Beautiful 5year old Sharon was found yesterday after missing for seven days. She was last seen when she was picked up from school last Monday, Dec13th, by a family friend's house boy.
Just yesterday Monday 20th, Sharon's father received an anonymous call asking him to come pick up Sharon from outside Lagos, Ifo, Ogun State, where the man believed to have taken her confessed to kidnapping her for a ransom. Fortunately his partners backed out, and he had no choice but to return the girl.
Sharon was found unharmed.
See how prayer works? God be praised!
I am so happy for the family. Praise God.
Awww. We didnt know them but we all got so emotionally involved. Thank you Jehovah. Emmmm.. Meanwhile, the lesson is... If e no be family memeber.... Then he cannot be trusted family member.
Oh good news! I sincerely thk God for this great miracle. I also thk everyone that said a prayer for little sharon. I hope d house boy is cooling off in the cell
that one is not the power of prayer. it's the power of social networking! BB, TWITTER, FACEBOOK. TEXT. I'm sure the kidnappers gan received broadcast message about Sharon lol.
thank God she was found...
Thank God...
Thank you Jesus,God is indeed a prayer answering God,He is faithful and a very present help in time of need......so what will happen to the so called house boy.God did send confusion in between them and he backed out.To the family the celebration has just begun.
God! you are great! so so happy to hear this!!!!!!
Good news! Power of spreading the word via new media @ work...
Thank God they were merely kidnappers and not ritualists. We would be hearing a different story if they were...
and the houseboy? no word about him?
im soooooooooooo happi to hear this........TO GOD BE THE GLORY
This is the 'bestest' news ever. Thank God! I celebrate with Sharon and her parents.
That's definitely relieving!
A lovely Christmas present for the family. A pleasant end to the year 2010.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Ayorinde said ...God is an awesome God! He works in wonders that is y he will continue to be God.I bliv in d power of prayers and d Lord said where 2 or 3 are gathered there i am in their midst...sum1 said it is d power of Networking!ow' dare..! Wat is networking if my God did not support.Please let's bliv in Him all. And please my ppl i apr8 wat we've all done to Sharon by all comin togeda as one to pray. I will plead u all to also help me in prayin for my Son..i had a terrible dream last nite.Please help me pray dat no evil will befall him and d Devil shall be put to shame once again.D Lord Loves u all. Thank You
thank God,the family has got a testimony to share in church.
So happy for them, Thank God!
Lol. So all the missing children around the world who are kidnapped, raped and killed, has God turned his back on their families?
PRAISE THE GOOD LORD FOR HER SAFE RETURN! Now the family can have a good xmas.
Some young men are bastards. I just hope they did not rape the girl. Are we sure that they did not take her for money ritual and her head was too tough for them? They should be arrested by the police
Thank God this girl has been found but I am deeply concerned that her school allowed a complete stranger to pick her up.
somebody shout alleluya
Thank God. This is a miracle. This girl is destined for greatness :D
This is indeed my 1st Xmas gift. Awesomeee news. I'm glad. Thank God Almighty and thank Him for giving us geniuses who created media and social networking.
This is indeed my 1st Xmas gift. Awesomeee news. I'm glad. Thank God Almighty and thank Him for giving us geniuses who created media and social networking.
Thank You Jesus! You have showered your mercy on this family!
thank God
Thanks to someone in the other post..someone had the temerity to say I was going insane based on the story..of course it was the alleged houseboy/uncle..we give praise all the same..
People might say it's poverty..but now it's just pure envy they want to have what Oga and Madam have..have parties in your absence..picking up women in ur cars..people need to really open their eyes as soon as the houseboy/girl are mature replace them before they do something terrible..
Praise GOd!! prayers do work and this is definately a christmas blessing...
which one b work of facebook, twitter n BB msg @ anon 9.26????? hw can u equate God to mere tools of communication???? do u know that if God doesnt let things happen they wont? m sure u r a sango or okija shrine worshipper? take a cue and start believing God works in mysterious ways.
Who are we without God.I thank God. Now my problem with this country is that offenders are never punished, That houseboy and those other conspirators should spend some years behind bars
Baba God, thank YOU!
Wow. Good news. Happy they got her back. Its a real happy Christmas.
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