Her tweets below...
The Smith children already act like child stars. There’s an arrogance in their demeanor and behavior. I find it incredibly sad. It feels like the Smith children are being pimped and exploited. Or, they’re already hungry for fame. What about 4th grade?
More when you continue...
A lot of A-list movie stars shielded their children from the Hollywood-world until they were old enough to decide. Look at those who didn’t. Look at Lindsay. Phoenix. To name but a few. They miss out on childhood. It’s more important than fame.
These kids don’t already know what they “love”. Total bullshit. They’re not prodigies. They think Hollywood is real.
Why don’t they do a remake of The Little Rascals and call it a day? Or, come up with an original film with some ethnic pride. Come on.
Okay. I’ve said enough about the Smith children. I’m not debating about them. It’s just my opinion. People can justify anything, though.
In 4th grade my son came home complaining that the kids in his school said I was famous and rich. I told him that was not true. That some of my books were popular but not everybody liked them. That we could afford a vacation. “Oh” he said, and went back & repeated it. I wanted him to think of me as his mother. He didn’t read any of my novels until he was 15. He only read 26 pages. Was bored.
Have a wonderful Wednesday everybody. I raised my son. I’m not wasting another minute worrying about how Will & Jada are raising their kids.
P.S. I loved the Karate Kid.
You think she's got a point?
smh how about she focuses on raising her own kids? oh i forgot she has none seeing as she married a gay Jamaican who only used her to get his papers...
She's got more than a point. But like she said they are the smiths' kids let them raise those kids the way they want. The arrogant demeanor is very annoying though especially with that girl. But hey live and lets live.
Well, thats your problem.
I sort of agree with this terry coz when you look at the track record of many child stars, its not very encouraging. Let kids be kids.
and yes I know she has a son, I was just making a point about talking about other people's biz based on perceptions we have of them from the outside...
Madam Terry , leave the Smiths alone.This is not a one size fits all world we live.You raised your son well, good for you...let them raise the way they see fit. It is none of your business.
These kids seem well grounded to me especially the little girl.
She's certainly got a point. I could understand acting a kid's role in a movie but allowing a child to sign up to a hip-hop record label?
That said, I'm sure the Smiths have thought through this. Their marriage has held against all Hollywood odds and the older son is doing OK.
All the best to them.
@joicee #gbam, plan and simple
She has a point but their child raising skills or lack thereof is none of Terry's business. Talking about people's children is usually a dangerous zone to tread in, I am waiting for Jada's response, she is going to handle B'more style firrreeeeeee LOL.
In all honesty, it does APPEAR that the children seem to be raised with a laissez-faire attitude, they are constantly working,being pushed out in from of cameras even how they dress etc. Well, as long as they have tutors on hand to make sure they keep up with their education according to their grade levels or above then I guess it's okay by their standards.
Will and Jada have grown annoying over the years, I must say. And their combined ego has just gotten over the line with the list of complaints from actors/crew on two shows they had their hands in the past few years. That's what money can do to a person if they allow it, sha.
Will smith is not dat kind of guy. I respect him a great deal, all his movies are inspirational, and am sure he's just wanting d very best of his kids.
I have to agree with her because when i watched jaydens interviewed after the pursuit of happiness he came accross as a very arrogant child. And When willow could not read on 106th and Park I gotta say my mind went right the Terry McMillan's way. And yes we've seen how unadjusted those children stars are... And I know some folks are thinking their parents are in the business they'll know how to protect them I'm like uuh what about charlie sheen? or the Judds? or the Michael Douglas brother? or Kim from real Housewife of BH and her hilton niece? or the baldwins I'm talking steven baldwin...Or Nicolas Cage?
Total nut cases... all with parents in the business. I think it's a recipe for disaster and only time will tell.
she is making sense. jaden at his age has the ego of a 30 yr old man, he always talks proud and acts proud and willow tries to act like a 30 yr old woman. at the end of the day we're not their parents so what we say doesn't count.
na wao....see as people dey drink panadol for person headache.....its not anybody's business how dey raise deir kids cos u wont laugh with them when they achieve their fame ( which excuse me...they already have)....or cry with them when they are down and being criticized....
@anonymous......how do u know the girl is arrogant.....dont know where u live...but would love to bring it to ur attention dat all american kids sound arrogant....dosent mean that they are.....
jada and will are doing a good job to me...its not easy being a celebrity waiting for one OLOFOFO or TATAFO to open their mouth.....
AS for Terry....she was living with a gay man and didnt even know...where does dat put her....abeg put ur house in order b4 u scata person own.....
i hate it when all these women hate on others....i got only one word for it.....JEALOUSY.....shikena
SMH ... Every single criminal was once a child, but not every child was once a celebrity... So what gives?
I agree with her 100% those kids are so arrogant.I kinda feel Jada is the one pushing them on.Good riddance to bad rubbish.
She should shut up and mind her own business. Gosh!!! dont let jealousy eat you up. Instead of asking what the children want and how you can help them go about it they right way ( as in guiding them and advising them) you are looking for a way to destroy their happiness. All you bitter people need to take your negativity somewhere else. Like vultures you are waiting for them to fail so you can say I told you so, well whether they fail or not, they have at least tried and gained some kind of success. and how many of you have children to talk sef? if your children become popular and begin to make some kind of money, you'll be the first to open your stupid mouth to say that you are proud. tcheeeeeeeeeeeew!!!!
Pls this z lister should just shut the hell up. Who made her a good judge of xter. A small naive, local gay dude from jamaica, used, Duped and dumped her. With all her supposed inteligence she didnt see thru his charade.
How is she sure she raised her son well and who told her that her son might not end up like the likes she condems.
Terry ger off ur high horses, truth be told u have no star power like the smiths. You are only recognized by the black community Atleast u told ur son the truth. Yes u are not rich and obviously not famous. FOOL!!!
Unless you are Jada or Will Smith I don't know why anyone would react so negatively to her words and @ kiki ain't you doing the same thing...using panadol for the smiths' headache?
@anonymous.. 11:48 PM.....i suggest u read my comment well....all i'm saying is....black sisters like to diss a lot....hoha.....i'm happy for them...cos its never easy being inthe limelight....so tell me how dat one is drinking panadol...abegi...
Dear Kiki,
"all american kids sound arrogant"?????
did you really say that?
Spot on. I don't understand will and jada s desperation to push these kids like this.
a couple of months ago, my dear Linda posted willow's music vid. iI like the music, the vid but I made a comment about her being too young for that kind of concept, Hw i thot the child was being raised... and some1 almost chewed my head off by attacking me. As a mum you kinda of knw these things! those kids are going to grow up without a real sense of being grounded.Adulthood is tough for arrogant folks! I totally agree with Miss Terry,although i would have not used the word "pimped" but it might have been circling around...
Time will tell! May God keep all of us alive to see how the children will turn out in their teens and earlier 20s...... let's keep watching. Before you know it now, 7-8years will come and we all shall behold what seed the parents are sowing in their kids!
The Smiths should do as they please with their kids.
However, i have lost every respect for them.
I have always stated the path will and jada are carving out for their kids is seriously troubling...the word on the street is that it is too much too soon...I don't understand this quest for fame so young, isn't it overwhelming for young kids, to start feeling this kind of pressure so young???...
Whatever happened to education being the utmost priority?? they have enough money to send their kids to ivy league colleges, if they choose to do so....Now, in the US if you don't have any relevant skills and education you cannot go too far....Master P had the presence of mind to allow his son focus on college to acquire the necessary skills, a formal education provides, and take full charge of his destiny..
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