off. Se Bo ti mo. If u ain't there yet don't mean u won't get there someday...wait for ur time :)
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