Who saw that outfit Willow Smith wore to the American Music Awards the other night? Yeah well the original designer saw it too and she was not amused.
Apparently that strappy yellow contraption Willow wore on awards night is a complete rip-off from the fashion house Mother of London. And it's not some obscure Mother of London design either, it happens to be their signature. MoL's head designer Mildred Von Hildegard tells Haute Macabre
I’m disappointed and saddened that this will negatively impact my business. My original design is now recognized in the mass media as someone else’s work, and it’s very hurtful on both a personal and professional levels. I hope this can be resolved, and I wish nothing but the best to Willow.
Oh dear!
Not a good thing to happen.
However, I assume it is not the little girl's fault, I suppose an adult styled her?
Me no tink Awilo Smith did norin wrong..de lil' gal de entitled to any costume ejoor oo!
Blame it on Jada Pinkett-Smith! Oh no, the 10 year old has a stylist who styled her. Epic fail by whoever cut and sewed this monstorsity for a kid!! SMH.
The girl is 10 years old...It's really not that deep. the designer should thank Willow has giving her label some publicity...
Mother of London ko, father of Japan Ni.
MoL needs to sit the heck down. Willow prolly saw the design somewhere and wanted to use it, so her folks made it for her.
It's not like MoL is a household name, or a fashion house whose designs one can get from wherever, whenever...
If I was Mother of London and Im not, I'd claim the piece, put up a web presence and rock with it... Instead darn folks are hustlin' backwards...
lmao, awilo smith! lol
the designer should shut up and sit down somewhere. was she even known before? she better thank AWILO (lol) for giving her the space to be recognised globally and use it to prop up her business rather than tear the little one down.
so wat if she bought the outfit and decided to alter it, does this mean people are not allowed to increase or reduce the size or length of cloths if they want to.
Not everyone wants their design to be used in mass media and also it was not bought from Mother of London, it was copied. there designers out there that wont put their clothes on any kind of celebrity. Willow is cool but her stylist is not.
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They shouldn't be arguing about who to take credit for this design,they should be arguing about who to punish for inflicting this monstrosity and idiotic looking outfit on our poor eyes. I'd be ashamed to be called the designer of this crap hehehehe
It even looks better on the adult than the child sef!....I STILL DON'T LIKE!...looks like those french mimics on the road sides that wear black & white striped clothes.
In my opinion,
She should be dressed in beautiful gowns/clothes made for kids her age!
The adults have a responsibility towards the way she dresses until she is considered an adult which is 18?
Seriously?????? people are fighting over this monstrosity? SERIOUSLY??????
First thing that came to mind when i saw 'Awilo' in this...what was she ( read:they) thinking?
Heck! Mother of London should be glad anyone in their right state of mind (still debatable though) allowed themselves to be dressed in this and not over a dead body. Sheesh!
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